I tried out the WORST RECIPES from TikTok food videos

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and we're just gonna completely get it all on the counter spread it around i like to uh pour a lot of ground beef okay i'm gonna pour black beans all in here yeah just like that moly is great and then i add jalapenos for spice really and i put them kind of i'm gonna go ahead and say that i don't think this needs any more spice we've covered all food groups everywhere like a little bit of the juice just to get it all on top of all of your different layers and then taco seasoning this is really really important because it's not you don't get enough spice without this the germs the bacteria that's plenty spice i'm secretly thinking that this might be a comedian or something they're not addressing the fact they're making the food on the counter that is so much taco seasoning because there's just to me there's just not enough spice without this so you can use one or two packs i typically do two but i'll just do one for now this is possibly the only ever scenario which cheese does not make everything better you take any kind of um mixers like this have you been to a cold stone creamery like an ice cream shop yeah ice cream style just gonna blend it up just all the way in here wow what was the point of making the stripes on lining up every ingredient if it literally looks like my dog's sick same shade same texture it mixes into the cheese and it just makes for such better bites honestly this is better than any normal nachos you've ever had i promise this does not look better than any nachos i've ever had and i buy them from the movie theater my standards are very low you grab tortilla chips no please don't use your hands please don't use your hands as many as you can get kind of just to cover the top and then you're going to get your hands in here no they'll say that and you're gonna take your ice cream scooper what are you gonna do with an ice cream scooper what is she not gonna do with an ice cream scooper nachos just like this woman deserves jail bites of ice cream you have an entire nacho cone a nacho ice cream cone is not something that i i woke up this morning and wanted to hear i can't even process horrifying this is every single thing about this is terrible i guess i'm gonna go shopping for the ingredients and we're gonna make it i'm looking at that natural creation and i'm thinking that my life choices led me here put a plastic wrap at least to protect this but in its nature it's still low-key disgusting i don't understand why she couldn't have done that on a plate turns out nacho cheese sauce is very expensive at the supermarket right now and because i'm anticipating that this is not going to be amazing i've bought nacho cheese sauce in a powder yes that's a thing i've never used this before so hopefully this is going to become a nacho cheese sauce it's a lot more liquidy than i was thinking oh wait no it's getting thick wow this is like magic so this is supposed to be our nacho cheese sauce this is weirdly creamy that became thick and like smooth this might be the only good thing coming out of this video that's so good that does not have the right to be as good as it is so we're really doing this there's no turning back now this is all over my kitchen counter okay it's not as yellow as the nacho cheese sauce that the lady used i think the lady used their hands to spread it out i mean i prefer to just you know use a spoon for this i'm suspicious that some of the people in this video are going to be comedians well some of these are very real and you will see would anyone actually do this what do you guys think it was infuriating the fact that she created all these layers and then in the end it just it didn't matter we're gonna use some beef this is already cooked second one is some shredded lettuce mine is chopped up it's not shredded but trust me this will get shredded i thought their beans had to be cooked i didn't know you could use them straight from the can she really knows about cooking as much as i do not much next up a little layer of salsa it started really well now the limes are blending a little bit me with facetune this is some sour cream which is i think a little bit more liquid than the one she used but it's going to be fine and this is i think the last uh stripe which is some guacamole it's literally called squeezy guacamole they probably couldn't call this the real deal this is horrifying and we're not even in the horrifying part yet so there we go this is the alternative flag of mexico the cursed flag of mexico if anyone is the mexican grandma please make them react to this part of the video just that that would be the best early birthday present i could ever receive i want to see a mexican grandma watch this the lady adds some jalapeno peppers after oh let's go a bit of water that's gonna be spicy i love flavor on my food like i'm not the best at cooking but my food does have flavor i put loads of salt pepper lots of spices always but this lady uses a whole bag of taco seasoning and she said sometimes she uses two of them we're gonna do the whole bag it keeps pouring will never stop it's endless it smells it smells like taco bell this literally just brought me back taco bell memories and honestly i love taco bell they're the only fast food company that is always so nice to me i would never drag them but at the same time it does not not smell like a taco bell powerball i almost forgot but the next step is some cheese i think the lady uses some sharp cheddar cheese there's no other way we're going to mix this up i hate the textures oh do you hear the lettuce if you're wondering where you can get this a diy store this is used to scrape paint off walls i would rather be eating the paint this makes me think this might be real because this actually works to blend this i'm gonna mix the cheese now imagine doing this in your kitchen counter and having no worries about that the lady blends this quite well to the point where this becomes almost like smooth if i close my eyes i