i tested viral FOOD HACKS from reddit in real life

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Oh, why am I nervous about this... *Drill sounds* I was gonna say that I don't think you guys are ready for this video, but to be completely honest I don't think I'm ready for this video. For the past two months we've done a lot of videos in which we tested a lot of food hacks and about two weeks ago I also made a video in which I tested food sins by reddit. For today's video what we're doing is combining both ideas because I found this subreddit called ''food hacks''. The comments section seems to be 50% of people who really believe this food hacks and the other 50% of people think this is major BS. As usual, for science we're gonna be testing the top food hacks on these subreddits and hopefully this is going to work out, some of these are going to work and some of these are going to be... *Drill sounds* a nightmare. Most of you guys know me by now and I'm blindly optimistic in life, and this first one, *Laughter* It sounds too good to be real, even for me. Like, this is way too optimistic. ''My friend cooks marshmallows over a toaster''. And I've actually never seen this before and I think food hacks is kind of like, my thing, like I've seen most of them, sort of floating around at some point and I've never seen this one, which usually means that it's not going to work, but we've got marshmallows, we've got a toaster and we've got some of these wood sticks. We've got nothing to lose here so we're gonna give this a try and see if this actually works. All I'm gonna say is if this ruins my bougie-ass toaster I'm gonna come for reddit. I'm gonna get them to give me a new toaster. These are maybe not the ideal marshmallows for this because they're huge. These are called Rocky Mountain Mega marshmallows, made in USA. Of course. Also gluten free, but I feel like that's the least of your concerns if you're eating marshmallows that are this big. I'm just gonna do what they did in the photo. Except my marshmallow is like- it's like all out on steroids. Okay, so the temperature of the toaster I mean, is there even temperature? I never understood all of these numbers on the toaster. I feel like you're gonna get a better view of it like this. So we just cook into it. I feel like such a loser, I don't know why, just standing next to the toaster and waiting for my marshmallow to melt. Can you guys see that? There's a little bit of color like on this side. I mean, you probably can't see that on camera. Or actually, you can. That was actually really quick. It was like, maybe like a minute. Oh no, my fire alarm. Why do I always- *gasps* Oh my god, that was really quick. I mean, I can already see that this- *toaster makes noise* *gasps* Oh my god, I just got so scared. But this actually works. It's not messy at all because it sort of gets crusty, like on the outside so it's not sticky, it's probably like sticky just in the center. Okay, let me see if I can find something to show you. I want to show you how soft it is in the center- *gasps* Oh my god, that is literally Have you ever seen that before, just the center of the marshmallow? I mean, I have to try that. Wow. Clearly I got a little bit carried away here because I was trying to show you how like, smooth it is in the center but it is- *scratches marshmallow* It is also very crispy on the outside. So I would say this is the best toasted marshmallow I have ever eaten. I am speechless this works, like this not only works but this actually improves the way I eat marshmallows so give this a try if you don't believe me like, go grab some marshmallows, go get your toaster and try it. This is Mind-blowing. So, we're gonna move on to the next so on if this next one actually works This is another of those that is truly life-changing So basically someone shared on reddit the following use a cookie cutter as a stencil to decorate cakes with sprinkles or frosting and then a photo of it. How have I never seen this before? How did I not come up with this before? Because honestly Technically, it sounds genius. It sounds there should have been doing this my whole life like every single time It's someone's birthday and you have to like write a message on the cake. Like we all know that just doesn't work out So if this works out like I am going to be very very excited I also just realized that it says it serves 34 people like how does this 90 cake serve 34 people I just brexit really is happening. Let's get the cake out This is a very difficult job, I'm not sure if this is gonna be as easy I'm already do you see that already spilling everywhere? oh no, It might need a little help moving this around But I think when we move this this is gonna go like everywhere. I'm gonna trust. Oh No, this is not going to work We're going to improvise a little bit here, okay, let's fill it in Maybe if you're less serious about this, you should clean up a little bit on the sides and just be a little more