I ate like my ANIMAL CROSSING character for 24 hours

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good morning guys and welcome to my island I love Animal Crossing Animal Crossing is things that are important in my life Animal Crossing my family for the next 24 hours so breakfast today until tomorrow morning's breakfast I can only eat foods that have been featured on Animal Crossing so I went online surprisingly there is this website which is the Animal Crossing Wikipedia basically surprisingly more interesting than the regular one I said what I said we're doing breakfast we're doing lunch afternoon snack dinner we might even do dessert support breakfast I've decided that we are going to make an afternoon tea tower or whatever this is this is one of the most visually interesting foods on Animal Crossing and even though it's an afternoon tea set we're gonna have it for breakfast because all the items in it are like fruit sandwiches I feel like they also work for breakfast and also look schools so I bought this same cake stand from Animal Crossing the production value even when the world is ending later in the video we might even go fishing so I'm assuming we are going to start with I love when my plate as a whole in it I was having an ice-cream win the world is finally out of food so that is basically it there's only one left which is the one in the bottom and this is officially our animal it doesn't look the same but it's close enough right starter main dessert it also tells you if you buy these foods on the game this one costs exactly 536 Belle's I think we're gonna start with the bottom which is it seems to me like it's a tomato and cheese sandwich in the description it just says afternoon set I don't think I'm gonna slice the tomatoes too thin I've got the best plan so I'm gonna slice the cheese into four this is genius a mathematician and now who knew I had this intellectual capacity so I'm gonna save these for like French toast or something honestly these days this is the only bread I've golf for like three weeks and I'm joking so here we got the cheese and the bread and oh my god that looks that looks really close I'm gonna put my animal crossing' friend code I don't know what it is I'm gonna put in description down below so you guys can see free things you can send me free things anytime in real life Animal Crossing any platform you want I'm gonna make a few of these and then put them on these little sticks that's really cute and this is our second one we're definitely gonna need more than that like imagine Oh tiny this would look in this giant plate it does look very similar to the video game so we're probably gonna need like maybe six on each side I would never make these cute little sandwiches in my real life if it wasn't for Animal Crossing I would never do it so so thank you Tom Nook I already owe you a lot of bells a lot of money and we get this part is so satisfying - how does it look so tiny me this literally took me like half an hour so these are our bottom sandwiches honestly I think that looks really really similar right now moving on to the second layer this is like a checkered cake like a marble checkered cake and then this I'm assuming it's like just a different kind of cake it's really blurry so it's really really hard to tell I managed to find this checkered cake oh why does this look so good okay let me slice from this side cuz it looks slightly better so I'm gonna do quite a generous slice I mean you only eat Animal Crossing foods once in your life I think this video is gonna feel a law like the video game because this is like it's not really difficult that it's not a challenge it's just like the foods are really cute so the other one I'm just gonna do a slice of walnut cake because the color is cleaner similar that is a weird slice they're both there so I'm just gonna try to do like so now we're gonna move on to the top layer which is I think like the most interesting cuz it's fruit I've never sliced like here in my life I just realized so I think this is pretty good so I'm gonna slice it in half I can't really tell if that's a lemon or an orange I'm gonna use an orange because that's the fruit that I got on my own animal crossing islands but it could be a lamb and I colorblind okay so the orange comes on this side now for the strawberry and the blue Bree I'm sure you've read the news some things are hard to find so I got some strawberries that I'm gonna they are frozen but it'll be like biting into like an ice cream you know why right there in the back they've got a little pot of chocolate so so I'm gonna make my own like chocolate dip I need to microwave this before before I start eating it the only last thing that we're missing is that there's a little piece of cake in the back that I honestly I can't fully understand what that is I am going to slice some of that walnut cake from before and because it's white I'm gonna use some whipped cream yes and then the last thing on top is a cherry so that literally looks unreal look at that slice of cake so this is my best effort and recreating the animal crossing afternoon tea for breakfast thank yous that we've done that's pretty good right it's not exactly the same