I made a song in under 4 hours!

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okay hey guys how's it going down here now I'm not gonna lie tube I've tried to do this I think this is my fourth time now and I keep failing but as you've seen by the title of this video I want to try and create a song in what is now our three and a half hours I did have four but now it's down to three and a half because I failed again and the reason I want to do this is because I haven't done anything musically for a long time I haven't even played my guitar much I haven't written any music definitely haven't done that so when it's kind of uses as kind of an exercise for me so that I can actually write some music and in this three-and-a-half hours I have to have something to show you guys at the end so try to approach this a couple of different ways and the way I want to try it this time is by trying to find a sample because I was starting with my guitar but I think if I find a sample and get a little melody out of that then I can then take a little bit further I already got three and a half hours to do this so let's let's have a look at some sounds we want vocals I feel like getting something weird though that's quite cool I like that what if I want to use a vocal for three two one why don't I just use mine let's go on let's type in random objects generator and generate a list of random things it sounds perfect seat belt iPod shuffle bookmark piano or cup this is great I've rerun rubber band milk ring water bottle shovel mirror sure milk legwarmers candle conditioner if I just read one of these I think we could get it to work I'm gonna go for this selection of objects sailboat remotes socks spring pillow mirror let's see if we can record that I think this will work I haven't done this in a long time so it's gonna be like a technological challenge for me as well oh I think we're recording now are we recording now I think we are let's uh let's read out this the set of objects sailboats remote socks spring pillow mirror safe we're gonna work are we recording now I think we are Okin hey here it is sailboats remote socks spring pillow Mira okay I need like an auto-tuned I don't know if there is an auto-tune on here I'm have to grab one quickly now we need to cut that up into we need to cut that up into something that's kind of got a beat I guess I think I've got it I actually think I'm good I think Mira works the best Mira Mira Mira and then if we make this one lower no way I made this one higher and then oh my goodness no that sounds annoying was sick listen Mira sailboats so I think that's on time I'm pretty sure that's on time so now all we can do is I've got this other cool piece of kit which is like a record it's like a touch pad where you can touch it and make drum sounds you can like tap in a beat it's very cool so those try and tap in a beat to this and then we'll change the drums after I think we got it I think we can do this okay go the timing right now I think got it done so now we need a preset for a plug-in to make like a to make a big bass can you imagine how did you work okay so I've been messing with the drum pattern a bit more and I think this sounds better yeah that's what I got so far stuff you might have out to hear this by that it like a really low bass to it it sounds kind of gritty I like it [Music] and way too much fun with this it's all flooding back maybe I could make it longer and cuz I feel like it actually sounds pretty good as it is but maybe I can make here longer and then add more random words so do like a weird rap over it but with completely random words how many can we have like a hundreds yes we can have a hundred spike ago zipper plows piano sunglasses chalk fork spring table clock rug milk playing card sailboat towel cat air freshener toilet mp3 I could actually do this but just solo these zipper flowers can of sunglasses chalk pork spring table cloth rugs milk playing cards elbow towel cat air freshener toiler mp3 player it's gonna work it's actually gonna work can I actually bring this is that that was the whole thing did the whole thing work I think it did so now if we do the same thing we just have that before we can get like a weird squirrelly rap yes this is gonna be the greatest rap of all time okay so it's been a little while I went off and got some food and then it kind of got deep into trying to make this sound good a car remember I left it last but this is how it sounds now I think I took out some of the mirrors added in one what a sailboat sailboat I did in one of those and tuned it down but this is what I've got so far you're ready either din I think two synths as well so here we go [Music] radio I would like that bit a lot so I've got the rap in there that I did I think that's where I left it last this is new I think you just added a little bit to the song and then a fat bass with this sounds amazing with the top one yeah with that as well sounds great change the drum loop tiny bit and I think I'm ready to put this together cuz I've only got I think an hour left to make this video as well so I think we should put it together the old mirror sailboat so I got this as an intro I [Music] [Applause] think that sounds good I think we should maybe add this in and then try and make it so that it that the volume goes up slowly I don't even know how to do that I think I've done it yeah that's the stuff I need to add some sound effects and stuff to make it even more interesting I would like a reverse cymbal here that I want to use I think I should be able to use it down here remember I'm very very new to this program so I'm learning as I go [Music] oh that sounds good I might actually put like a drum hit in there as well then add something called reverb as well yes that's perfect that sounds so good [Music] [Music] okay that doesn't work there but still I think I need to make the intro longer I'm not quite sure how I'm going to do that longer now I need to move the wrap you guys I think I'm done I'm not sure what else I can add sometimes like when you welcome music for ages calling this music by the way I don't know working on a music for a while you kind of get like really used to it and you need to take a break but um here is what I like to call mirror sailboats [Music] [Applause] posters part swing wagon Campbell campus sofa fulcrum a band radio hanger twister zipper down farm Agnes ain't first will debunk Los Santos monitor pinky brain toothpaste sidewalk conditioner so cell phone lipgloss speakers they have it I think I took three and a quarter hours to make that I love random words thank you to the random object generator and every other sound that's in here obviously I could spend way more time on this but I don't think it needs it this is though I'd go I'd complete was obviously not a serious piece of music I mean it's fun but it's something that I've never done before normally I use my guitar which I did try to do those were part of the four failed attempts using my guitar to make a song instead but maybe I'll do that in the future if you like this anyway please leave a like that we greatly appreciated I am respected it's completely different to what I normally do but I hope you enjoyed it anyway again leave a like if you did subscribe if you're brand new at us see you next time mirror sailboats [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 10,024,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dantdm music, music dantdm, dantdm song
Id: 6oozGfCxkgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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