i only ate CLEARANCE FOODS for 24 hours

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nor just saying this to be relatable but I actually shot the declarant section a lot especially when I'm back in England we call it the reduce section in England and it's basically foods that are about to expire some of them are going bad in like one or two days and usually people don't want to buy them anymore so the price is markdown sometimes like 50% other times they're marked down to like 10 cents or something crazy like that so you can actually get a good tail if you plan on eating the foods as soon as you buy it most of you guys know that I'm in America right now and I was actually shopping at the supermarket and I saw the clearance section and he looked very different than the ones in England so I just had to make this video so for the next 24 hours I'm only gonna be eating foods that I find in the clearance section and this is not really a challenge because I mean I do shop at the clearance section a lot that's like in every day for me but it will definitely be more restrictive because there's not that many items and I have to be honest these clearance section from the supermarket that I went to I bought the foods last night and I don't even know how to explain to you so I'm going to show you the footage from me last night at the clearance section of the supermarket and this is kind of terrifying mostly because I actually had to separate trash from the clearance foods and that's never a good sign when that happens so here we've got the clearance section and I can already see that it's mostly batteries and stuff that is not food and then just a few food items so this is definitely gonna be challenging and there's a lot of trash like in between which is dope right considering I'm gonna be eating this for 24 hours but it's a challenge and we love your challenge you know putting some monkey pie failing because that's literally will stop me brother the host would he make something with this right that's good we're given half this breakfast mushroom this looks like has been here for like the last 20 years just like the eighties or something oh this is a green smoothie what day is today 17th of July we wasn't bred that I think we could use to make a toast or something look what happened to this cake right here he used to cost $4 and now it's only $1 but understandably so this is like a work of art now this is some tomato salsa and it looks so sticky like on the outside and crusty per listen this is one of the few savory foods that I can find so I'm definitely gonna bring that what even is this that's a kind of like some dreamy that's some wandering it just left it here and these Brussels sprouts are supposed to be the frozen section and I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be refrigerated so we're not bringing those and I know the price of this why it must be like sense I'm guessing because this can't be that expensive or you find some noodles homepage and this actually looks great but there's it'd be a waste can you believe this is only five dollars guys good morning guys here we've got our bag full of clearance foods and I'm going to just get everything out cuz I don't even remember exactly what I bought last night cuz he was quite late we've got some sweet potatoes in syrup I don't know if I can make soup with this maybe I don't know this one was 89 cents we love a good deal we've got a peppermint latte this is probably expired oh no he expires in September so this one's good the package is very sticky and it costs one dollar ninety-nine I think this is supposed to be a cupcake or something but it's no longer is first of all they should have been refrigerated and second of all these expired two days ago I am trash I also know one against six oh two days is not a big deal for expired foods booked because he wasn't in the fridge that's what really concerns me here we've got a fun sized bag of M&Ms and these costs one dollar ninety-nine one can of mushroom soup this is a can of tomato salsa and it's so sticky so here we've got the bread I was very surprised they had bread at the clearance section and I think this should expire he doesn't have an expiry date he also expired two days ago why are they selling this product if they're already expired I should have also paid attention to this it's got actual mold growing in it like it's like blue or green in the center I hope you guys can see that on camera that blue dot right there that's actually mold this is already becoming very difficult because two of the items I can't eat them I mean should I eat the cupcake I do love cupcakes we got one cup of noodles that I hope it's not expired this is a random they didn't have that much stuff so we also got some pumpkin failing in this cost $0.99 we've got some chocolate chip cookies for 59 cents as well one bag of hollandaise sauce and last but not least for 189 we got this it's like a cherry flavored drink so you just add water to it and then he makes like a juice he leaves us with this for breakfast lunch and dinner which actually not that bad let me figure out what could be breakfast hmm not that many breakfast key items so I'm gonna go with the crispy cookies these are just chocolate chip cookies we need to play for this because the cookies are kind of broken actually you know that bad I think I'm gonna eat this as if it's like cereal I don't have any milk though but maybe if we add water to this because I'm allowing myself to just add some water to things