would think there's like a beautiful mexican style salad in front of me then i open them and it's like my next video is going to be a 20 minute apology sitting on the floor crying to all of my mexican viewers i might not even cut it gonna need to prepare my black hoodie next up the lady adds uh some tortilla chips she uses her hands to like you know what i can't do that this is where i draw the line i'm gonna use the spatulas because it's been working so far as soon as i put in here it's going to become all soggy because of this is just a wet blend it's weirdly scoopable though listen to it me watching people make ice cream on tech tock nope it doesn't roll up this is essentially what the lady made i mean literally i'm looking at the image it looks exactly the same so the next step is possibly the most horrifying we made a cone out of a tortilla wrap didn't think about this part that is going to be the cone of our ice cream so we're going to try to scoop this into balls my ice cream scoop doesn't have like a release button it doesn't need one it actually works you know sometimes you see like a hack that seems like really good but it doesn't work the same way as it does in the video i hope this makes any sense nobody goes through this length to create this for it to be fake on take talk right i don't even know what texture this is going to be once we bite into it let me add one more scoop and there we go this is what we've created i am truly sorry like i've never been more sorry for anything that i've created how do you say bon appetit in spanish when provencho no i am so sorry i hate myself for what i'm about to say but it's not terrible i know it looks gross however the texture of it is weirdly balanced it tastes like a cursed guacamole it's got textures that i'm not sure if they belong there it is very very salty which i think is thanks to you know a whole packet of this i want to make it very clear that i would never make this ever again this is like horrifying the flavor is not as bad as it looks though really makes me think that this lady is for real making some fresh chicken noodle soup today gonna go ahead and add in half of onion putting in some drumsticks i love to use the chicken that has the skin on it gives it so much flavor i'm gonna go ahead and put in about did she seriously drop the onion like it's a like it's a lush bath bomb so many things that already upset me about this in the first five seconds that why does the chicken have skin if we're just boiling it she's gonna bite on that chicken like this kid is gonna be like chewing gum just because it's me and my son son i'm calling adoption services okay i went ahead and did six but now we're gonna go ahead and let this boil and whenever it's done boiling we'll come back no one knows i'm sold gonna scoop out all this stuff out no no no you can't afford to lose any flavor we're gonna go ahead and add in our veggies i'm just putting carrots and celery the salt the pepper now we wait till the vegetables soften lots of noodles now we're going to wait till the noodles are done cooking what is this going to taste like pasta water away the chicken bullion the chicken stock in the end after everything has been boiling for like an hour i'm gonna guess that she's going to enjoy it and the oscar for best actress goes too this is ruined my day and now we gotta make it after watching this video i don't even know if we should carry on with this because i don't know if i'm mentally strong enough to carry this i'm not good at cooking right but i feel like the things in this video particularly the things that bother me are things are so basic that even i know that you're doing wrong first thing that this girl does is put a whole freaking piece of onion in there that's it that's the flavor that we're gonna get for literally the whole of the cooking time actually i'm gonna be fair she does remove a little bit of a chunk and she calls it cutting the onion in half so that's our flavor what does she think this is like a lush bath bomb maybe it's gonna disintegrate and give flavor to the water second of all the chicken i don't like using chicken drums because it's got too many bones but the girl was stressing out that the most important part is that the chicken has skin on and then she proceeds to just boil the skin isn't it like a thing when you're cooking chicken with skin on that you have to crisp up the skin beforehand in order to get the flavor out in order for this not to be like chewing gum consistency somehow that's gonna be the least of my worries in this chicken noodle soup the lady did six pieces because she was cooking for her son as well poor child some poor child's idea of a chicken noodle soup is this i'm gonna stop making fun i'm gonna give this a fair try maybe this is like some new technique that like the flavor comes in the end of the recipe in the very last 30 seconds that is literally it no salt no pepper this is the flavor in our chicken noodle soup so this is going to cook all the way until the chicken is going to be fully cooked which i'm guessing is going to take 40 minutes so if you're thinking of adding any kind of flavor to this nope so we're about halfway through cooking this and i'm not even gonna lie it literally smells like it smells so gross in here kind of smells like chicken in a terrible sweaty kind of way we're going to do a quick stop because there's some flavor in here and we want to make sure we remove every bit of flavor so you know those white little spots which i don't even know what they are i guess it's like fat that's the whole point of chicken noodle soup right why are we putting all this chicken skin if we're removing literally all the bits of flavor someone please let me know that i'm not crazy that this is not a step i've never done this before so now that the flavor is all out we also gotta add some vegetables and once we add the vegetables this is gonna cook for i guess another like 15 minutes i honestly am pretty sure this is not going to taste nice so i'm doing this with very little care if anyone