I forced my cats to make me tons of money and it went bad

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Dapdude 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we are playing the sims 2 again if you missed the previous episodes don't worry because you don't really need to watch them all all you need to know is my guy's depressed obsessed with grilled cheese had alien baby twins has a love-hate relationship with his neighbor vidcon and hardly has enough money to buy food oh also there's fire a lot of fire if you're new by the way be sure to subscribe so you can keep up with this adventure anyway let's get started or little call me kevin the youtuber has a plan he's having a very nice dream as well maybe a bit too nice what i'm gonna do is adopt pets because i realize that you can get pets jobs in this game and if i just adopt a load of pets and get them to work for me i don't have to do any work myself the problem is is that the adoption fee is like 400 bucks so or more in some cases jesus baxter you are you are very expensive for a doofus so i'm gonna have to earn some money no wait i'm going to have to sell items of furniture i mean the repo man keeps coming and stealing my furniture anyway so i guess it doesn't matter all right if i sell my microphone how much will that get me one and a half cats i could sell my computer for another 600 and then i could get three cats in total that's tempting i could sell my oven like he only eats grilled cheese anyway so i guess it doesn't really matter i do need another counter though i think the other one got repossessed i could sell my shrubs no one likes me anyway why would they like my house and finally i guess i'll just sell some windows that's so depressing pet adoption service okay i think i'll go with a cat because i think they actually get you more and plus they look after themselves more don't they look this one's a genius he'll take care of himself choose and name your pet hard worker are you sure you want to adopt a hard worker they must be like this is a red flag for sure oh no they're talking about feeding my children oh i better feed my children which one do i need to feed or the one playing at the toilet why doesn't it just [ __ ] drink out of the toilet then if it's already there why do i need to get a bottle named kitten the new kitten is here i already named you your name is hard worker they're like are you sure it's a terrible name and i'm just like yes for the last time i've decided why are the police here oh oh oh that is adorable the little kitten coming with the police weird it seems like a waste of police time shouldn't you be focusing on other things like i don't know child neglect he walked in and just noped out of there okay is that my cat now okay great uh i can't afford to buy you a bowl or anything oh jesus one the kids is about to revolt shut up shut up shut up uh i'll try and get a job for my cat i've already become a crazy cat man it didn't take long to descend to this madness just leave the baby in the bath it can take care of itself i'm not in the mood to do that right now oh my god okay they're both [ __ ] screaming all right stop freaking out x said snipers sorry zx sniper stop all right look you're acting out i'm just not going to deal with you if you're going to behave like a baby you'll be treated like a baby neglected there we go that's more like it give up and accept your faith don't blame your sibling for this this isn't their fault it's just that well our guy isn't very responsible all right look it's just their hygiene that's bad i can sleep through this right that's not being a bad parent you have to get used to being smelly sometimes oh my god it came in and woke me up okay put it in the crib there we go now you can't bother me i'm going to go sleep hard worker is starving all sweet jesus it's so hard to care for them all there have a grilled cheese that'll cam you down and then maybe you'll be in a good enough mood to get the cat a job oh the cat grew up oh that was fast geez you don't stay kitten for long you already look pissed off and i don't blame you did he scream daddy i think they're actually moving beyond simulation they're learning english to complain about the abuse find pet job for hard worker there you go please earn a high living immediately showbiz careers i don't know if it would work in showbiz uh i was thinking maybe the service career but it would mean they don't go to work today and i really need you to work today because i need money security snooper to turn yeah tate job grace your capital will be here at six perfect i wonder will the nanny come by again you know i know i didn't pay her last time she gotta be pissed off but it's been a few days maybe she's forgotten yes come by now oh thank goodness i'm gonna go sleep go away honestly go away i don't want to deal with you anymore zx snipers xz unsubscribe unsubscribe from being your parent oh my god really nanny i appreciate you caring for the kids but can you take care of them in any other room and stop throwing used diapers and bottles all over my bedroom and kitchen you stay away from him he's the provider in the family do not hurt that cat that cat is more of a father figure to my children than i'll ever be oh no it's tearing apart my bed are you serious the nanny broke my computer are you actually kidding me can i take this out of your paycheck is this a respite because i didn't pay you last time like you stole my table when i didn't pay for you i'm a single parent the two kids and you took our dinner table oh i thought that was the worst car for me for a second but no the cat even knows the cat just knows it's his time to go to work oh no i'm being electrocuted uh i paused it why are you laughing at this why would you possibly laugh at my man here he's being electrocuted and you're just standing there and laughing it's kind of terrifying if you keep pausing it oh my god yeah this about sums up his entire life look this little face it's like he's in camouflage or something he's smiling away on the inside at least he appears to be happy oh at least it didn't kill me sweet jesus i like how she's laughing