I tested the Food Gadgets REJECTED from my VIDEOS

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this is boxes and boxes of uh just stuff it's full of like the most random stuff like this is like a play iphone like it makes like children sounds like this makes sense to me this is a video idea except for you guys that probably makes no sense there's also things from previous videos that like you guys have probably seen like a cast on my face what do you think of that salem so much random stuff from videos that have existed and videos that never existed a milk bottle a swedish english cookbook i think this was a video idea this might be the best or worst video idea ever the comment section will let me know all of these things i knew exactly what video they were supposed to be for the video idea for this one was testing cooking sets by yummy nummies like i still might make this one actually food gadgets from japan i think i'm gonna film a whole video of rejected video ideas so i'm gonna show you the gadget we're gonna test it out and i'm gonna tell you what video that was originally supposed to be this is either genius or not so some of these are so dumb and random that i'm just apologizing in advance i managed to nail it down to these gadgets right here we're gonna finally give them a purpose and test this out let's dive in i think the video idea for this one was things that i bought from instagram adverts this was a video idea from like two years ago i never made it the reason why this video never happened was because 60 of the things that i bought from instagram it never arrived so i ended up with like three things maybe so this is the gadget um very simple looking and this is the name of it it's called a dunking body it's a way for you to soak your cookies in your milk you soak the cookies and then you can eat them without making a mess i think that's the whole point of it it's also a collar changing cup okay step number one place cookie tray into glass okay so this is the cookie tray wait how does this work all right so it's been washed we're going to start with the oreos but i just want to say that whenever i dunk a cookie in milk i don't have many issues i dunk like half of it i eat it and then i grab from the little tip so the milk goes in first and the little trays got little holes so when you're pouring the milk up to the top it says to fill it up all the way to this little line on top what happens if i just remove that oh oh no oh no i did something really stupid my doctor trying to find a heartbeat so we're gonna put the oreo in the little tray and then we're just going to dunk it did you see that the oreo floats the oreo stays on top i'm like trying to show you in the image the oreo stays in there okay now it's going okay so now i guess you just grab it and you just eat it maybe baby was the type of cookie that i used it doesn't seem to work too well i'm gonna be honest i will still give it a try with one of these but i don't think it works doesn't quite fit oh no all the cookies stay on top they don't fully submerge and then you still have to get your fingers all like wet which is exactly the same thing as like doing an enforcement actually if i did it without this gadget i could just it's never been an issue to me i don't think this is it like this is oh no you broke no no no no no no no this is kind of cool if you give it to like a child this is not something that i think you'd use on the daily basis i don't think this is it like it just floats that defeats the whole purpose one of my six-year-old cousins is gonna love it the video idea for this one was gadgets that you can use to improve your microwave you see why these videos never turned out to be anything i was thinking of like students or people who only have a microwave to make food with trying to help people to get creative i don't know so this is a way of making potato chips or crisps in three minutes in the microwave like three minutes potato crisps and this comes with like the full you only really need potatoes for this and then i think this is to like slice the potatoes i think this comes from france so i'm not gonna apologize to french people watching this video because you guys made this i'm gonna cut the potato in half because i think this will help me and using a blade is a very scary thing oh my god i'm going to cut my fingers how many can you make at the same time quite a lot actually look at that all of this is you can't do it too quickly because you can't have to lift it to get the potato out i'm an idiot you're supposed to use this to make it safe i actually prefer to just use my fingers for this i'm probably not gonna use all the spaces but it's actually a really good thing the fact that you can make quite a lot the instructions are in french so i'm going to try my best try and share this poster micro on there the three deadly sins so i'm using 800 watts so i'm gonna cook this for three minutes let's hope that this is gonna make potato chips should we put some salt in it it's kind of hard to season it because it's like it's working and today we've learned horizontal seasoning i'm gonna microwave this for three minutes and i'm hoping and praying to the french gods and the french chefs and ratatouille why did they flop like that it kind of looks like a potato chip i'm not gonna lie if it wasn't for the fact that it's like soft maybe these need longer we're gonna do one more minute and see if they become crispier oh my god these are definitely going to be crispy now do you see these black bits on it