There are 2,000 New Armor Suits. (I got them all)

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this might be the dumbest video I've ever made you can now take netherite ingots the rarest Inga in the game and put it as decoration on leather armor in this video I need 19 000 diamonds yes 19 000 with the introduction of armor trims you can decorate your armor in 11 different styles but each can be 10 different colors I want every combination each trim costs seven Diamonds the sad thing is I didn't know it cost seven diamonds when I started yet I still thought it was a huge project we have to explore basically every structure in the game we're in I guess we just go get a tree this is gonna be a long day oh we have a lava pool next to respond that's actually huge we're gonna be able to enter the nether so fast we'll worry about that later that where be the iron I forget how fun it is to play on the latest version before we go to another I do need more food oh I got another ticket out of it oh wait you know what we can do we can make our first piece of armor wait I don't even know where trim the spot I don't even know how to get trim first priority I think is just beating the game that way we have some actual gear to maneuver the world I might have my hopes a little bit too high boom entering the Nether on the first night oh my gosh we're in a fortress dude this is perfect oh our first one oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh I'm so excited we can make a smithing table right ready wait how do I do this how do I do this it's not gonna like use up this thingy right no no no my template you can copy those right you surely surely I don't have to collect 700 of those template thingies do I hear a blaze I have come to take your leg do you just take their legs is that what laser odds are dude I already have nine blaze rods that's like enough dude you know what's cool about this biome but we get lit on fire ah sorry I meant to say we can kill Enderman and we can almost beat the game oh I mean I wasn't looking for one of these but I'm pretty sure there's some more of those the instructions for the armor there's more of that in here I hear somebody angry do we have to be careful though I don't know about you but I'm scared of pickle and brutes okay oh okay it's fine I'm professional it's fine it's fine it's fine don't you dare I thought he was gonna swim out of that lava man hey watch this I've done a lot of bash since studying recently there should be a chest right Frick okay maybe I don't know what I'm doing oh no aha here it is the chest told you oh first piece of another right let's go I mean ancient debris and let's go netherrite upgrade back to killing Enderman uh-oh folks I might be lost might be is an understatement I definitely am lost home with my blazer odds and ender pearls I needed to find the stronghold not only to beat the game but I was pretty sure there were armor Trends in the stronghold so I dug down and completely missed or so I thought I was only a chunk or two off but I wasted 10 minutes running around in a cave before I gave up went back to the surface and dug down a second time this time I hit the stronghold yes oh ah boom Boom Pow shabamo we have beat the Minecraft game the hard part wasn't done yet though it was vital I get an elytra bang oh he actually did it oh I almost jumped off the edge though you know those sketchy moments in Minecraft where you're over the void trying to decide if you should throw a pearl honestly I didn't think this was one of those modes I thought I was totally fine but I definitely wasn't Let's ignore the fact I would have died and lost everything having to restart this entire video because I found an NC definitely didn't almost die inside of this oh I'm taking lots of hits and elytra was the main reason I was here but I needed one more thing before I left yes we got it we got it we got a Spire armor Trend so I think it's time we hop out of here first thing I want to do is kind of enchant all the diamonds that I have because I have 63 levels and it'd be a shame if I just died with it all so I will be back that took a while to get however I needed more lapis oh my gosh well that that was easy holy alrighty preparation phase is done I think we just need to find the 11 armor trims we have three I don't really know where you find them I'm pretty sure one of them is in like an ocean biome oh another another Outpost you have the thingy nay Smith smithing template I almost didn't check this place because I knew it was just gonna have food but I guess I guess it can have armor trims for this next one I think we're gonna need some buckets Dive Dive Dive Dive Dive oh get boxed like a fish oh I love my job oh it did drop one next I diverted my attention to mountains the place where ancient cities but more importantly armor trims could be found at least I assume I mean there's got to be a trim in an ancient city right holy surely there's an ancient city under this there wasn't I dug down six different times and found nothing