I Made a Song in Minecraft!

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[Music] what's up gamers what's up guys welcome back into Minecraft and welcome into a brand-new village i completely forgot that these changed oh look how cool they are but a menorah trees we've got market stores and the most important Bell which you can make music with speaking of music that's what we're gonna be making today so I kind of did this in fortnight before I made a song you guys loved it so I thought I'd go back it's the og music making software and that's minecraft this is pretty much what fortnight copied anyway is the no block system inside minecraft but now they've added this many different sounds to the game that used to only be like four or five and now there's like twelve it's crazy so let's listen to them all let's see double bass I think that's one of the classic sounds then we've also got snare drum no bad different pitches as well clicks bass drum yeah that's different pitches too that's interesting Bell okay a little bit of a nicer bell than the one the the villages have flute that's got a cool chime nice guitar oh that one's actually really realistic go xylophone metals out of phone yeah they sound really different cowbell didgeridoo that would sound like a theater we do to me that sounds weird have I done this wrong hold on a second pumpkin let's try this instead yeah that's better that's a much better silent bit oh this is my favorite one all this one's good I might use this one badge Oh pling I'm finally hot which is just any block underneath so yeah if you didn't know every single note block has 24 pitches which is 2 octaves if you know your music theory if you don't don't worry it just means you can go from C to C twice and then you change the sound by using a different block underneath so for example for the snare drum you have to put sand underneath and then for the click you put glass underneath bail you put gold and then the only one that can have anything apart from these blocks is the app which just sounds like this so what's quite difficult in Minecraft is to make songs is the timing aspect you could do it in fortnight where you just have the pressure plates and you walk along but the pressure plates have sound so it kind of detracts from the music so instead you have to set up a system like this and I know I'm going crazy with the roads thrown in this one this is well this is me going crazy with redstone don't judge me just listen you ready that's it that's about as good as it gets from me that's a simple a simple kick snare line let's add some hi-hat so what can we use a click let's do a click so we need all how do we put how do we put redstone on glass can we do that now oh we can okay cool so let's make this all the way along here and then we can add some note blocks and I think I'm just gonna do it every single beat so it's like boom boom boom that even make sense we put this here this and then just this the whole way is that gonna work there's only one way to find out let's put repeaters every single time and you can also make the repeaters longer depending on how often you want the sound to play let's listen see what happens okay that's way too fast let's extend these all the way back so this should make it the same kind of speed I think yes actually work dude okay let me listen again ah nice what else should I do to play to the beautiful villagers of Minecraft I think I'm gonna add I'm gonna try and add a line to go over the top and I like the bits I think I'm gonna use the didgeridoo you know because wait can you put redstone on didgeridoo you can I mean pumpkin you know what I mean let's make a line of these pumpkin boys and then I just need to make I don't really know let's just put I'm just gonna put no blocks and repeaters just everywhere and then kind of try and make it from there I've never done this before and I sucked with redstone so let's just see what comes out shall we redstone along here we put this here and go oh okay so you can't put them next to each other see let's see this instead here we go sounds awful we need to bring these up loads of pitches so they have different colors as well the red means they're in the higher octave the green means they're lower to the bottom and then it goes back to the beginning when it hits purple so let's press it again a little look at that let's try and extend some of these leave that one like that this okay let's see what this sounds like it's probably gonna sound horrible but it's got it along the same lines you know it's not too bad but if you want to repeat anything it gets really long okay I'm gonna change this sounds I don't like it what should we have instead wings okay did you do too long guitar let's do guitar we need wool we can have any color world but let's just replace this under here and this should change it it doesn't need to be on the redstone as well and also stay tuned because I've got a cheap way to make this a lot quicker so we can actually make a full song and then import it into Minecraft which is pretty cool let's listen to this haha that was awful there we go that's all I could make your Minecraft the lead line is terrible but let me show you a little cheat that you can use to be able to make it in an external program using with your note block sounds cuz of course you can have to keep on hitting these like 14 times if you want the right note and then place them all and then time them all up it's crazy but here's a cheat code here it is it's called the Minecraft note block studio and it allows you to use every single sound so you can just click these up here to make all the sounds which is