i made food using AS SEEN ON TV kitchen gadgets

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I don't think you guys are ready for out experimental today's video is gonna be like this is going to be incredible right in front of me I've got the weirdest most bizarre like kitchen gadgets and just weird tools to make a different thing as there are food-related some of these are as seen on tv products others are from like the weird section of eBay and others are like ordered from like weird Japanese websites let's make some weird food hopefully this is gonna be fine and I'm gonna survive all these gadgets the first gadget is right here because I want to keep the mystery but before you move on to it just wanna talk to you guys for literally five seconds this is gonna sad but my birthday is actually this weekend and I never do anything for my birthday sometimes I just don't even acknowledge it but this year I'm actually gonna be attending Tana Khan in California a lot of popular youtubers are attending like tan and moans Oh Shane Dawson like so many more so he can go and check on the website but I just wanted to say that if you want to come down and celebrate my birthday with me I would love to hang out with you guys maybe get a talk maybe take pictures I don't know what you guys want to do my meet-and-greet is up so I'm gonna put all the information in the description down below so if you guys want to come feel free to come if you live in California I'd really love to hang out with you guys that's basically all I wanted to say time for the reveal this is the first gadget we're gonna be testing in this video and this is a rapid pizza reheater that's the name of it this is trademarked underworlds best way to reheat perfect pizza I love pizza I don't always eat leftover pizza because that's just not something that happens to me as you can imagine but I had to get there's like this will actually improve my life let's give it a fair try and see if this is actually worth any of your money so I think what we do is we put water in it and then we just put it the pizza in the microwave there's no instructions which is always a good sign so here we've got it's just literally solid plastic it's a very specific size I feel like if you have like a bigger slice then you probably might have to cut it into smaller pieces but we're gonna give this a fair try so here I've got a slice of leftover pizza from last night this is kind of weird but basically this is the side that we're gonna use it's not this one even though you might seem like the pizza will fit perfectly in here you're gonna use the flat side so I guess what we're doing is just adding water until the mark on the plastic pour water to fill the line step number two place a pizza on the tray easy step well now I can't read step number three microwave for one minute and enjoy seems pretty easy so I'm gonna make remove this for one minute and hopefully when it's done it's gonna be like a fresh slice of pizza and it's not gonna be soggy and like weird I guess now wait as you can hear the pizzas in the microwave for one minute I usually only microwave it for like 30 seconds for it to not go weird but who am I to tell them how to do their job interesting but this is very very hot I have to be careful obviously we haven't tried it yet but I actually think this is promising because it doesn't look soggy and it doesn't look dry it kinda moves like a fresh slice of pizza but the bottom it's kind of crispy in the bottom it's weird it's not wet at all I guess we have to try it to find out ouch that's really hot I'm gonna try the cross as well mmm that's super crispy it's kind of incredible this is life-changing guys final thoughts before we move on to the next one if you like this song eNOS of like leftover pizza in the microwave then maybe this is not for you but if you like that a leftover pizza is crispy almost as crispy as like a fresh pizza this is definitely for you I think this is definitely worth your money like this is incredible it was pretty simple to use which is like so important for me like there's not much room here for me to mess up and I really enjoy the pizza it almost tastes like a fresh slice of pizza I know it's weird but it's true so I would definitely recommend this this next one is by far the one I'm the most excited for in this whole video because if you've watched my videos for a while you know that I suck so badly and peeling anything fruit vegetables I just can't get the job done and this is an electric peeler I think that's the name of it it claims that he peels potatoes it feels cucumbers it feels soo Kimmy is zucchini a thing or they just make that up I've got no idea what to expect he claims that he peels as lemons mangoes I saw a lot of claims it's a lot of different shaped fruits and vegetables so I don't think this is gonna do a very good job just keeping your real with my expectations the good thing is that this is actually electric which means no labor needed which is my kind of gadget we've got a plug and this suppose and here we've got the star of the show the peeler Oh intimidating also there might be a blade somewhere around here so I'm going to be very careful it's called irritate to express get it rotate to as in rotate and potato if any of you guys is giving this a try maybe don't plug it in before you read the instructions but I live my life dangerously okay I actually came very prepared for this I've got different fruits different shapes I wouldn't see how well this actually we're gonna start to be an easy one