I Made EVERY BAD CHOICE in Baldur's Gate 3 So You Don't Have To...

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how evil can you truly be in Boulders Gate 3 this is something I wanted to see for myself so in my last playthrough I decided to make every bad decision I possibly could what's up everyone big Dan here and in this video we're going to analyze every bad choice you can make in balers Gate 3 but this one is going to be a bit different from my other worst playthroughs as I was planning out my run I realized something it wasn't going to be possible to cram every bad choice into a single playthrough because some of these choices are mutually exclusive for instance if you raid the emerald Grove then will leaves your party locking you out of some juicy evil outcomes later in the game or the fact that we can kill LEL like eight times throughout the course of balers Gate 3 so instead of doing a single run I'll be incorporating choices from multiple different characters to show you as many bad outcomes as I possibly can this is going to be a long video so I've put time stamp in the description if you want to explore a particular choice so buckle up grab some ice coffee and let's take a look at every bad decision you can make in balers Gate 3 this video is sponsored by boot. the best platform for learning back-end web development the good Folks at boot. believe the smartest way to learn to code is to conquer boredom so they've taken an approach from game design to help make their backend development lessons fun and rewarding as you complete coding assignments you will earn XP achievements and complete quests on your journey to become a Max Level backend developer but these ain't no simple fetch quests like some games out there with boot dodev you'll be diving right into the writing process because the best way to learn software development is to start coding and shipping projects so you'll be writing tons of code in Python and go and if you ever feel stuck you're not alone because there is an incredibly active Discord Community for boot. where you can ask questions and talk with other students in today's technology-driven economy programmers have amazing earning potential in fact the medium salary in the US for backend developers in 2023 is over $100,000 plus programmers often have the flexibility to work from home so if you're looking to make a career change or just learn a new set of skills then now is a great time to get started with boot. click the link in the description box and use my code big Dan to get 25% off your first payment for boot dodev that's 25% off your first month or your first year depending on the subscription you choose big shout out to boot. Dev for sponsoring this video creating a truly evil bastard starts in character creation and balers Gate 3 has a uniquely evil background that we can pick called the dark urge so we'll definitely be doing that and keeping up with tradition I made another bald evil character this time a Dr sorcerer at this point I was really into my despicable role playing mindset the opening of the game is fairly linear as we pick up our first Companions and escape the nautiloid one evil choice we can make here is to abandon Shadow heart in her pod but she will manage to escape even without our help and though she is a bit salty about the ordeal we could still recruit her into the party which leads to our first truly evil choice of the game when we encounter gaale if you choose the dark urge background your character has the option to bite Gail's arm off presumably leaving him to die in the portal this branch of flesh is begging to be pruned and it sap sued from my mistress eyelids stop cease you Lon as soon as the dreams cross the threshold of your imagination you snap back to realize they have all come true you were supposed to lend a hand not take one Joy floods through you you were dazed on the nautiloid but now you are truly awake alive after having Gail's arm for lunch I picked up a couple more companions aarian and laelle but we also have the option to kill laelle during this encounter and it's the first of many many times she can die permanently in this game you've but one chance join me or die [Music] coward after gaining access to the emerald Grove and watching zor catch these hands We Begin our reign of terror Against The Druids and T flings especially the T flings let go of me help this place is off limits leave in a secluded place all alone it would be too easy to do away with her far beneath your talents jamed his blade through yol's belly straight to the other side no twisting kin must have been in a hurry we not going to eviscerate him I was hoping for a show the worst Choice imaginable here is a dark urge specific one that we can trigger during our first meeting with kaga whenever we enter the central chamber we'll find kaga threatening a teeling child with a poisonous snake making a misstep in this conversation can cause the snake to attack but if we're playing as the dark urge we can actively trigger this outcome the snake's hiss of approval reveals its intentions should the child struggle it is poised to strike the death of a child a Timeless tragedy that never grows up sold now wrath [Music] no EAS t me gone by the gods kga what have you done and the horrors don't stop here for the teelings if you play as the dark urge The Lovable Bard character alira will offer to join your camp at which point she'll be murdered by your character one evening when you go to sleep also if you fail to save the tling child from the sirens along the beach then you can find him dead in that location after completing the emerald Grove Arc at this point we've caused enough Mayhem for the teelings so it's time to seek out the goblin camp and see what's cooking with the absolute we learned about a fellow named hson from the Druid healer nety just before we put her six feet under for trying to poison us along the way we ran into a couple of diversions from our main objective first we stumbled Upon A group of goblins torturing a defenseless gnome after telling them off The Gnome asked us to press the brakes on the windmill and oops my finger slipped look oh bir just flew away our companions have also been a pain in the neck too for starters will the