Testing Minecraft Block Facts To See If They're True

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minecraft block hacks has recently blown up on youtube but i'm sure you're wondering is he telling the truth today we're gonna find out by testing his most popular videos to see if they're real or if they're totally fake minecraft is broken there's a mistake in the code that makes absolutely no sense apparently netherright does not break in lava but a cactus will break it does that make any sense too does that mean that there's a new meta where cactuses are the new base defense all right so actually we found some wild lava right here and we'll throw in these axes just to confirm make sure it's working correctly they they float up all right they float up it's looking good now we're gonna put down a little bit of cactus action and see what happens if we throw it onto the cactuses and that makes absolutely no sense i mean it really doesn't make sense or anything to be disappearing by cactus but let's throw this into it and see what happens and there it goes it just vanishes just like that which means cactuses are more strong than netherrite which means maybe the next item minecraft releases will be the cactus weapons so since we just found out that cactuses are like the best item in the game now apparently snow can be used to be put next to them and create a wall i i've never heard of anything like that we're going to say your base is back there all right you're trying to defend the base obviously you got to get that cactus wall down so we're going to do something like this boom boom boom can't put them next to each other now we're going to try both types of snow we got a snow block so the snow block is a no-go now we're going to try the snow snow you can't walk through it and it it actually seems to be completely correct here this does work that is really cursed that is really something special i mean if this doesn't become the future of base defense i don't know what is because then right behind it you should theoretically then be able to put more yes you can put more cactuses down this kind of gives it a little bit more of a way to slow people down now the sea pickle one of the most famous items or infamous items in minecraft because no one uses it but apparently four of these is brighter than a torch is it better to bring these around inside your base instead of torches that doesn't make any sense to put down the torch so what we're gonna do is walk in a straight line until the client light says zero three two one zero so right here this is how many blocks the torch goes with zero light so it's a pretty good distance as where mobs could start spawning and all that fun stuff we replaced this with four sea pickles and apparently each sea pickle makes it a little bit brighter let's see how bright it is maybe it has to be in water because i i ain't getting no light out of mine now the one he put down maybe it's in bedrock and is different mine's giving me zero light so they do have to be in water oh look at how bright these are so they've got to be some sort of wetness inside of the light goes up to 12 so i'm gonna have to kind of clear it out this way then look at this look at this this says client light one with the torch it said client light zero which means there should be one extra block that these get you over a regular torch which means these are actually correct now if you're sick of mob spawning inside your base you want to save your place to go block facts claims that no mobs can spawn on bedrock anywhere we have to go all the way down here clear out an entire layer of bedrock for you guys it's good it's going to take a while i'll be honest with you i got to break it all by hand definitely would not here we are we made it definitely would not world edit this all right i would never do that all right so you're gonna see some really weird stuff happen here but i'm setting all the stone to air oh here we go here we go it's coming together all right just cleared that by hand completely did it for you guys a lot of hard work going into this one so we're going to do is give them a little bit of space go in spectator just kind of give a little zoomy zoom over here and just kind of see what happens all right we've been waiting a while still not a single mob has spawned down there but we do have mobs that have spawned above it so it seems to be true but what if we put a mob spawner down here all right so we've got three blaze spawners one cave spider spawner all of them are just sitting here casually on bedrock and uh just to prove they do work we'll go put one up top just to test okay so there's some blazes spawning up top and they do spawn down here so it looks like no wild mobs will spawn but if you manage to get a spawner down here then they still will work now are you team pumpkin or are you team melon because if you're not team melon after this you're gonna be apparently there's a way to get a lot more bang for your buck from your massive melon farm which is way too big and has more melons than you'll ever need but take a look minding a melon with fortune can drop up to nine melons up to nine melon slices with fortune ladies and gentlemen welcome to the annual melon olympics where we'll be testing how efficient you can get with your axe and melons so we're gonna break three of these with a regular that gave us three that gave us three and that also gave us three all right now we've got fortune one on our axe let's go ahead and give it a shot right here we actually got six that time we got five and then another six wow so we got seventeen so we we literally just added one fortune to the axe that actually doubled the production of that all right so now we're bumping it up to fortune three five melons that's all it gave us was five on the first one second one gave us seven third one oh look at this guys we got 18. there was such a minor difference between these two so minecraft coal is really interesting there's a lot of debate on what's the most efficient way to smell things a lot of people would say it's a lava bucket but is it really take a look at this blocks will smell for 14.2 hours