i tested ways to PEEL OFF food items IN SECONDS

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[Music] don't you guys just hate when you're peeling off Lobster and you just can't do a good job because that's such an everyday occurrence in my life I'm just joking but I actually love Lobster and you know the whole thing off I'm trash which I am but I also love bougie stuff and any food like lobster that's kind of cold like a high price point I don't know if it's like a mental thing but I tend to love it so just clearing things up right here I've got two different types of lobster tail and I'm gonna explain to you why because I'm getting very scientifical with this video so in the video you can clearly see that they use some lobster tail now the thing that you can see on the video it's whether it's cool whether it's been chilled and cooled down or if it's still warm just like literally fresh off cooking so this lobster tail right here I've actually chilled it in ice so it's really really cool and this one it's still warm it's quite hot actually we're gonna try it with goeth because maybe the temperature does change the result and if this is real or if it isn't like I want this to be fair and I want to give you guys like actual good information otherwise these videos are pointless I get it I'm trying my best I cry at night like thinking about disappointing you guys okay so this one has been chilled down so I'm just gonna do exactly what they did in the video I've got a towel it's dry just a regular towel I guess this is like a good way to do it so we're gonna put this on top and I think you guys can kind of see still so we're just going to press it down on the side else this was way too expensive for me to have many trials so so we press it down quite well not too much because I feel like they don't really squish it down so we kind of looked like that in the video it didn't break yet so then what they do is they place it like this and this is when he breaks so I'm sorry you can't really get a good view of this mud and then in the video it breaks at this point which I can I feel like mrs. character warg hey smells so good as well it smells like seafood steaks which honestly to me it tastes like Lobster maybe you guys should find better youtubers to follow I swear I try so our seafood steak I mean Lobster it's still stuck on the sides a little bit but not too much so it's still kind of stuck I feel like I'm losing like like ten dollars worth of stuff um it's definitely I didn't realise if they had the leg still attached to it in the video that might be what the problem is so when you're done you're kind of left with all the flesh visually not as pretty but I feel like that's the case with a lot of thesis video it's we're gonna try it with the warm one but I'm pretty convinced already I think this works I'm gonna try the same thing but I'm gonna use a little bit more strength this time around because maybe we didn't wow this is probably what it feels like when I get a massage done I've got damage tension I've overdone it a little bit to the point when he already started breaking but I really want to make sure that it wasn't the fact that I didn't use enough strength on the first one that it didn't come off all in one go this is not the workout that I wanted but it's the one that I deserve this works a little better with a warm lobster like that actually came off kind of in like one go look at this like it's obviously like split in the middle but you get all of that skin like this is 100% real like I wasn't entirely sure in the first one it was a little bit messy but we the warm lobster this works even better so I'm glad I actually tried both that's pretty impressive if someone came to your house and you're making lobster which honestly it's never happened in my life but I don't know how you guys live if they saw this they probably think you're like some professional chef like that's pretty like I don't use it on camera that's like next-level seafood presentation like you can see all the red marks it doesn't even look like you struggled opening it and we didn't really so this video is very promising I can no way to try some more of these out tailing off the lobster if you can even call it that 100% of proof this is real it works you literally get no waste I would recommend this over any technique like if you're using like a fork or a knife to try to remove it now oh my god why is this me on tumblr in 2009 this is so embarrassing but did anyone else have a weird like tumblr phase where you just put a lot of plans in your bedroom this was 100% of thing in my life I remember stealing like parsley or whatever it was from my mom's kitchen and put it in my bedroom because I wanted to be like aesthetic people came into my room and everyone was like why does he smell like spaghetti bolognaise and honestly it was worth it but that's not the reason why I bought all of these so basically I bought like three different types of plants and the reason why it is because in the video they only used it with one type of plant which made me feel like maybe it only works sometimes like I always say the point of my video is to actually proof of its real or not and I feel like trying with three different types of leaves like this rule letters know whether this works or not so we should just get started I don't know the names for any of these plans so I can show it to you guys and you guys can like leave in the comment section like number one number two and number three because I know so many of you are like so much smarter than I will ever aspire to be we're just going to put it through the thing one two that's pretty good like I don't know if you can see but that's a pretty good cut like you don't get that much of the stuff that he wouldn't use I mean obviously I didn't really wash this but you can always wash it after once again someone will let you guys know in the comment section we'll plant this is they're all different that's for sure it doesn't even fit into holes this one's got like a root okay one two oops so we caught you might need to pull a few times but I mean the