but to be fair when you get crisps from a package they also look like that it's not too bad [Music] this might be the greatest invention ever we could have done like paprika or something like that the crispiness is there you basically have to push it until they have these like marks on it that's when you know it's ready but listen to this a life-changing gadget my life will never be the same this one is staying in my kitchen i feel so bad that i kept this amazing gadget in a box for the last two years everyone's gonna think that i've lost my mind but there was this video idea that i've always wanted to do which was to test out food gadgets that you can use with eggs and with eggs only because there's so many that's such a huge when you look up food gadgets 60 of them are related to eggs so i thought it would be genius to transform that into a video no one cares no one cares about eggs that much i've realized that so that video never happened this is called an egg opener one thing that i do very often is baking like if i'm not filming i'm probably baking something just for the fun i'm not good at it and my least favorite thing because i have a thing with textures one of my least favorite thing is to crack eggs because the whole thing is like it's so messy so this gadget is supposed to allow you to crack an egg without getting your hands dirty which would be incredible the real test will be whether there's going to be eggshells in it or not so we've got medium-sized eggs to make this fully fair there's like a blade on top and then you push the egg that looks like a torture device look at the way that moves so that's kind of what it looks it's gonna be hard to show you this one because i have to keep it like that so we got the egg in it and we're gonna press i have no idea how that happened let me see if i could get rid of this i'm gonna get emotional because a huge issue in my life has just been fixed but i don't even have to try it again because 100 this works like zero eggshells and to me this is like the most beautiful part this is the second time in a row that i'm clapping for a gadget i'm speechless i want to move on to the next when things are getting way more exciting than i anticipated i can't tell you the name of this next gadget because the whole thing is written in japanese i think i ordered this all the way from japan i think the video idea for it was it was either food gadgets from japan something similar this is supposed to improve the experience of drinking a beer and i'm not gonna be able to tell you much because i actually can't read the instructions everything is fully in a foreign language this is a alcohol-free beer but i've also got a real one in case this doesn't work i could be wrong because i've never drank beer in my life but i think when you do it at home it doesn't create that foam on top that's when you go to like a restaurant so this machine will create that foam out of a can so out of like something that you can do at home or buy from the supermarket i know that he needs batteries okay four that's exactly how many have gone let me switch it off this is the cup in which the foam is going to be created this is so like there's so many little pieces to this and then this little thing goes so maybe then we switch it on okay so step number one we're gonna need our beer the amount that you need to make the foam if this works is very small so what we're supposed to do is put the beer in here this is literally probably not even a tablespoon and then so when we press on this should create the foam [Music] wait wait wait wait wait wait i just realized you're supposed to put in five tablespoons no one let me try this again so we did one two we're gonna try this again okay so it's been around one minute so i'm gonna pour the beer which actually it's making quite a lot of foam now i look like a clown why did i have to get the creamier beer in history like i'm just gonna add it on top so okay so you're supposed to use the scope wow that is i would say that it could have been the brand of beer or the type of beer that made the machine not make foam except when i poured it myself i got a lot of foam i don't know if i did this wrong and if i did i will fix it on a future gadgets video and try it again and i did have great expectations about this one when i said that i was taking this egg video very seriously like i meant it i had so many gadgets prepared for this video so this gadget is called eggy and it's a really cute chicken microwave and egg and bacon quickly without the mess this is a way to make a breakfast sandwich in one go like you literally only have to crack the egg put the bacon in put it in the microwave and it's reddish it comes with instructions on the inside turns out it's not that quick and it's not that easy yes it only takes 45 seconds for the bacon to cook so basically you have to cook the bacon first then the egg and the bacon again for two minutes and 30 seconds it's so complicated that if i lost this i would never use it again so i'm going to cut the bacon into two pieces just to make sure it doesn't like overlay i'm using only one piece of bacon just to really make sure like i don't want to overdo it and then it's my fault if this doesn't work replace egg holder and cover wait what let me try it in french replacing the cocktail okay so first of all this goes in the microwave for 45 seconds and by the way they use as a reference a thousand watts i have a feeling this is gonna sizzle okay oh no it's like pork crunch it asks to cook the bacon for an extra