I BROKE BEDROCK in Minecraft Hardcore!

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so I know what you're gonna be thinking born up is this yeah I've got some explaining to do so long story short I have already recorded an episode of Minecraft hardcore survival but I couldn't use it because I built this where I have trapped a villager under the water I created this whole machine which is designed to capture drowned and it just uh it just doesn't work so when we were down here before I drown which would be awful and the way it's supposed to work is you come under here and you activate all of these magma blocks so that it drags stuff down and then you have the villager trapped up top which looks hilarious by the way and was actually easier than I thought it was gonna be but obviate trap the villager underwater the drown spawn in while you're here and then they get as they go towards the villager they get sucked into this vortex and you just hit them and the reason I wanted to make this is not because of Trident even though you would get those but I really desperately need gold because what is the best food in Minecraft no no no not the Golden Apple so what about the golden carrot it's shiny its tasty and I need golden nuggets to make it I've got an infinite carrot farm but I wanted to pair that with unlimited gold farm and then I'll be able to get unlimited golden carrots because every time you eat a golden carrot it gives you back three hunger points instead of the one that is from a normal carrot so so I built this because there's only two mobs or two ways to be able to farm gold and that's either golden nuggets from zombie Pigman or straight-up gold ingots from the Drowned which actually have a higher drop rate if you've got looting three now I'm built this and I haven't got a single drowned in here yet I spent two hours making this I recorded the whole process and I thought you know what this doesn't even work so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna scrap the whole thing so apologies that's why there wasn't a video yesterday but because this happened I've already mad so today I'm doing the impossible that's right sir I am doing the impossible first up I'm leaving you here I'm sorry I'm out of here but I wouldn't do the impossible as you've seen by the title I'm so angry at Minecraft right now and partially myself so I probably didn't build the farm in the best place I am going to take it out on minecraft and the way I'm going to do that is by doing the impossible the illegal the minecraft police are gonna be after me after this one because today I'm gonna break bedrock that's right the impossible to break they're illegal to break block bedrock it's going down it's disappearing I'm gonna be doing that to day and it's gonna be very risky because it involves getting to the roof of the nether which we've talked about before not just the sealing of bedrock which we've used to kill the wither but the roof and the problem with that is that when we get to the roof unless this technique works and I do it properly I'm gonna be stuck there forever because there's only one way out and that's by dying and obviously we can't do that in this world so I'm taking a big risk but I desperately want to do this and the reason as well why I want to do this is because I'm angry but I also want to prove a point if that gold farm isn't gonna work and I'm gonna build one on the roof of the nether that's right that is the whole point of this I'm gonna build myself a golden nugget farm with the zombie pigmen because the Drowned just stayin and cooperating and that's what's going down today I've only got five little golden carrots left I've got other gold to make up I'm gonna run out that's the point and I want to have a complete world where I can get literally everything unlimited so that's gonna happen today we're breaking bedrock whether it kills us or not but first I thought I'd record the whole process because I'm gonna need a few I'm gonna need a special technique but also a few materials and also in the previous video which you didn't see because I didn't upload it I crafted myself an ender chest and then didn't realize that you needed a pickaxe with silk touch on it to be able to actually bring it back so we're gonna crop one of those again then we're gonna collect our ingredients then we're gonna go to the top of the nether so this is how you craft an ender chest you need or one eye of ender I've got my obsidian never mind there we go obsidian and an eye of ender creates an ender chest now I wasn't thinking of putting silk touch on the pick but I can't think of a reason why I wouldn't because it seems like it's gonna be a pretty good thing to have so I'm getting I'm getting along these carrots man it's making me nervous to eat the normal ones for now before I get too antsy where is my silk touch boy I know he's here somewhere where you at that's mending don't need that that's thorns protection sharpness silk touch of course she'll be the last word I'm gonna purchase this off you kind sir thank you appreciate it and let's get out here no one escapes raise your children so I'm gonna put silk touch on the pic hopefully I've got enough levels if not I can use my experience machine wait wait I don't have an anvil