because a potato is like the classic one that they claim that they do very easy but we're gonna make it more difficult progressively lower the upper food holder I don't understand what this means this is very tricky business okay oops sorry okay okay so this should be on top this is a razor like here if you ever wanted to see a flying potato then welcome to my channel because that improve sure that's what's gonna happen okay and the last step is to just press the red button and this will peel off the potato let's give it a try I am sure [Laughter] this was the most beautiful touching thing I have ever seen in my whole life holy schnitzel this actually works like April of the whole potato in one go and all I had to do is not even hold the button just press it one time this is the future this is exactly what I talk about in my videos this is what we need I am in disbelief this is so oddly satisfying to watch as well all of these came off in one go how is satisfying is this we're gonna raise the difficulty level to like number two and we're gonna give it a try we did cucumber let me see how I'm gonna cut this maybe like that yeah okay so here we go for trial number two [Music] this is beautiful all of it came up in one go guys one freaking go difficulty level number three I decided that we should give it a try with a pair because it pairs but like this irregular shape well I'm pretty sure this is going to work [Music] we're getting there guys I told you this was gonna fail at some point don't remove the rest I want to eat that we can make pear noodles this is the best idea I've ever had I made pair noodles like actually it looks like noodles before everyone freaks out I'm well aware this is not on the list of like vegetables and fruit that are supposed to be peeled off but I thought for the last level of difficulty we should really step up our game so this is what I bought I want to see a disaster and I know you guys want to see it just as much it's not like if you guys buy this maybe skip the watermelon maybe just follow the actual instructions ignoring the watermelon which obviously wasn't meant for this like the potato and the cucumber were peeled off perfectly this is life-changing this is definitely worth I don't know how much I paid for it but I'm gonna say that it's 100% worth it this next one it's very tiny as you can see but very very promising so this is this little like man ceramic thing it kind of looks like a mug but this little ceramic like mug thing he actually separates egg whites from egg yolks and I'm pretty sure the camera is focusing on the little man and all on my face I mainly go this because I thought this was hilarious so basically you crack an egg into it and it separates the egg whites from the egg yolk so the egg whites are supposed to come out through the nose and it's supposed to look like snot so I thought that's really funny I guess you have to be quick at doing this [Music] I suppose that is hilarious that kind of disgusting Wow this would be a great like birthday slash Christmas present it actually works though like this act Oh personally I would spend all my money on this I love this I think this is funny and like it's kind of like an unnecessary thing in your kitchen obviously but I also think this is very cheap so this next one is actually kind of the reason why I wanted to make this video because this is an as seen on tv product and I actually saw it on TV so this is a potato express microwave potato cooker so this is what the box looks like this small little like thin thing claims to cook a potato in four minutes I love potatoes when people ask me what's your favorite vegetable potato what's your favorite food potato what's your favorite family member potato one of the most annoying things about potatoes is that it takes way too long to cook so I never actually eat it like it's just an insane amount of time just other things are so much easier to eat but this this changes the game if this actually works this is gonna change everything so let's put this I've seen on TV product to test I didn't even know this but he also says that this works for corn on the cob or day-old bread this is very very promising that's kind of weird just a piece of fabric one potato takes two minutes in the microwave or three if it's a slow microwave I might do three just in case place one to four washed potatoes into the potato Express and then close the flap so then we're putting the microwave upside down and we cook it and that's basically it so I'm gonna put the potato in and then I'm gonna add like butter and cheese and everything after because we don't want to ruin this thing I'm like its first used so now we wait for 3 minutes and hopefully this is going to be a delicious potato even though I kind of have this feeling that it's gonna be raw because I mean 3 minutes I was like nothing a microwave why do I have the feeling that I'm carrying like a bomb or like you radioactive like substance you see all the smoke coming from it kind of try not to burn my hands off here he smells like raw potatoes he looks like a friggin raw potato but obviously it might be too soon to tell excuse me mr. potato it's not even that hot there's weird sounds coming from inside the potato so should we attempt to cut in half that's surprisingly soft oh that did not feel like it cooked potato though I'm gonna put some cheese on top like he'd do with the normal baked potato and we're going to give it a try maybe I did something wrong I probably did something wrong it's cooked that's for sure it's a