The UNFAIR Minecraft Door..

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this door behind me is rumored to be the most unfair door in Minecraft today we are playing another unfair map and this one involves this door right here happily names the unfair door sorry guess region oh I was gonna say I guess we just walk up and press the button but that isn't gonna happen yeah and I'm guessing we can't get through here it's blocking us and we're drawing with our face this is perfect let's inch closer see if we can touch it let's get in line with it oh it disappears like here let me touch you Nico the pro is this the guy who made the last one if so you're mean sir I traveled through time and space and you trolled me every step of the way and now you're just gonna leave me in this room with this door that doesn't even work I'm gonna take a run up and jump here we go huh yeah that doesn't work either so no other buffs and around here that I compress we've got a waterfall which is looking a little bit suspicious I'm already lost and confused oh oh it's a wooden door great ok Thank You Nico appreciate it that probably wasn't even the first level was it I'm out but he said thought I was out Oh pass doors one is it gonna be like this the whole time I think it is we need to go into the smoke and this is what I like to see I've got myself my very own diamond button should I press it no you boy or is the buttons talking to me now great wait it does work but you can't move it makes this weird like jolting motion it opens a literary opens but it talks to me and this time is definitely an iron door ok ok I'm gonna have to flex these brain muscles a little bit um Nico help me out here buddy or I'll take your head so we're on the other side now so I wonder if there's anything else through here I don't think there is no other buttons unless there's a blue one somewhere else here then it's gonna be completely camouflaged so be honest I don't think there's another yeah I think we're stuck here forever do we have anything the kid Oh door Smasher are you joking I checked my inventory last time and it didn't do anything and I've got oh hello colourless skeleton zombie are you okay test subject 8 5 2 9 I'm sorry that I killed you Oh goodies this diamond sword though I can dig this looks like it what a fake one from eBay immunise oh my goodness what am I gonna do with all this we've got 64 3 lots of 64th diamond door we reg baby we rich oh down 23 so this is a riddle the door is presenting us with a riddle down 23 we got a stack of 23 of anything we've only got 14 I have no idea at once 23 23 what way that says 23 23 dead pushes yes where did I even get them from I have no idea right then unfair door what is next show me is it literally nothing nothing on my body nothing in my inventory there's gonna be at least one hidden button around here I'm sure of it oh wait is this lava I thought this was umm I thought this was water that's lava that's kind of cool can I like sneak into here it's literally just not working oh okay I have become the door I am now a door which soy do I need to go this way let's go okay we need to look out for invisible trolls as well I need to get my brain working oh okay this is interesting umm yeah that wasn't a good idea was it did you die here too that's unfortunate hold up oh it's about to get creepy in here what is happening oh oh it's quite invisible I don't quite know what happened there I'm out I've passed five doors and now we have a mysterious fluor peace what have you done to this floor what did you do I'm always gonna check my inventory now because I'm I'm properly paranoid that it's really obvious I'm hope smashing it or I'm trying to oh wait what I see it I see a button but how do I get to that button that button hasn't been there before it's right there how do i how do I get this Nicholas tell me my brain hurts I'm gonna try and do the old Hogwarts trick but that ain't working this is still blocking me I need to check this every time somehow I can press this right I have nothing in my imagery to throw I could throw your heads all this I definitely hold up that's what I'm talking about but da well that's great oh no can you actually get it through oh it has to go over okay this is gonna be tricky trick shots incoming it's gonna happen did I get it is that it's gone oh I got something in my inventory a black TNT I mean I'm not sure if I want to use that but good up what so the TNT is not working for some reason well this is awkward can you find another way to get to the other side really I wanted explosions or is this a troll this is a troll right you're gonna explode it I'm breakable I thought this might have like fire aspect or something okay we thought we'd figured it out but Nico's Nico's got other plans and we can't bring this back I've now put an arrow in it and put many arrows in this TNT just to show it how much I don't appreciate it right now that's dealt with let's figure out how on earth we're gonna get out of here there must be another way come on Nico why are you doing this to me what did I do to you what'd I do to you huh tell me how to get out of here or I'll do it soften it me hour my hands well that teaches me not to do that