but I would say that it's like 80% accurate I mean we forgot the lettuce and the chocolate burn I don't know if that's healthy but Tom Nook health insurance coming out we're about to dive into our Animal Crossing afternoon tea for breakfast I hope that makes as much sense as anything I say in my videos the chocolate burned in the microwave oh oh I don't know where to start with should we start with a frozen blueberry me when I finished two weeks worth of food in the first three days of staying home surprisingly frozen blueberries are pretty good oh my god brain freeze this needs some hay or something is bread it's way past its expiry date it's really really dry it's like the literally hard to swallow it's pretty good I mean I don't this is a good breakfast I would have never made such a big breakfast for me unless I was filming of a Lucas you're I'd be just scared of running our foods this is like having like a buffet at home so now we're gonna go for some cake looks so good oh wow should we even attempt to try this burn Charlotte like it smells really burn that's so bitter but why do I like that bitter flavor Wow I'm gonna keep my fishing hat because next time I see you guys it will be lunch and or lunch spoiler alert we're gonna go fishing Oh in case you're wondering what we're having for lunch well lunch days hi so this is our lunch which you know what doing this on here feels very similar to what it's like on Animal Crossing like I could do this forever imma sell this to Timmy for a whole lot more than it's worth okay so let me put lunch back where I came from so here we've got a list of all the fish on Animal Crossing so the one that we just caught this is a Scottish mackerel I think some games have the exact same when other ones just have and mackerel in general I don't know eat in it we had to do it for lunch so that's going to be our lunch and then for a site for a fish I found this dish that I thought it's really interesting this is called a veggie basket at the price of 100 bells we're doing this on very limited ingredients so I'm gonna try my best so I think a huge part of it went in the bottom just a lot of green I could only find frozen corn so that is what we're going to use I was smaller than that one but it will do so let me put some spinach in the bottom it's funny because we've got like a basket full of spinach but once we cook this it becomes I'm trying really hard to make this look like real sweet corn but it's clearly frozen look at the it's weighing down on the spinach the end of the world is happening me trying to present a fruit basket Wow that is literally why I love I'll see so much because that is what I do you may have to move this sweet corn a little bit okay I don't know what these red or orange thing is but I'm assuming these carrots on the side so we're gonna do some carrots as well Oh cauliflower Wow this takes basically all the space I think this right here is like a beet I don't know but we got one of those I mean this looks great actually this makes me want to change my life and start any vegetables it honestly looks really similar we also can't forget about there we go there we go okay okay there we go one my animal crossing island I've got like a barbecue just outside my house so this is as close as we're gonna get to a barbecue here wipe the veggies smelling like antibacterial just like grandma used to make I think this one is a vegetable then you can barbecue I wish I could use some salt olive oil those don't make an appearance on Animal Crossing so a frozen corn why not what else should we make can you grill some carrots what's my note I've never seen anyone do like grilled carrots this is gonna become nothing it's not a lot of food but if I want more I can always come and make more like off-camera oh my god this isn't even close because of the frozen corn we might need to remove the frozen corn Wow so I'm gonna clear up some space and I'm gonna add the fish already skin side down I hope this doesn't stick cause like I'm not using any oil or anything we could also use a little bit more spinach otherwise I'm gonna be hungry in like five minutes and watch it disappear david copperfield of vegetables we've left this to cook for way longer than he probably needed but I just wanted to make sure that I'm not gonna eat raw fish as far as I'm aware there's no sushi or animal crossing an animal crossing cooking mama collaboration I literally let's have a look at what I think is the most like authentic exactly where you'd expect from an animal crossing launch not a single grain of spice and salt inside it's just like being at my grandparents house only could the carrots are falling apart could be raw it does look cooked but it could be wrong I'm gonna live well honestly that's pretty good like you could definitely be more cooked than that hey why is it so dry so here's the moment that I've been waiting for I really want the fish to be crossed you on the other side good it's definitely really healthy but we did manage to cook everything let's dive in these are so dry they're almost like a soggy chair there's like fish I have a feeling the whole thing will taste like fish no that's right oh my god these carrots are