Sims 2 but I have mole people living in the walls

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hey there friends how's it going my name is Kevin and today we're playing The Sims 2 we've moved on from Jim's depressing childhoods so don't worry now we're into his depressing teenage years alright so we got Jim here as a teenager he looks hot older than the teenage really look at him but he is a teenager we got dick Pickens here who doesn't look like he's enjoying his time with his son and this is our lovely house it's one of the most ugly houses I've ever seen but I got it quite cheap a lot of that is probably due to the fact that mole people live in the walls yeah slight downside when you're buying property you really gotta look into these things you know so yeah they go in the walls there and there's more walls down here that they go through and they've got their little basement room down here this is mold Pickens this is mold too Pickens and this is mold 3 Pickens they're both people someone sent me this idea on Twitter and I thought it was just [ __ ] brilliant to put Sims living in the walls so that's what we've done okay so I'm gonna unlock this door now they can go freely and they each have their unique doors that they can go through so for example mold one might be able to go through this one and this one and then they all have their own little doors yeah that's Jim's life right now wait and fight the headmaster yeah and fight the headmaster over I want to get into college the local private school headmaster is interested in coming for dinner do you feel like entertaining if so there might be admittance to the private school in the works yes good I'll be over at five oh my god that gives us like no time I gotta buy some stuff fast my hand is just constantly spinning I guess that means he's happy like green everyone just come in mold person get out of here wait how did I get in here I'm not supposed to be allowed in the walls why is he going up there to greet her I don't understand where he's going he went up and then back down the stairs I don't have time for your [ __ ] nonsense the Headmaster's coming over what's this present though it's a new computer oh my god them old people who are really close to the TV alright let's buy him like a cake or something I look parity stuff alright I think we're good to go and we just gotta wait for five the hell is going on here get out of my house if you're doing lovey-dovey stuff I got a headmaster to pres Jim is very close to the TV - all right the headmaster will be arriving more people like the fires yes sacrifice for the headmaster all right back into the walled small people why is he saluting them old people oh he's saluting the dog I guess look at them they're all really neat so he'll wanna clean all the time brilliant all right third mould person you serve up dinner wait who's trashing the balloons oh my god I hope the fire doesn't go out otherwise the whole party's ruined clean up then don't just wait for the mold people he's arrived oh he doesn't find anything wrong with this yes this person might be right for my school I get one of the mold people to greet him you're greeted come on in no don't both grab it wait how did they make two bags out of one thing and it just disappears oh you need counter space okay okay put the cake down the ground effects sake Jesus Christ okay buy a new table or the cake now cook the dinner get out of the walls everyone that's for the mole people boy they even want to use it oh my god what did you make it she just tries to throw it away throw it away wait what what are you doing get out of here oh my god when the fires is gone this is a disaster they just want to clean nothing else look at them why is he going around to come back out they're so confused by this whole wall system I at least talk to him come on we don't have much time with four minutes right Jim is making impression oh my god the house is on fire headmaster I swear this hardly ever happens all right the fire is out at least we had a smoke alarm celebrate the fire going out at least the headmaster will see that you look on the bright side I'm selling the smoke alarm what's the odds of having two fires oh my god he's gone insane look he's going nuts I forgot you can have like mental breakdowns in this game I guess that father sent him over the edge a friend the guy's afraid to even come inside look try talking about school come on okay that guy's having a serious mental breakdown here should someone help him or I'm gonna get normal doors and see will that work he might want to have dinner soon okay I think we've kind of run out of time but I'll try he's talking to a ball with a hat Oh God at least here's some friends I guess wait why can't a toast with toasted the walls why not look just serve instant meals please okay I think it's working I think she went to the right door I think they're actually locked now good I served the meal to everyone wait no don't leave you still have 27 seconds to enjoy an instant meal headmaster does not think this is the kind of family that should be associated with such a fine institution give me one reason is if you don't want my mold people then you don't want me that's just something I'm gonna have to deal with look at her she looks like she's storing nuts for the winter don't worry Jim you're too good for private school don't complain about the mold people they're cleaning the place up oh wait he's in your bed okay maybe you can complain about him a little