So Brutal | People Playground

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have you ever looked at a bunch of people in one place and thought man what i could do with you if the laws of society weren't real and if i had no morals i was allowed to do anything i wanted you probably haven't because you're not like a psychopath but you can do that in people playground i don't know that was a good intro topic ladies my name is jacksepticeye welcome to people playground there we go that's a better one this is a and a simulation of sorts where you get people and you do bad things to them or so i've been led to believe lava what do i do hello oh i moved the camera that way where's the lava there she blows oh yeah oh i can burn things with this what do i do how do i play this game human oh they're human i did it i did a human how do i make human wait hold on hold on hold on i'm gonna i'm gonna delete you and i'm just gonna i'm a human over here how do i run things i really should have looked how to play this game oh oh yeah [Music] murderer oh i want to do that again put it up whoops oh god i didn't even give you a chance okay there there you go there you go what can i do to you oh i can do all sorts of horrible things can i oh oh i put that through you i'm so sorry oh and you go and you go oh oh ow you michael jackson's smooth criminal that there for a second you forgot your axe i'm new here i don't know how the buttons work oh god sorry oh jesus oh sorry oh oh oh i'm so sorry how do i do this oh god ah i am i'm just not gonna touch anything that was so bad so quickly i didn't mean for any of that okay how about we just get into a default map we just put a person in there easy stand up there soldier you're ready to go into battle holy hell that was way bigger than i thought it was going to be this scared me jesus okay we'll just put two lads in what is this a ceiling turret or a sentry turret what a sentry turret in why not i'll put it in over here i'll put it in over here there you go god god i i i thought that it would stop that i thought that i could put it in it'll be far enough away and it wouldn't kill you i'm so sorry oh you probably had like a wife and kids or a husband and kids what is this oh it's a skrillex can you calm down for a second stop it i can put in atomic bombs how big is this playground oh goodness oh very big so can i just put one like oh my god that's the bomb oh hold on that's a lot of dudes that's a lot of dudes holy god this is big and then we'll just let fate happen why not where's that bomb oh here it comes oh here it comes indeed oh guys guys wait where is it oh it didn't even explode [Laughter] it just crushed this poor dude i don't know if that's worse you know being vaporized by an atomic bomb so you don't really know what's going on or you're just trapped under it head banging for all eternity i'm sorry i'm sorry wait how does oh oh that was awesome this is what's left of our people oh [ __ ] hell of a thing isn't it it's a hell of a thing what the human body is capable of the resilience that the human flesh this mortal coil can contain the fact that there's bits of you still left that's a true testament to the work that's gone in over millions years evolution what if we what if we hit this from a different angle you know how i set bomb in sky people on ground bomb fall kablooey that's so like standard thinking you gotta think outside your murder box for a second what if i put bomb on ground and people in sky this is next level thinking i put the mouse there so all i have to do is keep like that this is easy is there an easier way of doing this hold on hold on hold on hold on what if you copy and then we like paste this is incredible just put them everywhere oh my god wait you're not gonna explode if i just unpause are you right into a bit of a snag all right don't touch it don't even think it there's not that many bombs but they're all going to explode no matter what i do so let's just start putting people in oh yeah you know that song it's raining men it's about to rain a whole lot more of them okay some of you are willing participants the rest of you the other 99 are not some of you may die and that's the sacrifice none of you were willing to make so i had to make the decision for you i'm sorry but that's just the way of existence sometimes [Music] baby oh those are some legs who made it the furthest hey there's some bombs left up okay we still got some people exploding i imagine they're still yeah true love does exist and it's the form of eating ass in the air you guys are going to survive you guys are going to be my jack and rose you're going to be my romeo and juliet beautiful even when everything else around you dies and collapses and it's the end of the world there's always time to eat a little ass can i pick you guys up and bring you over into the inferno i'm sorry i'm sorry you gotta you gotta stop eating ass at some point here you go oh yeah cooking up a store i didn't realize i could lightening oh holy god zeus is not happy i can just make fire too much fire holy god yeah that's more like it that's what i thought would am i just igniting the oxygen in the air does it actually work with speed the faster i get the bigger the fireball or you can just do like a itty-bitty one this game is intense there are lots of different things you can do what are these pink syringe coagulation syringe freeze life heals nearly anything define nearly okay i need a guy oh oh okay so you guys go down like you you go down easy like at the drop of a hat like that that smallest bark and you got okay i need a guy and then i need some willing participants what was that okay just a bunch of guys they're different heights that's cool oh i probably shouldn't have put you in people that's not what you want to do you don't want to put people in people that's how you get a lawsuit on your hands now just killing them that's fine okay a nice raw people and i'm gonna start spreading them out now can i put a gun in your hand that's the start of every good sentence yikes okay oh god oops oops oops how do i put gun in hand i did it i did it i make manhole gun oh me so smart me brain work oh yeah this is very morbid okay i also found out you just press f at a bang just wait how to make this go away okay no