I Made A Machine That BLENDS People In Fun With Ragdolls (Funny)

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ding-ding-ding top of morning everybody and welcome to fun with ragdolls the game in case you're mixing it up with Dolph the movie this is a game that I thought was out already but just on Steam it came out recently so I decided you know what click and I did a pro-gamer move and downloaded the game and it looks Valerius I love these types of games with rag dolls and physics and everything's oh oh let's play shut up you you don't know me you don't know me you don't know me all right we're gonna get in and plays I'm not going to build my own sandbox right now because that's scary I know a tiny boy mini games ride all around in premade environments yeah let's do that the picked I don't know what I'm doing I don't know the buttons let's play instead of recording Z to talk a slow motion look at this oh this is good there's our god this is very good are you gonna fall over this is the most rugged rag doll I've ever played with my turn I've oh god sorry I mean this is no fun oh oh god there's no fun unless I have friends to do it with oh my jumped at least I'm level one now that's how you go up levels in this game is that you just break all of your no bones oh this is my style get to the beat without getting hit okay okay oh God oh Jesus this is chaos you ready to me gah didn't get hit by a carriage cuz if I other people around stop I don't want to get hooked [Music] this is crazy I just wanna live my life go go go just just run in a straight line don't even look don't even up just run in a straight line this is so movie just go just go all right take your time take your time I don't know where anything is oh my god why are the cars everywhere go go go this is fun but leave me alone don't touch me cooties Cody's germ ease term term ease that's what I call German people germy snow and no touch oh okay don't get hit don't get hit don't get hit thank God whoa Oh break the light flash before my face because this guy coming wait I want to see I have just an absolute disaster of a hazard for everybody just go just go come on get it just go get out of my personal space this is my zone this is my area if you come into my area I'm a kid oh [ __ ] you in the face okay so look just don't look you can't get killed by what you can't see Oh said every dead person everywhere ooh if you could jump over the cars that's a new strat watch this first oh good cars are not supposed to do that jump over the camera but oh my god you good just yell at them no no you're big oh they run at me they're attracted to me because I'm so sexy I get it all right what if we just say over at the edge if we just get edgy stop don't know Lord but run at me the run of me though the red guys suck the red hairs oh my squishy tiny bones gonna do this I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do this I have the power of he-man just remember look both ways before you cross the street otherwise you could end up like me oh wait is there somebody red guy he's over here oh you suck oh you suck oh the red guy suck yes yes yes yes yes so that I did it no one can take that away from me [Music] you didn't lose it's also called you win just give me the win well play again I didn't want to get back into that again scary still food invasion brint red rag dolls from getting in prevent right right that's a tongue twister and a half all right let's play prevent red rag dolls from getting in how do i how do I do that keep red rag dolls out of your base okay cool oh oh I can get into this whoa [Music] I did it do I just have to run it to these guys carry my weight there we go nice I read write doggone it damn it do I just immediately news oh but look at all the Reds getting in out goddamn okay I want a how do i how do I do this again how did I get into this I'm gonna I want to get in again there we go there we go eat my mate well that's just sad you suck come on I've tried my best okay I don't like that one this is the sandbox I can build whatever I want I could put down like cubes mine explodes cannon slabs fans Oh a black hole oh I need level eight for that damn it come on really just let me have two things um already built OB pyramid yes put that down epic oh my god I could just build an army of boys hurry how do we start this done oh yes yes rise my brothers rise they're all dead except you you're the salt survivor you did it you survived the onslaught it and now you're down state okay look I'm playing Minecraft it's just minecraft again Wow don't put wraps and wraps there we go this is what I want I want the biggest ramp in the world everyone's gonna climb it and have foot dominoes oh that's dumb okay I want to put down some boys I need some attackers and the earth maybe some people who will fall out no maybe attackers I need to survive against something okay ragdoll boys stupid that's me let's get some attackers going okay some of you are not gonna make it you look like bud from grow home or gone home or just home home there we go get rid of you guys cuz you're not really gonna last all right is that it okay Oh God okay that works this is my giant red pig it's not great so far I need to get up some levels I want to make some black holes so I can recert messing with some boys okay who's gonna knock it over me alright so you can make it over so you can get to me oh no you all can oh no oh no oh no I didn't think you guys would be smart enough to do that okay well that didn't really work so let's go again I need you guys to fall into the hole can you do that for me and you're gonna knock over the dominoes are you gonna avoid them who's gonna knock over the dominoes who's gonna do it who's going to be the big stupid taha big stupid smelly Oh Lord oh Lord oh Lord okay none of you have fallen and died that's the whole point of this oh right away okay everybody single-file go back this way oh my god I can pick you up I can pick you up I didn't know that huh eat body okay anyone Oh Jesus Christ watch it watch it hey hey watch that's awesome watch it okay we need some bodies on the stairs so people can fall over them there we go now all right let's leave a trap a trap body get him oh god they didn't fall over Oh God it's like it's like the Tour de France and somebody falls off their bike everybody falls off their bikes okay okay back down the hill we go how did nobody trip over you that sucks somebody tripped over him trip over him fall fall God you guys