Oh such a good thing I have the iron farm bap bap and we'll put this here and we're gonna do this and this I can't do it why can't I do this there's something on here they can't be combined with right I can't be done with fortune let's just make another diamond pickaxe it doesn't really matter 1 2 3 it has to be a pickaxe that's the problem I don't really have a problem with diamonds so we're gonna make another diamond pick do I have one already I have one already yeah I do have one already let's put it on there instead almost wasted those diamonds there so let's put it on this there we go silk touch only costs 4 that's amazing we're gonna call this the end buster and that's because we're only going to use it to get rid of an enderchest it's awkward but I don't care we also need to repair LED dig because that's about to break I just for mending on it I could just put mending on it for now I'm just gonna repair it I'm lazy alright let's combine layer dig with this well why is that 33 efficiency and silk touch why is why is that so expensive huh I'm just putting mending on that bad boy then actually I don't think I need a date today so I'm gonna leave the dig here just in the safety of this chest right here I'll choose the normal shovel I didn't realize it cost that much I probably got the levels for it but I don't really need them today today you have been replaced but only for today right now I have myself the ender chest I can get rid of this cuz this is what I was storing my other stuff in and I can put the ender chest up here and the Buster should be ours Garret of this there we go sweet okay right oh yeah this is some of the stuff that head from before never mind just ignore that that that day never happened I wanted to cry so bad so today I'm gonna be using a tutorial and it is by blends craft TV in combination with EDD example so I'm gonna leave both of those in description below because this is really gonna help me and they discovered this I think which is pretty crazy considering what you have to do so we're gonna need some ender pearls and we're also gonna need some ladders so let's take those first we should probably I think eight ladders should be enough right I'm pretty sure so we're gonna put these into here and then we need a list of other items seven rails one activator rail I don't even know how to make one of those activate a rail iron redstone torch and sticks I can make that grab me some iron some redstone let's make ourselves an activator rail six activator rails let's take all six just in case next up a detector rail and then a powered rail so we have a detector rail already let's take two just in case powered rail you know I'm just gonna take all of them because it doesn't really matter it's gonna take at the same imagery space so let's take those we need some obsidian and some redstone blocks so we're gonna take let's just take ten of these just in case we're gonna need some obsidian as well I think we need two more obsidian luckily I got myself a stupid amount of this lava because I needed obsidian for the previous thing so let's quickly fill this up but but but but did I bring the water with me I did fantastic let's do this and this is the quickest mining of obsidian you have ever seen with your bare eyes check it out this is the literary the fastest you can mine obsidian in Minecraft it's insane there we go that is done you don't actually need a lot to do this you just need the knowledge it's more the technique that's important so 10 redstone blocks six obsidian redstone dust and some Pistons so let's grab some redstone dust how do you make pistons again we've three normal three sticky piston and let's make six of these and then we need sticky one two three there you go three of each sweet I'm taking way more than I need just because I don't know if I'm gonna break this so but evolved in explosions so I don't want to explode the wrong thing and then be stuck up there if you know what I'm saying we need a slime block actually just one let's go and make one of these I'm gonna bring three so I've seen a different tutorial in a different way this is made so just in case I'm gonna bring three with me need a lever and a trapdoor which I believe is super easy to make and I how do I not have trapdoors I think I used them all of my other farm trapdoors and then a single LaVere so the only thing left that we need is TNT mine cards and apparently you need more than one just in case it doesn't work so this grab some of this iron this make sure you make three I feel like we should make more just in case cuz I'm worried that this isn't gonna work I'm just gonna make five I don't care because we've got all the iron in the world so it doesn't really matter but then we also need TNT - one two three four five there we go one two three five five TNT minecarts honestly first time I've ever made TNT my guides which is pretty cool okay checklist complete I just had a thought I might go ahead and grab some more obsidian because I feel like one way out just in case I mess this up surely even on the roof of the nether you can make a nether portal to get home right surely that's the thing so if I take at least ten obsidian with me I should be fine I shouldn't need to worry it means that I'm gonna be safe I'm not