so-called blade of the Frontiers has been prattling on Non-Stop about some Horny Devil so to put his mind at ease we finally hunted her down and gave her the old what for it's done carlac by my living Soul you will forever burn you know I could have used a friend pity that won't be you I don't know what hurts more losing carlac or this next one I actually somehow missed this encounter on my dark urge character so we'll watch my Paladin break his oath on the cuddly ppup scratch no I won't leave him that's enough this feels like I've lost something spasm grips your chest your strength falters and emptiness grows within you Paladin something has been lost you have broken your oath Paladin at the close of day I will be waiting for you we have much to discuss yeah I had to reload my save after that one we can mind control some absolutist cultist into attacking an alow bear nothing much to say about this one just a bit of Senseless violence back at the camp every other night I'm waking up to Lael trying to kill someone first she tried to kill my character but I managed to finesse her take it one motion across the neck I will not be [Music] G next Lazelle was beefing with Shadow heart in a Jack versus Miranda type moment and there are two ways this one can go left I'll say you were transforming don't expect to be mourned you too sh take you both then offer yourself first kenak take aarian will try to bite us in our sleep which is the last mistake he ever made no no it's not what it looks like I swear I I wasn't going to hurt you I I just needed well blood there in the dim Fire Light you see him for what he really is is a vampire a slave to sanguin hunger we actually need aaran for more bad choices later so that's going to be a Reload Gail on the other hand Assuming he's not already dead won't stop whining about magical artifacts which I have refuse to give him if you persist in denying Gail what he needs he will eventually leave your party Forever at the beginning of act two whatever lurks in the darkness ahead I can hardly face it in my present condition I need my full strength to stand against such Shadows we've already found enough magic to soothe its dis Qui if you'll just give me me what I [Music] need well there was an invitation to leave if I ever heard one good luck in your endeavors you shall certainly need it anyways how far are we into the video can you believe we're still in act one we still have the goblin Camp get the Yankee crash and underd dark to explore and a few more places as well so let's keep moving after after reaching the goblin camp and inner sanctum we allowed princess gut to Brand us and give us a sleeping potion but unfortunately she couldn't help us with the tadpole also she tries to kill us this could have gone easy for you not now though I'll tear you to sh get in here we' got trouble we want to avoid AGG gr the entire place since we will be raiding the Grove later so I decided to reload and kill her on the sly after that we found hson locked up in the lower dungeon and I decided to demonstrate my fast ball to these stupid goblins the corpse before you is no longer that of a bear but an elf wellbe it's a large one curious with hson dealt with we cut a deal with Menara to drown the emerald Grove in blood wiping out the Grove is a brutal Affair as you hunt down all the surviving Druids and tling and claim victory for the absolute zor is particularly heartbroken by our betrayal but come on man you should have seen this coming led the Dr here by the nine Hells why I don't oh Gods you've turned on us H why guards guards help praise the absolute she will reward us well for this Exquisite Carnage if you decide to raid Emerald Grove in the name of the absolute you'll have the option to have a passionate night of fun with the Dr bad manthara after the deed is done if the dark urge takes over this is the last time you'll ever see Menara alive and half hidden at the center of her desire you discover something unexpected fear you draw her closer with all the Vim of a Lover's first [Music] Embrace there is another bad outcome we could have pursued here if we decided to help kaga complete the right of thorns we would also need to kill zor and the rest of the tling since zor would refuse to go on the road while the goblin leadership still stood in this case kaga will complete the right and wall us off permanently from The Grove along with the rest of the outsiders but dealing with the Grove does nothing to solve our tadpole issue so we have to pursue other options first one being anti-l along the road we'll discover Ethel getting threatened by a couple of goons and after putting them down we can meet her at her lovely estate in the magically concealed swamp Ethel will promise to remove our tadpole in exchange for one of our eyes which leads to one of the funniest negative consequences in the game no that wasn't so bad was it that color suits you no unless you want tentacles for a tone stay absolutely still I've removed one of these boogers before but it's a touch tricky the parasite squirms at the Han's words pain builds behind your eye you feel the creature r as it's dragged towards your ear then it BS back burrowing even deeper into your brain God stabed Rich you little you didn't tell me it was nees I'm not touching that FY Shadow Magic brings nothing but chains and misery how could I have missed that stink like blood and piss congealing on my tongue someone's tampered with your parasite that's likely why you've not turned yet bless us your snow is a wet week that thing has been touched by more than mind flares you're a dead Soul walking I can't help you if you pursue this outcome you're character will permanently have a cloudy eye for the rest of the game you'll gain a plus one to intimidation checks but minus one to perception which is just hilarious to me too bad there are no eye patch cosmetics in the game after the hag failed to solve our problem were forced to screw her over by rescuing Marina from a moral standpoint the worst Choice here is to cut a deal with the hag or otherwise leave Marina to her fate but there are some deliciously evil choices if we rescue Marina in instead after freeing her from the cage we can discover a special wand in Ethel's lir outside we'll find