measure four teaspoons into a mug and slowly stir in boiling water okay that's easy enough so this is kind of like our milk for our cereal the smells so good it smells like Christmas so we're gonna do the 4 teaspoons this is a lot more than 4 teaspoons well we need the flavor such as this we just add is that supposed to make that sound it sounds like sulfuric acid or something like that this videos going to end up with me at the hospital let's add a little bit more of the water and this is our milk these are ridiculously small I mean why is he called fun sighs who's having fun I'm gonna have fun with this so I'm gonna add some candidate to the stereo this is gonna be great basically we made our own breakfast cereal which actually looks pretty good and I'm just gonna sprinkle some back that right clear into the peppermint milk this is officially one of the most delicious things I've ever tried it's so freaking with this peppermint latte the cookies get a little soft too quickly mm-hmm I think we kind of started in a five note but this breakfast alone is redeeming the whole video I mean I don't know how lunch and dinner are gonna go but at least breakfast i frickin love this not gonna lie it might not be the most appetizing breakfast of all things especially when all the color just sort of comes out of the candy what I truly recommend here is this peppermint mocha latte if you guys like a lot of sugar for breakfast this is great it's very very sweet and then with the candy on top just a seriously incredible breakfast I mean I'm going to have a sugar rush but totally worth it so I don't know what's gonna happen for lunch but I guess we're gonna find out soon lunch is not looking great I mean there's not much we can eat if I want to save something for later and I always want to save a little bit more for dinner because I get really hungry before bed I thought breakfast was gonna be a disaster and then it turned out to be fine so maybe this is going to surprise us first of all I'm going to disinfect this tomato can because making sure this is clean so the noodles that we got from the clearance section are shrimp and lime flavor which is not my favorite flavor so I thought maybe if we add some of the tomato sauce that we bought it's going to make it better probably not though but I mean we have nothing else to eat these are the only options and we are going to make it work this tomato sauce actually smells incredible this must be like good quality tomato thankfully you might be shocked that I'm not making this in the microwave but it says here that this can be microwavable so so I just add the noodles does smell fishy oh hey I'm just gonna add all the tomato sauce in there it is definitely a look the only thing I can add to this is water because we can use any salt and pepper we can use absolutely anything so I'm gonna add some water cook this and let's all hope the past it's not looking very promising not gonna live I'm not a vegan Zee but here we've got our clearance foods lunch it looks okay it actually looks kind of delicious I mean most of you guys probably think you looks gross but to me it looks good I'm gonna play some of these tomatoes shrimp and lime noodles very unusual mix of flavors Wow we definitely cook that pasta this is seriously hot and I'm still gonna go for it when you know your crush is out of your league but you don't really care so I'm gonna let this cool down a little bit and let's make the little juice thing that we bought this is actually one of the most expensive items 189 it's a bad it tastes good I'll sure do it at the same time how much do you add that's probably a lot already that looks good though it smells exactly like kool-aid except it looks like more fancy this is like kool-aid for the young professional whoa that tastes just like medicine like there's actually my mom used to give me medicine they tasted exactly like that when I was little I definitely need to add some more water to this but I just want to try the noodles I am in disbelief cuz this is very very good this is so incredibly flavorful case kind of like seafood ish but also a lot like Italian food you wouldn't think this works and he probably doesn't for most people but to me this is freaking incredible I am seriously impressed with this because I just didn't think this was gonna be edible I actually thought keeping you real for the whole video that I wasn't going to eat much or that everything was going to taste great bad but this is genuinely good like I would happily eat this any day with the rest of my life that's how good this is I forgot this is really not great I definitely messed this one up this is going way too much of this juice thing this is very powerful stuff but the flavor of it is good I mean if you like medicine it's definitely a great flavor for me this was a 10 out of 10 meal a five-star meal literally gourmet I loved it because it's almost 4:00 p.m. right now I'm actually not gonna eat anything until dinnertime I'm actually pretty full I love lunch if dinner is going to suck I would probably be okay with this day already like this hasn't been difficult at all breakfast was good lunch was even better so the expectations for dinner are very very high it is officially time for dinner and annoyingly I've got really bad hiccup so right now I am so sorry this is gonna make this so difficult but I actually would have filmed this because I want to go to bed after oh my god that was a terrifying sound for the savory part of dinner I am going to be using some