is going to also attempt to follow this chicken noodle soup if you've got that kind of free time you will understand the frustration that it is not to add any salt and also the frustration that is to look at this i do not want to get covered in those juices vegetables go in so this is going to cook for another 15 minutes there's no danger of salmonella even salmonella is not staying for this one salmonella bacteria is suddenly making other plants i'm gonna add the pasta now as well i think this is kind of similar to the pasta shapes that i used in the video we gotta resist the urge to put any kind of spices we have the chicken stock we should be adding it at this point i am literally scared of this this is not like this is the plainest chicken noodle soup if you could call it that that i have ever seen and i've been to whole foods last step in the video right before serving is adding the chicken bouillon i'm gonna go heavy with this it's cooked for like 45 minutes with just one piece of onion in it nothing else i cannot wait to show you guys what it actually looks like let's start with some of the pasta and the vegetables which are surprisingly cooked i wish we could stop here but now uh we've also got a whole piece of chicken with a real chewy piece of skin on it and my favorite part of this dish please play the french music yep that is let's get some of that dirt water which is literally no other way to call this it looks like a fish tank that hasn't been washed in a few days except i would rather drink that finding dory i might might find nemo my fendora you can find anything in this cloudy water even nestle i wouldn't touch this water this is our tick tock chicken noodle soup see this is why i'm really confused about these videos because like this chicken noodle soup probably has more views than chef john's chicken noodle soup on youtube i don't get it i'm trying to understand this but i can't oh i don't like this texture i can't touch this i can see the hairs in the chicken still [Music] i would not feed my dog this i love my meal but the gas bubbles are so unhealthy and can cause gluten addiction luckily i have a great hat when you boil the wrinkle wait what did you just say that the bubbles of red bull cause gluten addiction and either really stupid or i am no scientist but this is not adding up but let's see where this is going luckily i have a great hand when you boil the wrinkle all the bubbles are removed and you are left with high energy organic vegan energy butter vegan organic butter i hope that jesus gives me an enlightening moment where i'm finally gonna get it because i don't get this i don't get it this lady probably has like 15 million followers on tick tock like people must think this is good there's no other way now you can make energy sandwiches that keep you awake and taste great choice i don't get this like people must be trying this at home i don't i've watched this like 30 times and it still doesn't make any sense why is she using monster energy drinks but talking about red bull so many questions about this video but one thing i do always have is a selection of monster energy drink i'm wondering which one i should use for this this is my personal favorite the green one which is actually really difficult to find maybe we should do a blend there's literally no instructions you just pour the monster energy drink i'm assuming we're gonna need quite a lot because this is gonna have to cook down for a while [Music] imagine if i actually eat this whole thing i will literally pass out before we get to the end of this video stay tuned for the results this one is like bright blue i'm gonna put a lot of this one oh my god this is gonna take so long to cook down but this looks like why can i never show you things so this is basically it we've got the stuff for the sandwich which is exactly the same that the lady had on the video the only step is to basically cook this down maybe this lady is onto something maybe she's on something we're gonna have to cook this really high if this ruins my brand new pot i'm gonna be so upset what setting do i even use soup i guess so i wonder what this is gonna smell like okay let me attempt to give you the visuals um so far it's just bubbling up it looks kind of pretty it's kind of satisfying to look at i'm not gonna lie but it's not reducing or anything maybe we need to increase the temperature actually that's probably what we should do i literally use three different types of energy drink my house is going to smell like like a frat house people are gonna come knock on the door and think my name is chad so i'm assuming this is going to take longer than i was expecting i'll give you an update if this starts to change guys so this is kind of what's going on it's been around 15 minutes this is not looking like that paste where is my organic butter i am very confused what's going on should i stop it and the fumes are like it smells toxic in here maybe this is this supposed to be it is this all we've got no do i just put this on the bread this is not even enough desperate times call for desperate measures this is not what i was promised oh my god that's it that's all we could get from that and it's not even as sticky it's too late now to question the process as this is cooling down it's going kind of sticky so it does feel a little bit like jam maybe just actually need it to cool down a little bit this isn't cooked bread so it's almost crispy in the edges i'm gonna do exactly the same thing the lady did which is put a little bit of ham two slices of cheese that's it the most cursed sandwich ever imagine if this tastes good the whole house smells of monster so i don't think i would even be able to smell it anymore but let's give it a try it's so sour this literally it freaked me out i was you know i was not expecting that tasted like a regular sandwich for a moment as i was biting into it it started to become sour spicy suddenly the fire eyes in the lady kind of makes sense a cheese ham toasty with some sour patch kids that is what this tastes like i