weird consistency because it's tough and he doesn't seem like it's going to be cooked but he tastes like he cooked potato to me but it doesn't feel like a good potato it's a little bit like tough is the potato express approved I'm going to say yes I mean it's not as amazing as everything we've seen in the videos so far but I think we'd like one more minute this could actually work maybe my potato was just huge but he sort of works you can see the cheese is melted on top and everything because the center is that hot so I would kind of recommend this if you really love potatoes like I do if this next one actually works this has got so much potential this is more like a practical tool rather than actually helping you make some things so this is a corn stripper and I've never heard of this ever before it's called a corn stripper is safely strips whole cobs of corn in like one go like you're supposed to run this through the cob and it's supposed to come off like whole pieces of corny like one go which is actually a great tool because usually people use a knife in like many different directions so here we've got a cooked piece of corn and we're gonna put this to test is this better than using a knife I'm gonna cut off the ends first to me oh oh my god after the previous born I am praying that this one actually works perfectly I didn't really read the instructions but I think it's pretty straightforward like literally why is it so difficult to use you need so much strength for this turns out I was doing it wrong you're supposed to twist it I still say I'm not going anywhere Wow I'm trying everything here I think this is kind of working I need a break oh this is kind of fascinating and satisfied to look at just the whole thing came off like perfectly but also keeping it real the corn is like super fluffy and got all these little bits of like I don't know what this is call like this like see it's not seeds I'm a very weak person but even then like you need a lot of strength for that it's like this is not for everybody like I would never ever ever choose to do this ever again I'm not gonna say don't buy it but my opinion at least for me I would personally prefer to use the knife this was just a lot of strength like mess everywhere and it's got all these weird bits which is like the weirdest thing this next one is a Betty Crocker microwave cake maker this thing claims to make a cake in the microwave in five minutes actually in 5 minutes and 30 seconds which i think is ridiculous like microwaved cakes are at best okay like sometimes they're decent but most of the times they just suck now claiming that your microwave cake can look like that no that's insane so obviously I kind of think this one's gonna fail I don't think this is gonna work there's no way that the cake would be delicious just being made in the microwave but we're gonna give it a try it basically comes with the measurements on this side like you can pour everything in different like sections so you've got the water oil 2 eggs and the cake mix which we've got here I'm using a just the classic like yellow cake mix and then I guess you just pour it in this container and you mix the whole thing you combine everything and then you put it in the microwave for 5 minutes like that actually sounds insane like this is not something like a good idea that's a lot of cake to cook in five minutes so the eggs are supposed to go in the center wow this is really difficult why would they make the eggs one like the tiniest one okay there we go so now we need oil and the very last one is just water and there you go I think the top line is for chocolate cake and the bottom one is for yellow cake so we're making yellow okay this is kind of difficult to pour oh maybe you're not supposed to do all of this it won't go okay that would make sense you can't really see much but this is kind of what it looks like I'm just gonna combine the whole thing using a fork surprisingly easy also surprisingly smooth is literally the whole thing is taken like not even two minutes and this is metal like cake batter it just smells like like nothing it is smell like anything but we're gonna cook this for five minutes five and a half and I don't believe in this I don't think this is gonna work but Betty Crocker has proved me wrong before so let's give this a try let's microwave this this is being the microwave for five minutes and a half and I haven't looked at it because I wanted my reaction on camera guys that feels like normal cake that even looks like normal cake I mean definitely smaller than normal cake but everything I believe it is wrong I'm gonna put this on parchment paper that's crazy guys like this is actual cake like you looks like a it's even spongy and like soft where have you been my whole life any cake in five minutes you see how soft and spongy this is is like seriously like actual cake it's like sticky cuz it's sweet I'm gonna slice this just to show you how much this actually looks like egg like it feels like cake even cutting into it may be a little denser than actual cake but not bad considering I mean listen for five minutes this is pretty damn close to actual cake we should give this a try I didn't really buy any frosting because I was so sure this was gonna start and now frosting on this would be amazing I love cake and I would never know this is a microwave cake this is delicious this is mind-blowing and this little device here is 100% approved never ever make cakes ever again cuz this thing is incredible so I also saw this next one in a TV commercial