this could be classified as manslaughter if i died like you're the one that broke the computer i should have sold that computer and used it to buy cats i knew it i knew it i'm gonna have a grilled cheese sandwich that always cheers me up oh no i have no food all right let me order some food wait i can't because the computer's broken can i do it on the phone this is so sad 50 delivery are you serious all right fine whatever at least the cat's paying for it all right i really want to serve grilled cheese can you get these groceries to me quick it's just 170 worth of grilled cheese nothing else oh no i just realized i spent the money on groceries and because of that i don't have enough money to pay her so she's taking some of my stuff again now that i'm done with work would you like to hang out i mean yeah sure you want to take care of the kids longer that would really help i wonder if i could call her a pair man like i know i won't be able to afford it but maybe like what are they gonna do re-break the computer a base fee of 10 bucks and 50 an hour yep that's fine i hope you can fix it in an hour she is actually continuing to care for the children which is wild she's even bathing them this is fantastic what did she even steal from me earlier i'm not even sure she took something but i owe the toilet oh my god are you serious you took my toilet what are we even gonna do with that well kids sorry to break this to you but i guess we're all pissing on the floor for now oh thank god the cat's home welcome home hard worker trust me i want fun too the nanny broke the only way i was having fun the computer i'm too afraid to try and fix in case i get electrocuted again get potty trained that's your wand how the hell are you supposed to get potty trained when we don't even have a toilet learn to talk no i'd rather you weren't able to uh tell on me he'll be ringing child protective services it's so sad to have a want that's buy a toilet i better bring in your boat wait where's the ball oh oh god the bowl is covered in snow hold on let me bring that in it's gonna be so soggy i'm gonna take the cat for a walk is that a good idea no it doesn't want to it doesn't like me very much go away i want to have fun and you guys are not fun to hang out with okay the cat [ __ ] hates me i i'm not surprised i don't treat it as a pet i just mooch off it which is the weirdest thing ever this about sums it all up my guy looks like he's about to have a mental breakdown the child is like begging for food and the cat is looking at me menacingly like hmm if i kill you i'll be the leader of the household oh thank god the repair dude is here all fixed thank you very much uh do you have any interest in purchasing it i am not risking that thing again and uh i'm gonna buy a new cat at pet adoption service come on i just need loads of cats it's pretty sad that some of the cats are actually valued more than my net worth are you sure you want to adopt workhorse yes i am why did you just go up to your child and go what's the cheapest way to have fun that's such a sad sentence all right i got you a stereo all right time for some fun oh no the police are here oh okay it's no it's just about the animal thing great no don't go pick it up you don't even want to interact with it it just seems actually like worse now that i have the music on anyone else feeling that or is that just me wait what the hell just happened there did my child just start floating is it returning to its home planet i wouldn't be surprised oh no it's back it was just a glitch it thought for a brief second it was getting away there i'm sorry but life isn't that easy he says as he goes into his bedroom instead of dancing oh yes my favorite jam latin vibes with a hint of babies wailing oh i was just supposed to say should i buy a toilet but i can't afford one all right kid i get out of the splash zone fast oh there's a dog outside would you like to be my dog i can get you a good job in the hospitality sector wait what the hell my children actually like me one of them considers me a friend the other one not so much are you [ __ ] kidding me the dog that i greeted came in and just destroyed my bed i no longer have a place to sleep what a great day i just love living praise for hostility towards others and then chase it off just so someone else will have to suffer his horrible behavior as well oh the little kitten can't get inside and i have to turn off this music it's absolute chaos no don't pee on the cat dude take the cat inside no no no no no don't pee on the cast dude stop putting the cat down he just [ __ ] won't bring the cat inside yeah but no come on dude please it's trying to eat but i can't get inside oh he's gone to where his bed used to be a creature of habit i see wait is that vidcon no okay you know what i might have to bring out the big guns i might actually have to call in backup and try and get vidcon to my enemy to move in with me i need help like i can't do this alone okay look i'll just put the ball outside for now that that solves the situation temporarily now you can eat soggy cat food hey are you thinking about other owners get the thought out of your mind you're mine now i'm not really in the mood to go to work today i think no no i need you to work why didn't you just [ __ ] eat then you would have been fine be careful a political talk only has two days left before celebrating a birthday aspiration meters looking pretty low but they're still trying to focus on some of their ones and make sure the next phase of life isn't as hard as this one was this poor woman who's like trying to get in the carpool lane but her colleague just will not get in the car she's sitting there for an hour beeping at the cat the cat does not care oh the cat is asking to be fed you're just gonna walk away seriously you monster like i'm not doing it either but that's because i can't afford it oh no don't go in the mailbox all they send me is bills no one ever wants to contact me stop screaming i'm completely ignoring you the only thing i'm going to attend to is your hunger bear speaking of which you're actually kind of hungry okay i'll get you a bottle this