it's not for me i'm not gonna lie maybe oh it is really sour it makes me feel weird it tastes cold baked mac and cheese the new viral feta pasta have you tried this yet i saw it all over tick tock and it's amazing perfect for large families what is a yellow cube in the center that's all butter and cheese all around it there's too many yellow things in this image this is literally like 50 shades of yellow beautiful lady but the face expression this is horrifying imagine you're sleeping in the first thing you see is this lady with the mac and cheese tray it's like mine it tastes so good share with a friend um yeah let's move on to the recipe there are so many things that i don't understand about this i don't even know where i should start what is velveeta velveta is it possible that i've never come across that in my entire life i think the closest thing ingredients wise american processed cheese someone needs to explain this to me what is velveeta who is velveeta is velveeta the lady it's got a ring as a name the velveena is gonna go bam right in the center this is very reminiscing of the feta cheese bake from tiktok it was very requested last year that i would try it but i feel like by the time that we got there it was too late this time around we might be too early there's nothing really terrible about this one first of all i think a lot of people would be upset that this is called mac and cheese that's short when you're mixing it fresh off the oven that is anything but mac and cheese all my american friends take mac and cheese so seriously that i just know they would be so offended at this video they make like this bechamel sauce before they cook it it's like a specific blend of cheeses a tower of velveeta is not the same i swear there's more plastic in this than actual cheese i know tick tock videos are supposed to be short but i feel like 14 seconds for a recipe is it's impossible it's not a recipe if you guys watch the whole video and i'm gonna put the links i'm gonna credit every single one of these creators in the description down below the lady doesn't actually explain anything she just shows a one second clip of something and there's no measurements there's literally very little information oh my god final moment please play some epic song because this concludes our tower of velveeta cheese it doesn't move i'm so scared of this the mystery that is developed the video doesn't say anything about measurements so yeah we're just guessing i've tried cooking pasta in the oven before and it didn't work but i guess i wasn't following any instructions i was just winging it it doesn't mention anything about cooking times as well so i have no clue so we're gonna do the milk first she kind of puts it all around the money shot is gonna be when we get this out and we mix it this is gonna be the crunchiest mac and cheese ever so we're also adding some water next up some cubes of butter even though we're adding milk and water it doesn't seem like nearly enough liquid this is quite a lot of butter but i mean something has to moisturize these dry noodles so this is kind of what it looks like i don't even know if the cheese should go in already so if you would have asked me to describe my ideal food when i was six years old it would literally be this is this gonna work let's find out it doesn't mention anything about cooking times i'm gonna go and guess 25 minutes maybe we should add a little bit more milk to make sure this actually cooks 25 minutes i'm guessing in the oven and you guys do not want to miss the result of this oh we're about to find out i could be wrong but this is smells like degree it smells like lasagna like a white creamy lasagna so the noodles are there's a layer of noodles in the bottom it's like solid let's see if we can make this creamy i'm like lifting a whole layer of rubber this is like one of those satisfying scooping videos in their defense it does seem cooked and it kind of went caramelized in some bits because of all the butter it does smell really good i only realized now that there's not been a single ounce of salt and pepper once you mix it it should look something kind of like this this is like a school lunch mac and cheese honestly it's not the worst look ever it looks as good as any mac and cheese that i could make so i am curious to see this sauce the velveeta sauce is kind of delicious it's very delicious actually i don't even think he lacks any kind of salt and pepper or anything part that i didn't like is the texture of the pasta it's overcooked and undercooked at the same time i literally there's no better way to describe this and bits are like rubbery and then others are like crunchy it's like it's putting the dente in al dente it's going to make me lose a dente want an easy dinner recipe that's better than olive garden i love american restaurants like the cheesecake factory incredible for me that is incredible like american style food olive garden not the same some water for angel hair pasta i have some chicken bouillon chicken stock is going first take a pound and a half of shrimp add a teaspoon of garlic and a half stick of butter let that cook this is actually pretty good yes salt pepper add one to two blocks of cream cheese we like cream cheese so i use two two blocks usually it's like tablespoons of cream cheese maybe like a quarter of a cup let that melt together then add about a cup and a half of heavy whipping cream she's using two hands to do two bags of parmesan cheese i mean this has to taste amazing though all right it's all good we got the spinach i'm glad i watched it in case i ever go to jail that's my last meal the last one because it will literally take me out if we've complained about lack of flavor previously in this video i can just go ahead and say that this is not going to be the problem with this we've got plenty of flavor here we might even have too much flavor i'm gonna try to do exactly what they've done in the video so it starts off um with some shrimp or prawns what is that this is actually pre-cooked because um i want to go quick with