two minutes and 30 seconds i'm gonna do a full amount of bacon the exact amount that anyone any normal person would use for a breakfast sandwich this seems it looks like bacon from a one star hotel kind of raw but like still free on booking.com so so we're gonna move on to the egg so we put this back in place this is gonna make an appearance in every single one of my videos from now on wow pierce the egg yolk numerous times that's so weird put the cover back on in microwave for 2 minutes and 30 seconds at 50 power so here we've got our english muffin i mean usually i would toast it but you know desperate times call for desperate measures so now we wait i think it is entirely possible that this worked the egg seems cooked the bacon is a little on the pale side we got two different extreme results is that what they do at mcdonald's this explains so much ouch so i'm gonna try to flip the egg into our muffin oh my god it doesn't come out it is definitely round it looks kind of similar to the ones from mcdonald's the bacon on the other hand i'm gonna say that's slightly under i will bite into this once i cook the bacon a little bit longer it comes down to the level of steps in this like having to cook things separately you might as well get a frying pan and then cook everything i don't think there's a lot of use to this but i have a feeling that we got some egg gadgets to redeem ourselves just simply looking at this next gadget it makes me so mad because this is another one of those that it was supposed to be for the food gadgets that i bought from instagram not only took like four months to come to my house i had to order it twice so this is supposed to be one of those machines if you have an instagram account you have seen this you're supposed to roll it and cuts the watermelon into little cubes instantly it's a long gadget my watermelon is so tiny it doesn't have any instructions but i can see from the image like it's pretty clear like for as much as i want to be mad at this it seems to make sense if you ever consider buying anything from instagram or your family or your friends just don't i have been the clown instagram has made me the clown too many times so i'm gonna cut the front as well so i think you're supposed to create like uh like a 90 degree clean cut angle that is basically it so now we press this in there and it's supposed to cut it into cubes how no idea let me do it again it's a cube it's not perfect but it's it's pretty close like and also this is both satisfying and wrong and disturbing at the same time let me try doing it again never get tired of that okay this last one i feel like i know i have enough for a full one from far away this looks like a perfect cube but from up close it's not perfect it's kind of like it's like messy in some angles like if you care that much about perfection maybe not for you but for me this looks really really cool i'm not mad at the makers of this like i don't care i'm mad at instagram for allowing things that are like scams basically but you know what i would do it again i would buy it twice this is incredible wow the video idea for this next gadget was food gadgets that are electronic this was this is such a bad video idea this is an electronic salt and pepper set no it's kind of annoying sometimes it is now but when you use a lot of amounts of salt it definitely like gets to a point where like i'm over this it could be that all along we needed an electronic salt and pepper this one was low-key just an excuse for me to buy it that is beautiful though it's got an led light for precision wow that's one thing i never knew i needed let me start by placing the batteries how do you put the stuff in here oh okay it's a very tiny hole like really tiny okay that should be sufficient let me test out the led for precision wait the led only comes on after you're already pressing it i'm not sold on the led i expected it to be like a laser almost like precision let me find the part of the steak that needs more seasoning now i'm going to tell you the real reason why i bought this when you go to mcdonald's and you get an oreo mcflurry and they sprinkle some oreos on top i always wanted a machine that does the sprinkling so i've got some crushed oreos here just the dry part so i'm gonna try putting it in i mean it's basically like pepper right so imagine you're eating like a pancake ice cream anything that could take like a nice seasoning of crushed oreos it's way thinner than i expected you might have to do it for like a good minute but it works this will take my presentation of ice cream to the next level look at the effect i did around the plate am i gonna replace my current ones probably not but i'm gonna keep these on the side just if i really want to impress someone like like a fancy dinner or i don't have any friends this next one it's tiny but if this works the potential in this there's a strong possibility that i didn't buy this for a video and i bought it for myself allow me to explain to you how incredible this is this is an issue that i have because i don't have like a panini press one of those pressed down toaster thingies so the amount of times in which i crave a grilled cheese sandwich i don't want to get a frying pan just to make a cheese toasty like that's way too much work toaster bag the simplicity of this with this you can make a grilled cheese sandwich in your toaster wow that doesn't fit actually well kind of i'm gonna do like a very simple i'm not even gonna put butter just cheese and bread to see if we can get the cheese to melt i'm