Marina grieving next to her husband's coffin and if we speak to her we can show her the wand there are a couple of evil choices here first we can taunt Marina with false hope before snapping the wand in two bring it back bring Conor back [Music] please what have you done you bastard I thought you were going to hell I thought I thought we can also raise her husband as a zombie and keep him as a pet sending Marina packing what what's happening why is he still dead you feel something pull at you the creature Ys for a [Music] master what have you done to him it's not a creature he's my husband I wanted him back back the way he was not this you bastard give him back I thought you were going to hell I thought let's speedrun walking's rest real quick if we don't help the rescue party then councelor Floric dies cutting us off from a potential ally in act three we can also let another civilian die in the burning building we can rat out the zenam to the Flaming fist or we can open the zenam package which turns out to contain a spectator after much nagging from laelle I caved and decided to take her to the crash during this first encounter with kith Voss LEL will run ahead of your group to meet her people if you leave the Zone without joining her then lasel doesn't survive this encounter dead by her own kin's hand reloading a save we proceeded to the gith yane crash which provided us with two more opportunities to kill LEL the first one happens if you insist on using the zist before her and aside my time has come I will not I gave you my might you will respect my charge contempt for power contempt for Allegiance I am done with you gust assist me the itic has turned against me lasel can also potentially turn on us if we refuse to give the artifact over to the GI yane the weapon please don't give it to him do not try me hand over the artifact or die by my hand fool you were a mistake your illustrious Adventure ends here hat Crush this ended up being lel's canonical death for my dark urge playthrough but there are others we will explore later in the video with other characters what's up everyone big Dan in the editing room here I realized as I was going through my footage that I actually did the GI Yankee crash section after going to the under dark and Shadow cursed lands I did this playthrough like two months ago at this point and I thought I did the crash earlier so LEL is going to pop up in a few scenes during my dark urge playthrough and if you're confused about that then there's why she's not a ghost she did die in the crash but the order of these events is just a little off but enough rambling let's move on with the video there are more bad choices we can make in the gith Yankee crash we can let the gith soy boy get killed by his teacher we can steal a gith Yankee egg for the Society of Brilliance and we can actually blow up the entire gith yane crash by activating a giant laser aaran has some hilarious unique dialogue if you let him die inside the chamber what in the sweet Hells were you thinking activating that lot I was right there God do you have any idea how much that hurt well apparently there's a limit somewhere between a nice summer's day and the full concentrated power of the sun next time just warn me before you do something stupid at least then I can get out of the blast radius now shall we go or do you have any other chaos you need to unleash here after finding nothing but death in the gith Yankee crash let's take a journey through the underd dark we'll pick up a quest to find the herbalist missing husband who has gotten himself into a bit of a pickle stop stop B bang he's indeed surrounded by BPP bang the spores of those mushrooms are both toxic and flammable hang on buddy one second I just need to get kameha Maya no oh my God oh my God oh I don't think he survived that we'll find a poisoned escaped gnome with a nice pair of boots she'll need an antidote soon most likely held by the poisoner mostly junk but her boots catch your eye eyes to yourself no please and we'll help a maniacal fat boy take over the Spore people you give us nothing we will take everything peacebringer what is this eventually we'll stumble upon the absolutes favorite soy boy true Soul near who managed to get trapped beneath a pile of rubble inside a poisonous chamber along the way we can track down a runaway slave and put an end to her her go on drag me to moonrise I'll make you cult notter suffer I knew I couldn't trust you do it then make it hurt after freeing the soy boy from the rubble naturally we side with him and wipe out the rest of the Gnomes and dwar finally worthless slaves your incompetence has been my ruin n does not [Music] fail as you say Jill lunin belron no thin the absolute gave you everything and this Fiasco is how you reward her me and mine worked flat out I was cracking the whip day and night tell him true Soul no no I did everything right near pities you thin your your errors and excuses and your sorry [Music] end Hells your skull buzzes and you see your own face through n's eyes worthless every last one their failures must be punished true Soul take their heads the absolute commands it show them no mercy their corpses will make a fine offering to our mistress and that wraps it up for ACT one so let's take a a journey to the shadow cursed lands act two is the shortest section from a bad choices standpoint it's a relatively small Zone without a ton of side content unlike the first zones in the capital city our first and biggest bad decision is to kill Isabelle at the last Light in Moon Maiden guide my hand remember kic want are alive no matter what this is a dear moment to play the so well why let him take her alive when you could flood them both with a blood bath General kri wants alive at any [Music] cost if we're playing as the dark urge we can achieve our full potential here and uncover our true nature as a spawn of ball Isabelle's death causes the moon Shield to fail and everyone inside succumbs to the shadow curse if we reveal our treachery to jira will also have the opportunity to strike her down thus eliminating one of the great Heroes of balder's gate Isabel no what in the nine hths happened you wretch to think you had my trust if this be my last act let it be in service of strangling the