gonna die but my Minecraft knowledge could be failing me again that might not actually be the case but I'm gonna take it anyway just in case it does it's it's a fail-safe just in case everything goes wrong and I'm stuck on the roof of the nether that would be a terrible way to end the series wouldn't it before we go on this journey the contests my brand new movie out in cinemas now we've just in brand-new dates and also locations as well primarily in the United States so if you've been on the website before to see if there's a cinema near you and they haven't had tickets then go and check again see if at a location near you has been added go and see it it's gonna be sick right ten obsidian has been crafted I think we're ready to go I'm pretty sure we're ready to go which is worrying because this could be the last time we ever see anyone again I always say this but this could be the time this could be the time where it all goes wrong look at this the kits that is gonna allow us to break minecraft you excited skinny jr. in his eyes he looks excited everyone I'm going to the nether and I may never come back I've said this to you multiple times because because of the weather you know but I destroyed that Punk now we need to be careful I'm going to the roof of the nether and I'm gonna almost break my legs at the same time oh let's do a quick sacrifice I just picked these up let's do a sacrifice to the gods dear minecraft gods before I sacrifice golems to you and you provided the goods today I need the luck good luck to not get stuck in bedrock I sacrificed these three squids and bow before you to give me luck thank you right I'm out of here I'm an idiot I forgot my um ender chest so I'll meet you in the nether without the ender chest I am such an idiot give me the ender buster but right I think the best way to go up is probably where's the other winner place that I went was it up here I just need a place flow to bedrock so I need to find a specific piece of bedrock I think it might be this way oh I'm excited and I'm literally doing this for golden carats that's the only reason I want this cuz I want unlimited gold in my mouth and in my belly right also I never do this but since I missed out on a Minecraft hardcore episode which I normally do every two days yesterday if you want another one tomorrow and to celebrate the fact that we're going above and beyond the realms of Minecrafts hundred thousand likes and I'll do another episode tomorrow that's right I'm giving you the goals here okay into the tutorial that we need to follow we to find a piece of bedrock that is at 127 so it needs to be quite high up because that would be the actual roof this one's 126 so we need one that is one higher than that so give me a second and let's see if we even find one oh I think I found one that is 127 and the way you can tell is by the looking at block almost at the bottom of the coordinates and stuff it says one to seven it tells you what you're looking at rather than your location so we need to grab the ladders out of here just grab these ladders and we need to go all the way up to the top so that's 127 now make sure I end a bus this ender chest so we can put it up the top oh geez I need to ender pearls out of this so this is how we do it this could also result in suffocation which I've just realized which I'm not I'm not actually that pleased about obviously but let's try it anyway we've got enough pal we've got enough armor we just need to go straight up put the ladders down make sure this is one to seven which it is and then throw an ender pearl and you should be able to get up oh my goodness we are here we have arrived I thought I forgot my enderchest then but I didn't it's ok we are here this is the roof of the nether that was so easy to do oh my goodness right now comes the technical bit because I think we stuck here forever if we don't do it properly so this is the piece of bedrock we want to break because this is the bit that has the ladder because if we break the wrong piece we're gonna be met with another piece of bedrock and be stuck here which is great unless we use my nether portal method which I think works so now we need to determine where North is North appears to be this way so let's grab just some scrap some netherrack actually and then put it over here so this is where North is just so we know what's going on and this is the piece of bedrock that we need to break if you lose this piece of bedrock you're in trouble we've got I'm in trouble anyway look at this I don't think I mentioned the reason why it's better to do a farm up here for zombie Pigman is because of all this space it's literally like a super flat world it's crazy you could build one in the nether but I don't know about you in hardcore I don't want to build in the nether as well lava there ok this I have to do really really carefully so now we need to now that we found north we now need to go south and then we need to start grabbing our ingredients for this so let's put this down we need redstone dust actually let me get rid of some of this stuff redstone dust rail activates a rail and I think you know I'm just gonna grab all of these sweets put a redstone dust if we're facing south as you can see on the Left redstone dust here detector rail which connects