HONK HONK AM GOOSE (Untitled Goose Game) - Part 1

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hello yes top of the morning to you all yes welcome to my humble abode with me myself and I how are you doing Jets very good AC yes hey Chumley welcome to untitled goose game by house house I've been really excited about this game for like two years I've seen it at PAX years ago brush my teeth with my finger I've been really excited about this game it looks absolutely bonkers it looks so silly you control a goose and you go around terrorizing people what else you want out of a video game I don't know what else I want out of a video game except fun joy and laughter it's loading something just press space to honk well yes the animations are actually really good publicly or a click to move oh okay well I don't need this then get out here you smelly controller thinking it owns earth you honk honk who builds Oh what the bells is that my plan double click to run yes y'all gonna get me mixed up by a goose it's ridiculous I love it oh my never gonna begins geese before I'm Irish so Wildlife is just running around all over the place anyway boy when you go out into the wild and you see a goose out there they'll honk the ankles off you bro oh yes eat boot these boots are made for walking and I'm made for Boonton been down to pick things up off the ground oh yes and what a can and the coolest goofs around my fault yes my ball it's delightful I love this whoo-hoo there's not smiling right now there's no way you're watching this video and you're not smiling because this is delightful this is peak gaming this is exactly what video games are about how do I throw oh I don't hello can I can how do i oh jeez I'm a goose on a mission I'm gonna destroy the world x2 spread your wings oh this is delightful I actually for you thinking who's out there from house house just sat down it was like you know what you know what the market needs geese don't get me wrong I am absolutely thrilled that you did but the fact that you made a whole game about geese it's just amazing can I fly geese can fly south through the winter maybe that's the whole point at this game maybe it's like journey maybe I'm like a salmon swimming upstream maybe I'm a goose trying to make it south for the winter so I don't die was mr. bean here having a picnic I've already have you ever seen that episode mr. bean it's amazing sandwich I have sandwich now this is my sandwich what if the rest of you can have my sandwich this is my sandwich hello don't kill young I'm goose don't kill Chuck Oh soggy wet sandwiches no one likes them haha take that dese have been far too oppressed over the years it's time to fight back geese brothers I just ruined your whole day is funny oh god oh god can I mow the lawn can I just oh man that would have been epic forget mow the lawn do some yard work actually do some chores first time to see your to-do list what don't we have to do get into the garden get the groundskeeper wet steal the groundskeepers keys I'm an [ __ ] we knew that already I'm a goose ah yes whoo let's zoom in oh yes yes Oh chaos comes in goose form you're thought that the apocalypse is gonna come when like Satan rained fire down from isn't rain fire down from anything he's Satan he rains fire from the ground you all thought that was going to be how how the apocalypse came about but no goose pocalypse okay I can't go that way well I could if I just flat iron oh look flap flap flap your wings oh do you think I forgot two of these and they flap hurt enough I could take off and go back to Ireland hello young kill em goose Cal Cal hi right wait that's Mike good give it here but get the keys keys keys ah like these come here you second groundskeeper he's like what the hell is wrong with that goose okay I mean hacker voice my man I have to get the groundskeeper wait how do I make him wait do I have to start taking off my feathers look at me I'm ruining it I'm ruining it do you like this I'm ruining everything I need to do something here I need to be able to get him over here and then I can get him wet with the thing okay he needs a trowel I get the trowel might roll maybe I could just be helpful there you go there's gonna be a hopeful goose I want to follow you around can you be my friend I have no friends all Mikey's friends left self to the winter-like hat fly see no worky don't count cam goose no gimme gimme don't hit me geez I got your boots [ __ ] they're my boots no they love me I put his boots hearing maybe that'll make him see the errors of his ways can I pick up anything here oh time to replant oh he needs his watering can nope my watering can I'm the best goose look at this yeah yeah okay what's going right here I have a plan I have a dastardly goose plan oh my god can you not he doesn't turn very well he's a goose but he controls thinking forward focus all right come on my evil goose plan it's kicking into fruition yes yes yes No get the jacket boots used to get closer though I got away now you're gonna have to get nakey [Music] dammit dammit I got him I got the keys I got the keys now you'll never take me alive what's my next to do make the groundskeeper wear his Sun Hat rake in the lake oh that's easy oh wait I don't actually have to do anything with keys go stay away say what dang it honk honk em goose Oh some Jam no some jam sandwiches he lost his Jam