Delicate I guess why am I so nervous what it is? Wow What was I thinking? No It's um, it is artistic about some one word to describe This I don't love this for me guys. I just spent 30 minutes Believing. It was actually going to work out. This is just sad I think this has to be one of my biggest like disasters yet. Like I really believed this was going to work Like I was pretty confident filling these in and it kind of looks like a colorblind test that We are all gonna fail birthday to me, I guess I Love it. I expect nothing and I still get disappointed. I have been waiting the whole video for this one this is the reason why I wanted to make this video because I just had to try this out I just had to test it out just to show you some of the tools that we're gonna need for this It includes the biggest knife. I own in my kitchen also. Oh This was working before I swear. You guys have to appreciate the detail on my videos I bought a freaking tab for this this time around someone shared on reddit food hacks. Basically a Watermelon cocktail and it's a video like a DIY video on how to turn a watermelon Into basically a fountain I have got no idea. I've watched the video like a few times I think I know the steps and I'm not very hopeful that this is actually going to work out I think I have every tool needed you're so very welcome For this content that I'm about to give to you. The first thing I'm going to do is make sure this tab is working and I'm also gonna make sure that it's closed because as soon as we make a hole in the watermelon, I'm expecting it to start like Leaking I don't want to lose any of the Jews. Yeah, you're just gonna install it right there step number one We're going To remove the top. Okay, that was pretty easy. Okay. I should have thought of all the way this sits. That was no smart Yeah, now this is probably gonna spill but it's fine Should I shouldn't really thought about that? Okay, oh why am I nervous about this Do you see that Oops, yeah, it needs to be a wall bigger than this. Yeah, this is this is really small You're like that's a lot better. Oh My god, this is it's so strange to install oh My god am I a Tool man, so the next step is to turn the inside into liquid because obviously this is like solid cuz you know It's a watermelon. I don't know exactly how we're gonna do this, but I'm thinking that maybe a blender like An immersion blender would be like the safest way to do this. Oh No my phone my clothes every shot mine down I've committed I'm gonna have to finish because oh my god It's gonna work in my defense I'm afraid I'm gonna like hit the metal we've been oh, oh shoot. I'm losing all the juice. Ah, The floor like my jeans like everything I own is covered in watermelon juice So this better work is I'm gonna put the glass here and we're just oh my god This is not as stable as the one would hope Okay Please tell me it works Hello This is watermelon Please I could pick this more cake No like oh My god, let me try to blend a little bit more. Maybe that's Please something I need something. Even if it's just a freaking drop I Guess it's like a pressure problem because like it should be working. You know what they say Extreme times call for extreme measures something like that. So Yeah, oh my god, that's not smart I'm like, I'm gonna get the watermelon juice one way or another Like this is happening, oh my god. Okay. That was no smart Wow If I didn't know and tell me about the seeds it's so freaking gravy like It's got like all these watermelon seeds in it. So it's not even enjoy well, I truly love this for me like this has been one of The most incredible experience that me and you guys have shared together So let's please just move on to the next one This next one is a little more low-key But I feel like we need this because I'm actually feeling optimistic That this one is going to work out so someone shared on reddit the title is a way to tell if an egg is still fresh and it's basically this image there shows if an egg is truly fresh it should Sink to the bottom once you put it in water and if it's a very old egg It's supposed to float on the surface of the water So I actually kind of already knew this hack because my mom claims that it works but I still thought we should include it in this video because I've never actually tried it and So if this truly works and if it does I can see how this could be useful to you guys To me know that I cook very often because we both know how that usually goes Let's just go ahead and give it a try So here we've got our container with water and we've also got two different types of eggs You just arrange this the darker eggs. I actually bought them this morning. So they're very very fresh The expiry date is literally like ages from now. It's the third of March So these like are literally like they've just been pooped by a chicken Is that what you say the eggs on this side? The white ones? They've actually been here for a long time I think they're about two to