this is a microwave power crisp bacon cooker this little gadget is supposed to help you make some bacon in the microwave and I didn't even know this was the thing I'd even know that you could actually make bacon in the microwave but apparently it's safe the easy way to make crisp delicious bacon in your microwave simple to load serve clean and store leaner and healthier than pan-fried I've never eaten bacon made in the microwave before Wow it's go instructions but something tells me that we don't really need them Oh it contains hot drippings so we have to watch out for the hot grease in the bottom so this is kind of like the bottom tray where the grease is gonna go cuz this is supposed to be like a healthy way of making bacon but honestly if you want to be healthy might as well eat a salad I think we hang the pieces of bacon like that and then we put it in the microwave for I don't really know how long I think the time is 40 to 90 seconds per slice but I'm gonna go with 90 seconds per slice because first of all I like my bacon crispy second of all I don't want to get sick from this so here we've got the bacon and let me just tell you beforehand that it really grosses me out to touch raw bacon one of the reasons why I never ever eat it so here we've got one slice just put it like that hey that's kind of the perfect length actually so I'm gonna put like a couple slices here without having to touch too much of the bacon I know it's a weird thing because I like bacon like cooked one but just I don't know there's something about the texture of this so when this slices are really thin and others are super thick which and it makes me think how the hell is going to cook evenly so this is my last slice of bacon and it's 90 seconds per slice six is this so three minutes six minutes nine minutes this looks so freaking weird just all these like pieces of like meat hanging but hopefully it's going to be super crispy and I might even love it right now this is seriously grossing me out because I don't know raw bacon is super weird so here we've got our bacon and they sort of had to stop this a little bit earlier because as you can see it's very much overcooked I think a place is an even so two of the pieces of bacon actually fell into the grease which defeats the purpose of this whole thing because it's supposed to get rid of the grease but honestly this might be the most delicious part never thought I'd say that that's way too much grease Wow I think I kind of messed up this is everything is way too crispy but this one is so dry there's actually like no fat in it it's kind of weird that's actually really good 100% my fault this time around I definitely overcooked the bacon I put this an even so some of it fell into the grease so it was kind of a mess with this one but I'm actually gonna approve this one as well just because I actually think this is a good idea you can make bacon really quickly and just get rid of all the grease if you want to be healthy which i think is great so I'm very very excited about this next one because it's not actually one thing it's technically two different things I bet some of you guys are wondering what this is for this is a gelatin brain mold so basically you can make some jello and then pour it in here and then it'll be like a brain so I'm gonna try to make this we need to like a pink one you can see all the veins and the arteries of the heart so I think this one looks really really cool cuz it's just it actually does look realistic but obviously I don't know what this is gonna look like when we pour the jelly and then I think with the grain what I'm gonna do is mix a little bit of the vanilla like custard from jello I really want the brain to look realistic so that's what I'm gonna do for this one I knew we should be red and bloody and not blue like that doesn't make a lot of sense for the heart but I thought sometimes when people like draw a heart and it's like red and blue because of the arteries and the veins so I thought we should do red and blue for this one and that one will be like a creamy pink and hopefully this is going work out keeping it super real with you guys I've never made jelly before I just it's just not something that I've ever done before so I've got no idea I didn't follow any instructions for any of this I don't think the colors mix too well so I decided to go only with blue for the heart all the jelly stuff is in the bottom because I don't think they pretty much thought into this because it doesn't like it doesn't stay still I wonder what happens if you add red into the heart oh that's going a weird collar I think that's turning green or some weird collar but I'm gonna just leave it like that so I made the cherry flavor one because I was trying to make pink but this is way too dark this is almost like black that's how dark it is so I made the vanilla custard mix and I thought it was gonna be white so adding it to red would make it pink I think but this turned out yellow so I don't really know what color this is gonna be I'm still gonna follow my original plan and try to mix this whole thing okay so here goes the cherry one Oh No the jelly stuff is in the bottom wait and then I guess we're gonna put the yellow make sure is this gonna go pink is that thing I don't think that's pink also I don't think this is really working at least this one might turn out fine it's a little bit too thick but hopefully it's going to be okay as well I'm gonna put these in the fridge for a few hours and I'll check in with you guys in just a second this is not gonna