is torture it's falling asleep on the floor again like i can't go to work because i gotta take care of the kids and i have no money to pay the nanny so she doesn't come back for days i need bitcoin i can't believe i'm saying this but please vidcon i need you i'll gussy up and come right over thank god every time people come over there's less and less furniture because either the nanny or the repo man steals some vidcon just never showed up this is why he's a horrible person could you get off the counter please i know you're like the man of the house and all but i need the space okay i can afford my bills at least it's 26 dollars i should probably pay that otherwise the repo man's going to come up and there's not much left to take everything is pretty much an essential item except for the children but i don't think that'll work as payment he's sleeping on the side of the road like he's probably just wishing a car will come across and take him in his sleep no please dude go away please go away i can't afford another bowl of food oh you're trying to get me back i see the kittens trying to piss on me now i think oh no the cat's drinking the pee i think i should fire the maid like i know she's only costing me like 20 or 30 bucks a day and i don't know if i can keep on top of the cleaning alone but the money situation is dire the carpool will arrive all right let me just call work and say i'm sick for the 16th time in a row wow you sure don't sound healthy yeah i know i keep peeing myself did you really think you could fool me with that fake coughing go try your stunts in some other company you're fired oh no but i am sick i keep peeing myself at least he peed in the bathroom this time hey privacy occupied oh my god they keep following me and i don't know why like i don't hear my children but you're creating roadblocks and i can't get back out just hop in the bath then luckily babies are not all-terrain vehicles they can't get in here it's snowing exclamation mark you don't have time to enjoy life cancel this poor other cat where even is it it's out here it's just staring into the what are you looking ahead it's just looking off into nothing like so this is my life now stuck with this man in this household i wish i was never adopted becomes an adult in three days and then we're started then we'll have two cats with jobs it'll be a fully functioning family oh thank goodness hard workers brought me 130 dollars thank you hard worker yeah yes it's your territory yes i understand the message behind that better fill the ball keep the cats happy okay thankfully the children are growing up today which is fantastic news because hopefully i won't have to look after them as much unfortunately then they will truly realize how miserable their life is like right now they know they're sad but they don't fully understand why they don't know this is a forever feeling fear grow up badly well well it's not an irrational fear unfortunately no i don't try and escape there's no escaping from this that's why i installed the stairs oh you grew up congratulations yep i know i know it's awful the more you grow up the more you can truly feel the pain what about you aren't you supposed to be twins do you not grow up if i don't let you out of your cage there you go now you've also grown up he's just sitting that's that's all he's doing he's just that's that's his goal right now sit he doesn't want to do anything he just wants to sit and stare at the wall this is his idea of fun now just sitting i mean he finally gets some peace and quiet i guess he's pretty happy all right kids big day i'm gonna sell your cribs and i'm gonna buy us a family toilet i know this is big things are looking up okay the good news is and now i can serve grilled cheese and people will actually eat it there's people in the house that want grilled cheese the kids and he loves making his grilled cheese look at this he's up in platinum aspiration all right should i try and find a job that i can actually do while they're at school he's not in the mood okay i mean fair hey zx snipers xz has called me kevin available to talk no he's enjoying the new item we bought oh it feels good doesn't it we have no food let's just go to a community lot maybe they'll have facilities like the bathrooms and benches we can nap on and stuff i was really hoping i'd get some time alone but unfortunately it's saturday so there's no school it's not a good idea to leave snipers alone i tried to bring them with me yeah wake up your egypts come on we gotta go all right at least they don't have to pay the delivery fee i just couldn't leave the house because the [ __ ] babies there's no bench or anything to sleep on i hate this lot i'm going home cool it looks like a member of your household has brought home a new video game now all they need is the computer who stole that because i definitely didn't buy it for you we don't have the money for that come on hard worker yes go to work thank goodness and the other cat grows up in a day oh then we'll really have income yes 130 thank goodness all right kids don't worry i can make food again wait is there any way i can afford like even a crappy bench to sleep on no i can't afford anything a bed no what am i thinking 300 bucks at least oh i'm getting so much aspiration points for making all this grilled cheese i can almost afford a counterfeit machine okay maybe that's the way to make money i just keep getting eat grilled cheese over and over again so i just put down one and then start on the next one and it gets me more points do i have enough now no still a little bit short luckily each grilled cheese came up again so let's just put that one down and then eat another grilled cheese there you go okay counterfeit machine please don't burn the house down okay here we go kids please work please work why are you stopping no we need more money no i don't want to play catch with you i want to counterfeit simoleons oh no stop i don't want to pay attention to you there we go you'll keep stopping i'll keep queuing uh look at them all sleeping on the floor like a proper family i'm also gonna fire the maid because i just can't afford