to the redstone dust normal rail and then an activator rail to the right now all of this uses I think a glitch to do with pistons and hopefully we're gonna be able to break this one right here as long as we follow the tutorial correctly we then need to do powered rail and then we need to grab two of the redstone blocks right here I hope I haven't forgotten anything by the way I double checked it but if we forgotten anything we can't get back you put the powered rail here and then two redstone blocks like this I think this is going to power the TNT minecart I'm fairly sure then we needed rail a rail I don't know why that's doing that why are you doing that don't know right let's get rid of let's do this first and then this yeah that's better I was gonna say what do you don't misbehave up here we could die next up is our obsidian possibly our Savior in case everything goes wrong one goes here right at the end of the powered rail and the other one goes the other side of the detector I'll just double check in just in case next up is less sticky piston so we need to pop this here and I think this goes where the torch is gonna go so I might just move that in a second let's grab a sticky piston we're gonna need this as well this needs to go underneath not that way needs to go under so it needs to be facing down towards the torch ah yeah that worked okay so that's going down there I think he's broken the torch in this so I'm gonna do that we now know that this is the one piece of bedrock that we need to break so let's just remind ourselves of that then the naked Friends of the the sticky piston the normal piston needs to go next to actually so we are going to need to move this its torch again I'm getting nervous I guess it's the one next to the redstone dust right oh man there's nothing spawn up here actually I guess nothing spawns on bedrock right right now we can get rid of this and we can also do a rail on top and there that should be fine I don't know how old people will discover this stuff by the way this is actually like minecraft witchcraft it's weird now again kind of crazy where my redstone blocks at we now need to do a redstone block here and here this is a crazy-looking contraption I hope this works I might die Oh Pigman Oh is he underneath here is he going my ladders what a nice man and then we need to put the two more rails on top and then I think that's our rail quota officially reached but but but okay dunzo so this is where the interesting bit comes in with the TNT minecarts just gonna grab two just in case if this doesn't work I don't know I don't know what I've done wrong I just wanna make sure one of each of there we depress this it's got to explode pretty much instantly we shouldn't die it's not that aggressive but we are in hardcore so we need to be careful this is where we find out whether we're stuck for life or not oh this is risky so risky here we go oh yeah it works it actually works so what we were looking for there is this these two Pistons now have no like piston they just have the bottom piece Oh what I know we've done that bit we can get rid of I think all of this apart from the Pistons we just needed that to glitch out the Pistons right there which is kind of gotta win it I think that's the secret to break in these bedrug blocks and actually like my heart is palpitating because I I could be stuck here forever Oh calm down I'll calm down right next bit this is where we use the rest of our resources I think so sticky piston needs to go here facing inwards like that yeah I'm pretty sure it's like that this is such a weird block it's so strange okay so I'm not sure how this works but I can now take away this grab these and apparently just put the redstone block on the back of here and this piston should then go to this piston I'm not sure why you want to do that but let's see if it works it does okay sweet and then the rail popped off the top so now we have a headless piston here and now we can get rid of this piston but look at this that's so weird what a weighted block you've never seen that before in Minecraft weird a piston without its head I think we need to use our last few components now what don't I need I don't need a ladders so we need a random solid block let's get rid of this because get real messy up in here random solid block goes on top - look it's so weird how it's got like four pixels off of a full block that's so weird I think this is going to activate the piston underneath while taking away the redstone block so we can do this and this and take away this yeah and that should stay like active and by active I mean it's got no head on it which is great and now we can get rid of this sweet I don't want to touch that block just in case I break it and we can also get RIT or wait we got two pistons without um I have to be careful I need to get rid of this without breaking the piston there we go so now we have two headless Pistons but I don't know what what the what the plan is next right more piston action but and it should activate which means we have done that correctly this is such a weird contraption then we get the slime box involved so this goes here random solid block underneath boy I wonder if this is what's gonna crack open the bedrock commander I think I need this bit cracked