gonna do quite a lot of cheese because let's be honest we put the bread in it i think each bag takes up to 20 uses or something crazy like that so it comes with a total of 10 bags this is not easy i'm not gonna lie i'm so confused what if we flatten it down i had so many hopes for you oh my god this is not work okay it is working now that was a nightmare to fit in like really hard to fit in also me middle school kind of fits perfectly it's like tight in there so there goes our grilled cheese sandwich imagine all the other things that we could cook in a toaster like the potential of this machine as just unlock i love these but they take a long time and you can only make them in the oven they don't work in the microwave because they go weirdly soggy i'm well aware this might not work but if it does imagine the payoff and sometimes in life we just need a risk taker that's why oh my god that slides perfectly this is gonna be the best day of my life either that we're gonna set the kitchen on fire bon appetit wait is that it it's smoking a lot but the cheese is not melted so i don't know exactly what to do let me see if i can show you but the cheese is not melted in the center but then it's the toast is black the first thing i'm going to check out is the cheese toast the cheese it's all in the bowl it just melted down and it's uncooked on top like fully and cooked i can't even get it out oh all the cheese is coming out as well that's good that is so delicious looking the cheese melting is incredible like i want it the top of it wasn't actually melting so it was all sinking down to the bottom this is not what i expected when i ordered and she's toasty let's have a look at the pizza oh my god once again the cheese all in the bottom oh my god where's my cheese where's the cheese all the cheese is right here you order some cheese with your pizza yeah we put it on the on the back on the side this is to further prove to you how serious i was about this egg video like i really thought this one however i'm actually very excited about trying this is an egg boiler with poacher i don't know why whenever i cook eggs i can never get the egg yolk to stay like soft and nice like when you go to like a restaurant this machine does it for you so you don't even have to worry about cooking times you put the eggs in it and i think that's it they also had one of these in which the lid was see-through so you can see the eggs getting cooked or steamed but it was more expensive oh my god it looks like an egg so you can choose if you're gonna make boiled eggs or if you're gonna make poached eggs fill the measuring cup with the required amount of water if you fill it up to the bottom it's soft if you fill it up all the way to the top it's gonna cook it hard and if you do it in between it's medium this is like the opposite of the other egg one in the microwave this one is way too simple that i don't know if i'm believing in all of that i think i'm gonna do seven eggs i don't think there's like a right way to place it apparently this is the amount of water that takes that's incredibly little suddenly i'm questioning my choices but okay we're gonna put the lid on it so we switch it on like does he make any sound that's really quick i feel like when i'm playing pokemon and i take my pokemons to the nurse except i'm gonna eat them after either my eggs are cooked or or the purge is just started outside i would say took a total of seven minutes that is crazy to me this is genius this is such an easy way to get them to stop cooking quickly as you can see your eggs are cooked but here's a plot twist no one saw this coming this is another different gadget i swear i promise this is the last egg gadget for the whole video pull up the ball and release the spring mechanism will cause a vibration to the sharp edge in the dome and score the shell perfect eggshell cutting this is supposed to remove the top of the egg and we can see if they cook do we try this again one two okay i think that worked it's actually working weirdly that worked look it's overcooked that's not soft 25 of it is like soft but it's still i would say this is medium right let me try with a different one it's like overly done you can see that because the yellow is not even soft i don't eat eggs that often so it's actually hard for me to tell but like you can see that it's soft in the very center only but this whole bit came off like solid before we move on to the next one i'm gonna be fully honest and say that even though like obviously i approve of this one i would also approve of the egg boiler just because seven minutes to cook seven eggs if you eat eggs a lot or if you have like a big family that's incredible the video idea i had for this like it's actually a good video idea it just never happened because it was too difficult to find more content for it ways to recycle or just to reduce not just to reduce plastic but ways that are connected with food that we could use to help the environment basically there's an image in here that kind of wow there's a lot of instructions on the inside as well why do they always do that i wouldn't know before i buy it on this side is what happens in your bin when you throw away like a can or bottles is like filled to the top and using this gadget you can reduce the amount of space in your bins by like that much which is like half it's supposed to work for all these different types which is great because if you get one of these like this is actually something that i realistically would keep in my kitchen because it's so small there's