i tested FOOD hacks to fix every day objects !!!

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I came across this video that basically claims that some food items have actually got hidden secrets and tricks they actually allow you to fix everyday objects when we do the food commercial hacks I sort of believe in them but this time around I'm very skeptical of this whole thing but I think we should just get started and give these a try and see if these food items have got magical properties which is essentially what this video is this first hack basically claims that if you ever accidentally break a plate one way to fix it would be to soak it in milk for two days and the plate is supposed to fix itself just by being soaked in milk for 48 hours I love milk and you really wouldn't believe in this but like that's really weird what does milk is gonna do to like plate this is like ceramic I don't know but like what does milk have to do with fixing this we're gonna make a mess so this better be worth it so I guess the first step is to break the place why am I so stop doing this okay that broke into three but I kinda want to break it into four so one more well you're supposed to do now we just grab some duct tape and then sort of put it back together I'm obviously joking but I'm gonna be so upset if just doesn't work I did an okay job of putting it back together I mean there's no like pieces left so according to this hack if we add just regular milk to this plate and we soak it for around 48 hours this plate is supposed to fix itself so I've got no idea how this is supposed to work you guys know the magic of YouTube so basically this one has been soaking for two days it doesn't smell bad but I feel like this is kind of gross I need someone to explain this with science because I mean I don't want to move it too much this is the ultimate test oh no I broke it it was it was going so well no there's a crack on this one it kind of worked like this really look oh he might have not worked perfectly but I'm gonna say that this is literally just milk so to me it's crazy that he even holds just a little bit maybe if I left it for a little bit longer I mean it's been exactly 48 hours so it should've worked perfectly hopefully the next one does a little bit better but I'm gonna say that this is not a total fail maybe just increase the time if you try this at home this mix hack is interesting to say the least because for that we're going to need some bagels and also are you very very old painting oops I went to this old like vintage store and I said if you go like the oldest ugliest dirtiest painting you can find and they brought me this if you guys could smell this right now it smelled like you belong to so many people who collectively showered like three times in their lives keeping you real now this is actually very beautiful painting so if this hack works I might actually keep this in my house we are going to use a bagel as if it's like a sponge and this is supposed to just clean up and polish the whole of the painting I want you guys have a good look at the painting before we start cleaning it up with a bagel because this painting is you might not look like it on camera but it's so so dirty I think this area right here is like the best place to start because out of all areas this one is the one that looks the worst like really really dark you might be wondering why a bagel why don't you just use like a sponge or anything I am asking myself the same question but I guess my videos exist so we can try whether this is BS or not so I guess we just use the bagel oh my god is it just me or is this actually working bread is like coming off and sort of mixing with the dust I'm not crazy this is working yeah we're gonna do the whole painting it looks like I might actually be keeping this painter can you believe I'm sitting at home using a bagel to clean up a painting this is truly like the darkest timeline Wow about Warnock's I mean it does come off a little bit but watch this do you see that immediately it got so much better I'm not gonna lie this is making a lot of mess does anyone want a Nutella bagel I've got no idea how this is going to translate on camera but I think that before and after at least to me just standing here and seeing it IRL it is insane and he definitely works like it's weird but he works better than anything else to remove it needless to say at this point this next hack is very very weird because we're gonna be using some beer and also some very old jewelry so if this works this could actually be a hack that you guys as moms or grandma's could actually use this this might be a moneymaker for some of you guys is this hack claim say if you've got any old piece of jewelry or like anything that is like made of metal I think in the video they use a very old ring if it looks old a little bit rusty if you put it in a bowl and you add some beer on top of it it's supposed to clean itself in like literally like 10 minutes I've actually got two different pieces of jewelry this one I don't even know what this is and the other one is a ring I kind of wanted to give you guys like it before so you can see what it looks like the pieces of jewelry that I call it so I go this from the same store that I got the painting as you can see the ring is actually kind of like dirty and damaged in the back and and the same goes for this one like this side is even worse but I'm not expecting that to be fixed I hate the smell of beer it just it smells really weird to me so here goes the first one and here is the ring so this is what it looks like I think we wait for 10 or 20 minutes I might need to check and I will check in with you guys in a second to show you the result I mean I don't know what's gonna happen it's been around 20 minutes so I'm pretty sure like if this works it should have worked already it looks darker than before but we're gonna wash it obviously to make sure obviously I'm gonna wash this but like looking at it right now it doesn't seem like this worked at all let me make sure we try this really well so we can do a fair comparison this one is really