open what's good is you don't really lose any materials because the stuff I bought extra TNT minecart so we can try doing this again but that's to see if it works first time okay so this pairs a little bit complicated we need a regular piston and the trapdoor and this is this weird trick that we've done before where you collapse yourself into the grounds help I'm stuck in the nether but we use this technique to be able to put a face down start based down yes piston sweet okay another regular piston needs to go here which should activate which is good it's what can imagine by the way if gusts were sporting up here we'd be dead like so dead solid block on this side here they should do it I think he said this is the last kind of move so hopefully this is the end and we'll crack through the bedrock I'm actually kind of nervous that it's not gonna work and this is the moment of truth guys this is the end once we deactivate this lever it should be broken the block underneath should be broken I don't know what kind of wizardry this is I don't know where he studied a Minecraft wizard school to be able to allow this to happen but this is gonna allow me to get unlimited riches I'm doing this for you all for you are you ready hold me close I'm actually gonna eat one just for luck I'm with pressing it three two one [Music] please work please work I can now take away these extra bits top and this is the one that should be broken I'm nervous my eyes eating why oh my goodness and there's our ladder from before we just broke bedrock in Minecraft and who knew that all you needed were pissed ins this is sick blends craft TV your tutorial was an absolute dream to follow I can now break all of this oh my goodness it actually works most of the stuff I've been trying recently just hasn't worked so I was ready for this to be a disaster let me put all of this stuff back in just so I'm not carrying it all around and I feel like now we need to just make a straight-up that's covered in through the end of Buster I just need to make a way all the way down so we should be able to wave my god when heat ladders leftover I do let's do this and this and now we should be able to get up here an unlimited amount of times yes let's go so now I want to try and do is just make a whole ladder system all the way down so that we just need to walk up the ladders and then go straight to the roof of the nether because this is gonna be where we have our pig farm which is going to get us gold for days and unlimited golden carrots corn carrots err I bought you to the roof of the nether and I'm taking you back down this is all for you buddy all for you so now I just need to dig down until I reach where my portals are because I don't feel like I'm that far away but I do also need to be careful because that can happen oh oh I found something how am I on top of a nether fortress how has this happened I must have gone pretty far I kind of need to find where zero zero is that's near to where my my portal is this is ready to go straight up so let's just do that I think zorro zorro is this way so if I do like I did where I can just dig through like this I should eventually reached my portal right yes oh my goodness is right here ah that's perfect dude ah that's so perfect so we run through here and then when we hit that cobblestone that's it so I'm gonna make this a proper tunnel all we need to do is run through here and then when we craft enough ladders we just go straight up that's so sick and there's another fortress right here as well so we can use that to be able to get any wither skulls or anything that we need oh my goodness we actually did it I'm gonna go make some ladders make this look pretty we broke bedrock in survival no cheats just the old well it's kind of like a chichi hockey thing oh it's right next to this as well that's cool how to sighs set of signs somewhere so I'm gonna grab a sign so I can add a sign to that one I'm gonna do nether fortress and bedrock roof hello how are you many of your friends are gonna die soon just because I want golden carrots I just want to live large okay I want to live like a Minecraft King dude I'm so pleased and get rid of this now as well I wondered where all my emeralds went but I nee myself a sign I think that's all I need apart from ladders ladders are like annoyingly expensive though right oh it's just sticks okay that should be fine how many are we gonna need Archie I'm not sure 33 I don't think that's gonna be enough we need more sticks lads 39 no let's go for more you know what let's just do the whole thing 57 that's bound to be enough right we're back and now we need to add the sign so the sign is gonna go just above here to nether roof and fortress yes directions let me go through here and as soon as I had the ladders we good and then we're gonna be eating beautifully for the rest of our minecraft days as long as the farmer bucks his ideas up and doesn't get all oh jeez oh no no no no stop that taste my arrows oh that was painful where I'm gonna quickly explore this nether fortress afterwards as well see if it's even a decent one I think we made way too many loud but we can always use more ladders we might actually need them for the the pig farm as well so let's see how close we I think we're gonna make it