life out of you Harpers we must [Applause] cleanse but hark something [Music] stirs it's happening they'll all be taken by the Shadows only by the grace of Isabelle's spell will we be spared the same fate for a little while longer you and I are destined to fight side by side but if the shades don't take you I have the next claim on your head it is abominable that you still live you who has cost us so much the murderer of light these dead need not be buried beneath this canopy of Darkness all is one yard of restless Graves you will lie and rot among them oh but I do I traveled with one such as you once I didn't see it at first but I do now the Galaxy of malice in your eyes your blood is beyond hope of redemption may it water these accursed grounds and grow the sickly roses that will Mark Your Grave with last Light in viscer we can proceed to moonrise Towers but we'll definitely want to get our hands on a moon Lantern cuz these Shadows are spooky we can either join the dder Convoy which is a minor bad choice since we'll need to fight him during Krick Phase 1 or we can y the lantern from him in my playthrough I ended up taking the Lantern and then crushing the pixie inside with my dark urge Powers so this whole trip was a bust once we arrive at moonrise we'll discover Krick and Zell interrogating manthara our favorite Dr baddy took a massive L by failing to retrieve Night song and Krick pies the fool who fails I don't know why I made a Mr T reference but in any case he sentences Menara to death and says see you later night Warden Menara your crime is incompetence and your sentence is death no that we can [Music] do take her below no please Mercy please catherick also sneak disses us because we used to be balls chosen but our career fell off in recent years we can't tolerate this but we'll have to wait to deal with him later for now it's onto the dungeon to rescue Menara or in our case torture her until she's completely cucked and mindbroken reloading a save we can make another even worse decision with Menara we can rescue her giving her a false sense of hope and just as she's savoring that newsound sense of Freedom we can strike her down outside the gates of moonrise there is much we must discuss do you have a safe place to camp nearby vile Beast you are crer than the cultists another parasite collected we will also have the opportunity to rescue wbr and and his band of ironhand hooligans from the dungeon or in our case throw open the cells and let him get killed by the absolutist wardens at this point we've lost all these story significant gnomes in the game which will cut us off from some other cursed decisions in act three but I'm getting ahead of myself let's speedrun the other bad decisions inside moonrise we can force aaran to drink this nasty bitch's blood in exchange for a powerful potion sorry but could you excuse us a moment are you actually asking me to do this traing me for some some some potion because there's something wrong with her blood I can smell it from here it's [Music] rank we can kill a kitten in Cold Blood we can push a group of absolutist pilgrims out into the Shadows where they'll succumb to the curse we can unleash a group of Mind controlled knows that last one might not actually be a bad decision but I include it because it's pretty funny especially if you're the dark urge oh and I almost forgot we can help this sick freak torture a dead person's soul for shits and giggles but the real cursed decisions of Act Two start when we make our way to the shadowfell and discover Night song there are a couple of flavors of bad choices we can make here for one we can allow balazar to retrieve Night song and bring her to moonrise to hours in this case shadowart will permanently leave our party and Night song will be enthralled during the cck fight we can also deny shadowart her opportunity to kill Night song in a confrontational manner forcing us to kill her if I have to step over your corpse to fulfill what lady sha asks of me so be it your choice I didn't want to fight I wanted you to see reason a foolish notion [Music] clearly an intriguing phay you lay low the dark lady's messenger finally we can encourage shadowart to become a dark justi here by killing Night song permanently with Lady sh's blessed spear [Music] there it is true Death At Last you are Sha's child after all and I am I am it is done you have proven yourself you have answered my highest Calling My Chosen my warrior my dark justicier no more hiding let me show you let all see how you have served me shadow heart and how you have been rewarded your pain is now your power wield it true this is the only only way Night song can permanently die in the game this Choice turns all the absolutist Hostile if you were still operating under cover and more importantly it walls us off from a powerful Ally in act three now it is possible to get this Ending by accident by choosing the wrong dialogue options just ask wolfart FPS in any case it's time to confront Krick thorm in Moonrise Towers after dispatching with krick's goons and taking him down a peg in Phase One Krick runs away like a little forcing us to chase him into a mine flare layer below moonrise at this point we have a couple of bad decisions to explore before confronting Krick once more if zor is still alive he'll be captured by the cult and placed inside a mind flare pod inside this layer if you fail to free zor from the pods then he will be killed by Orin in act three his body dumped into your Camp as a warning from that psycho hottie we can also just liquefy everyone in the tank which will cut us off from zor as an ally later in the game this is also the point where we deal with Will's CL line which we can fail by incinerating maora inside the mine flare pod Hells what are you no will will please no please well see you in the hells will will no no you did this you killed maora and she took will back to the hells with her he's gone don't you understand he's gone but he isn't dead is he he's a blob of tormented flesh in the hells and that's all he'll be forever how could I let this happen to win will to will krick's boss fight is fairly straightforward at this point he always dies in this encounter and if Isabelle was captured or killed earlier in the game then she