end result is pretty good like that actually seems to work with every single one so far I think this is basil it's got a fairly thick like stem so obviously you might need to find like one of these strainers with like bigger holes one two if you pull it too quick sometimes you kind of struggle a little bit so for this one he didn't work like perfectly oh I thought it was a spider on my arm so for this one it didn't work perfectly like the bit that sort of keeps the leaves together like you still have to remove that but overall I feel like for some specific types of plants and herbs or whatever you call it I feel like this actually works I don't know if you can see that but this looks so wrong it looks like there's an actual like infection growing from the strainer let's see if you guys can see on the inside okay one two that's that's really good like do you see them with some specific like greens like you really does work like perfectly the final result is honestly just a bunch of Leafs that that I guess are much easier to use so I'm gonna approve it in my personal opinion it would be a lot easier to just go with scissors and just sort of remove like a few leaves and then if you're using like different types of them then you would know for sure that it works with different ones and I mean this is probably even quicker than finding every single hole and pulling it I know visually it looks cool but I just wouldn't use it again just keeping it like super real with you guys here we've got the shrimp or prawns is that the same thing that we bought for this video and these are actually they don't have like a head like the part with the eyes and the little whiskers because I don't know it was already removed which was ideal for this video because that's exactly what they use so this is supposed to be a way to peel off your shrimp almost instantly and honestly if this works this is one that I could actually use I hate getting in there in touching those tiny little legs it's like it makes me feel so sorry for the tiny little shrimp also it's super easy because all you need is a fork so this one is very realistic if it works that we all kind of use it so Oh guys I think this will actually work I can feel it separating like you can see the bubbles separating the skin like the shell oh my god I think this is real okay so they kind of go all the way to the end oops okay so this is kind of what they do and then they sort of pull they actually squish it down a little bit more why is he not coming off okay that seemed a lot easier in the video I'm kind of struggling to get oh my god this is working oh my gonna hope you guys can see that ah oh there's not one piece of shell in this like not even like 1% it's the whole I honestly this might be the greatest thing we've ever tried from one of these hi are you kidding me you guys say that that is literally every single piece of like flesh that was in there like it's just empty like that is the exact same size as that I'm gonna try it with a smaller one because these are actually quite big and I know these are like more expensive so loads of people sometimes buy like smaller prawns so you probably want to know if we'd work with smaller ones as well so this one is slightly smaller yeah it's quite a little smaller actually so we're going to do the exact same thing I kind of realized that the key here is don't stab like the meat like the flesh basically you put it very close to the shell that he starts creating air bubbles which is just basically removing itself and then you push it but you have to make sure you stay inside oh the prawn okay we kind of broke there a little Wow I am going to become an expert in seafood I was already an expert in seafood as in I see it I eat it that wasn't really bad Geoghan sorry okay okay so we've got a little bit of that oh my god we removed so much that even the inside of the tail I've never even seen that before it came off and it's like it's edible it's like the same consistency as the rest it's not like hard at all like I never have you guys ever seen that like if you ever removed so much there like if you ever peeled it off so much that like the little tail detail is like Wiggly I kind of want to do this over and over again and like you guys know that I'm really bad at stuff like this I feel like once you get the hang of it like this will become really really fast the bigger the shrimp the easier it is so I'll have to say that but look at that like this is literally taking me like not even 30 seconds and then you pull even that tiny little tail honestly this for me is worth the whole video so I'm excited for the next ones but this this is it before we actually test this out I do have to expose myself for a second because I watched the video back when I go home and I try to get the same exact type of fish and I do think it's the same type of fish but I realized them my piece of fish is a look thinner so it's a lot flatter so I do have to say that if this doesn't work that is a possibility that it might be because mine is really flat and long you know x-ray I am I like to be prepared in case things don't actually work out so what I did was this is not the exact same type of fish but it's a lot thicker as you can see so I feel like if he doesn't work with this one we're gonna give it a try with that one and somehow if it's real I feel like you will work with one of these so let's just give it a try so we're gonna start boiling some water this will get really really hot and then we're supposed to like touch the fish okay so I think this is ready and it's very very hot as you can see so what we're gonna do is pour this on top and in the video the skin sort of like it kind of like it doesn't really curl up for this sort of it gets tight because of the heat so that's okay that is exactly what happen in the video okay so now we wait umm okay let me do a little bit more on this side here so far this is kind of what happened in the video I mean this is really hard so clearly we have to wait it's only it's only been like 30 seconds but it's not that hot so I think we should just give it a try so we're