which is over 42 minecraft days that means if you had two stacks of coal blocks that would last an entire 100 days minecraft hardcore series here comes the annual youtube smelt off competition now we've got coal ore in one block and coal and the other we might as well add a lava as well to see all right so we're going to go ahead and load these suckers up all with a stack of 64 porkies put some porkies in lava bucket is started we're gonna see how many that thing smelts we're going to do a stack of 64 coal and then apparently coal ore oh guys there's an error in the video he said coal blocks not coal ore he showed coal ore on screen that's why i was so confused so that means in order to go through this entire stack it's something like 42 in-game days that means i would have to sit here for 840 minutes or 14 real-life hours so yes this does work but don't use the coal ore use the whole block here's an interesting factoid for you apparently mycelium is less blast resistant than grass if we take a look at this clip right here he shows mycelium on top of grass it blows up both blocks all right so we've got a stack of mycelium you'll never see this and a stack of grass oh i made path well we might as well test the grass path too while we're here all right now we've got the triple test the path the mycelium and of course the actual grass all right let's start with the control here this is the path block okay that didn't work that didn't work that didn't work you can't really i can't we'll do this here we go the pat the inter one okay very good so now we can count how many blocks of air are here and we'll see how much damage it's done 86 blocks were replaced right here why does that seem so high now we're going to try here this is the mycelium that did seem to be a bigger hole to me 89 blocks on this one just slightly bigger i finally got the grass to me this looks like the worst one i'll be honest with you this one did 93. so i just replaced everything that was around these with air and you can see the actual explosions right here i don't know how else i could have made that more fair but to me that shows this one may not be true now here's an item not many of us use at least i don't use it because i'm not i'm not that good but respawn anchors apparently they're as strong as obsidian then he blows it up and they actually disappear on camera so here we have respawn anchors obsidian and of course uh observers for the test uh just for the the you know just to prove that it does work all right this is our reference unit here all right so the tnt is working all right there's the explosion now obviously it should not blow up the obsidian right here if everything is correct and then according to what he said this should also not blow up it did not take damage now does it change if we charge them up oh they get brighter oh oh oh i think i overcharged it i don't know you could overcharge it is that a thing wow those things are big boys huh i think that'll be a sufficient number to test if these things actually are indestructible or not i mean yeah it seems like the only thing that breaks it is if you overload it with glowstone it seems like it might be bigger than tnt look at this i mean that is massive now here is another interesting fact smooth sandstone apparently is more blast resistant than other types of sandstone again i don't know about this he drops tnt the smooth sandstone blows up the other one doesn't alright you literally cannot even tell the difference between these two they look so identical except for the side so we're gonna put down one tnt here and one tnt right about there give them both a little little explosion and see what we get so that was our basic explosion now on the surface it definitely looks like it is way more blast resistant wow guys you wait till you see these numbers these will blow your mind away all right so these are the explosion radiuses of the sandstone versus the smooth sandstone we actually had 74 on sandstone which means it's way more blast proof within grass then this one over here only had 11 blocks so if you make smooth sandstone that's going to be a pretty solid item to use maybe before you get obsidian all right now here's a little bit of a cursed one for shulkers apparently if you use invisibility potion on shulkers only the shell disappears but the inside of the shulker remains there what the heck is that that is really weird to me these things are going all over the place let's hit them wow look at that so they do disappear and all that's left is what what even is that it's like an enderman head that's got stuck inside of a box wow that is weird what if you throw it on this does it do anything no so it literally just makes the shell disappear on the outside very cool all right now let's step away from the desert and walk into the ocean because apparently there's a much easier way to go up and down in the ocean at least there might be scaffolding works in water i've never tried this because i've never thought to okay clearly it does work down here but what is it is there a use case for it about to find out i didn't know it would ever work in the water i'm still not sure why like is it really that much of a benefit so like if i swim up we'll put a timer down right here we'll swim up and we'll see this is in just vanilla swim speed all right now we're gonna do it but this time we're going to use the scaffolding like does it doesn't make a difference it doesn't feel like we are also i don't know why i buy my head i mean i think it's the exact same speed as it would otherwise be there's not a lot of reasons i can think of why you want to do this in the water so according to this video frost walker works with armor stands and is there some way you can use that to make some kind of a secret entrance into your basement so we'll pull out an armor stand we'll dress them up in like a full set of gucci right here a control unit here another one here load them up in their armor okay frost walker is on our boy how do i move it you know like what's the best way to move i mean i could i could break it see what i'm just going to break it see what happens okay that obviously not good