incredible they do taste like fish everything does I don't love fish so I'm a little bit the things I do for you Isabel surprisingly the fish is like the best part this is how my animal crossing character has been eating honestly has nothing to complain about I would be lying if I said that I'm gonna go back for seconds because I'm not but I do think it could be worse so honestly no bad next time make sure you guys we're gonna have some afternoon snack which i think is one of the most exciting meals of the whole video because it's specifically Japanese meals so surprisingly I'm not too hungry because breakfast was actually pretty good I mean as you can see we cleaned up breakfast a breakfast buffet that no longer is I do think this one is on the same level of breakfast once again I went through the foods on Animal Crossing and I found a cheese tart this was on the Wikipedia page and also it costs 350 Belle's which is actually quite a lot so this better be delicious when I first saw this cheese tart I thought this is basically a cheesecake but then I was thinking the game comes from Japan it's a very likely that this cheese tart is a specific dish that I've never heard of so a lot of research later I found what is called hokkaido cheese start i think this is a place in japan and it's basically a traditional she start from Japan so I'm really excited to try this because I've never made anything like this it's definitely pushing the limits of like savory and sweet I've basically measured all the ingredients so that this is like easy to follow up so the filling is a mixture of mascarpone cream cheese and sugar and the weirdest ingredient Parmesan cheese like Parmesan cheese and sugar in the same recipe it's too weird that you just have to work so we also need some butter this is supposed to be regular cow milk but I actually don't have any cow milk because I don't even know what this says almond hazelnut something like that I don't know and they also put some vanilla extract in it we're also gonna need a whole egg and then the other egg is just to brush on top really important according to the recipe we need the zest of a lemon and this is basically the failing of our hokkaido animal crossing' cheese pie so I mean you can mix this if you have like a mixer but mine is really heavy honestly so I just use it as a Croatian chef so I'm gonna just try to blend this oh it's because it's cheesy could be that I just melts sea bass and like cheese in the best way I feel like I just got a glimpse of what this is gonna taste like and it's good here's the interesting part so now for the the crust around the pie I've decided to use some pizza dough and the reason why I decided to use some pizza job was I bought this for a video and it expired four days ago and I just thought it's probably fine still and it smells great so I precooked this for like 10 minutes I even poked some dots in it a baker I'm really bad at making savory foods but when it comes to breaking it's nice that it's definitely still a bit lumpy but it is quite thick so I'm assuming that it's going to look great just wow not the consistency I was hoping for wow there's a chunk of butter in the middle of it you know what flavor I cannot believe I almost forgot about this but this is one egg yolk so I think the recipe asked to brush the sides and then this part is gonna be really weird for I'm sure like six of you guys onto that recipe they also brush like the actual top so we're gonna do it I do hope that this goes like all nice and like brown there's some of the few drinks that I could find it's called a cup of mint tea and that's basically what it looks like the price for this one is 75 Belle's a deal so I'm gonna make this really quickly before we get before we get our pie it's almost like bubblegum so mine is auntie I read on google that mint tea is supposed to be so sweet just sometimes it doesn't even need any sugar like is it's sweet naturally I don't know I don't know what kind of mint tea these people are having but that's actually really nice no honestly is really nice so I'm gonna keep this image here in case it looks similar or not at all so this is what the tart is supposed to look like it smells really nice [Music] please look at the image at the cheese Hokkaido tart from Animal Crossing and now look at mine I mean the crust looks very similar to the image I wish it was a little paler but overall turns out I don't have any mint Leafs or anything that is sweet so the only thing I've got is bay leaves there we go so this is our animal crossing honestly kind of looks like similar to the photo I don't know how but it does look kind of similar oh my god we definitely should never use pizza dough I'm gonna attempt to get a slice the good news is the filling comes out on its own I'm trying to get this to cool down but something tells me that it's never gonna cool down somewhere as well remember when I said that this is a very confusing recipe in the sense that I don't know if it's savory or sweet that is exactly what I think once I tried it it mean it's good but is this savory is it sweet who knows it's one of those things that I'm gonna eat the whole thing and still be confused at the end oh