bit all right there we go now he can't get his way into your bedroom anymore but we will however install a little window so they can check on you just to be safe we'll do the same here just checking on them as they sleep just to be a hundred percent safe you know mold person get out of my life oh wait I just locked him in the room okay you can leave now no don't get into bed with me Oh mold person I love you oh yes the hallway toilet I forgot I gave them that does the original plan was to not leave them out at all but I kind of like the idea that they'll come out and clean for me and stuff they constantly want to clean which is nice I should probably get dick a job right probably be a good start really you're coming in disturbing your sleep just to give out about the window okay there we go get a nice desk I even got your little balloons on your chair fine home place no you're stuck with them all people now find a job hippie there's an opening in the gamer career track as a noob take that job someone clean the kitchen yet although he's cleaning it there's so on point with the cleaning it's so good now I think about it I don't know why I ever hired maids in these games why don't I just have mold people in the wall oh wait is that food still good yet mac and cheese oh that's why they weren't cleaning it it's still good all right enjoy everyone oh my god his face I'll just take that look it's not even good enough for the mold people they're dumping it why is there no caterer matchmaking service I could get an obedience trainer for my mold people oh that's probably actually just for dogs and cats I guess let's call matchmaking services I can sense you are looking for someone to spend the rest of your days with yes sure why not I'll be over shortly I'm going to school yes I could ask one of the mold people to talk to you instead on my behalf she's coming over and I'm already gone all right mold person go talk to her ask for blind date them old people oh my god how much cash what the hell why do I have to pay you so much money here I'll give you 37 okay that's it well I guess you're gonna get exactly what you've paid for it don't say I didn't warn you well he's a handsome young man in a uniform and everything had to be honest as a mold person this is pretty good at dick it's time for work I Drive to work in your own kind of this person specifically came to care pool for you drive away my car is better anyway even though it's the exact same it has the same number plate she's gonna sit there like he just left them funny it's all the more person in the window he's oh I think he's stretching oh yeah I bought a ballet barre he was waving to me take my picture why won't you hug them all person I'm not sure how you got this angle but just take it like this there you go now we'll never forget this this is my family mall to mall to has gain and help enthusiasm and music and dance to talk about it with other sins like hmm I think we can end this date I don't think it's going anywhere oh he ended it before I got to it's like you can't fire me I quit who's playing that oh yeah it's the stereo I bought I guess it can only play Christmas music I just wanna give her 5 G's 5 grand lady that's call a commitment and can sense that you two are nearly perfect for each other if one of the mole people fall out the sky I'm gonna be at Northeast oh hi my name is Jim Pickens - so do you like hats with spinny things - she doesn't seem that interested why why is she losing aspiration points she doesn't like high heels I'm not even wearing my high heels right now wait what is this I think it's saying we don't have chemistry things are going well wait dad what no dad no that's my soon-to-be girlfriend the coach of his piece stop fighting stop fighting best family I'm sorry about that it was just rain on my cheeks as it was rainy at the time hey let me charm you know oh why is he getting denied they were supposedly a perfect match listen lady I paid 5 grand for you what if I just got a really high-end prostitute and I'm just too naive to realize it I think I'm just on a date hi gobo why I just admired you why don't you like that what you vomiting while thinking about me [Laughter] don't do anything which ones mole this one's ball isn't it yeah he's kind of practising his belly right now no wonder he's so pissy no one wants to deal with him they only want to talk to the moles jim has no patience for them right now leave me alone I was gonna get the mole to flirt with her but I think she's actually a teenager I kind of forgot about that that wouldn't be good for the moles you can't hide in my walls from the law well actually you probably could they never find him God what a party look they hate each other they're arguing hey mol - his available to talk why do they only like more yeah sure he's available hey dick is amol the mole it's not on the first page oh yes I paid five grand to have one I have a better relationship with the woman I gave the two grand to and the guy who had a mental breakdown in my kitchen I'm gonna invite the headmaster over to am probably easy to convince him to come over like hey so I'm always asking about you see that meme like hey can you come over no I can't mole is here whoa I love to get something fun as well let's buy something fun oh that's ten fun bowling is also ten fun I think I'll fit in a pool table more than I'd fit in I think in a bowling alley though oh but this log-rolling thing is also ten go with that I hope there's no leaks in that