I did find a village though which was nice I could finally put on breaking on my elytra and the search continues wait actually I kind of want to check out these cherry blossoms first it's a new wood type what and I get pink petals dude all the sound this looks really good Mojang you have outdone yourself this is wow there's particles with it too sorry I am uh I haven't ever seen this before we're trying to find a deep dark though whoa pillow drop post pow another Outpost I'm pretty sure there can be one here [Music] oh amethyst actually we need this you make one of the train of the trim and we get that via this guy I think yeah wait they glow since one is amethyst glown oh yes oh we finally found one whoa dude look at these oh yes yes Ward armor trim oh okay I was getting worried it didn't exist oh you know what exists though Warden wardens wardens exists we're just gonna head this way while we have one Warden wandering about why don't we just why don't we just go ahead and summon another one no I don't think there's anything left for us other than more warden so we're just gonna make a portal down here while we're making our way back though we need to find some fortresses I cannot see anything oh what do you know there's a fortress right here that was very convenient hello gasp goodbye gas I love this sword I got it rib armor trim one two three four five six seven we need four more okay I have one more idea of where to get a trim a woodland Mansion I think the only viable way to get these is to trade with villagers yeah that's right I'm out of emeralds okay I'll be back I'll be back I'll be back I figured the best way to get emeralds was sugarcane so I went and looted an entire swamp also my mic switched to my webcam at some point so excuse the potato quality Level Up Level Up Level Up Level Up Level Up Level Up level up yeah what's an Explorer map wait doesn't it normally have like a woodland Mansion icon on it oh no it's right here yes dude first chest first chest bang this is not not terrible ah sir you did not pay rent oh gosh oh gosh that's fine it's fine I'm professional I'm a professional oh no wait wait wait we're breaking into prison you guys are free you're free get out get out of the way get out this way this way this way then I set the whole place on fire look I couldn't find an armor trim it wasn't my fault and and hear me out it revealed some hidden rooms dude there's another secret room since when can there be spider spawners in Woodland Mansions that's so cool what what is that another secret room I might have missed don't tell me it's just more obsidian don't tell me it's okay okay unfortunately no armor trim so I flew all the way back bought another man [Music] yes Vex armor so we have eight armor trims now where are the other three all of them have been in structures except for tired armor but I still need three the only places I can think of are maybe ruined portals oh the chance of golden apple from a reward portal oh there could be some in mine shafts there weren't I checked like 20. a camel oh I haven't seen a camel yet dude desert pyramid smithing template let's go we have nine I don't know how to get the last two actually that's not true I had one idea killing the Wither there's three oh my gosh that took no time at all and as per usual just to make it more interesting let's turn on to hard mode um boom Bop pow and he's coming for me yeah yeah that was really easy but he didn't he didn't drop he didn't drop an armor trim I'm just gonna go ahead and kill another wither no did we get an armor trim that is a negatory all right I don't think I'm gonna kill a third one quite just yet so we'll rule out the Wither oh we haven't gotten one from The Outpost yet have we I'm pretty sure we can get one from an outpost so that would get us to ten and then it's gonna be the jungle temple right let's do some more exploring also we're gonna need turtle eggs for later we do need a 110 Turtle helmets yes dude okay it's gonna be really sad if this doesn't have one breaking in through the back we're doing a bake Heist now I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure that unlocked am I a true speeder oh my gosh I am yes 10 out of the 11. the last one has to be an outpost two two dude wait wait wait wait wait look at this look at this song on my left Stoney middle snowy right icy that's so cool dude yes do you see that about oh it doesn't happen whoa whoa whoa whoa I was like going AFK yes yes dude I'm literally so slouched in my chair right now and it is time to go home all right we could start making the armor but if you notice I don't I don't have a base and I kind of want to make one because I literally haven't made a base in so long like how do I even make a base I can't even remember honestly I had no idea what to do with the base I could do the typical thing of trying to build a castle or a cool looking house but I've done that before and it's never really turned out that great I wanted something unique so I procrastinated and just made a whole