my god oh I'm gonna stop eating out because I do want to save this for later because I want to make dinner right now I think I'm gonna enjoy dinner and I think I really need that right now so I'm looking forward to that welcome to dinner as you can see oh my god we've got a lot of food sitting on this table and we've got a lot to do so for the savory option for dinner which is the main thing I am grateful for the fact that I don't have to cook it it comes pre-made kind of it is fish and chips and the price of it 350 bells I had know if anyone's interested so I'm gonna do oh that actually that's not bad that looks pretty similar so you got two pieces of fish you'll be lucky that I live in England so most of our chips are chunky ones I mean this is already kind of looking like the dish so this is going to be my savory option for dinner which is pretty easy and this is definitely not a challenge not in preparation so that seems to be yeah I think this is let's do a few more so here's the part that I've been waiting for us so this is our sweet option finish to the day I wanted to finish with like an iconic like animal crossing dish a log cake a thousand six hundred pounds that is definitely made by a new corporation so this is what it looks like it's honestly insane I feel like you can't even see exactly what's going on on this image normally I would just use like a Betty Crocker cake mix but I actually made this from scratch this is from the BBC website so if you want to search it looks pretty good so wait there's a bit of fish on my cake Troy I butter this tin and then I sprinkle some flour on top so I'm gonna bake my dinner all of the same time so this is gonna bake for around 10 minutes surprisingly low at 200 degrees so you know a lot cake is supposed to be really thin maybe this is even too thin I don't know if that's possible it's looking like it's possible I made a really smooth batter like I did this by hand why can I see my reflection in this and also why do I hate it so we're gonna bake this all at the same time this one for 10 minutes I think this one is for around 25 minutes so I'm gonna let this one sit for a while while we wait for this to cool down for the remaining time this was surprisingly quick well like it looks it right if this takes this whole dessert and like just my dinner my day will be ruined one two it's so much easier to just buy something from Betty Crocker okay so let's hope that this is like [Music] that worked so we need to wait for this to cool down before we apply like the center of the log like it looks right so I've got all the stuff that we need for decorating I think they use some newspaper on the image but I didn't have any newspaper I'm sure that doesn't come as a shock I cut these out of a book I know people are gonna be mad but these were the index pages I was never ever going to read them and I made sure to leave some space so the book doesn't fall apart so I've ruined a book for my fish and chips the level of cares I'm giving in this video is been decreasing coronavirus could never so I'm gonna put this aqueous one on the bottom if you look at it from this angle it looks similar I guess then we're gonna dump the chips I was working all day deserve this I deserve this meal a true DIY these are like a little coffee - Garlick Nespresso cops so I cut them so that we can put the salsa make sure we don't point that weird water does that would ruin my life are you for real see this one comes out just fine we've got some parsley to put on top last thing we need this is still the lemon that were used for the pie earlier it's a little chunkier than in the image also me when I finish the granting this is officially our animal crossing fish and chips it looks really similar like I really I really did put the effort in this one let's go into the ketchup let's do the mustard on the other side I'm gonna give you guys an ASMR that wasn't crunchy at all I would never go as far as put lemon like in presentation next to things but when he does come with lemon on the side I do use it anyone horrified there and having there's been mustard ketchup I like it so this is basically it and you can also if you if you're feeling like fantasy you can dip it in like soy sauce or whatever mmm I just ate my body weight in potatoes the last thing I want to do right now is be on camera like I literally don't want to be here right now this is becoming like a 48-hour food challenge because I'm not gonna be able to eat anything else tomorrow with insane amount of leftovers and also I've eaten so much so this is a cream cheese frosting that I made it's literally cream cheese and icing sugar how much icing sugar what do you think you've done a lot a little bit more my hope is that when we add Nutella this is gonna go like a light shade of brown which I do want it to be like contrasting because I'm gonna show you the photo of the animal crossing item in a second but it looked very contrasting the reason why this is so wow that looks really cool like I don't know what that looks like it's cool turns out the collar is kind of right I didn't need any cocoa powder this is actually even a little bit too dark if anything like it's kind of matching