this one and i'm sorry for the noise but we just gotta it is cooking quick so to this we're gonna add one stick of butter which i don't even know what one stick is but i'm assuming that's pretty good right i don't have a wooden spoon i don't have a lot of kitchen utensils here yet so we just gotta to this we're gonna add the garlic there are a lot of ingredients in this so so it's supposed to be one teaspoon of garlic the lady was very proud about not measuring anything so i'm proud of the same exact thing i'm gonna give this a quick mix sorry about the metal on metal i literally don't have a wooden spoon so i'm gonna try to be very gentle it smells like cheesecake factory i was joking about the cheesecake factory but that's exactly what it smells so to this we're gonna add the tomatoes i've already heard myself in this video twice what's one more time it's not my favorite thing so i'm not like thrilled about tomatoes in this recipe but i'm trying to stay as authentic i don't know if it's like my subconscious or something but it does smell like an olive garden in here to this we're gonna add the spices which is basil and i don't know what the other one is very important a lot of chicken bouillon and the last spice is salt and pepper to taste no measuring once again like the bottom of it is like toasty with all the spices it smells really good like really toasty butter the next step as you guessed is two blocks of cream cheese first block of cream cheese i know this is going to taste amazing that's the thing oh it's lifting all the spices i feel like gordon ramsay would be proud of this lady well actually no man this is gonna be rich i'm gonna do a break to give you guys the visuals these are the visuals it's so thick that i honestly can't even mix it like the spoon literally we've got 600 ml of double cream i'm gonna do like maybe half of it even though the lady did probably the full thing but like i can't believe i'm doing this it smells like cheesecake at this point i just want you guys to be able to see how creamy that is and if you thought that was it no we're also adding parmesan cheese i'm going to nope we're not there yet still going it is very very thick very similar i'm looking at the video and it looks really really similar if you thought that the whole thing was very unhealthy don't worry we're adding some spinach to it this will go from that to this amount i'm gonna try to blend the spinach in a little bit spinach is the lace of vegetables 99 oxygen so here we've got the angel noodles which the lady requested that we cooked in some chicken bouillon just in case we didn't have enough flavor in here so i did so this actually smells really good oh it smells like chicken stock so why did i make so much of this i don't know how this is gonna fit in my freezer but it will i was making fun of the lady for saying this is like olive garden it literally looks like a photo shoot of like the olive garden menu and that's it i think it looks exactly the same as in the video i'm looking at the image and this is the same dish so we must have done something right it's not a bad looking dish i would be lying if i said this isn't a recurring dream of mine i'm gonna try to plate this like a restaurant maybe no olive garden but like a fancy kind of way okay there we go i mean jesus take the wheel that is literally the way to describe this dish i have never experienced this level of creaminess i think the past is slightly overcooked but the sauce is so creamy that it's literally like biting into a cloud it's like savory toothpaste this is incredible i mean all the flavors are here this tastes like a restaurant meal like when you go to harassment you're like how do they make everything so good well that's how butter cream cream cheese literally just a lot of everything and it tastes exactly like a restaurant meal if you forget about health for a second five out of five this is incredible this is the only way you should be eating your bagel with cream cheese you need to slice it like bread and put cream cheese on each individual slice perfect perfect this part is crucial put all the slices back together now the ratio of bagel to cream cheese is perfect i can't believe that for a moment i honestly thought it's kind of you got me how can you hold it from like a different direction like they're pressing it together because you literally will not be able to hold this i'm mad that i'm even entertaining this for a second that this could actually be real there's no way this person is either they believe in it that this is actually a better way to eat a bagel the thing that i find really confusing is the way i would normally slice a bagel to put cream cheese in if you wanted a bigger ratio of cream cheese just put a thicker layer that was the actual goal just put a thick layer that alone fixes the ratio problem now slicing it the way they did it's not even practical you know like i'm playing minecraft right now or something reverse minecraft i am never gonna be able to put this together that didn't even occur to me that that's going to be a problem wait no i got it i think i mean i hope that at least this sticks i would honestly not be surprised if in the end this amounts to actually less cream cheese so i'm doing just exactly the same as they've done in the video they actually use a little bit more cream cheese i'm gonna do the next one with a little bit more i never realized how similar cream cheese in glue oh but this really works as a glue so that's where we're going you can't even put this down look everything is like covered in cream cheese how do you rest it i think the police is here to arrest me and i honestly can't blame them because this has to be an international security threat wait this is upside down oh my god this is so dumb it looks gross hard one okay when you use the wrong formula but you get the correct result actually the other way around this is not the correct result what is this can we please talk about how horrifying this is this is one of the most cursed food items i have ever put on