work by the way really sure what happened with this one but that looks so frickin weird I'm pretty sure this is not gonna come out of this but we're gonna give it our best and I swear this has been in the fridge for a long time should we put it in the microwave maybe it's green tea oh if the goal was to make this look like disgusting it weirdly realistic then we definitely nailed it because this looks so freakin wrong the textures the top baby's like crunchy then this bit here is a cream and then this one here is like normal jello it's like really really bizarre I've got faith that this is gonna be the one that's going to work out this is the blue hard this is so concentrated it's literally gummy like this is an actual piece of gummy I can eat this like candy the molds are great just my techniques were an embarrassment and I am really sorry I'm gonna do better next time I'm so happy that I actually bought these next one because so many times I've been shopping on Amazon and I always see this popping up like on the suggestions and I never ever buy it but finally an excuse to get this because this is such a ridiculous item this isn't fried egg maker and he basically allows you to make an egg shaped like a skull and they have all these different shapes online I just thought this was the best one I haven't read the instructions yet but I think what you do is you crack the egg directly into the eye and then the yellow is gonna stay on the eye and then everything else is gonna move around to the sides I don't really know how this is going to work this is one of those things that you see people using unlike TV or like commercials and then you try it and it just looks like a hot mess but these are very popular on Japanese websites for like kitchen gadgets you see these egg shapers a lot so I'm excited to give it a try I don't know how this is gonna work out see what it looks like on the inside oh it's like rubber it's like soft I kind of expect it to be like metal it takes three to five minutes to cook which i think is like the regular amount of time for an egg but it's this weird little device I don't know if it's gonna work out but let's give it a try I'm actually following instructions for once I coated the whole thing in coconut oil so hopefully the egg is not going to stick to it I really want this to work out it also says that we should crack the egg separately so I'm not risking it with this one I really want this to work out so I think we just pour it like that there's a little bit too much egg white okaythat's ah I knew it was gonna be a mess okay we need another egg so hopefully this one is going to work out a little bit better hey maybe he wasn't for this bit here it would almost look decent let's just say that he doesn't look quite like it does in the package like it's a different look but let's see if at least we can plate this if we can play this that would be a success alone okay I think it's sliding nicely at least this should really peel off nicely except I can already tell it's not gonna happen oh no oh come on guys literally you can't even get an eye out of here oops please excuse my language but what the hell is this pile of hot poo compared to this I follow the instructions for once i greased up the whole thing i let it cook very slowly for a long time a lot of patience needless to say no recommended and I'm very upset if you thought anything in this video was weird if you saw any very bizarre gadget then my job is done because that's all I wanted to accomplish so I really hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please don't forget to give it a like it means a lot to me because it means you're engaging and just enjoying watching my videos still also don't forget to subscribe and switch my notifications on I know it's so incredibly annoying but it really does make a difference if we didn't make a difference I would just literally just end the video and I'll see you tomorrow and all of that but I think reminding you does help because so many people just casually watch and I don't really care about the whole SUBSCRIBE things so if one person subscribed it'll make me really happy because that means they won't miss out on future videos I don't think I've ever explained this but the people who subscribe and they've got the notifications on they really do help out for me being able to afford to make all of these videos I know you think this is just like a thing that you do per se to be annoying but at least in my case I say it because I want to be able to spend more money on videos to make bigger better content that I really think you guys are gonna love I think honesty is key and I think a lot of times people don't actually say what they mean oh the reason why they say certain things so I'm glad I've explained all of that I think that's about it for this video I really hope you guys had a good time I will see you guys on my next video which I'm pretty sure it's going to be tomorrow so I love you guys and I will see you on my next video bye bye
Channel: Raphael Gomes
Views: 1,609,283
Rating: 4.9017625 out of 5
Keywords: raphael gomes, i only, made, food, foods, using, kitchen, gadgets, weird, as seen on tv, gadget, cooking, utensils, japanese, tv, commercial, ordered, spent, dollars, funny, eating, pizza, potatoe, peeler, automatic, electronic, disaster, mess, review, reviewing, product
Id: HLmWjW2rAuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 41sec (1901 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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