i shouldn't be allowed to make videos at night..

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How's It Going Guys Welcome To Another Video Where Today. I'm Not Quite Sure What We're Gonna Be Covering Its Just Kind A "Let's Make a Video and See What Happens" Kind of Video... Y"know... But First I Want to start with Something Really Important You Guys Have Been Tweeting Me and Commenting Like Absolutely Crazy For the Past Few Days and now I want to cover this it's about Jesus! Didn't think I'd ever say that... so there's this guy who looks like Jesus! Who makes videos as Jesus!(quite a weird laugh,huh?) He was made very popular through the website Fiverr. And he uploaded this video 3 days ago. I watched it and it's such a, it's such a sad video. Basically he is trying to fight for custody for his own kids... Who absolutely love Youtube and he mentioned me in the video as well, because his kids love to watch me and some other creators too. It really tugged at my heart strings and as it seems everyone else's 2.8 million views over half a million likes. Basically, he needed money to raise to cover his legal fees. So, um, I dropped a quick donation, and if you're watching this for whatever reason then um... I really,really hope that everything works out in the end, buddy. I really do and um say "Hi" to your kids for me when you see them! So I just wanted to cover that quickly because everyone was asking me about it. NOW ON TO REGULARLY SCHEDULED ACTIVITY Which I already said... I'm not quite sure what its gonna be... Actually So, I tried to do this a few days ago actually, A Video Very Similar Where I was going to do some more reactions to DanTDM YTP videos. (secret put by nachito3110) If you don't know what YTP videos are then you need to check the video in the description below or.. this thumbnail....one. Its a weird one, but its a good one! And will educate you on the world of YTP But we're looking for some more and... To be- to be honest, none of them are that good, I've already seen all the good ones already. There are some weird titles in here though. DanTDM puts a WII remote in a babies butt. :P Interesting (what?) DanTDM regrets dyeing his hair. The DanTDM try to lol challenge? See what i mean? These loud memes and nonsense. Actually, I guess that is what YTP is about to be fair. (Really cringey meme DanTDM Intro) (I agree) Oh My Goodness! It's also weird seeing me with brown hair and with that very very old webcam layout. Thats really strange. ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz(Meme boost) Heh Heh (Teleportation Feature) Oh No What? The Music? Where's the music, I was waiting for the music NO! ( Epic Dank Meme Music) AHAHA! Dank So Dank What happened? The music is gone! My old commentry style is so weird... ..............Oh wait wha- (Outro) The old outro as well! Bruh, what a throwwback huh, ok that one was actually pretty good. I was just saying they weren't that good but that one was kinda funny. Anyway what I thought we would do is type YTP. It's got DanTDM. Spongebob, charmx ,frozen, Mr. Tumble, Peppa Pig (why?), Harry Potter. Let's just type YTP. Mine comes up second. Yes! Whoah! There's an incredibles one! (Incredibles music) Did you wash your butt with your hands? Hahaha that sound effect though though! I'm actually kind of scared to click on any of these I don't know what they're gonna contain or whether I could survive watching more than one in a row What has my my youtube video channel- come to... I'm watching I'm watching Peppa Pig memes! So I should I just let myself out. I think I'm gonna do it I'm out. You know what you deserve quality content! Quality content (Dan's Foot Intensifies) No, not this am I kidding you guys love this stuff Your okay mum, yeah, mummy pig I don't think mummy pigs' okay Daddy pig spit flames over here man. This one could be sick Should probably keep an eye on that guy. He should not be hanging around peppa pig videos. I've never actually seen any Peppa Pig ever Surprisingly as a 27 year old man. Mummy pig is working on her computer Good job, mommy Are you quite sure? What you working on why she why is she looking like that at the computer? She's like What what am I doing? I think mummy pig's evil. Look at that. Look at the eyes (Evil Pig Stare) They're like mine. This conversation can serve no purpose anymore Why is my mouth hanging open? That's weird (DanTDM) Chop that! (Narrator) Daddy pig is making poop for lunch. (Dantdm) Great. Great Poo joke Just throw the poo joke in there casually! Wouldn't be a white YTP video without it guys. What is this email? Dilby gobby pob hiply fungly tea diplox so toofuzz kep!