cool and then you can use the piano down here which has the two octaves that you can use and then you can just start inputting notes which is awesome you can also play it too [Music] and then at the top right it tells you if it's compatible this is currently too fast but you can make something like this if you really wanted to that's just very very simple but let's start again let's make a new one and then what you can do is after you created this you can take into minecraft and will build all the note blocks for you it's kind of crazy so let's get creating shall we so I'm gonna use that as my base and then I think you can copy and paste here as well there are tools to do it but I just need to learn it oh wait yes okay that's much quicker okay sounds a little bit weird it sounds a little bit off time but it's all in time on the program so let's listen in yeah there we go we just need to shake it up a little bit yeah much better right this is the sound I'm gonna use to do the melody which would be way better in this program but first we need a base and obviously you can't do like Held's notes because they're all just like they're all the same length okay this is what got us so far I kind of add it a little bit at the beginning I think the program plays it back in a weird way bum hear it out anyway [Music] and then it will just repeat and now we need must sound I like that okay I think I've got it I haven't tested this last bit but it should be good okay there's one bit that's off I think I've got it this is it [Music] yeah there we go okay cool remember this is all gonna be imported into Minecraft afterwards so definitely stay tuned for that whilst can we use this no that sounds trash get out oh I missed that one hold on [Music] nice okay director we could add maybe an octave there's only two octaves to work with in Minecraft so it's kind of difficult okay octaves don't really work no I like it normally I did it ding yeah okay that sounds wicked okay this is taking me 30 minutes this is so I should be able to copy and paste this copy paste okay I don't think that worked no that definitely didn't work undo paste why is this not doing it Oh Oh found a hack one sec should repeat now yes it was so let's try and take this into minecraft so I should be able to save song oh and then export is datapack music without no blocks minecraft 1.3 oh geez this is gonna be weird I don't know if this is gonna work let's just export and see what happens okay I think I've added it but I don't know how I get it into the world then okay so what I've done now I just need to go ahead and do /function vids song oh here it is here it is here it is look play [Music] does it just repeat that's sick okay I want to employ it in no clocks though I think I need to do as a schematic which requires worldedit okay this is gonna be long one sec so what you're seeing right now is something called mcedit which I used a long time ago in Minecraft where you can pop things in so hopefully I can import it using this let's see what happens imports in my have worked it might have worked but I can't see anything oh here we go it did work but there's also these question mark blocks which I'm a little bit worried about but this is my song all in converted into note blocks that's crazy I wonder if this is gonna break though it could potentially break but we'll see confirm and then we should do save save world and that should work is it there oh I'm inside it okay this is bad this is real bad news there we go fix this boom there it is my song inside minecraft let's see if it works though it could go very very wrong a song generated by the Minecraft note blocks you go yes I only think that sounds the same though if I seen the old version of Minecraft let me reload it and see what happens is it gonna work come on loading screen pull through for me please oh it worked okay we've got it in the new Minecraft I don't know if he's gonna work let's find out [Music] kinda it kind of lug let me get rid of the slimes which I've now done let's fly around a little bit no villages or there's a village beautiful let's play again [Music] it works the sound like the tempo is a little bit off but it actually works the donkey likes it that's so clever oh it's working now because it was loading in the world it was a jittering but now it's the perfect tempo it's cool how they make this there's no way I'd be able to recreate it it's so clever though and just like that it's not as easy as fortnight but you can make your very own song inside Minecraft it's crazy I love the new sounds beautiful absolutely beautiful guys let me know what you think this was a process this took me about an hour I think yeah just under an hour to create and put into my world as well so hope you enjoyed it if you did leave a like we greatly appreciate it let me know what other cool things we can do in Minecraft now it's much better like the the 1.14 update is so good ok I hope you enjoyed leave a like subscribe you're brand new for Minecraft and more random stuff every single day and also if in the UK a please come to my tour I've got a brand new show and taking it around the UK for for special shows it's brand new it's awesome it we the best youtubers show you've ever seen link is in the description to get tickets apart from that guys I'll see you next time go ahead [Music] hostess I swing wagon candle canvas super full rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 6,027,536
Rating: 4.9366603 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, minecraft song
Id: -_eauJRWong
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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