because the mold people their housing is right underneath it great now we've something fun for the headmaster to do it perfectly fits to you'd swear I did it on purpose but the mold people love their ballet don't they look how angry [ __ ] in the background I hate cereal don't gossip about them they already live in her walls they haven't heard enough he actually kind of looks like Santa no they look at him it's possible I mean have you ever seen heaven sand at the same place and what you do they all stay in sync with each other I don't think they do techno Jesus Christ is freaking out I love Christmas all right I think these will have to go as much as I love them they're a bit obnoxious I mean if I was blamed by myself I'd probably leave them but for a video probably not a good idea I will however put them around the neighborhood like this all right we're ready for the principal to arrive there you are good it's the same guy who careful me how come you take the good care for him all right welcome to the parody house No stop eating that [ __ ] corn you clean you that can serve dinner look hamburgers asked to join fancy a log roll headmaster no other side you idiot come on you're making me look like an idiot just try and beat me look how much fun you're having oh wait there's nothing to do with fun it store points okay give him a tour wait what the hell what the [ __ ] was that underneath I guess I can that was [ __ ] scary I just saw someone walking in the water hey Jim is military available to talk yeah why not oh my god what the hell that this isn't burgers you were in the middle of giving him a tour what are you doing move the bad stuff into the room I showed him already on this one I got slightly more on good I'll show you my bedroom I guess sir would you like to see my bedroom yeah you really like this room hey so I know I invited you to dinner and everything but I've got no food my mold people ate it all what's he gotten into the fridge again I wasn't too impressed with the tour I was expecting to see a more suitable environment for the child and chef salad come on that'll that'll be fast right wait how was my log place on fire oh wait it's underneath okay hold on mole people let's get you out of there it's time to leave folks come on get out of here no get out of here look light a fire something do something you to distract you from the fire you know your beds on fire but can someone call the fire brigade he's kind of busy dick can do it oh god there's someone on the other line hold on just hung up on them immediately all right let's see who was like ah yes emergency I mean you could just release the water from the log thing I'm not even sure how that affected working if I'm honest like how can they just have a water ceiling and mold person you literally ran into the fire okay he's on fire now well I saw that coming he's too someone to put him out I guess it is good fire rescue music now give it that come on save the fridge save the fridge saved it still looks on fire sir okay it's kind of hurt thank you oh my god are you kidding me how did this happen what are you doing someone call the fire department back and who is this lady by the way oh my god they won't call them Jim are you busy oh yeah he looks pretty relaxed never mind where's the oh the mole person got into the bed again cheeky mold person look at the time I'd better go from freaking out to just like oh Jesus it's late and uh yeah it's us again sorry yay even the snowman's happy we solved the problem in hindsight that 50 bucks for selling my fire lamb probably wasn't worth it yay happy again look at him dancing long as he washes the dishes he's loving it maybe we should turn it off for now though oh no he's angry that I want to turn it off I'm sorry we're leaving on kind of hypnotizing in a way like when it moves its stomach like that I don't know I'm kind of mesmerised well you know what I think we've done enough for one day with the mole people I hope you guys enjoyed this look at the Sims - I had a blast playing it we'll probably at least do another episode on this I want to kind of go through Jim's life you know it's kind of all coming together why he's so insane I guess you gotta remember this is all based on Jim's therapy session so this is all coming from the world of Jim but yeah I hope you enjoyed I appreciate you watching as always folks and I'll see you next time bye for now shout out to patreon soldier fortune Adrian Simone Adrian Adrian K Alexander Karelin Henley Almighty peanut anaconda kiwi and banana an ER 34 Anthony lost Riario Kelman Ashlee Oh Morgan Austin Daken bassam al Juhani Bjorn Fenton hater Brendon krobak Brooke Schuler cackles Callum Sawyer's cat has lee chadwick the great Chandler shears Cheyenne McNeil cookie mignon Danny hurly Daniel O'Neil and Darren Shan
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,667,008
Rating: 4.975584 out of 5
Keywords: sims 4, sims, jim pickens, callmekevin, lets play, sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 let's play, sims 4 commentary, sims 4 death, sims 4 reaper, grim reaper mod, sims 4 mods, sims 4 story, sims 4 best mods, sims 4 episodes, grim reaper babies, sims cats and dogs, sims pets, sims vampire, sims 4 seasons, expansion, sims deluxe, sims 1, sims collection, pc game, the sims, simes deluxe edition, expansion packs, sims 2, sims 2 2018, sims 2 funny moments, the sims 2
Id: pntrMixNBxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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