I know where it is he you'll never find it honk l am goose don't be friends hey I'm a nice goose I do nice things for nice people but sue is an [ __ ] don't kill i'm goose dunk your happy friend i am the secret goose the one in the shadows the one who will strike okay okay I need to get away of like taking his hat or something I need to make it where his Sun Hat and I can't turn up the Sun unless look at my little face stick in there I'm so dastardly and evil I also need to bring his rake I need to put his rake in the lake I can do it I have the power I'm such a strong goose later [ __ ] good luck raking your leaves now now he'll never find it never lose ankles I want to nibble his ankles I'm an evil ghost got your keys no I don't damn it what should I do how do I get a goose to put a hat how can goose hat that's something I should type into Google how can goose hat nope nope I'm taking this I'm taking this no no no it's my damn it oh I'll have my time in the Sun don't you worry stealing your carrots there we go I need some Jam for my sandwiches I'll see you pumpkin I need this this is something I need in my life it's very hard speak one of these out though haha but not if you're a goose look I'm fast I want to take my wings out cuteness pumpkin I want this pumpkin what our mission is to have a picnic gonna have a delightful picnic as a goose you're all invited you can come out and hang out I'm a nice goose to the people who are nice my Apple my Apple I earned this and I deserve this and it's mine now and I'm not doing anything what are you what are you talking about I'm do I'm doing goose things I'm being a regular goose leave me alone you suck dude let me be goose oh good okay he's gonna find his own rock goose rotten take it to the leg is my house is my home I broke it okay all I need is a thermos I can bring a thermos around I can have a pot of coffee geese love coffee trust me I know I'm Irish I'm not doing anything you don't you don't see anything nothing's happening just go about your business do what you want to do you don't you don't see anything it's a regular old goose here leave dude fine I leave I'll be the bigger goose got your thermos [ __ ] I'm out is this all I need for my picnic I hope so nope bring the picnic blanket Oh blanket I need the blanket come on blanket wait it's not the blanket this is a picnic blanket damn I hope the goose Patrick he's just like yes you can't [ __ ] with me nobody can [ __ ] with me I'm a goose I'll just do what I want see you later hmm this is where the picnic is oh no I wanted to have a picnic in there in the lake oh man have to bring everything over all the way from right here that's hard being a goose life is very difficult oh maybe the waters awesome though okay scratch one gem a sand Oh a thermos pumpkin Apple of course carrot for fiber and iridium beautiful a nice little happy goose picnic new to-do list item make the groundskeeper hammer his thumb I couldn't even get in to wear his hat I'm gonna get him to hammer his thumb next thing you're gonna be like make groundskeeper reconciled with his father as these are impossible tasks man I can't do it I'm a I'm a goose not a mathematician Oh yo okay I'll wait and yup yes I did it I'm a genius goose and the best goose I think I killed him nope he's okay no joke kill kill let me go kill kill kill kill gam goose I'm out peace yes I'm a goose about town now no one can stop the goose this goose is going places I want to see the world how'd it go on Broadway I want to be a star that's a goose taking all the information from TV assimilate the knowledge if you understand the humans then you can destroy the humans hey run this I should put on iron bite diplomat around you no I'm just looking at the store you have any goose TVs a goose teepee would be nice this kind of acts like a septa kite I have your mail I'm a delivery goose deliver her of death hey damn lady chasing me what I'm to do break the broom that's her broom I'm gonna mess that up you can help me if you want do you want it - sorry I went to area 51 and this is what I got and I brought back with me i trapped the boy in the phone booth oh yes make the boy wear the wrong glasses make someone buy back their own stuff get on TV now there's a mission go shopping okay it's a trap a boy in a phone booth and break his glasses and give him something else where's the phone booth I got your plane with phone booth I can't open this how do we get how how to get boy in phone booth I got your room give me your broom here you go to sweep [ __ ] now lady this ghost is gonna dominate the world what if that's what ends up happening the game just ends with the goose in like a president's office owning the world young killcam goose can't use your brush to get rid of me now I'm a talk on stop leave to go solo those nights love the goose be the goose happy goose don't hurt the goose the goose no hurt the goose am love the goose I'm young yo killcam goose you want milk Billy you are milk you little [ __ ] you want milk for your strong growing bones everybody loved you if you got strong bones there Billy you don't got strong bones and no one would give a [ __ ] my ball give me the ball give me the ball Billy no he's afraid of me [Laughter] yes fear me Billy fear the goose the goose is life Moony through the fool bucks go Billy go are you gonna go now mom's not here to see me