bunch of flat land this was good for two reasons though it got me in the groove of building and it gave me time to think about what it should be as you'll start to notice the base sort of resembles a giant armor stand not exactly but it has some of the elements of it all the flat stone on the bottom I'm gonna put in some wood pillars at some point and I really like it lots of bases will be super closed off there'll be a house or a castle so you have a whole bunch of walls I don't really like that this space it's so open I can just fly in and out toward the storage room the smelting place the portal right now the so I want to focus on all of our armor Trends speaking of trims though I should probably mention while Gathering resources to build the base I found another trim turns out I thought this was one of the armor trim no no no it's a completely different item you use to make netherite armor very glad to figure that out but it does mean we need 110 of these you know I thought this was going to be an easier video a nice break from farming melons for a hundred days straight like I have 22 Coastal armor trims cool and all I think I need 700 of each I could be wrong though we got to do some experimenting we put an armor trim here helmet here gold here oh boom Oh my gosh my gosh dude this is the first time I've seen it in person and there's 10 more colors oh my thankfully you can't duplicate trims unfortunately I don't know how to do that this is when I realized you need seven diamonds to duplicate one trim honestly I didn't believe it I thought there was no way you needed seven diamonds for one trim I need like 3 000 trims oh no I'm pretty sure I went through the five stages of grief dude this video is stupidly hard this is way more work than I thought is it like that forever every single one we need 660 suits of armor 264 netherite ingots plus then at the right ingots we need for suits so it's 1400 ancient debris total not only that but we also need 2 200 armor trims in total which means 15 000 diamonds bro what's the world record for most diamonds in a Minecraft world recently this guy broke the world record for most diamonds in Minecraft 18 000. am I supposed to just casually beat that while making armor I remember commenting on this video dude props for the dedication this video is insane I'm going to be insane maybe the best thing to do is just start small let's see if we can collect everything for leather how hard could it be this is how many armor stands I need for leather can I at least buy armor from villagers you can but they're dyed different colors that wouldn't really work so I looked up a leather Farm on YouTube it only gave me four stacks of leather per hour though a pitiful amount so I did some more researching on leather armor [Music] you can undye leather armor I didn't I wasn't sure if this was a thing okay that's definitely the way to go then [Music] and I'm out of emeralds so we need like 600 more so I'm going to build a farm that gives me 3 000 an hour which might sound like Overkill but it really isn't I plan on using villagers to get a lot of the armor like leather chain Mill iron diamond maybe not iron but you get the point we do need to find an ocean though that's where we have to build the farm oh is that ocean maybe probably not no I got trolled oh is this ocean no we got trolled again surely this is an ocean oh yeah yeah yeah yeah according to the tutorial I'm supposed to set my render distance to six and if I don't see any land which I don't we can build the farm right here boom I think the raid Farm is finished maybe we just need to get a villager somewhere villager spotted get trolled villager are you ready to go on the trip of a lifetime sir I'm going to have to ask you to turn around oh my gosh he did I have to Sprint punch him across an entire Lava Lake alrighty Mr villager we are almost there and where is he he's making a break for it ladies and gentlemen he's making a break for it at Mach .01 I'm pretty sure all we need to do now is kill a raid captain boom we have bad Omen now we have to make sure we don't fly next to that Village or that Village we got it we gotta shoot in between them dude the bass looks kind of cool from back here look at that all right hopefully a raid doesn't start like immediately that'd be kind of this is the wrong portal oh I'm such an idiot you know what um have fun with the raid guys I will talk to you later maybe maybe maybe maybe hopefully it'll work hopefully it'll work hopefully it'll work work maybe wait oh it's working it's this Farm is crazy oh my gosh I only have three sacks I didn't realize raid Farms were this good I have almost seven stacks of emeralds in less than 10 minutes and I got 35 gunpowder I wasn't even trying to do that and we're gonna use all of it to buy leather armor sir what are you doing up there I mean I guess it's kind of nice since he just won't move oh there's another one oh well all right you're the new villager on the hill many days later we have all of the armor sets complete dude