i tested food hacks using ICE CUBE TRAYS

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oh Jesus alright so you've seen the clip and honestly we're gonna give this a try I'm gonna try my best to not have prejudgment but to be honest this whole video just seems like a bunch of stuff that Lawson came up with there I don't know but we're still gonna give it a try so in order to try this we need some fresh pasta dough is that what you call it fresh pasta I've never attempted to make ravioli or fresh pasta to be honest so it's one of those hacks that is for a complete different demographic that is the opposite of me fresh pastas like tough so I'm gonna attempt to roll this out to the shape of the eye strike and before everyone makes fun of me I'm going to be using a can of monster because I don't have rolling him and this is the closest thing I've got in my house obviously for this step like you can buy this already pre-made I just couldn't find it but if you live in like Italy I mean just get into a vending machine is that what Italy is like plus things vending machines fresh plastic is honestly I'm done for the idea I'm kind of joking but I do think that if this works this is really cool a lot of this stuff on this video is truly life-changing like if you guys make food a lot or if you're just excited about food hacks this is like one of the best like selection of food hacks that I've seen all of that using this so far so cared like we managed to actually maybe should be a little bit bigger because we need more surface area because it's gonna go into the tiny little holes alright so the first thing they're doing the video is spray them strays so we're gonna be doing that I mean with this kind of stuff I've learned my lesson that more is more you don't want everything to be stuck in there so I'm not playing any games here we're gonna lay this on top of the ice tray okay we've got full coverage wait how do they do that oh my god because there's air in it look at this it comes back like you literally barely hold shape this is the kind of stuff being never showing this videos like how do you get rid of the air that is underneath like I don't like we have to lift it on the sides I feel like I'm gonna break it but there's no other way to do it other than press it in I guess that's kind of working this is as good as he gets I have to move quickly because basically they always come back to its original shape because obviously the doll it's not stretching all the way down and also there's like air pockets I don't know how they did in the video let's move quickly because I'm getting really stressed about the situation so this is ricotta cheese which is exactly what they used so this is some Italian seasoning so we're gonna fill in each pocket just you know I'm gonna have my fingers for this look at the pockets are so small like I honestly cleaned up hope that you guys can tell on camera look this one use leave and fully I don't even know what's gonna happen I'm just going to do it and then we'll see like I'm actually doing my best here like I'm not trying to be like sloppy I say this I'm using my fingers you might all just come together the end like sometimes that does happen so this should be the last step I think this will work out kind of so we're going to put this so now we're gonna press it down that's what they did in the video guys when I try to press it down like they did in the video there's like air pockets the top layer won't stick down because there's so much Eric and pushing it up we're just gonna trim with a knife because that's what they've done it in the video all right this actually look as I say it looks like literally solid and perfect so what I'm gonna be doing is I'm going to put this in the freezer for maybe like Wally and Howard maybe these just came out of the freezer it looks a little bit darker than before and it feels like a little bit more solid in the video they never show us how they cut this so it could be please I've been working on this for like an hour I made pasta please tell me this is gonna come out oh my god this is honestly the dumbest thing ever it shouldn't be that difficult to get this out this is why if you guys go and watch the video and they just skip the part where they've done it because this is what you would see these ones are the problem okay so in the end um this is what it looks like I mean it is frozen that's why it's easy to move it but confident on this also they're very doughy I don't really know how I feel about this whole process but I mean we do have a ravioli is it the prettiest ravioli in the world um it's not I didn't say only this one actually has like a tiny little hole in it you see the white filling I don't really know if this will cook without bursting like if it's truly going to hold on there's some of these have already burst and we haven't even put this in any temperature so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pull this and I'm gonna show you whether this works or not so as you can see I didn't cook all of them I cooked around five of them just so just so we can truly test it out so it wasn't overcrowded in the pan this is so thick hmm they also don't look very up so we've got a broken one and four of them that didn't break so that's good statistics is kind of bizarre and then it's so thick and I know that is partially my fault because obviously it has to do with the rolling out of the pasta this would be really difficult to make it with very thin dough like I'm not saying it would be impossible but oh my god it's literally filled with air like I'm joking there's so much empty space this is like the Lay's of raviolis like it's literally 80% err 20% filling just down in the back personally I would never ever do this again but obviously I mean you guys saw the whole process in a very like authentic way like you saw me struggling with like basically every step of the way it is approved I think it works I don't think this is easier than making ravioli in the normal way so is it really a Hank I don't know you guys let me know this next would better work because I actually microwaved every single piece of chocolate that I found in my house this is like the most amount of chocolate like I've ever seen in my life if this actually fails I will personally drive or fly the blossom offices and I will ask for my money back the you ultimate Karen moves so what they basically do is they just pour the chocolate literally all