my youtube channel this is like the annabelle doll of bagels i shouldn't have said oh damn i'm gonna be so scared before bed no i'm just kidding annabelle i love you this is no joke and now i'm thinking about bloody mary great and it's literally 3 three a.m i could not be making this up back to this this is do you see how negative this is this draining the energy in this room if you're gonna hold this you literally have to hold it like this you can use one hand to hold it to be fair how would you bite it that is the question i'm assuming sideways i mean it surprisingly holds well that is actually good ratio not bad as soon as i take my second bite this is over watch this this is real stupid this is so dumb this might not have been the cringiest video in terms of the cooking process but this was the worst one so far somehow the universe is going to bring me something worse so can't wait for that so right there in the center we're gonna do one more yeah all right here's my next set this literally goes straight into horrifying there wasn't even a start to this it's just like the worst thing i've ever seen immediately first three seconds very gently and notice that the spaghetti is still uncooked that i like to call spaghetti spaghetti out of all things that you should put your name attached to keeping my mind open it could go somewhere good but as of right now you don't want this to be getting spaghetti you want this to be someone else's spaghetti yellow bell peppers my special bulgarian spice called chubrica why is it an oven dry you're putting nerds yes yes yes they're gonna release the sugars and it's gonna be just enough sweets wait a minute that was nerds that mixed with bulgarian seasoning exactly i'm still a bit confused by these nerds being in spaghetti spaghetti yes the voice of reason it's been 20 minutes there is no way in the world that that spaghetti is cooked and by the way that meat is literally burnt i can't say that i would do a better job i'm going to keep it real i don't think the spaghetti cooks in the oven because that's not a thing i've never heard of anyone make spaghetti in the oven with the sauce only you know it's about to get real when we bring the gloves out you know the recipe is about to cause all kinds of feelings and emotions in me my request from this is to never ever in my life ever hear the words get a spaghetti ever again so i've got a pen with some olive oil ready to fry the meat i'm literally trying to textbook follow this two portions of spaghetti that are about the same i'm not good at maths if i was it would be green i just hate touching meat bring in the plant-based i am ready for it i will never look back i'm very suspicious that this is not going to cook the spaghetti i think that's what's going to happen oh i hate this this is as horrifying in real life as it was in the video it's literally no different okay so while that's going i'm going to try to make another one you need a lot of meat for this that's why the lady only made two i'm really confused because in the end result the meat was really burned so why are we even doing this step okay so this one goes down this is not a beautiful side i guess we're just supposed to turn it around as it cooks interesting this is stuck this is kind of falling apart like the meats okay this one is a little bit better weirdly enough this is working so far like it is going the way it did in the video so i don't know if this is too hard to show you but i mean it's looking like getting spaghetti it's toasty it's cooking so here's where we added this point one of them is holding like perfectly the other one it's definitely falling apart a little bit so i'm not going to move it hopefully this is all going to tie in together what do you call this there's a name for it asada or something i don't know if this was it if it came down to these ingredients obviously the process to cook it like this peppers onions could actually taste good right in the video the lady uses this bulgarian spice i went on google and there was literally a list of the most common bulgarian spices i've got like six of them here so there's also salt pepper so now this is i'm so sorry fun fact i've actually never tried nerds before the lady explains that this is in order to the sweetness of it it's going to blend with the food right now it kind of looks like a photo from a cookbook i just watched the video and the lady doesn't use any water but my tomato sauce is a little bit uh thicker so i feel like the spaghetti is not even going to be submerged so i'm gonna add a little bit of water honestly the amount of cheese that the lady put on was so ridiculously small that i was honestly like that was the only thing that could save this maybe so this is it it literally looks exactly the same as what the lady is doing so obviously this is going to go in the oven for specifically 25 minutes i like it when there's a specific amount of time because i find that guessing is too stressful so 25 minutes in the oven okay so oh that's dangerous oh this went terribly but also i want to eat it so one of them got covered in sauce as you can see is it cooked no the one that was going well actually split open and the spaghetti like this is so stiff there is no way this is cooked the sauce is nice and like toasty and sticky so this was the one that went supposedly wrong but actually uh maybe this literally looks like one of those giant spiders from harry potter in the chamber with the secrets it looks less appetizing than a normal pasta dish and the pasta i'm pretty sure is not cooked it's crunchy like does this look like cooked spaghetti to you cooked spaghetti should never make this kind of sound nobody the priest every sunday it's definitely al dente at least the flavor is good there's this sour sweetness that i think is the candy that tastes really good now to the actual bad part of this the pasta even in the one that was actually submerged in the sauce i wouldn't even call this al dente like you literally need a serrated knife to eat this it's got this plastic rubber