three weeks old, but they're not completely expired yet So according to the image a fresh egg should lie like almost like perfectly horizontal So, let's see if that's going to happen. I Would say it's very very similar to the image so I guess there's no conspiracy theory like this truly is a Fresh egg chuck-e-cheese on we can't relate. So this is about two to three weeks old and according to the image It should still sink to the bottom, but you should like sort of all like bow, which is very very specific So hopefully this is going to stay like vertical Wow that is exactly what the picture claims I can put the other one at the same time so you can see the difference Like one of them is sitting up and the other one is like fully flat I guess my mom was right all along like who knew I don't say this very option bar She was right this next food hack. It's not so much about whether it works or not because I'm pretty sure it works It's more of whether it's worth it and whether it actually tastes good So basically dip Oreos in milk until soft and then freeze They are delicious with the consistency of or use in cookies and cream ice cream so this is like a big client because everyone knows that the best part of cookies and cream ice cream is the little pieces of Oreos and basically this hack claims that not Only you can make like a 20-minute like ice cream sandwich at home with two ingredients But also that this will taste exactly like the best part of cookies and cream ice cream I guess the tricky part about this one is that it does say that the Oreos should be like really Soft and like you actually have to like dip them for quite a long time in the milk So so it's gonna be quite difficult to like move them after because I mean they get soft really quickly I'm gonna be using two spoons for this because I just think that's gonna be a lot easier Maybe we should be doing more than one at the same time They'll be fine. Okay, so I'm gonna make sure They go quite soft The longer they sit here like the softer they will be and I guess the more Like ice cream like it will be otherwise, it's just gonna be like frozen Oreos case Oh, this one is very soft. Okay Maybe not quite the look More difficult than I thought they goes soft Really really quickly. This is kind of like the final look. I mean, it's not it could be worse I'm gonna freeze them and I will check in with you guys in a second so I just removed these from the freezer and I'm gonna say that in terms of look they still look I mean and all the best they can look like a Melting aureus which is really strange considering they are frozen Holy Guacamole, I am speechless. It is literally the consistency of the bits from cookies and cream except Oh my god, it's almost better than that. This has to be one of the most mind-blowing ones yet And I know just looking at them It seems like I'm being like I'm exaggerating but please if you've got any Oreos at home if you've got any milk please give this a try and leave a comment down below because I promise you there is no way you'd ever be disappointed also make sure they soak in the milk for so long then they kind of get like really ugly because I think that's what Truly makes him like soft any sort of melts in your mouth. This is a Religious experience. I am joining this church I haven't even tried this next one and I'm already upset at this because that's how sure I am that this is not going to work because this is very Pinterest it like every single time you see one of these online It's never ever real but I'm still gonna give it a try like I said for science I feel like that's the purpose of this video mason jar lid ring to make my egg round for my breakfast sandwich Totally works. So I mean every single time we've tried to shape an egg before like I've failed so miserably I understand how satisfying it would be if use the lid and you managed to make a Perfectly round egg so that he actually fits your breakfast sandwich like perfectly now I am also not sure if this is actually going to work but I did buy a mason jar. I am basically a Pinterest fangirl You can start by spraying this with olive oil because I failed way too many times cooking eggs that I'm kind of learning My lessons like slowly Let's really make sure This egg is not gonna stick. Should we spray the ring as well? Like we should like the hack doesn't claim that you should really do this Well, I'm gonna do it because I already know how this Interests people are so we're gonna drop the egg, right? In the center I told you that was way too small Oh, I'm upset because I actually thought maybe this is gonna prove me wrong There's no way we could ever Remove the egg from that like even with all the spray like you guys saw how much spray I used Like we can't even flip that how would I hell? Are you gonna flip that like if this just doesn't make any sense? Just so you guys have an idea. I had to put the lid on it because he actually Wasn't cooking on top and you can still kind