over it like it covers the full thing and then they add more stuff like I don't know how it didn't overflow in the video like he actually doesn't make sense but I'm gonna do it the way they've done it oh I'm excited for it but also slightly worried I've just wasted on my chocolate all right can you see that it's not even filled I Squarehead like 1 kilogram of chocolate here this is fine okay so they basically cover the whole tall like we have to smooth it out as you can see but that's actually like these actual colors very very similar so for the next step what they do is they place one raspberry on every single little hole and then they push it in but they push it in all at the same time like I don't know if they do that for like visual purposes which is something that we're not concerned about on my channel we're still gonna do it so I'm gonna prove one raspberry so they didn't like the pointy side of oh no oh that that is not pointy side up he still looks appetizing for nothing like you did in their video this is it oh my god that actually looks so good like I want to eat this just like that and knowing with the kind of turn sideway so basically we're gonna press every single one of them until it's fully like submerged this is so weird because this is an overflow like this is not gonna last for every do you see every time I push one in this is closer and closer the breaking point also me at every single video I make this is actually holding on really well I guess it's because chocolate is thicker than I was thinking in my head so it doesn't really spill that easy oh my god that looks so good so what they do after I sprinkle some nuts on top Oh was the strawberries first oh well this is honestly looking like it snacks sometimes people say that about other people but I know I actually mean that so we're gonna cut some strawberries because they did some like present oh all right so we're gonna do like so far the most stressful part has been cutting the strawberries but I'd actually want to say that in comparison to the first one this is like this one is actually like not that much work to do like this actually makes sense so there we go guys this looks exactly and I really want to show you but it will spill I mean I guess I could clean it out it's not more than okay guys so here we've got the final product like we can actually move it now there's like soon its way it looks like it's cracking like maybe I can making this out but honestly really looks like it but I mean it is solid it did solidify so I want to see how they did in the video I think they just flip it like I'm so stressed about this in the video they don't show how they cut it do you guys see like they always do this because it's like the most important part but I mean I guess we're gonna have to do it how do we do this without breaking this doesn't make any sense should we just break it like like you do with a nice it's not coming off Oh Oh bleep our I'm so excited we got it it's all coming off now this is also very satisfying and somehow it didn't break like I mean they did crack a little bit like it's still like solid so I mean I'll give them props for that but I mean what is the point of adding the strawberries in the end do you see what I'm saying if they're not gonna like they should be aligned perfectly with every cube because otherwise ago awkward that is overall this is great this is really good like if you look at it from this side like that looks okay I want to show you guys the center please excuse my Pikachu band-aid I freaking love chocolate I love all the ingredients in this this is like a really good treat for me so I may be biased but the whole process went pretty smoothly like this was fun to make so for that reason I'm gonna improve of this one and this is actually one of my favorite in general hacks from blossom 100% approved the sushi is kind of been my favorite food for like the last two years so I'm obviously very excited for this one and I'm just gonna say that if this works if using an ice tray to make Sur she if you manage to actually get the sushi out of here I'm 100% gonna approve this so easy and the reason for that is because I don't know if you guys have ever tried to make sushi at home but it is a literal nightmare so who ever like cooks this like on a daily basis I have so much respect because I could never there is a reason why we've never made sushi on my channel and that's because I suck at it so the process for this one isn't too complicated you basically need like all the stuff they want in your sushi and also some sushi rice which mine is still a little bit warm but it should be fine so I'm gonna be using some avocado and also some smoked salmon and that's basically going to be just the two toppings that I'm gonna use I put no idea to get a slice of avocado like perfectly because that's kind of what they've done in the video of this channel looking very easy so this is gonna be our first one which is gonna be just avocados and this is honestly like you just literally put it in there you don't need to put like any spray or anything in this one so I'm gonna do the first two just avocado for this next one I'm gonna use some seaweed so just gonna cut I guess you'll be interesting to see if this is gonna stick to the bottom of it because I can see that happening so we're gonna do seaweed and then also some avocado at least the smoked salmon is really easy to cut so for the very last one I'm gonna try to do like make across with the seaweed this is like this is just a test whether this is actually gonna work or not so if the last one comes across I'll be very impressed with this once you're done with your design this is really easy basically just fill in the tiny little holes with Sochi the only thing I'm kind of concerned is about whether this is gonna come out of here or not this process is that we know as well as the last one but not as stressful as the first one so you know it's called potential I'm trying to use literally every part of my arm to make this stick okay so this is gonna be good enough I need to wash my hands and clean it up so it's been around one hour and as you can see I did clean it up a little bit it feels a lot more solid it's also called in the video they literally did this that was it and then he sort of came out so wait let me place I mean how amazing would it be if we literally lifted and every single so she's like placed on here that would make me so happy oh why do