to Nico ever go something weirds going on here Nico and you're gonna need to tell me about it because my brains are in wait all is this ah Nico Nico I've got you this time buddy don't don't hit me about six doors past and the TNT works just now that's it I give up on mapmaking I'll just go revive the happy wheelers head that accidentally fell in the basement with the guy that we saw earlier hmm he has left us with no choice but to go back into the basement the problem is I can't remember how to get into the basement at all I'm just gonna walk this is okay right I'm not gonna die here we go seven easy mode how much it got it scared this is freaking me out do I step on the smoke is that why I need to do I'm gonna do it three two one go zombies spawning everywhere and now I'm dead what on earth is that I'm not pleased I did gain achievement though levitate up 50 blocks from the attacks of Ashoka I've never got that oh no no I'm back at the beginning aren't I oh man just when I thought I was safe just when I thought I was safe and now I've forgotten how I meant to do this one um help next one I remember that happening last time you almost killed me just like you killed this man here I'm out now I go straight across and this is where I could have died I'm going round I can go around I'm safe for now eight doors Paco okay what no no this is parkour while you're dizzy oh my goodness my brain you have to be joking what is that as soon as you touch the block it goes it goes sideways that's horrible why are you doing this to me you know what I think this is the best way to do it because you know which way you're facing then this one's so fast oh my goodness you can just open the door I don't even know why I didn't try that at the beginning you can just open the door don't touch the red what no don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me use lava to restart no I couldn't even read quick enough allowed me to go in the red is this lava I gonna have to do the whole thing again I'm so upset with you hold on it's not killing me this isn't killing me what what is happening what is this a thing it even makes it difficult for you to kill yourself this is torture you know what this is this is unfair finally my goodness that was tough here we go again I can't believe all you had to do for this was walk through the door it starts spinning around oh don't touch the red I touched the red did that matter ah I think I'm fine I'm alive I'm in one piece I just ran for it I'm scared that something's gonna happen why oh okay that's TNT I am NOT walking on that there's no way no way can I get up Oh old school minecraft trick let's go ah do I have to kill you do I have to kill you I'm gonna kill you look at these fists of fury boy I'm gonna catch these hands real fast wait the lava given the lava quick he's got so much else get in the lava please I'm concerned for my health oh yes haha gotcha key Punk I'm out of here twelve doors past okay arrows on the floor let's just stand on here shall we what's the worst that could happen huh absolutely nothing oh did that break oh it broke come on oh I see that's cool I like that when you were facing the other way it turned around that was cool trade with me quick I don't have anything on me I let you don't have anything on me what could I grab they're gonna self-destruct block of redstone white wool like great I'm just gonna do this oh no no okay no no she's gone she's got hey come back here please please I need your stuff please I can't even grab your toes she's gonna kill me as a sheet oh I didn't realize that you didn't have to have the glass pane on you please come back I'll give you these things I promise don't just walk away from me like this we could have been friends lifelong friends don't walk into the bang oh if she's just gonna keep on going okay um see you later see you later I'm done with this so done with this and this is the trading one okay do this then we have to make this into planks trade planks for string this for wool and trade the wool for redstone this for for the block of emeralds and place the block of emeralds here I'm so confused I can't unlock any more trades I needed this block of emerald for something but I don't know what one of these is missing it doesn't say I can put it down anywhere they couldn't trade with her again why are you ignoring me hey I'm gonna have to die and try this again aren't I what did i trade to get for this a car remember right I'll be right back be right back right trade with her trade for this then the planks to get string strings not gonna help us although block of redstone replaced on stone bricks I dis like you very much get out of here right what's next oh no he's back he's back so I ran out of it is for this door you know what if you manage to find the guy's head I will open the door for you and don't ask me how I managed to lose player heads go go he's gonna take mine isn't he oh wait on in a second these guys don't look too friendly why is why they all drained of color what do you do to them hey there welcome to my shop I've heard you need to play ahead I'll gladly sell it to you I need money I'm not in the right situation to give you money sir do you have any bind here