consistency which was exactly the same with the mac and cheese inside the meat i knew it do you see that the bit where it was inside the meat it's literally wrong let me try biting into it oh it's like soap i'm sorry getting spaghetti i would never ever make this again apart from the sauce and the nerds i had to hop on the nature cereal trend that is taking the internet by storm even lizzo posted about it i added my fruit to a bowl with some icing coconut water and i tried it and honestly it was delicious and so refreshing let me know if you try it out in the comments below keeping the tone of the video real everything else that we've seen was so horrifying that this looks good i'm like i'm ready for this i'm excited to get the ingredients and at least give my body something different however just call it a bowl of fruit and water because that's what it is [Music] here we've got a bowl of ice that i kind of tried to crush a little bit because this ice is really chunky i wouldn't be surprised if this one actually tastes good i think the reason why so many people are upset at this video is because people are calling it nature cereal it's because it's clearly not cereal cereal is nature cereal and i do have to agree the only thing i don't have are blackberries and pomegranate but instead of ghosts and raspberries it's nature as well so hopefully it's all going to work out the same i mean there's a lot of ice that is unblended because i don't know why i bought this chunky ice right here's kind of so we're going to add the coconut water the ice sort of disappears and it just it just hits you how sad this whole thing is i don't want to be two blocks of cream cheese in one dish and healthy but i also don't want to be coconut water is milk healthy yes we're gonna get a little bit of ice and a little bit of everything and the coconut water it's so cold it's literally a bowl of ice but it's freezing that hurts your teeth way more than lucky charms i don't know how i feel about the ice but honestly the coconut water with the fruit i'm not mad about this this is basically a deconstructed smoothie that's literally what this is it needs some sugar in here that's the only thing like the coconut water literally has zero sugar even sweetener to keep it healthy that would make this a lot better i would be down for a deconstructed smoothie but nature's cereal let's not it could go somewhere for dinner that you'll ever see i have made garlic toast just kind of flatten them out like this oh my god i knew this was going to be bad no child wants to eat crust i don't care who you are but no kid wants that take those off no child wants to eat butter greased up with your dirty elbows imagine in school what's your favorite food um elbow toast my mom's elbow on on a buttered piece of bread garlic because who doesn't want more garlic just a small dash of milk just enough to get kind of juicy good layer i'm finishing this video here if she puts the toast on top as if it's some kind of gourmet crust that's it i'm out put it in the oven it looks so good does it so good this is my best one yet this this is your best one yet no i don't believe it these people deserve jail time and we deserve it just as much because we're bringing it back to life i ordered a pre-made uh pie case online this is why you shouldn't buy a pie crust on amazon this is not the worst thing that's going to happen to this pie today i'm going to get this part out of the way because this is the most horrifying part of the video and we're doing it it'd be so much better to just spread the butter actually in fact don't even need to spread it leave the butter on there it's gonna go in the oven okay so we put a layer of plastic wrap so it's not as as gross and then i literally hey my life right now it's 4 50 in the morning and i'm spreading butter with my elbows and somewhere in the world it's also 4 50 in the morning and someone just hit the weird part of youtube welcome this is horrifying i have no words for how bad this is i'm really suspicious that the people who actually made this are performing artists or something like that i honestly like this is what i actually think it is but obviously there's no way to actually prove so we're gonna remove the crusts exactly as they've done in the video i mean it shouldn't come as a shock to you guys obviously i keep the other parts of the ingredients that i don't fully use anything that i use in this video that goes to waste i will donate it times 10 i will put it on my instagram so if you're interested in that if i go the time and patience to come here and waste food i should also have the time and patience to do something good with it so so these are our spaghettios these spaghettis are like some knockoff version they honestly look even worse and because the pie is broken this is cursed times a million this looks like an animated food like from like rick and morty or something almost forgot garlic powder goes in the pieces of is this supposed to be garlic bread milk which honestly is just going to go straight to the tin because this is all broken but mmm delicious they've done like two layers of cheese i'm only gonna do that's quite a lot of cheese so i'm only gonna do one layer it goes our bread i only need three slices turns out i hate that i'm trying i will never not try regardless of the cause a blessing at a curse i'm gonna press this down just to flatten it so that's it i think we did the powder we did every single ingredient let's let me reveal oh i thought it wasn't funny let me reveal the crust before i put this in the oven beautiful oh why is he always in his videos in which we're literally recreating one of the most horrible things ever that the reality turns out exactly the same as the original the expectation it maybe this is real maybe these people actually came up with this recipe i mean it did physically structurally it does work oh we need a little bit of a sausage i forgot there's sausages in here literally one bite of everything why does this look good i am so so sorry it tastes good i don't know