will permanently die as well however there is a somewhat hidden ending we can trigger at this point if Gail is in our party he will offer to blow himself up to take out the big brain and end the Cults plans if we allow this to occur we get one of the Bad Endings to the game this is it I must do as mistra commands one last gust of weave one last Gale to end them all no beneath the smoking ashes of moonrise Towers the Elder brain lies destroyed but what of the tadpoles it commanded freed of the absolutes control they will complete their transformations a plague of iths will soon descend on the sword Coast enslaving all they do not infect it is an ending of Swords though not the one destiny had in store for you but come on man our journey cannot end like this there are still so many more bad choices to explore as we wrap up act two there was one more bad outcome in the shadow cursed lands if we failed to complete Hon's quest line then the shadow curse remains and he will leave our party forever cck is defeated the path ahead clear you should be elated the sight of the land you leave behind does nothing to alleviate your sorrow though however deep your pain it cannot compare to Hon's despite the bugs and glitches many of us experienced in the Final Act of this game act three of balers Gate 3 is absolutely goated with some of my favorite quests and storylines in the game and there are lots of bad choices for us to explore we kick things off with the big reveal of the emperor our Dream Guardian who protected us from the absolute turns out to be a mind flare but unfortunately we need him for now however if we decide to attack we'll trigger a game over man breaths ReSound like a death nail in your mind toing for the end of all hopes of survival and freedom with startling Clarity you realize the Mind flare was telling the truth if it dies so do you you have failed us your stomach drops your chest constricts your thoughts begin to splinter are found now you hear me now you yield join me th so yeah we have to side with the emperor for the time being in order to progress the game and now it makes sense why he was encouraging us to embrace the tadpole he's been a freaking mind flare all along at this point he offers us the astral touch tadpole which will allow us to increase our elith powers without becoming a full-blown squid boy the most hilarious Choice here is to eat the tadpole it wants to evolve but it cannot do so alone it must commune with another what are you a coldness seeps through your veins as the tadpole awakens let see earning almost unbearable your mind is a veritable Feast I suppose if it works but if you had opened your mind to it rather than consuming it your allies could have taken advantage of its power as well the tpo's essence courses through you where it touches your flesh glands organs contract and flood with pure thought you feel different different your body has never felt more connected your mind present in every Flex of a joint to muscle you are Exquisite doing this will prevent your companions from getting these Powers but let's be real the dark urge is the main character he ain't sharing power with nobody I also love how you get these popping veins in your head if you embrace the tadpole my guy's looking like a straight freak at this point with his cloudy eye and viny forehead you've been hitting the trend too hard homeboy act three also gives us some great opportunities to fck over all our companions starting with shadowart once we arrive in Boulder's Gate our cleric friend can wrap up her story by confronting the Mother Superior in the house of grief there are a couple of different Bad Endings here the worst one is to betray shadowart when viconia makes us a tempting offer you there surrender this one to me now and you can consider lady Sha's forces your allies in the battles to come deal you can have her what no you keep such shrewd companions shadowart a shame you didn't learn from them seize her in this case we can summon viconia forces during the final boss fight however we miss out on vicon's legendary shield and robes making this decision even more cursed if Shadow heart killed Night song earlier we can also turn shadowart into a full-blown sociopath who kills her own parents her parents can still die in the blonde shadowart version but goth shadowart is much more cruel about the whole thing happens we love you all the same we never stopped thank you Moon Maiden you let me see see my geneville my baby girl one last time don't call me that my name is shadowart you are just lost jeval saluna will show you the way home in time my name is Shadow heart it is done and done well they are with me now in my endless Ark and from them you can draw endless power don't be ridiculous I never knew my parents whoever these poor wretches were they're strangers to me it's time we left we're not finished with the absolute just yet only now Sha's forces a mind command when the battle comes Asian's Quest has a few Bad Endings as well in act three we can finally confront kazador and put an end to his reign of terror but if we fail to kill kazador before he sacrifices all his spawn then asarian will be permanently killed during the fight centuries of toil oh building to this the power is phenomenal I feel so alive oh well oh my God I still have power enough to Rend the flesh from your why we can also let aarian complete the blood ritual to become a full-blown vampire lord which is definitely a Sinister ending to this Quest just look at how unhinged aarian becomes now I can hear it at last see it at last how all the lonely creatures of this plane are begging to serve how to call upon them scrying footpaths in their safe houses rats below our feet in their filthy holes the crows in the night above they will obey the world will stir in fear sabotaging the ritual partway through also leads to a really bad ending for aaran what are you doing no stop it's it's gone all that power all you had to do was stand there but no even that was too much to ask I was so close I could have had it all but you took everything from me cador one after all I'll never escape the hel build and if I can't escape then no one can not them and certainly not you in this case we'll have to put aarian down thus losing our