all right i'm going to place a piston and try to push him forward okay well i feel like this one kind of explains itself maybe it's a bedrock thing you're just going to sink them into the depths of the ocean that's really disappointing here's like kind of a useful fact right here apparently glowstone allows you to open up chests redstone lamps don't and i didn't know either of them were possible i thought any block meant you couldn't open up a chest so we're gonna try it with three i'm gonna do a uh a lit redstone a regular lamp and then a glowstone lamp just to see if any of these make a difference we'll test that too might as well all right we'll also do a uh we'll do like a grass as well i like doing like a control just to make sure my game's not bugged so first off grass not opening 100 can't confirm no go all right let's move on over to this one that also is confirmed no go all right unlit lamp does not work the reds oh wait oh look it works underneath the redstone i don't expect that to work it's kind of a nasty design if you're gonna have a big redstone thing there but it does work the lit lamp also doesn't work and then finally glowstone also does works well there you go for whatever reason those two happen to work if you play my minecraft server play outlookfellow.com you know that certain items are worth a lot of money netherwar is one of them it's gonna make you a lot but apparently fortune only works when it's the final stage of growth so if you try to use fortune early you're not going to reap the full benefit here is our two crops we've got one that's like fully grown one that's only kind of grown then we're going to go ahead and get out a hoe here and give it fortune so we've got fortune three so first we'll go through and harvest these crops we'll do survival mode these obviously are not fully grown and it gave us uh gave us four now these are fully grown that already gave us four i gave us another four that gave us another i don't know that was three or four or something so it seems like it is pretty accurate i mean at the end of the day we use fortune on everything now here's an interesting one block fact says that no blocks will catch fire but never burn down so if you need to have a fire in your corner and don't have maybe any netherrack maybe no block is what you want so we got a couple note blocks here we're gonna pop them all down next to each other and for the first test we'll just put some lava around and see if they catch fire okay there there we go first one's caught fire then we're gonna put a few down and just light them on fire ourselves and if they don't burn out like i'm seeing this as like an idea where you design like a literal on fire speaker system like when the speakers turn on they catch fire all right i'm telling you bensy goes here load her up with some flint and steel note block goes here and then you can wire it up to redstone so like if you like custom write a song the second it turns on the entire sound system is gonna light on fire that's like intense it also seems to go out eventually too now apparently you can use end stone portals to power your redstone if there's an eye inside of the end portal it's going to power your comparator we're going to pop down a little bit of one of these bad boys pop an i inside of it and then put down the comparator the correct way and it does seem like it powers it i guess when you find the m portal you can turn that into some sort of redstone power source what's the creative use for that drop it down below in the comments because i'm not sure what you do if you ride a pig into a mine cart is it actually faster than just riding the mine cart by itself apparently if you're in the mine cart versus riding the pig while in the minecart it's almost twice as fast if not three times faster okay here's the test with just a regular mine cart no boosters very slow i mean i don't know anyone who does this i mean it's just horrifically painful to do we're gonna ride the pig in the cart not even on the rails anymore i am actually driving the cart now let's get it on here and it is way faster there is a world where you use pigs in your carts to make your connection points and be like oh i got to get over to this rail over here maybe it was like too complex or red still miranda pop a pig down and then you can just drive your car that's pretty cool now here's another mob that apparently is still visible when it's invisible the endermen apparently have eyeballs still visible once you splash them you can barely see them right there all right that's a good little hole right there now pop down some endies pretty much every single person's nightmare in the world right here but we do have definitely enough to test it on so let's go ahead and start splashing them look how weird that is whoa so they still have particles it's literally just floating eyeballs inside of a pit i never knew that was a thing in the game that's amazing you guys know that you can give fox's items they hold it in their mouth and it's adorable you can give them a fire aspect sword they can use it oreo spider eye which apparently poisons them or a chorus fruit which actually makes them teleport so that would be a pretty interesting one to see all right we're going to pop down our foxes right here just a nice good old-fashioned heard of them whatever i don't know what's that what's the group of foxes hold anyone know i have no idea give him some spider eyes see what happens oh he got one you all don't seem poison to me maybe it's a fermented spider eye i mean to me they they seem to be okay let's try chorus fruit and see if they start teleporting they run from polar bears so let's see if we do this if it'll make them use it y'all can teleport now let's go oh oh oh i think they were i think they're teleporting like they're so quick yeah yeah they are they are they are now i think it's also a one-time use that's so weird
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 2,576,906
Rating: 4.8871818 out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: TtN4yNojiQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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