gonna start peeling off from this end oh my god guys oh my god that is so easy okay I kind of broke it a little bit because I was too excited but do you see that I am NOT very good with stuff like this but I feel like if you're careful you do this in one go if you have a lot of patience but the point is it does 100% come off look at that I mean it's still roll of the fish obviously so you still have to cook it so this is kind of confusing on the ways in which you can use this piece of fish are very limited and maybe this is gonna be like the opposite of the plans one maybe this one will work on any type of fish with skin but the water cools down quite quickly okay so I'm gonna try peeling it off okay this is so satisfying oh my god why is that like the best thing I've ever done this week like this was so fun okay if this skin is already removed like sometimes fish is more expensive so this would be one very quick very easy and and free way of removing the skin from your fish and you might get a better deal because you can basically just buy it with the skin on and then remove it I mean you've worked with two completely different cuts and types of fish so I'm so used to giving I don't know how to receive that's kind of the mood for this whole video because this stuff is useful so I cannot wait for the next one I feel like one of these is gonna be really stupid and then we're gonna feel like okay so far so good [Music] in the history of these like trying dislike food hacks and tricks I feel like I've never ever not once said this about one of these hacks but I feel like I'd be lying to you guys if I didn't say what I actually think and I watched back the video on how to peel the orange with a spoon and he just like the second part when he sort of releases the second part of the orange I'm pretty sure that's fake like I've never said that before because I like to believe things and believe people but like the way they do it it just comes off way too easy like zero struggle it obviously doesn't mean that this isn't real because I know a lot of the times they use techniques to make things stand out more and just look easier than he actually is but I would also be lying to you guys if I didn't tell you what I actually think so here's the thing it's very difficult to use a spoon to break into an orange without damaging the inside like this is obviously how did they do that so easy how is this going to slide look I couldn't even go in like how is there such a perfect cut in the video no juice comes out from breaking in like one time do you see how irregular that line is I mean in my work but I've got no idea why you'd use this technique over just using your fingers I guess I said to you guys that there was going to be a dumb one in this video and we've got a serious contender it's the only way to actually cut into this is if you actually destroy the inside of the orange so I'm gonna remove this and you guys are gonna laugh because I can already see what's going on we're literally destroying the inside of the orange and it's not even lifting this is so dumb okay so I'm gonna try to remove it I can't like when people get to know me this is what I have to show on the inside just ugly I tried my best like on this side it wasn't that bad but obviously like the first place where you get a spoon in he actually stays kind of smooth but as you go around it you start to like remove it so it doesn't mean that it doesn't work but it just means that I think this is just way too much Warwick I mean you can see it even better now then like it doesn't even slide and my spoon is like pretty sharp on the sides like I've tried everything maybe sideways actually seems to work a little better I don't think that's how they did it okay see if you remove the top I mean this side is pretty good like a cricket Oreo but this one I mean that alone isn't worth it overall I'm gonna say that this is not it like do you see like these little pieces of orange here you'd still need like a knife to go through it you got juice everywhere I mean I just don't see how this is practical I kind of already like when I watch the video my conspiracy theory senses were like going off like that that doesn't seem like it would work like I mean you guys can give this a try I mean it's just you can still eat the orange even if you fail that's I guess that's a good thing about that that there really isn't waste if this isn't real because I can still eat it now maybe the next one maybe we'll go back to something that actually works so there you go [Music] okay so we're gonna go straight into it because the water is boiling right now so we're gonna drop the peach in the water for 20 seconds I'm kind of nervous that this is going to actually cook the peach because the water is feel like it's been 20 seconds so according to the video once it's been 20 seconds you drop it in very ice water like immediately for around 1 minute so I mean the water is not coating the peach intently okay this is very hard so I'm gonna try to move it me trying to stay away from trouble in life it's really really cold the peach doesn't even feel warm it feels like still tough so I don't think this is cooked the peach in any way I feel like we failed these we might have to give this another try it's been around one minute so I followed the rules really Jessica this is so cold this is colder than the inside of my soul so what we're gonna do is just oh my god nothing's happening why did they make it seem so easy okay if you like maybe we should have boiled it for longer than 20 seconds that didn't feel sufficient even if I use my nails like um I'm pretty sure that is not what I was promised from this thing we might need to boil the peach for a longer than the 20 seconds as you can hear the water is boiling so we're gonna pour it and hopefully this will no melted plastic okay I'm just gonna carry on pouring it for a good 20 seconds just to make sure it's well coated actually a little longer than 20 seconds because oh my god that is really really hot like you can see so I feel like it's not the temperature I meant to use a brand new peach and