we're definitely gonna make it yes we did make like almost a perfect amount and there we go welcome to the nether roof beautiful oh my goodness I can't believe that actually worked that's insane I'm gonna use this as my beacon of pride add a little redstone torch I don't even know why I'm doing that but look at it it's beautiful that's making my mark you know like when they go to the North Pole and stuff they shove in a flag from like their country this is mine oh we did it oh we did it oh we did it after the fail of an episode of last time that you guys it was so bad that I didn't even get you guys to see it this feels like an epic win a massive epic win so now let's quickly check out this nether fortress because I feel like it could be a spicy one and it's so close to spawn as well oh okay yeah that is a spicy one but for the entirely wrong reasons but imagine if I died right after finding that I could destroy bedrock that'd be embarrassing yeah we need to be pretty careful with this this should work let's go this way see what's up this blaze over there blaze there it can go up as well this is super cool okay it got less cool just need to be careful of all the blazes there's gonna be blazes everywhere oh yeah this is this is like a decent nether fortress as well so if we ever need skulls again we can just come over here there's literally wither skeletons there magma cubes oh yes this is great is pretty dangerous though is that gravel this may be how gravel oh my goodness don't push me off please don't push me off this is very dangerous don't do it stop stop oh I thought he's coming for me then I'm staying here y'all get away guys get away this is not happening I've just they're after me because they're after my Wizarding secrets to be fair they're not even my secrets so if we make this crossable it's definitely a word just saying it looks like there is a way for us to get wither skulls cuz their world where the skeletons up here there's a little bit larva a little bit another wart I can hear him where you out boy we could top this off with a wither skull hey what's good bro looting these three my friends did not work today didn't shout it loud enough I would also be interested in making like a blaze farm as well that can obviously come at a later date apart from that this is dope this is so good go secure it up a little bit and then we're back up here and this is our roof to bedrock oh so pleased so pleased right go for the next video then we need to make ourselves a golden nugget farm thanks to the zombie pigmen which you will be able to do I just need a lot of materials for it hopefully it works with cobblestone I think the reason nothing spawns up there is because of the bedrock because nothing is designed to spawn on bedrock for obvious reasons so hopefully we can fix that up let's go to bed let's celebrate oh my goodness there's lots of creepers down here what you guys need to get out the way some glitching oh dear oh dear see look we've broken we broke a Minecraft and now it feels like my craft ain't feeling so good right now sleep after a great day of bedrock mining oh I couldn't be more happy I just want to see how my iron farm is getting on cuz that's been taken away in the background we haven't even used the XP farm yet because I need to put mending on my shovel ah yes there we go I don't even sure I need much iron yet but if we do another redstone machine I guess we will so next thing as well I need to put lair dig into that I've broken this somehow having done that anyway the dig needs to come out of retirement he needs to get some mending on and we'll do that next time I'm gonna munch down on golden carrot just to celebrate since we're gonna be able to do that quite a lot soon I think I'm gonna let's do this let's do this that's a lot of Nuggets look how expensive is boom eight that only got me 8 that's insane this should keep me going for a little bit but we're 100% going to get ourselves a golden nugget farm in the next video guys oh I can't believe it should we do double minecraft hardcore episodes this weekend I feel like we should but you guys know what to do a hundred thousand likes and we're there I never set like gold so we're doing it today it's a special day we broke bedrock I do wish that we were able to keep the piece of bedrock that would make it so much sweeter but we can't that would be that'd be sick though if we could have a piece of bedrock in an item frame that would be awesome anyway guys thank you so much for watching the master of magicians make sure you check out the guys who provided tutorials in the description below be greatly appreciated without them over be able to make this video thanks so much for watching I hope you enjoyed if you did leave a like them agreat appreciated subscribe if you are brand new by hitting that little red button it down in the bottom right underneath the videos catch up with videos every single day from me and I see you all all you in the next one [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 8,300,115
Rating: 4.9434128 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival, break bedrock, mine bedrock, minecraft bedrock
Id: NT6k4pUSoHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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