there we're gonna be easier to just do this we're gonna need that much inner layer the frosting was made by me like I didn't follow a single recipe so if anyone wants a recipe there is none this is a lot of icing sugar so this is kind of what we wanted I guess I don't know guys how do we do this without breaking the cake it's little impossible oh no it is breaking no we're gonna need a lot of decorating it's gonna be fine because we do have to frost it it looks like a log after a storm oh my god it looks so much like a log like no need to do that crying look at that I feel like the edges look a little bit cross this I'm just gonna remove them and hopefully it's going to look satisfying inside nope at this point both me and the log are ready to check out we're ready to log out all right this is literally gonna take a lifetime it's looking like something I don't know what it is but it's looking like that so this is in my defense my frosting making abilities are pretty good cream cheese in the towel icing sugar who knew name a more iconic trio me diabetes and salmonella honestly I don't know what the opposite of promo is but this is the opposite of promo for animal crossing after this that one's gonna burn they're copies my burn might surprisingly this side looks a little bit better it seems like I might need to cut a whole chunk of the cake sister bad idea can you believe that someone can make this and then in five minutes I'm going to ask you to subscribe to my channel now that's the biggest joke let's go towards the presentation so I'm gonna be using some of these fake flowers I found one of these in my house and I was like perfect it's not edible but it doesn't even matter I swear to you it looks so much worse on camera than it doesn't really live up here I don't understand what that is I think there's like a tree but I'm not even gonna try where's Isabelle when I need her it's not looking that bad so there is a flower somewhere I don't know I'm just gonna put it perfect we didn't even manage to get the little swirly thing correct I'm knowing we're gonna apologize I'm just gonna I'm gonna grab a fork and just shut my mouth I don't want to talk about this I never ever want to talk ever again I don't really know what we've done here but we've done it and it's too late now so I'm gonna try to avoid all the plastic flowers in here I'm just gonna try this for you guys because I literally I'm not even hungry I feel like I've eaten so much today Bon Appetit wow there's a lord who go I wish I could say I hate it but I don't it tastes like a brownie like a Nutella Romney with a little bit too much sugar and by a little bit I mean like a lot but honestly if you're willing for the cream cheese frosting like that really does help hear it like it comes through it a little bit so there it's not too sweet even the way it is too sweet I just realized I forgot to put the mushroom in here well I knew there was something I was missing I have this like mushroom that looks exactly the same as the one in the photo that would that wouldn't have changed anything I don't know somehow it blends into the whole mess of this I really hope you guys enjoyed this video I freaking love Animal Crossing even after today I still love it it is probably in like my top two video games of all time I wish I spent the day playing it but I spent the day living it and somehow I didn't hate it so I hope you guys didn't hate it if you liked it I would really appreciate if you could give this video a like if maybe you want to watch more of this 24 hour of video game videos let me know in the comment section as well what other suggestions have you got I do take you guys's ideas and I've always credit whether it's like on Instagram or whatever it is I credit you guys in the description down below if I go to a video idea from you guys so thank you to those of you who leave suggestions for more fictional food videos also before I go I'd really appreciate if you guys could subscribe to my channel if you haven't yet only subscribe if you like my videos so if you didn't like this well I do have different stuff so you might want to check that out but also if you don't like the other stuff then don't subscribe at all but those of you who keep my notifications on thank you like literally would not be here making videos if it wasn't for those of you or click that little notification bell and I will say it every time until the day I die I wouldn't go to bed so that's it out of all the days I've lived it was only one of them I don't know if I hated it I loved it I love you guys I'm gonna go take the biggest nap on my entire life and I will see you guys on my next video which is we really gonna see I think tomorrow all right
Channel: Raphael Gomes
Views: 282,144
Rating: 4.9452271 out of 5
Keywords: raphael gomes, animal crossing, 24 hours, food, challenge, character, eating, ate, like, for a day, daily, foods, fruit, fishing, fish, vegetables, island, nintendo, nintendo switch, new, horizons, new horizons, basket, insects, bugs, 24, hour, isabelle, villagers, nook, tom, fresh, gardening
Id: OrlYvVXa2XE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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