of see that there's still a few like raw spots on top So yeah, this is pretty stupid. Like it's literally burned in the bottom and then you can even flip it I genuinely can't think of one person who try this and thinks this is worth of their time like this is Genuinely, just people trolling you. Oh My god, I hate everything about this We've lost someone the inside we've lost someone the outside and what you end up with in my opinion looks Worse then if you would have just cooked a normal fried egg. Like how is this? Worth it it just isn't this next hack is very interesting to me just because it's so incredibly specific you can add two eggs and half a cup of oil to turn any cake mix into Cookie dough like that's a big claim and if he truly works think of all the possibilities of cookies that you could make So what I actually did was I went to the supermarket and I tried to find like basically cake mixes they usually don't exist in cookies, or they're not so easy to find in pre-made cookie mixes if this hack Actually works we're gonna be having some Country carrot cookies. I've never heard of anyone ever eating carrot flavoured cookies So this should truly be interesting. I also got a rainbow chip party because I mean rainbow chip Like how could you ever say? No first things first? each of these gets two eggs And this is really interesting because I didn't even know they cookies usually take like vegetable oil, or maybe it's just for this specific hack so I'm not asking questions here I am actually going to give this like a fair try so we're gonna start like making the carrot cookies Okay, it's not too late that is Making two of these it smells like gingerbread cookies which is really strange because this is carrot cake so here we go, the rainbow chip mix and Once again, it's really interested because it does Smell and look exactly like cookie dough This is nothing like cake mix which is what it says in the package So this is kind of blowing my mind a little bit. It seems very legit to me like I'm actually excited to eat this they smell great like even better than this if this was Kate, I'm gonna make tiny little like cookie shaped dough balls and I'm gonna bake them for like 10 minutes and Hopefully this is going to become cookies. I don't know. Let's see what happens I don't know if you guys are ready. Well these Just came out of the album. So they're still cooling down. Holy schnitzel. They look like actual cookies not only that but like He looks so Perfect, I think they baked for like 10 minutes not even that but like It looks like an actual cookie like Emma tree if you can see on camera, but like even the bottom of it Like looks like an actual regular cookie Except this is carrot flavor Trying to give you some ASMR but like there's no point there yet but I can kind of tell that these are gonna be very crunchy when they fully cool down but That's better than cake There's last hack is 100% improved I mean obviously I don't know if this works for every single cake mix but I'm gonna say that it's Pretty I'm pretty sure when I say that if you try this with Betty Crocker cake mixes Which is like the most popular cake mixes in the world you can definitely turn them into cookies by adding just two simple ingredients, which honestly is just This video has been wild like from the watermelon drink to these cookies to making Marshmallows in a toaster like we've done like wild stuff in this video So hopefully you guys did enjoy it you did it would mean the world to me if you could give this video a like and also please subscribe to my youtube channel and switch my Notifications on when you tap the subscribe button. There's a little bell next to it And if you tap the little Bell as well any time that I make a video in youtube Thinks that you might enjoy that video you will receive a notification which honestly helps me out a lot Specially when I make a part two to a series or a part three as you can see I'm a lot healthier than I was in my previous video I feel like I finally kick this so it took me a while to be able to come back strong So I just want to say thank you so much for all the support My knees are starting to hurt from being on my knees for like so many hacks in this video So I'm gonna go because I want to lie down and I would enjoy some cookies maybe no the carrot ones But I love you guys. I hope you guys had fun I had the best time I would love to make a part 2 to this video so Do let me know in the comments section to give the video like if you want to watch a part 2 and I will see You guys on my next video. Bye. Bye
Channel: Raphael Gomes
Views: 1,041,379
Rating: 4.879137 out of 5
Keywords: raphael gomes, food, hacks, food hacks, test, testing, watermelon, reddit, viral, tried, food industry, real, fake, trying, marshmallows, kitchen, gadgets, toaster, appliances, uses, weird, dumb, real life
Id: d4MOGr9jyQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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