a little hole in here it's so big it's literally hard to fit on camera this is supposed to go like that oh my god so now you have to be quick and put the lid on it and close it i might have single-handedly just saved the planet okay this was difficult i'm not gonna lie but it's doable i feel like i could almost do this with my feet like if i put this on the floor and just press it down let me try it with a can i feel like it'll be even easier right but i mean the can is made of metal that was actually surprisingly easy after you squish it down we saved the environment that's not as good wow that was definitely the easiest so far that might have been the smoothest one yet but i would say that like it was honestly cheap and it's minimal and it does help the environment so i'm not mad at this when i first bought this gadget i thought that this was automated i thought it was like electronic on ebay he made it seem like this was like a robot but when he arrived it's just a manual machine which i was really disappointed quickly pits six cherries at once no other thing that i thought i needed in my life for sure it's a really cool looking machine so like you can see how i thought that this was slightly better it looks like the egg one i'm gonna put the six cherries it's good that it does six all at once i think this was expensive because i basically thought i was paying for like a food robot but i mean it is sturdy so i guess it was worth it it's got these little blades on here and then when we press it down this is supposed to remove all the pits i'm going to try to give you guys a close-up okay i'm going to press it down oh my god that was really quick i think that worked one two three four five six let's slice them up no stone and not a lot of damage to it as well if you eat cherries a lot i guess this could be useful or if you like cooking with cherries as well because you'd still have to remove it people who love cherries i mean go for it by no means fully approved for this last one i saved what is probably one of the most bizarre video ideas i've ever had but also an experience that i always that i always wanted that i always wanted to experience this is a full-size real honeycomb i don't even know if you can see it on camera but like all those little like details i've never seen this up close there was a period of time last year in which i was obsessed with asmr videos that were recommended to me on instagram and it was mostly when people were eating bizarre foods they were like wet and like squishy and they made the weirdest sounds that made me so uncomfortable but also i couldn't stop watching so i planned i'm gonna do a video on that like how weird is that just eat foods that first of all never eaten before then i told the video idea to someone one of my friends and they were like no nobody wants that from you honey packed into hexagonal shapes bursting with flavor if you can get away without eating it straight out of the tub why not try to spread it on toast that is so weird i don't even know if i can do justice to how strange that's like wax oh that is wax right i need to get the microphone really close to me so i can follow it with the video the way i intended for it to be done it's falling apart i have never in my life ever eaten anything that it was so sweet that it tasted spicy it was like bursting wax with like honey in the center i can save it and maybe put it on toast that will be good i would never bite into that ever again my throat feels spicy i might be allergic to this a video that i most likely will never forget just because it was so weird but it was an interesting idea to make a video of rejected video ideas so let me know if you guys enjoy it if you'd like to see any of these videos fully let me know which one or if you just want to watch a part two of something as random as this because it's truly random none of these ideas are fully connected but i still hope you enjoyed it and if you did it would mean the world to me if you could give it a like because it lets me know if you like this video over a different one and if you haven't subscribed yet to my youtube channel scroll down there's a subscribe button a notification bell and you know what to do like i hate that i even have to say this in every video but i do want you guys to watch my videos and not miss out and subscribing it's all it does i remind myself on the daily that asking you to subscribe is one annoying but but it's also free so i know i'm not doing anything bad so it's always good to remind you that if you don't like me if you don't like my videos you do not have to subscribe and that's perfectly fine i was gonna say there's a lot of good things to watch on youtube but there's not that much to watch on youtube right now i don't know if that's just my subscription box this video was extra long because there was a lot of stuff to fit in it and i still have more so i hope that you didn't hate like longer videos i always feel like you guys enjoy longer videos but it's just a test and i will see you guys on my next video which is i'm gonna try not to keep it as long but you never know what could happen bye
Channel: Raphael Gomes
Views: 702,601
Rating: 4.9534335 out of 5
Keywords: raphael gomes, food, gadget, gadgets, poor, quality, 1 star, terrible, rated, google review, rejected, banned, forbidden, kitchen, product, appliance, testing, test, useful, amateur, poorly, rate, ebay, amazon
Id: eKiA__y05_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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