if you had any volunteer I gladly steal from you to give it back stick-up up give me the gun wait give me give me the money I'll just take it please right how can I make some money around here oh never mind I'm just gonna take this cash and buy the head this seems too easy I found the head please let me past I could even wear the head there we go I am now a different person and now when you try and take my head you can no longer you will take his instead right black bloc key I cannot grab Leki so I can't put this block down anywhere unless there's some missing floor somewhere this has got to be an illusion this is a full-on illusion oh wait a second why is this halfway give me the key he very sky jump on this I can jump on this if I do it quick enough I can jump on this this is another one where I can just jump over come on here we go here we go here we go ah why is this so difficult yes oh good job my brain box is working today right careful the bottom will TP you careful the bottom will TP you drop - oof oh no I didn't do I want to do that is that gonna kill me can break dirts and bedrock this is the ultimate minecraft shovel it could break bedrock how do I do with it why would it want to break oh I see it can break bedrock but it can't break doors I don't want to do this whole thing again I think I'm just gonna have to choose to see what happens I want to see this thing break bedrock oh it can't break bedrock right right no it says it breaks bedrock I didn't mean to do that okay drop to earth which I definitely should not do I can't get past here and if I press the other button okay that's fine nevermind I just chose the the wrong button of course it's not that break bedrock is lying to me what's this Oh Oh what was that did I have to use that to jump over is that what it's doing cuz I would have to do this whole thing again just to get back to here Nico we're gonna have words buddy burning again oh okay I am back and I need to get it to be able to jump over one of these sides I think cuz I'm not gonna be able to get up there let's see what happens yeah I could do that I could definitely do that I don't want it to break though it goes one more right okay this should be it Hey ah gotcha the keys are always a troll jumping potion levitation potion or fire resistance there has been a lot of lava in this map so far so I'm gonna go ahead and grab this one good job because I can't grab all of them have I made the right choice oh yeah I definitely chose the right choice how long does this last for that might be a few years oh thank goodness I was not ready to die again let me get across this sea of lava which I do appreciate it being blue next door number 19 here we are player the last door let's go obviously though your struggle enough to get here so I'll just remove the door so you can pass could not set the block Oh No whatever I'll just TP you to the other side oh great this is fantastic oh no it wasn't supposed to TP you here we're at the work that were at the gubbins ends no problem I'll just kill you so you spawning the other side no no no don't don't do it she was banned but that also means I'm stuck here hello is this it this better not be a maze full way way way way wait step zero step two for barrier detector side detection restart settings what is this place wait there's doors up here oh it's like a weird park aw cause okay I can do this parkour with jump boost this is horrible these are the buttons that will TP you I don't actually know where on earth I need to go though that's the problem where do I go where do I go I don't even know where he started okay this is where I wanted to get to before I see a lever let's go grab that thing as long as this doesn't like activate the command to kill me I'll be pleased it's better say like end credits and Matt nmap another unfair map down the drain claim your prize I see repeater at the end this is actually the end or no I'm gonna claim my prize anyway the prize is luck to restart the map to find the secret to unlock it 36 repeaters what does this even mean this is cryptic I think there's secrets in this map I remember reading about them on the the description page but I didn't find them so I'm kind of done here be unfair door completely done thank goodness the first unfair map was unfair but having to do this one over and over again when he died was soaked oh we did it the unfed Thor has been conquered take that door 20 doors past I never want to enter another minecraft door where in my life thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video if you did leave a like the be greatly appreciated and if you're new around here why do you feel like cooking that subscribe button on the bottom right hand corner of this video just underneath it so you can catch up with new videos every single day thank you again so much for watching have an amazing day and see you all next time goodbye [Music] hostess bar swing wagon candle campus of fulcrum a band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 5,449,683
Rating: 4.9035254 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival
Id: 4x4GPzXpU-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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