it anymore and hopefully the kids can help me clean now yeah she left never mind she could see the writing on the wall like i wouldn't be surprised if there was literal writing all over the wall all work and no play makes call me kevin the youtuber a dull boy come on keep counterfeiting i need to get us enough i assume at a certain point it'll cut off and i can actually collect it like i just want enough to get a bed oh my god we don't have enough food are you actually serious all right more grosser he said then run home fast it doesn't help that my aspiration is to make grilled cheese constantly and it's costing me a ton of money to restock the fridge oh the cat grew up workhorse is ready for a job really all right fine whatever just don't kill each other because i need you to earn me money all right you're both going into the security career at least then you'll be going at the same time i suppose i'm not really in the mood to go to work today oh at least one of you go workhorse come on oh no what is this they need a potentially frightening cat to sit outside a fantastic house that has just been put on the market with the recent housing shortage the company doesn't want crazy shoppers looking at the house before the company's time to prepare the house they want to sell to the perfect buyer with minimal effort a wealthy looking couple approaches the house it seems they love the house they're looking to buy immediately but they want to take just a peek inside let them have a peek yes workhorse has been promoted to guard pet workhorse leads the couple through the house with a few stops to allow the couple to take notice of the house's most exciting features two rooms and ten minutes later the couple has enough of a peak and they inform workhorse that they're ready to buy they're lunatics talking to a cat yes oh my god i have money i'm going to buy a bed i'm so happy it's like not only is the comfort gonna be just an amazing addition to my life but i can now choose when to go to sleep instead of waiting until he's completely exhausted thank you workhorse for everything you've done stop begging for food though come on there's food right there can't do everything for you what are you doing a workhorse is starving but the food is there there you go will you eat now oh also my child is starving look i know it's not great but i do have some rotten grilled cheese up there could you eat that and look there's one on the floor ah why are you here please take the kids and not work horse are you serious you're taking both my pets away he was refusing to eat it was him that was the problem not me one second let me make my bed first you took both of them they were the providers from my family i feel like everyone in this house is having a mental breakdown i move the desk because that stereo kept waking them and i left the chair so now you just have the steering chair which is the most fun thing in the house you can tell because it has balloons on it political talk is sick with the probably because i was force-feeding him gone off grilled cheese yes they're finally going to school i have some time for myself oh thank goodness i know you're going to sleep like in terrible moods and it's your first day and i'm sending you to school in pajamas stinking after waking up on the front lawn well the front sand where all the other kids will have seen you but you gotta go i need some time away from you oh thank god they're gone finally some time alone she's like well you're making the most of your terrible life aren't you all right let's get counterfeiting come on the repo man is here wait no hold on i'm literally printing money i can get the cash he's stealing my staring mirror alright i get you have to take it but do you have to look so demonically happy about it look at that face come on dude okay get cash how much do i get for that 80 bucks i wouldn't be dancing quite just yet that's not really enough money to keep us afloat especially now that the cats are gone 8am to 2pm 280 a day that'll do right the kids go to school then yeah i'll take the job in the meantime let's do some more counterfeiting but you won't okay you want to dance your heart out first okay just hours and hours of dancing great now counterfeit it's on fire oh my god the thing is on fire the thing is on fire kids put out the fire please kevin run away let the kids take care of this stop looking at the fire one of them just went to sleep got bored will you stop looking at the [ __ ] fire and just call the emergency department emergency look it's an emergency that's when you run away yes run over here called no i wish i could just move the phone a bit closer but he's not having any of it stop dude okay look extinguish it yourself then if you insist i'm on fire i am on fire i'm on fire again this isn't the first time i've been on fire i was hoping that was bills that were burning but no it's the children's book that's even more depressing yep crazy how life can be so cruel huh uh oh oh no his symbol disappeared oh god does that mean he's oh god he just got sucked into the floor he's a pile of ash can i talk to the grim reaper like i know he's not even a body anymore it's a pile of ash but can i talk you out of this this woman just walks in like hey what's going on in here oh now the child is also on fire what kind of parent lets a child go hungry a dead one political talk the youtuber is um he just seems pissed off by the whole thing he's a little bit annoyed he just wants to get back to his day he wants to read his uh his little children's book there what a perfect screen to end it on all right so we will end it there i've got to save from the night before so we can continue this if you want to see more let me know if you're new subscribe regulars appreciate you as always thank you very much for watching and hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 875,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, the sims, the sims 2, the sims 4, new, callmekevin sims, i quit my job, made cats work for me
Id: lDXrdyEyN9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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