accidentally I used the same one maybe it works if you do it twice I guess we're going to find out because I mean if it doesn't work let's not waste another peach cuz I'm freezing my fingers here but like I really want to make sure this is cooled down in every possible way so it's been one minute I mean the ice is literally like melting so if there's war not even in the place where I peeled it off earlier it just maybe it's like a different type of peach even if we cut a little bit I just want you to see like how far this is from actually coming off as easy as it did in the video if any of you guys can make this one work please tag me or like Instagram or Twitter or whatever I will send you a price if you show me this working because I actually want like I feel like this could be actually useful because it's like one minute and 20 seconds it's not that long like I can see if you're going to eat a peach like that's just a very small fraction of time feel like a lot of people could actually use this so I am sad because it was counting on this one to work [Music] for this one I want to do things a little bit different because I've gone no doubts that using a spoon it will work to bail this off my question is how different is it than using a knife I feel like this is just one of those things where they run out of ideas and they're like what about a spoon to Pillar ginger like it could be one of those moments or I could be wrong which I am most of the times so instead of just testing whether it works to use the spoon I'm gonna test it with a knife and see if it's easier to peel off the ginger with a knife or with a spoon so in the video they imply they fuse a knife you have to cut like a big chunk and that's wasteful so you're actually losing a lot of the ginger root because I mean if you're cutting you chunk like they did in the video like a freaking psychopath but I just wanted to test off because I feel like you can also just peel it off using a knife look at that like I don't know if you can see that on camera but using a knife you can peel it off as well like and you only get these like tiny little fragments that are literally just skin that literally took me I would say like 20 seconds not even that so you could do the whole thing in like a minute just in case you forgot that you can use a knife like that as well so I'm gonna use a spoon obviously and see okay okay I'm not gonna lie it's pretty easy with a spoon because you don't accidentally cut like any pieces even though I kind of had my mind up like on this one cuz I thought they were just making something up I'm gonna give it to them here's the thing you can definitely do it with a knife like it is possible to remove the skin with a knife without making any damage like without actually cutting chunks but I do have to say that using a spoon I don't know if you can see it's a lot easier and quicker and the reason why it is is because you're not worried about like actually cutting a huge chunk like just only the skin comes off with a spoon I mean it is kind of difficult in some area so you'll stitches a knife to sort of remove so you can sort of go around it so that is my opinion it's real it's possible I'm actually surprised but it's not the only way obviously so I've been so traumatized by other food hacks and tricks that we've tried by the same people that created these that they didn't work before so I thought that like this video was going to be a complete disaster but actually I would say that 80% of the hacks that we try to work and I'm gonna say that the ones with this seafood and the fish those work the best out of anything in this video I feel like the fruit ones I like to keep things very real and those are like kind of difficult to tell if they're going to work because obviously fruit is like you can buy fruit in different stages and sometimes that might be the reason why it isn't working because it's no ripe enough or just you know it's just difficult so that might have been the reason why those failed a little bit so please drag me the comment section if I've done something wrong or if you think there is a specific reason why something didn't work I deserve it I can handle it but as usual I had so much fun I hope you guys had fun I would love to do a part two of these and I would also love to just test more ways that you guys might know on how to peel off foods or do things in a much more efficient way so if you've got tips let me know in the comment section down below if you'd like a part two don't forget to give the video a like I always say that because giving the video a like is like the quickest thing you can just tap the button and move on and go watch whatever you want to watch so those of you who like this content I would really appreciate if you could tap the subscription button and also the little bell so every time I put up a new video one of these YouTube will send you a notification and that obviously helps me just to plan out the series in my head and feeling a lot better I know I was sick last week and I feel like I have mentioned that in every video but I just wanted to make sure that if I wasn't like myself like 100% you knew the reason why it was because I was really really sick I'm still like no fully recovered but like I'm ready to like try all these hacks and things I've also got different videos coming up this week so not only this food like tricks I've got other stuff as well so just just wait I've got a lot coming up of like trying to sort everything out in my head but I love you and I hope you had fun that's like the main thing for me and I will see you guys on my next video which is probably gonna be tomorrow or in one day very very soon bye bye
Channel: Raphael Gomes
Views: 1,059,308
Rating: 4.8971548 out of 5
Keywords: raphael gomes, blossom, peel off, peel, peeling, test, tested, shrimp, lobster, sea food, prawn, shell, remove, quick, fast, hack, short cut, item, items, foods, fruit, fruits, oranges, real, tried, easy, easy peasy peeling, hacks
Id: Vu25uS6oh4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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