suck oh wait I can't use your body to knock down their bodies ah dip what if they can get knocked over by some of these guys so if we just leave like obstacles here and there can I put you on this oh that's not gonna work ooh it might though you guys are gonna be like like boulders there we go get him you guys are gonna fall all the way down don't fall off the edge just fall down there go go go go go go go go will they actually fall over these guys I don't think this is skimpy lose too many people trying to kill me I need defenders yes oh yes sideways fast heck yeah oh let's he survived this dinged all right come on your smelly ding-dongs [Laughter] not a single Hey not a single one survived that's awesome okay I out let's put it up here right in the middle of this thing now right right there now this is perfect surely some of you have to hit this come on come into the danger zone come into my firing range I'll mess you up bro yes yes yes are they all completely avoiding it oh my god oh my god this is a disaster of epic proportions maybe if I get close enough to it they'll get close enough to it come on I put it too perfectly in the middle they come here come Speed Racer it's gonna be a good one it's gonna be good right come on boys no no going stinky smelly stupid stinky brains seriously one of those screams sounds exactly like me are you guys feeling you feel it stinky you feel stupid you feel a big dummies oh gosh I am I mean I'm just chilling here for a while guys earth what if I just bought a bunch of let me put a bunch of rag dolls some stupid boys just here all the way along and also all the way along here you guys don't need to do much you just need to be break my computer oh my god riffing this does much chaos as I wanted though there's there's too much of a gap wait can I actually make it down the middle god nope nope can't we're gonna spotter an attacker spawner yeah let's do that let's put one down like at the very edge how many of these are you actually gonna spawn when you work oh yes Oh excelente oh that's too many oh that's too many oh and breaking oh there's too many spawners I didn't realize god I can't even see what's happening just stay down here and they're all gonna spawn and I could just sit here happily I watched them all die oh god they're making it through yes this is the best sheer bloody rag doll murder if one of you can get catapulted at me oh god one of them is making it through how did you do that I sent the perfect place to put them through that's horrible though into the into the mix in the mix oh god oh my sweet tiny furniture body oh wow we are gonna have some fun okay you guys all spawn that way cool now coming to this oh so much fun why you're right down slowly okay let's do this I want to see you guys were flying just just flying [Laughter] that's so awesome look how high they go they keep staggering this so now it's just people flying in different directions Oh God it's just a whirling dervish now oh no oh no or oh that's trippy to look at okay a bunch of you spawn it seems to be like oh god there's not a is refining amount of them that can spawn imagine you have to run through this without getting hit could you imagine the matrix oh yes okay you guys keep getting hit I need to distract these guys for a little bit okay epic epic watch watch Oh God what happens after I go down I'm just gonna see here let the levels rack up okay guys come back guys okay so all that came out guys this is this is ridiculous oh yes oh yes oh yes ah wonder if these are like a one and done type of thing though oh this ain't even sane right right dogs are stupid beyond this point Oh interesting so this is my play area got it alright I'm gonna put a flag e down here a little a little a tacky flag E just like that and now let's let's respawn there we go alright come on who's gonna make it through oh yes oh boy each other up though hi oh no no no no you can't get me can't get me I'm invincible oh no no I'm not okay there's one pillow left one death pillow who wants to get the desk pillow come on want to know what happens we got some fans vertical strong I want to know what happens if I place like a wind tunnel if I place all these fans next to each other in a in a straight line like this so how strong is this so what if I play some fans like here or just please one fan here it's like get them down the line and I place a spawner flag a bunch here so I am going to go back to the beginning and hopefully guys like a shot down along yes oh but they're avoiding it they're just going around the edge why would you do this no no wait new idea new idea new ideas vertical strong and let's put it no so now when stuff starts they get blown in one direction but then they'll hit this fan and get blown back the other direction hopefully well not none of this is happening yet everyone's just falling over other things okay I'll be a sacrifice yes get trapped in wind prison I should not have this much power let's do a flat straw like this how many should be making kids oh oh my god I can fly yes [Music] oh it's a bounty get tasty so we're gonna have fans of over at the edge as well is that right yes this is like in dress apart quite the right this is not a good idea oh these are these are firing up so nothing's firing down okay let's just write like this oh my god my spawn here [Laughter] this is not gonna end well this is not gonna end well at all oh but I'm so excited for it wait that's not it's already in slow motion is the frame rates ass last thing I wanna do what happens oh yeah okay I even catch them either they're too fast I am only scratching the surface of this game right now so let me know down in the comments below what you guys want to see me build next time when I play this maybe we could come up with some really ridiculous types of machinery and gets to play so you can see it and don't inflate the video as well if you like watching tiny people fly all over the place it was magical I some say that those people are still flying this day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,116,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, fun with ragdolls, fun with ragdolls game, fun with ragdolls gameplay, fun with ragdolls playthrough, lets play, funny moments, funny, funny game, physics, ragdolls, funny physics, funny ragdolls, fun with ragdolls jacksepticeye, fun with ragdolls the game, blender
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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