really shiny like I don't know how shiny this was before but like if you look at it now to me it does look like it's a lot of shinier no but I'm open to the idea that you might just be the same and he might just be in my head I think what he does is just eat cleans up this whole thing the beer does work to clean up but he doesn't remover Ross or anything I think that's gonna be the next hack so hopefully the next one will work to remove the actual rust this next hack is actually my favorite one in this whole video and the reason why I wanted to give this a try because we're going to need this insane amount of ketchup I've never bought ketchup like this big once again from the vintage shop I bought the oldest looking I don't even know what this is like a metal like thing to the hack claims that if you rub ketchup on the outside he actually removes the rust completely on the video watch he actually looked brand-new after which seems very unrealistic why is there sticky I also bought a rusty plate because this one is a little bit worse than their soon so I think you'll be interesting so we're gonna open this up wow great job truly I already got some shots off before and after so you guys can really see how damaged these items are and I'm gonna start with this one and will they do a video you'd think they'd use like a sponge or anything but they just rub it with their hands so I guess I guess we're testing this out uh I should have washed it first I can feel like bits of dust it doesn't say we need to wait or anything it just says cover the whole thing and then just use like a baby wipe to clean it I'm trying so hard not to do gross hisses but that's really difficult in this one me cooking Christmas dinner oh how works almost instantly do you see that holy schnitzel you can see all the detail immediately like I literally robbed it for like three seconds this before and after is going to be the most interesting one in this whole video let's see what happens the silver bit on top I think it's cleaner right well like this bit is still dark but I guess that wasn't rust that's why it didn't work but this bit on top it actually is a lot cleaner so I'm gonna wipe this one I think it looks different than before right I think it works it worked for this one it didn't work for the silver one which is the one they used on the video so if you try this try with something gold and here we go the before in and I'm gonna keep it real guys with this first one I really don't see that much there for us I mean considering the everything in my house smells like ketchup I think this is really stupid now this one right here I actually can see how he literally went gold like before it was this we're like dull grayish color I mean he could have just been dust obviously but I think he does work for like gold stuff it looks a lot shinier I'm well aware this is super weird even for me but basically I've been asking my friends who's got the dirtiest shower I actually brought it to my house I don't know how well you can see on camera but it's kind of gross it's calling all this like build-up from the water so basically this hack claims that if you use some white vinegar it will actually remove all of that and after you're done with it this will look brand new if you've cleaned up a shower before which I have these white marks are like stone they're very very difficult to remove I know it looks like you can just remove them easily but it doesn't come off like it doesn't matter where you use that it's really really difficult so we're gonna put the shower in the bag how am I gonna fill this with vinegar without making a mess and maybe like this okay there we go yes that kind of works we just need a rubber band or I should have thought about this before okay I'm gonna bring this shower with me I'm gonna need an assistant this is my sister by the way can you open the rubber bands smells of vinegar yeah where's the hammer oh look that worked I hope the rubber band doesn't snap because if anyone's gonna snap here it better be me we can officially remove this this works however this is a terrible terrible idea it looks brand-new like it removed everything even cleaned up the back the back had like this weird like white sprouts now the problem of all this is that everything stinks of vinegar my house like everything like I came down to the kitchen I could smell it like 10 meters away 100% approved now whether you should do this or not I mean that's a whole different story and that was essentially it for this video guys my whole kitchen smells of ketchup or vinegar like this is gonna be so weird to explain whenever someone comes over it's just like really really intense smells just like everywhere in my house I love that surprisingly some of these actually work like the bagel one for example that's so random and he worked so well so I'm actually very pleased with this video so I hope you guys enjoy it is well as usual if you did enjoy it don't forget to give it a like that usually lets me know that you guys want to watch your part too to videos so whenever you guys give videos alike I always just go ahead and make a part two or a part three or whatever it is your feedback is really important to me so also you guys don't forget to subscribe and switch my notifications on it's so annoying that I remind you guys every time but I also always say that if you don't like me or if you guys don't enjoy my videos obviously you don't have to subscribe you can just go and click on something else I've also got a lot of different videos on my channel usually they're on the left side think so you can go and check those out as well I think that's everything I love you and I will see you guys very very soon bye bye
Channel: Raphael Gomes
Views: 997,946
Rating: 4.9187627 out of 5
Keywords: raphael gomes, food, foods, hack, hacks, objects, broken, fix, fixing, test, testing, break, plate, ketchup, bagel, painting, weird, real life, expectation, secrets, hide, hiding, exposing, before, after
Id: wugoY_DuqrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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