only Rogue character damn man who's going to pick all those locks now Minsk is an OG balers Gate 1 and two companion who we can potentially recruit in act three unfortunately for us he's currently being mind controlled by the absolute so we have to subdue him in Battle Before bringing him into the fold or we can get the bad ending to msk's journey by killing him instead for a brief moment the lines on her face look deeper her eyes full of pleading I have said my peace so be it at least let me be the one to strike the final blow [Music] no I have seen friends die before but to do the deed myself I know you did everything you could more than I had any right to expect and I have no doubt that you are more than a match for this cult but I think perhaps that I have gone as far as I am able I will take Minsk back to his home in rashan and after that well I think this city is finished with me I am certainly finished with it in this case Jiro will also leave our party making this a two for one bad outcome assuming will isn't burning in the hells there is another bad outcome for our homeboy in act three after gort's Coronation maora will let us know that Will's pop has been locked up and essentially sentenced to death yo free my boy ravengard but maora has a solution she'll reveal the location of Duke ravengard and help protect him during our Rescue Mission in exchange for will selling his soul it's worth pointing out that we can save the Duke without maora though she will make it more difficult by summoning exploding spiders to block our path but selling Will's Soul here is definitely the worst outcome especially if we waste it by not saving his father later on Floric also gets tossed in jail in act three and we can just leave her to rot there as another bad choice LEL and Gail's personal quests are wrapped up in the ending of the game so we'll touch on that later as far as I can tell hson Menara and carlac don't have any significant personal quests in act three carlac gets a special story beat if you bring her along to kill gorach but from what I understand her story Quest has a lot of cut cont content and she's basically doomed because of her artificial heart so let's talk about some bad side quest choices before tackling the rest of the main story remember that gith Yankee egg we stole in act two completing this Quest leads to the entire Society of Brilliance getting slaughtered in act three so yeah that experiment ended badly this will also prevent us from completing the quest to rescue melium since he and the bug bear Merchant are presumably dead as well we also have a lot of bad outcomes related to the ironhand Gnomes and the gandan provided that we saved woland in act two we can betray his gang to the Flaming fist in act three as one bad option but W's existence itself leads to other bad outcomes mainly for the gandan wol bur's plan is to destroy the steel watch and the gandhian by placing a giant Rune powder bomb in their Factory by the harbor if we proceed to blow up the facility without working with the gandhian then they'll all be killed by gort's overseers but let's say we rescue the gandhian instead by freeing their families from the submarine and helping them kill all of gort's goons before blowing up the factory well in this case wbrr will be waiting for us outside and demand that we kill all the remaining gandhian for working with Gort that was a hell of a show my friend Watchers collapse in the street as we speak and The Foundry well it won't stain this beautiful city with its Abominations not anymore but it's not over so long as a single parasitic gondan remains Boulders gate is under threat wurn enough the Gans are no more I am all that is left take the city let the iron hands reign supreme I just wish to go home and mourn my daughter in peace he'll never find us we have safe houses all over the city we are no threat I swear it please if a gondan told me the sky was blue I'd look outside and check tubin will lie torment and steem until his dying breath kill him or the iron hands will wolin enough I won't watch as you poison your soul and the brilliant future that remains to the iron hand gnomes I thought the iron hand gnomes had corrupted you wolin now I wonder if it wasn't the other way around kill tubin and and you kill all we love collaboration challenge solving problems with the power of Reason creativity and invention I still want to believe you're better than that wbr but even I am having my doubts you'd kill me after all we've been through you're insane [Music] if barcus root is still alive we can persuade him to depose wolin and take over the iron hands which is the good ending to The Quest but wait this video isn't about good choices so let's get this off the screen Oscar the artist also has a couple of really bad endings to his quest line if we bought his freedom from the zent in act one we'll find him inside lady Janet's estate in act three unfortunately he's been possessed by a poltergeist and my God this Quest is annoying as from a gameplay standpoint the ghosts in the house repeatedly knock you down the stairs I was somehow able to run up there with Minsk in my Paladin playthrough and I still don't understand why he could withstand those attacks with without getting knocked back maybe it was his gear but I digress the first bad outcome is to Simply Kill Oscar if we want to lift the curse we have to do some investigating which puts us in touch with a lich medium this Quest also has its own set of bad choices namely fulfilling the lich's wish to kill his escaped Undead servants in any case once we deal with the Lich we can return to Lady Janet's estate and lift the curse from the painting your hidden meaning this triggers an unhinged ghost lady to aost Oscar the bad ending here is to let Oscar die in combat or let the ghost take him during the conversation neither would you if you'd been dragged here by this self-important why does everything always have to revolve around Oscar Fus oh my sweet Carrie what did I do to you save your tears for the Ethereal plan [Music] [Music] I should speak up Oscar my sweet love what have you done to him get out hey bro what can I say this is what happens when you exercise mentally unhinged women put away the Ouija board and hook up with