I always believe everything the version of the world in my head is very different than reality alright I have to do every single one individually yeah I mean that kind of looks cute but also the applicator went all mushy listen out okay that one actually looks really good alright so we managed to get every single one of them out and like oh I'm so glad I bought this so you guys can see that the contrast the avicad of his own mushy and like I don't know like the designs like this was supposed to be a cross and it's just it's interesting it is definitely better than any sushi that I could have made myself like I gotta keep it real this may be unexpected but the reason why I'm gonna approve this one is because I think I might have pressed it a little hard to get it out but it was honestly really difficult I think we should have sprayed it maybe I did skip the step in the video I don't think I did I will rewatch it after um I don't think I did if I have let me know in the comment section but I don't know I don't know we could have possibly done for these to come out easy because I actually love the idea of this and I think it's got potential so for that reason I'm gonna say that it's improved maybe I didn't do it the best way I know this one sounds kind of dumb like there is nothing really to prove that it just seems to make sense but I've got this personal theory that this one is just pointless like this is not an actual issue I don't think you will be able to taste the difference from regular eyes to eyes that is made of the drink so in order to test this I'm gonna test both drinks one maybe three lies and one made with the actual drink frozen and if I can taste that one is better than the other then I'll approve this and think that this is worth it so on this side I've got some tea Wow wow this is I'm usually proud of spilling tea but not today I'm gonna do the coffee on this what is wrong with me I do the best is this so deeply felt like it this is a little easier I hate this and also how am I gonna move this in the freezer now like this is see already I don't like this like this is like way too difficult like how am I gonna carry this maybe I shouldn't have filled it up so much well so here we've got our ice cubes they are this side I think it's coffee and I think this one is tea I mean yep back from the tea and definitely coffee well that is better okay so there goes the tea all right I mean I would say these are roughly the same amount of ice maybe this one even is go a little bit more ice so if anything this is like not helping my case but the coffee on this side oh we gonna just came up with something this week off here we go that's a neck oh that would melt and then I would say that's good and I'm gonna do the exact same thing on the second one on the ice Lawson claims that this hack exists like the reason why they created it was because whenever you're having a drink and then you put ice in it and the ice melts and it gets too diluted and then it's like too watery so that's exactly what we're gonna test out I'm gonna wait for both of the access to melt maybe not fully but like close to being like maybe halfway melted which is kind of already happening and then we're gonna taste it and see if this ones have got more flavor than the regular ice this is very sick it's only been a few minutes but the drinks are kind of melted already a little bit so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna place them on the plate maybe share do I hope it doesn't spill so I'm gonna give all of them in this one okay I'm gonna spin this a law for a long time and did like fully lost track of where the drinks are like I honestly like I actually mean this that I have no idea where anything is so I mean you can stop alright even let's go the other way okay so I'm gonna grab this drink right here I hope nothing falls all right so this is coffee so I'm gonna put it here um all right so we might need a little bit more ice I always said I would spill the tea I just didn't just gonna taste them okay so this is the one with this is the one with actual coffee as ice and this is the one with water as ice oh my god I hate myself because I I was trying to prove it but actually doesn't make any sense this tastes so much stronger than the one with water it's literally like completely different drinks this one is so strong with the iced coffee that he makes this one tastes like tea like it's honestly crazy I was literally double checking to make sure these were the tea's in conclusion I am an idiot never ever listen to me I am literally covered in tea like it's something so ridiculous I swear it's no joke like I spilled the tea for real I'm glad I didn't break anything so if you guys enjoyed this video if you enjoyed all the mess and effort I put into this I would really appreciate if you guys could give the video a like and also subscribe to my youtube channel all you have to do is like if you scroll down there's like my face I know annoying block five possible but then you've got the subscribe button and a notification bell so if you tap the subscribe and the notification well if I post a new video that is similar to this YouTube will send you a notification I always explain to you guys because I think it's fair like some times people ask for you to subscribe but you don't really know the rules so those are the rules my socks are soaked and so is literally the whole of my body so anyways guys I love you guys I hope you guys enjoyed this video I'm gonna hurry up so I can go and clean all of this but I just wanted to say if you guys if there's any more of these hacks so you guys want me to try out even if they real please let me know in the comment section down below what I'm gonna do for this video is I'm going to go and read every single comment just to make sure that I'm not missing out on anything that you guys want to see so yeah let me know more stupid stuff I mean it can't get any worse than this so I love you and I will see you on my next video bye bye
Channel: Raphael Gomes
Views: 720,443
Rating: 4.8871222 out of 5
Keywords: raphael gomes, blossom, ice cube, tray, trays, food, hack, hacks, quick, easy, sushi, roll, rolls, ravioli, pasta, trick, ice, cold, drink, drinks, frozen, freezing, test, testing, tested, tasty, chocolate, mind blowing, incredible, surprising, wow, unexpected
Id: 8qQH8gSYGwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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