what to tell you like i don't know maybe it's my taste it's garlicky it's got noodles in it there's not a whole lot of dislike here does it look repulsive am i fully aware yes i'm fully aware i can see it it tastes incredible i will honestly eat this oh my god oh my god it keeps getting worse i don't know what else is going to come next oh wow is there any more variety of coffee oh my god straws why are they presenting this like it's a like it's a spread thing dipping the donuts into the frappuccino i'm the most horrified that somewhere in the world someone has a friend that when they go to their house they're presented with this i love donuts i love for opportunities i love all of these individually i don't get this this is stupid drumroll please because the award for the dumb there's no need for a drumroll this is the dumbest thing in this whole video this one is not only it hits every level cringe pointless dumb wasteful infuriating i'm mad just looking at the image i've got literally exactly the same thing that they used in the video i think well as close as it gets on my channel first one up is mocha coffee i'm not gonna use all of it because i can drink all of this now i'm gonna save this for tomorrow this one is a coca-cola energy drink which i've actually never tried this before they'd need to pay me a lot of money to say good things about this there's not enough budget in the world this tastes really weird this one is atlanta which actually is probably my favorite one out of all of this i've had a lot of energy drinks throughout this whole video this is like this is not good i don't have the exact tray that i used on the tick tock i've got this which is as close it's gonna get this is a starbucks frappuccino caramel flavor the price of this was almost exactly the same as a frappuccino at actual starbucks damn it it's delicious wow i went on this tick tock creators page and basically the whole page is assortments like ways that you can share foods drinks some of them actually seemed really clever some of them were really pointless this being the worst one i think this was the most popular video in their page double shot espresso i'm gonna stay away from this one just taste that is so good i'm gonna have to spin it so you guys can see it but this is basically our assortment of coffees i'm not saying this to like be relatable or whatever like i honestly don't care but i actually don't have a lot of friends or people who come over but those of you who are like extroverts and you've got people over all the time is this something that you'd actually serve to people because i honestly think this is really dumb these are classic powder donuts uh so we're gonna put them in the center which is also what they've done as i'm looking at this this actually is starting to look less stupid and kind of cute i don't know why okay i'm gonna try to stay away from the double espresso except i have no i this is like russian roulette of me actually passing out i'm gonna hit this one because i think it's the marker and that is supposed to be the way you enjoy this i honestly thought it was really stupid for some reason this actually looks cute like i'm not let me that is not this good separately maybe dipped someone please let me know is this something that is socially acceptable to present someone with an arrangement of coffees and energy drinks what by the way i never ask you guys for things but right now i have been nominated for a webby award for food and drink and honestly it's kind of a big deal like if it wasn't a big deal i'd just be like whatever let's get over let's move on from this but it's a huge deal and particularly embarrassing that i'm in last place with three percent of the votes actually i think today we went down to two percent of the votes so that is that's just been an incredible week clearly no one wants to go and vote otherwise we wouldn't be there but like if there's one of you who actually has the time i'm gonna put the link in description down below it's pretty easy i'm gonna put it directly to my category so you don't have to like scroll endlessly you go on it you tap on my face or like everyone else you're gonna tap on someone else's face and that's it it's kind of embarrassing but also there's no other way like you guys are gonna go on the link and see that i'm in last place with two percent of the votes i have to laugh about it there's no other way to process this so it's clear that i'm not gonna win but i would love to be at least in fourth place third place can we do that if you're studying if you've got a job please please don't waste your time please don't go and vote for me this is literally pointless don't do it but in the chance that one of you has like an extra i would say 30 seconds is how much the whole thing will take the link is down below i'm sorry and thank you and i'm sorry and thank you again and once again i am sorry thank you for watching and thank you to those creators who've created these videos i know i might have been harsh on some of you it's all fun and not serious and i think you get it like you go through my other videos you'll realize this is kind of the tone of my youtube channel like we don't take food and cooking very seriously and trust me i have made bigger mistakes than all of these videos put together if you scroll down there's a subscribe button and a notification bell special thank you to those of you who've got my notifications on i love you and i will see you guys on my next video and this is i don't know what this is double espresso okay now we're talking
Channel: Raphael Gomes
Views: 1,028,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raphael gomes, tiktok, cooking, food, compilation, reaction, test, testing, video, videos, tik tok, tiktoker, tik toker, try out, terrible, bad, messy, gross, dish, dishes, reacting, poor, poorly, cringe, cringey, worst
Id: q05gkspqqOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 41sec (3101 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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