your hot rich wife instead don't go chasing polter guys I almost forgot about volo's encounter yeah we can let him get burned alive in act three don't you stand there help me God damn it help me this promises to be an amusing spectacle let us see if death can silence Volo at [Music] last no no please no I take it back dear citizens Justice awaits no please [Music] no I should also mention the confrontation between the zum and the guild both of them are pretty bad but I'd say siding with the zum is slightly worse because they were pretty cozy with the absolutists also complete tangent there's a hilarious line of dialogue if you tried to stay out of their conflict when bumping into the two groups in Rivington a pacifist in Boulder's Gate nobody's leaving this place alive Night song also has a bad ending in act three assuming Shadow heart didn't already gank her remember that curly-haired jag off who socked zor in the eye in Act One homeboy is still trying to get paid by looen in act three and if we reveal that night song is in our camp the dumbass will attack us there later which is his last mistake Night song will go to to confront looen inside rameses Tower and if we're feeling like a truly evil bastard we can betray her and side with this fobo looking ass motherucker I had hoped to appeal to your better nature perhaps I overestimated you no bother I have an arsenal of implements capable of convincing you to see [Music] reason and you shall have it this I promise you traitor I will bring this Tower to the ground before I'll hear another word this will be the last time you betray my Majesty today I will end your life end it for once and for all oh alen I look forward to getting to know you for the next eternity madans imperatum T life will rise it's mine again it is done it is done now I must fit it into the device before she resurrects you take your payment well earned and be gone whatever I wish forever forever whatever I wish you've made a powerful Ally today you know this Tower's capabilities are exceptional and your enemies are now my own should I wish them to be you can count on ramesis Tower in future something tells me you won't leave Boulder's Gate without a few fireworks ATI eth and Marina will also make a repeat appearance in act three if you freed Marina in act one then Etho will have to find a new child to become her next Haag Offspring and she managed to steal some drunk lady's baby from one of the local taverns Ethel has currently shapes shifted and is posing as the bouncer at said Tavern there are two Bad Endings to explore here the first is to take 3,000 gold from Ethel to kill the child's mother the second bad ending happens inside the hag's layer in Boulder's Gate if you did not get the hags Bane potion from Marina's crew then killing Ethel also results in the death of the child oh by the way Marina was also turned into a goat so you could just neglect to lift the curse on her as well but let's return to the main story and deal with Orin and Gort hash in order to track down Orin we need to investigate a series of ritual murders that have recently occurred throughout the city this will lead us to discover a list of targets that the ballis cult plans to kill we will need to discover the location of the murder tribunal by halting the murders or if we're taking an evil route we can commit the murders ourselves to gain access to the tribunal you appear to be lost dear I specialize in fashion not potato sacks after ganking a few civilians to impress the council we finally get to speak to sahok the big bad of balers gate one how's he still alive hey don't ask too many questions man if you're playing as the dark urge you'll get some unique dialogue here and you can reclaim your place as balls chosen which Orin stole from you we start our journey by killing the floating elephant and looting his paraphernalia Orin will also kidnap one of your companions early in act three but in my case since most of my companions were already dead or left my party she kidnapped that ginger kid instead when we finally arrive in orin's Lair she'll have her victim laid out on the table the worst Choice here is to let her kill the victim though to be fair this can happen by accident if you fail a speech check after facing off against Orin in Mortal Kombat the dark urge has a chance to claim Ball's Legacy which opens up one of the bad endings to the game so naturally we're taking that power My Chosen my Slayer violent incarnate you will become a testament in blood go child of all claim the crown of cus control the absolute and command fit to butcher this world in my name with orin's nether Stone in hand now we just have to deal with gorach there are two main ways we can deal with this scenario we can partner with Gort which I would say is a bad choice of sorts though it doesn't end up mattering very much basically Gort gets killed by the Elder brain right at the beginning of the final mission so this one doesn't make much impact on the other hand destroying gort's steel watch nullifies your alliance with the guy and makes the boss fight with him a bit more manageable aside from all the exploding traps and insane Buffs he gets we could also kill him without taking down the watch but the fight is much tougher that way Raphael is also the Wild Card of balers Gates 3's ending the devil will offer to provide us with a Magical Hammer capable of freeing orus from the astral prism in exchange we have to give him the crown of carsus so he can dominate the hells taking the deal is the bad choice but it ends up being kind of an empty one for starters if we take the deal we can still break into his house of Hope rip up the contract and kill Raphael or we can reject the deal break into his house steal the hammer and then kill him but even if you take the deal as your last possible opportunity during the final mission of the game nothing really happens I think there's supposed to be an end credit scene where Raphael thanks you for getting him the crown but this never triggered in my game so this whole Raphael thing seems undercooked there should have been more visible negative consequences for striking a bargain with a devil but oh well as for the House of Hope there are a couple of bad choices we can make inside as