bye bye i want to wait that's going to come in handy later when i want to murder okay so revolver goes through two people it shoots one of them in the neck and gets the other in the back of the head collateral damage okay that's good to know now if we delete mr gun over here and we go into the guns and we get mr bigger gun and we spawn him in [Music] we spawn him in this is very very large okay and now you're not too heavy are you okay and what about this one jesus oh that's too much we went from like two to twenty two that's no no no clean up the mess clean up the mess it's like it never happened everyone's still alive everyone's still happy what if everyone's over here i'm basically trying to see how far this will go now that's pretty fair there's no way it kills every single one of them right there's no way it gets to this guy how many are we thinking i'm thinking like it'll get to like here like halfway no way it kills all of them i think it might have killed all of them oh no hey you made it you're a little on fire but that's fine he survived you see being short helps if you were a taller person your head would have been over there everybody else's is what happens if i shoot again do you still live not even a little bit let's go to a smaller map i feel like lights plays thank you i feel like that one's just too big it's i set stuff up and then i'm halfway across [ __ ] the universe before i even see the fruits of me labor all right so you put one guy on the very left back to the wall but one guy on the very right back against the other wall that's good right now i need to start equipping my dudes sir sir the the fighting hasn't even begun yet it's not falling over you're looking you're looking weak in front of the other guy a worm staff burrows into a live items an item added in collaboration with me okay whatever can i just what's that in the middle is that the middle the best my crocodiles can see um wait how do i make you guys walk oh there's more options oh all right i'm just gonna say walk who's gonna die first you guys made it at the exact same time and it's not doing anything oh god you're just okay who's gonna survive this the beating of the shins the most ultimate battle of all time who's gonna be left alive your bows and your arses you're gonna have to work hard oh lefty is really putting the work on him cutting away at that belly stomping on his victim and right he goes down it's all over lefty takes the crown so we have a slant here um and i'm figuring we can do some cool stuff with some vehicles you know like a boss a tank a hover car i'll i'll just go with regular cars thank you oh wait this is my sense of scale is all off a bus is probably better actually don't you think just give it a little nudge and it'll start going yeah that's good now let's put some butts in seats can't have a bus without a driver oh you can make them sit down how very cute oh you guys are just living lives you guys are just my own little kill dolls hold on hold on hold on johnny johnny forgot how to sit he needs to be taller that's the downside is short okay up hold on are you able to sit there jimbo no that good enough look we're not all perfect we can't all be sitting geniuses all right okay what's going on over here god you guys are horny af wow what are those sounds what if there's like a creepy underground area in this game that i'm not aware of okay i want to see how far back this can go i want to see if we can just like well that's not right can it go all the way back which people are going to live and which are going to die place your bets now place your bets oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh god wait no go back how did i manage to get the wheel inside the bus okay much better much better we still don't really have a frame rate but we have a whole barometer of people a human ruler if you will now can i just make this like go disengage parking brake got it that's a good start there you go there you go oh yeah oh yeah oh that's hitting some speed okay let's turn off the engine i don't need engine engines just gonna drive through everybody i want freewheeling here we go here we go here we go oh [Laughter] everyone's getting mangled oh but you did a good job of it human barrier look at that and everybody survived and even a few people up here it bounced out over your heads short people but that's too many people left alive so i'm just gonna have to fix a problem okay well clearly we all know what i'm gonna do which is just fill this entire thing with people right oh that's that okay that's that's just too much that's just too much when the game stops running that's where i draw the line um and let's just drop like a stick grenade in i want to see how many people can die from one bomb that's not that big of an explosion okay why don't these ever go off on their own that's not what i thought it was going to be so i activate and then drop it on people got it only blew his head off that's stinky i need to like ruin people fight you know what [ __ ] it [Laughter] oh if only the game ran better oh no it's frozen today i may have broken reality bye yeah the game uh doesn't work and it crashed let does it for people playground for now at least that what a fun game who would have known that putting a whole bunch of people in a room and hitting them on an atomic bomb would yield to such fun anyway let me know what you thought of it down in the comments below let me see if there's any ideas anything that you can combine that i'm not aware of that actually makes the game way crazier than just putting people in a room and setting off a bomb i don't know this game's been around for a while and people seem to have a lot of tricks up their sleeves for it uh and i'm very curious i want to get inventive with my murder thank you guys so much for watching don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already it's just down below it's one button it's a simple click that's all it is it's free just do it do it or i'll name one of the characters after you in the next episode and then boom
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,406,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: rryghHz8KQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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