of these cream of mushroom soup I love much from usually just this is but this is like jelly al Ghul's when you put in the microwave this always looks better because he goes liquid because it's only just the temperature I don't know so I'm gonna be microwaving this in a second but for dessert I've never had these sweet potatoes in syrups so I thought we could make some of that with some the pumpkin pie makes and just put it in the microwave probably a terrible idea but I'm trying to do the most with what I bought and both of these were only 89 cents which if this is delicious life hack pumpkin is actually one of my favorite things and pumpkin pie especially I really want the dessert world because this is gonna be my before bed snack if anyone's got advice for hiccups please believe it and comment section below cuz this happens to me all the time it doesn't have any smell but here we've got the pumpkin pie filling it's actually really soft so this might really work out Wow and here goes the pumpkin pie this is a very dark pumpkin pie filling or it's expired you can see the chunks of sweet potatoes so I'm just gonna mix the whole thing ups sorry this actually looks and smells like something that my mom would make for me when I was little look at the way the soup moves that's kind of cool I'm gonna microwave the soup and the dessert and hopefully this is all going to taste fine let's see what happened this is very very hot as you can see but I literally don't understand this not sure if you're not supposed to microwave this soup but it just didn't really become a soup we stayed solid and he's sort of a good exploded everywhere in the microwave and then the sweet potato which was invented by me actually looks great so I don't know which one is going to taste good but we're going to find out let's try the soup first such a weird texture nope it's not the best I've ever had definitely not the texture of soup that I'm used to it's really weird because I actually do the flavor of it it's like a creamy mushroom a full flavor but then the texture throws me off because it's like you're eating jello mushroom flavor just imagine jello and then imagine it tasting like mushroom and cream that's exactly what this tastes like it's not bad but it's definitely edible it just everything else I've had today was actually great that kind of ruined the day a little bit it's sweet I think if I was having just a small portion of it it would be fine it's very very sickly it's so sweet but it kind of goes together weirdly it's just not great if I could add some cinnamon stuff I think I could actually make this taste great I'm gonna go back to the suit because it's slightly better because I didn't make it I'm kind of disappointed with dinner though because it was such a good day and then then it still tastes fine it's still edible I've still got a meal in front of me so I'm very grateful for that and theis officially here for this video guys this was a challenge and a half like seriously do shop at the clearance section in England and usually you actually find really good deals sometimes you can buy like sandwiches they cost like 20 cents at the end of the day sometimes you can buy like chocolate cake you can buy all sorts of things that the clearance section in England but I do think these makes for a more interesting video because it wasn't easy some of the foods weren't even edible anymore you know it'd actually be a good idea I give the video like if you guys would like me to go to England and film the exact same video of the clearance section foods but make it only with British food items so like Tesco Sainsbury's you guys so we feel from England you know what I'm talking about the reduced items at the end of the day I don't think I have to explain this but obviously I got probably very unlucky with my clearance section it doesn't mean that every supermarket in America has a terrible clearance section let me know in the comment section what was the best vine you ever found at like a reduced food items section I've actually genuinely interested in that so definitely let me know in the comments down below and as usual guys if you enjoyed this video please don't forget to give it a like don't forget to subscribe and get my notifications on all you have to do is tap the little bell it's annoying that I said in every video but it does actually help me out and I've got crazy videos coming up a lot of 24-hour fictional foods which I know is everyone's favorite videos because of that I feel so much pressure to actually do a decent job with them because I feel like I've ruined so many of them in the past and I am truly sorry so I'm trying to improve it trying to improve the quality of it trying to improve the research like I was into it so you know it might seem easy for these 24-hour fictional foods actually need a lot of research so I don't say stupid things in them which somehow ends up happening anyway I think that's about it for the video guys I hope you had a good time this wasn't the ideal 24 hours food challenge but it's gonna be what you expect from me at this point I love you guys and I will see you on my next video bye bye
Channel: Raphael Gomes
Views: 1,019,348
Rating: 4.884213 out of 5
Keywords: raphael gomes, clearance, sale, food, item, foods, 24 hours, day, challenge, 24, for a day, eating, i only ate, i ate, expired, bad, gross, reaction, mukbang
Id: rEoMx8mFbdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 24 2018
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