well for starters we'll find a cloned version of Raphael in skimpy lingerie I can't show this cut scene on YouTube but basically there is a Mass Effect 2 Moren style moment where you can sleep with the devil until it kills you which is pretty funny the other bad choice here is to leave hope locked up in the prison not only because it's a scummy thing to do but because the Raphael fight is much more difficult without hopes insane Buffs and healing also I just want to say the Raphael fight music is so badass I like that they got Raphael's voice actor to sing on it doomed detected and called all right so let's talk about the Bad Endings of balers Gate 3 after confronting the Elder brain in its layer and failing to subdue it with the nether Stones the emperor will whisk us away into the astral prism to regroup and plan our next course of action he asserts that the only way to defeat the brain is to become a mind flare so he demands that we give him the stones and possibly turn into to a mind flare ourselves he will also want to consume orpheus's brain to absorb his powers the first bad choice here is to allow him to kill orus which lazel will not stand by stop you would keep my people chained to their damnable Queen I should have trusted my gut driven a blade through your throat at first chance we have the means to free Prince orus and you side with G you want orus is dead you'll have to kill me first Cala chisa I admire the githyanki you know what she lacked in foresight she made up for passion but passion is a consolation prize for those those who lack intellect now enough of this distraction we must assimilate orus do not judge me come we must follow the brain's path this time we will not fail I think I'm going to be sick come it's time to leave I'm not sure what I was expecting but whatever that was it was worse V there is nothing of nature in that if instead we decide to free orus the emperor betrays us and sides with the the Elder brain but freeing orus alone is not enough because someone still needs to become a mind flare at this point you can transform into a mind flare or otherwise orfus or carlac will volunteer to do it I decided to let carlac go ahead with the transformation even though she was my girlfriend with the withdrawal of orus power kac's mind is rushed with the full force of the nether brain the fabric of her being torn apart and reformed in an in process that is soon then Stillness stands transformed once again closed off from the nether brain's mind my people Will Remember You tling The Rebel elith who stood beside their reborn Prince and ended The Grand Design Let Us return now to the city and follow the path of the nether brain I thought it would be hilarious if there was an option to break up with her right here right now hey so listen babe I've been thinking about us and I just feel like we've been Tokyo drifting apart you know it's not you definitely not your new tentacle face or anything like that it's me I just need to do some soul searching at this point we're ready to fight the brain and once we've subdued it with the stones we have another opportunity to get the Bad Endings for starters we can betray MF flare carlac and seize control of the crown sorry babe no what are you doing this was all I had skuth what do you think you're doing [Music] together conquer rule [Music] command [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] in my name if we're playing as the dark urge we can seize control and inflict Ball's wrath on the world it is afraid good show no mercy me join me wield me become abolute Now kill it you Glimpse the lifelong Destiny promised by your father enslave dominate ruin in your father's name you must Seize Your rightful claim to the brain not destroy it if you do not then he will Flay and shred your mind so cannot even comprehend the horrors he will plague you [Music] with what are you doing stop conquer kill [Music] Slaughter in B's name we can also once again allow Gail to blow himself up to save Boulder's Gate but this time if you completed Gail's personal quest with mistra he will refuse to do it so you need to pass a difficult speech check to get him to do it thought occurs to you as you gaze at the monstrosity of above Gail's or remains an option one that could put an end to the absolute once and for all you're plotting something aren't you come on then out with it I'd rather know before we take on that cereal monstrosity I thought I made my feelings plain I do not want to take that step not anymore I can simply tell you what you want to hear then Ascend by myself and take on the brain alone you know sometimes I wish I were a more selfish man life will be so much easier but alas you're right the orb is the only way all that's left for me to do is Spirit you a way to safety you ready there's endless Wonder alare infinite possibilities perhaps fate will bring us back together before the universe dims infer BL up you go then Gale let's make this count Whole World's watching come to die come to surrender and live THS th no I think you're mistaken the name's Gale of waterdeep a pleasure to make your acquaintance though our time together will be exceptionally brief farewell and Happy Land SL oh and then there's carlac we can let her die if she didn't become a mind flare or go back to the hells both of which seem pretty bad and you can actually dump her ass if she's a mind flare too so let's end with that if you like this video be sure to subscribe to Big Dan gaming for more balers Gate 3 and RPG videos also I recently made a Twitter account so go follow me at Big Dan here big shout out to all the channnel members for supporting my content until next time this has been big Dan I should go
Channel: Big Dan Gaming
Views: 1,141,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big dan gaming, baldur's gate 3 evil playthrough, baldur's gate 3 worst playthrough, baldur's gate 3 worst playthrough ever, baldur's gate 3 big dan gaming, big dan gaming baldur's gate 3, karlach mind flayer, betray karlach, kill lae'zel, betray shadowheart, kill karlach, bg3 raid the grove
Id: ANR9Thx20zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 59sec (5159 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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