yes let's go that was so hard it's gonna be like 80 times harder with netherite though oh no I'm gonna try not to think about that though because we need to make all these look cool AKA we need all the different kinds of colors one is amethyst one is netherite that's gonna be expensive maybe lapis gold diamond Redstone I mean we have a lot to collect though I'm I'm pretty poor some areas I'm gonna start with Coast armor because it's by far the easiest to get so easy in fact that it's more worth it to collect new ones in the wild than to duplicate them with the seven diamonds all right I'm gonna spend an hour or two grinding out shipwrecks I'll see you in a bit [Music] so I think this is kind of interesting as I'm looting the shipwrecks I always make sure I have a diamond chest plate in my inventory because you can now right click on it I drop out of the air drop down faster and all I do to loot the chests is go over and just break them [Music] all right all of that grinding is enough to get one row of one set of armor also I think this is kind of funny I have a pretty good PC I'm looking this way getting 170 frames a second but as soon as I look at the armor it drops to 70. which is still pretty good but I can imagine when this gets multiplied by six We're not gonna be sitting so pretty anyways let's see first set of leather armor that looks so cool now we need it in the ancient debris color I'm not expecting this armor set to look really cool but it's definitely the most expensive it's like a low key I'm really good at the game but he doesn't know how to use netherrite properly oh I really like the iron gold looks pretty sick too Diamond this is also like you're really good at the game you just don't know how to use armor stands properly oh the diamond looks so good oh that's definitely my favorite I thought I was gonna say Redstone is meh I just like all of them dude quartz quartz is just an iron wannabe Emerald I thought I wasn't gonna like emerald too the Emerald's really good oh also yeah excuse all the totems that my farm is too efficient what I'm currently doing is putting all the armor trims in for each design because each row is going to be a different design right but I think is interesting is I also got to click the resource to duplicate it for Coast it's Cobblestone reward I think it's deep actually let's double check real quick yeah it's deep slate so I went around the world collecting blocks for each of the trims they'll never know I'm here nobody sees anything it's the equivalent of sneaking to somebody's house to steal their floorboards I have never used this piece of Minecraft trivia ever but sometimes Villages have those like tree Central thingies my first Village had it but I kind of tore it up to put the Villager thing in but yeah this is what I'm talking about there's mossy cobblestone in villages Booyah now all we need for the leather armor trims you know it's 3 000 diamond to make leather armor normally I'd go mining for all of this stuff but I think I have a strategy that might be faster than mining for diamonds first I gotta repair all my tools though because we're going to be using end cities to loot diving so I'm stopping over at the raid farm for two reasons to repair my sword and elytra but also to get gun power I'm gonna rate entities for one hour see how many diamonds I get and then we'll probably mine for an hour and see which is faster ah NFL I'm so good at this Minecraft game [Music] thank you well that is an hour and we got quite a bit of loot honestly wait how many stacks of Diamonds oh wait look at these elyters too two and a half stacks of diamonds so that means I need to spend 30 hours just to do leather armor that that's not good enough all right I've just set another hour timer let's see how efficient caving is oh I have already been here let's go somewhere else [Music] oh and that's the other hour up three in a bit stacks of diamonds that's not bad but dude that was so mentally draining the problem isn't even mining the diamonds it's finding a cave good enough caves like this when you get to this it's really fun it's open there's diamonds everywhere but they are few and far between most the time you're spent in these tiny little nooks and crannies or just in the Overworld flying so our current best method for getting diamonds is regular mining which got us three stacks and 34. but I have a couple other methods I want to try out first is regular strip mine you know I thought mining was Soul crushing no ticking in a straight line is soul crushing in total we got four stacks and 56 by far our best hour now the only caveat I'd say is that like half of those diamonds came from caves that I ran into to clarify you know if I run into a cave I'm not gonna pass it there is one more method I want to try out though way back down this tunnel I dug I found an ancient city give me a second we're a few blocks away so I wanna only see how many diamonds we get from uncovering all the skull because that's a lot of surface area but I also think diamonds