get a phone box [Music] these are to call his mom mom come pick me up kids are goofs inning he's calling him oh it goes outside no don't he'll kill cam goose can't you can't attack me I'm the fearsome warrior hey me alone god you're so GU Syst so gosh Tengu cysts in this game also does glasses here give me deets I need my bifocals I need to read need to read up on humans and her to kill them yeah run scared Billy shorts aren't gonna save you wait how do I get into where the run glasses though maybe you can run them into something so his glasses fall off oke Oke the end is nigh we strike at dawn Roy's brothers yo Chuck hey can I go in the store now if I go in the store can I be on TV no well I'm goose what a little [ __ ] get you Billie I'm against you and those pale knees keep running Billy the scoots never tires this goose is the death and destruction of the world go that way see what happens cuz walkie-talkies in here do want one call up your friends you can't escape the torment Billy you can't escape the honking gosh your walkie-talkie are you scared with the walkie-talkie oh that's funny [Music] order if I can leave one somewhere wait what's he gonna do with it are you gonna pick it up maybe that's knock your glasses off listen to it oh damn it damn it listen to the walkie-talkie Billy Oh again he fell over the last time if he falls over it could just go up and call a joint and steal the glasses from JCM everywhere I think we should even be in this area okay go back I think his sheepdog we've got four people it's not over yet Billy this is some sort of like traumatizing nightmare for this kid can I like nibble at his ankles and knock him over I can uh I can pull his laces ah now he'll fall over yes now give me the glasses Hey bye Billy I'm a nice goose look there's your glasses look pick them up your glasses I'm a nice goose ah those are the wrong prescription you're gonna read weren't slightly blurrier than you did before my master plan is coming to fruition I'm gonna get on TV they call that person again and they're gonna come out and try and save the day but I'm going on TV this time Oh Stevie dear sheeple wake up the time of the goose is now we need to destroy the humans everybody fight back together why he's brothers don't let them silence you or your voice oh god oh god juice basket goose basket oh I broke it Emma goose in the basket this is not oh geez should be he should be free this should be nice people these are the best people [Music] legitimately broke the gate okay there we go I wanna go shopping I just wanna buy some groceries it's been hard since Karen left stop why would you neglect me fine if I can't go shopping then you will you like this plain boy you like this plain you think it's yours nah ah now it's part of the store it's part of the store you can't have it anymore if I can't have vegetables you can't have toy let me play okay wait does that even gonna work she gonna put it back yes ahhh she's like ahh this toy is this toy with on the ground it should be on the shelf I miss jiggly transcanada how do we go shopping as a goose I thought I'd just bring the basket around then it would count as shopping - let's put stuff in the basket cuz that's hard tomorrow I'll make pizza lemons I'll make a lemon Pizza carrots I'll make a carrot pizza this counter shopping hello ma'am do many discounts like two-for-one sorry prices off anything ma'am man this sucks your store is terrible Billy you go buy something from her see if she'll actually let you she wouldn't let me buy anything he's like hey this is my plane how did you get my plane she's like that's that belong on the shelf that's actually my plane he's like no it's not she's like 1495 give me money and I'll get you to let you get your plane back that's mine you little [ __ ] but please I wanted money fine here's a pack of condoms my master plan trap the shopkeeper in the carriage whoo-whoo but how do we oh she's going to the guards oh sorry sorry oh wait if I put a leak in it ma'am ma'am come quickly your carriage is leaking mine mine you can't has you can't has mine what stop scaring me away let me be loved I'm a goose you should come she's gonna do it she's gonna do it my plan for world domination come soon brothers you'll be free when my brothers are free you'll be free when you liberate the gates from the south damn it stupid opposable thumbs and human brains well peace I'm out a new journey today starts for the goose people and we will rise together and liberate them and free them for all of goose kind thank you guys so much for watching this video don't forget to leave it a help if you liked it and I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,813,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hjönk, hjonk hjonk, jacksepticeye untitled goose game, honk, jacksepticeye goose game, goose game gameplay, guide, jacksepticeye, full game, untitled goose game, goose game, funny, gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, untitled goose game funny moments, goose, untitled goose game gameplay, lets play, untitled goose game ending, untitled goose game walkthrough, untitled goose game lets play, let's play, untitled goose game reaction, untitled goose game review, untitled goose game funny
Id: _1GLCEPezxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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