(Wat) That isn't a real address either Peppa Pig C'mon! You're supposed to be teaching the youngins of our generation. This just aint it. WHAT, WHAT DO YOU WANT!! I'M WORKING! Yes, if you both sit quietly (12 seconds later) No peppa. You mustn't touch the computer Stupid kids. Do you know what would have been funnier... Yes, if you both sit quietly 12 seconds later. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Something like that. Jemma is streaming right now and I bet she is Wondering what on earth is going on and I guarantee you a hundred percent. She will never guess that I'm watching Peppa pig videos No Peppa, You mustn't touch the computer and George you mustn't touch the computer either. Yeah George! PEPPA!You savage! I thought she was going to full on blame George for that when clearly his arms away too stubby to reach the keyboard! The computer is not meant to do that! Daddy pig!! Back out Back out! Daddy Pig. Can you mend the computer? (Staring Intensifies) Yo, he's mad he's so mad Look at his face! (Stare) Geez Peppa Wait wait, hold on What happend to their arms George? Ok, buddy? Wait for the arms... There we go. Ha ha ha this edit is so good. I can't tell whether it was in the original Peppa or not!! Maybe if I just switch it off Classic Absolute classic. The clock has changed as well. It was 6 p.m. A minute ago. Look roll back the video one sec Where's the clock it's oh, I need to learn to read the time don't I it's half past 12:00 now, it's one You know what? That's some that's some accurate animating This is a kids show a kids show and they put that level of detail in there That's um, that's impressive actually, but dad's going in there with a classic let's just turn it off and uh... Turn it back on again which with as someone who works with computers a lot that works - that works 90% of the time maybe if I just switch it off and switch it on again. You got it dad Let's go daddy pig, let's go She she meant Fortnite right? Maybe you should ask Mummy pig (Oh No, Flashback) (Peppa You Mustn't Touch The Computer) How old is this show? A disk? You can get steam! Daddy pig we need to have some words you and me! Hit me up on the emails and I'll show you how to use steam for peppa. Okay. What is going on is that the chicken game?! George be careful George. Be careful The rest of the episode depends on you Is he gonna do it? Who's this man? Good job George This is so random things took a real big turn Oh no, George George George George, come on when we played the video game Dad fixed the computer for you!! You can't mess up now After all of that the TACTICAL NUKE INCOMING (KABOOM) I know I don't normally make videos at night. I normally make them in the morning and upload them the same day today I'm recording at night and I feel on some I feel like this llama right here I'm recording at night and I feel on some I feel like this llama right here (derp) Oh, you know what? I'll give you it, this one's a weird one but hope you enjoyed it anyway. Enjoy this Please leave a like that would be greatly appreciated. And maybe we can react to some more corrupted child cartoons in a weird day today And maybe we can react to some more corrupted child cartoons. Been a weird day today I'm out subscribe if you're new, and I see you soon EPIC MUSIC!AAAAYYYYYYY (captions by Braylon Ng) FEHSUFSHFISUFHSFEESIUEFHUFYSYFBOV FYVEBURYIBVREBVEUTY387TEY3T698B63Y487T5Y64TB3V84685TBVEWUTVIEWTEYOTIUBEVVWVITOTVBWEYOYIOEWTRVEBWYRBWEBRTIVWEYIEWTVYIWBVIBEYYEWRYUERYHUFYUFHYFDXHYDFYERHYURHUHGHTKDEH5Y86H73G985G873489758HV398T7FH893TH43RYHFUERIUEHETIURTYRUITEYREUTYRUYETIRUTRYETIUTREITYREIUTYERIUYTEIUTBEYRIEBEIVBUIEYTIUERRYYUEBIB die. (who did this?)
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 12,443,387
Rating: 4.9408779 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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