generate more when they're not exposed to air and it is going to be slightly dangerous so let's get our backup totem I kind of wish I had more than two totems wish me luck that's Warden number one Warden number two Warden number three important four six seven eight nine ten I'm level 70 now I have not found a single Diamond under all this honestly I might just call it here it's been 45 minutes we've only got a stack in 19. I had such high hopes for this mining method but it is just terrible so in conclusion we have more diamonds than I've ever had in Minecraft but still a pitiful amount it was at this moment I understood the true magnitude of this project every Diamond I had didn't even get us half of leather arm and while mining was more lucrative I thought I'd have more stamina switching between looting entities and actual mining in fact sometimes it gets so late that I thought it would mess up my sleep schedule so I started playing on really low brightness with the default Minecraft soundtrack which by the way is really calming I did this for hours it was honestly such a Vibe getting back to the roots of Minecraft in fact there was one point where I looked at my coordinates and it said 125 000. that wasn't even the farthest I went I got to 200 000 but just never took a screenshot I guess you could say I did a bit of off-work camera first hour of mining wasn't great but we got progressively better almost getting five Stacks in a single hour from then though I kind of just lost track of time and did a lot of grinding hopefully all of this is enough to complete the leather I honestly don't know if it's enough I I mean I guess we have a few more it is now day 125. I think last time I checked in it was day 90. what's also nice about that grinding is I got three stacks of gold and iron blocks but most importantly 46 Spire armor trims dang that's worth like seven stacks of diamonds that's kind of crazy time to make the armor two roads down three four five and six as the Sun is setting well actually technically it's not six we're still missing all of the netherite as well as one random armor piece there and four up there so let's start with this lone guy who is this oh boom you're all good this is a snazzy looking Diamond one I'm actually a huge fan of all the diamonds except for this one this one is just so much more dull than all the others look at this bright bright bright dull bright bright bright bright and then this row what did we need for this row oh yeah we need mossy cobblestone that completes everything but netherite now this is a bit I am slightly concerned with we have zero nether right but but this is good news we have a lot of diamonds left over hopefully getting ancient debris won't be too hard I can't even remember how hard it is to get 53 TNT is kind of a lot yeah we got two netherite ingots out of that we need 38. oh I didn't realize how hard this part would be also can we take a moment I used two whole pieces of netherrite for what five pixels on these boots normally people use TNT to mine for another right but you can also use bed oh no sheep come down come down so it could have been a massive waste of time building this sheep farm but I I want to try out bed bombing to get ancient debris maybe it's more efficient than TNT probably not but I have all this wool so I might as well use it for an hour an hour test oh after one whole hour we've got 50 ancient debris which allows us to complete this armor set still doesn't look that great but it only got me a third of the sets after 800 bed explosions and on day 147 I have two and a half stacks of ancient debris not a lot more but I think it's enough to finish leather surely they're all done smelting oh my gosh you know that's kind of a good problem to have that they take longer to smelt than I think they do oh man 41 otherwise ingots that's gotta be enough that's gotta be enough that's gotta be enough one two three last one last one last one oh my gosh oh my gosh yes dude dude it doesn't even look like it has netherite what does this armor set dude look how cool this is oh my God if you're thinking to yourself isn't this like outro music building up yes it is because this is a series baby I figured I shouldn't waste three months of my life making one video and it isn't done yet I am still in progress but while I'm working on it I've actually been posting a lot of videos to my commentary Channel this one's about the time I spent an entire week Undercover on a Minecraft server honestly one of the coolest Minecraft experiences I've ever had so if you want something to watch while I'm mining diamonds here it is I should probably get back to mining diamonds though these armor trims aren't gonna make themselves I will see you guys later [Music] foreign foreign
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 4,193,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rekrap, lifesteal, Minecraft
Id: aF_H_kEF2x4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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