I Broke World Records to Trap Players

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this is me standing at minecraft's new build limit y 319 attempting to set the world record for the highest falling drip stone kill ever recorded oh my gosh it's going since there were four people below me missing this would give away what i was up to but the stars aligned these two were tabbed out of minecraft probably because ash swag who lags way too much was struggling to give an entertaining speech this gave an opening for my friend to pick up the stalactite that it just dropped and nobody suspected a thing even the people that i was targeting right now it's not a trap though no one's dying this gave me a chance to reset the whole system and give it another go i'm dropping i'm dropping oh my gosh please [Music] oh my god oh oh my gosh oh my gosh but only 24 hours later i found myself scaffolding back up to minecraft's height limit to attempt yet another world record this is skydiving an extreme sport where you jump out of a plane and fly your way back to the ground with a parachute and my plan was to recreate this in minecraft to kill a player named mcclutch it's like a 5v1 i don't want to be i don't want to be uh see the people of gallantry are kind of like not supposed to do this kind of thing that was a fellow server member named leo wook a member of a nation known as the people of gallantry who try to end chaos by starting chaos for this mission he and another pog member named mr cube would be helping us take out clutch so with everybody positioned to set this world record i decided to join clutch's call i had a sheet 5. oh stop yawning oh my gosh right splash oh okay go google i thought i was assuming there's gonna be something for build limit it's it's not but ready i i did build them in my last video ready the clutch was getting impatient so when i saw that opening to pull this off i immediately took it do you know what the activity paragliding is have you ever done that in a boat before nowhere dude just get in the boat bro get in the boat okay today i'm going to break the world record for the most simultaneous boat jumpers go go go go go go oh my gosh here we go boys but things started to fall apart almost instantly we have first expected that this fight would be a breeze with the five of us versus clutch all by himself but out of nowhere a completely different player named mapic just suddenly appeared still a 2v5 shouldn't be that bad right well things just simply weren't adding up guys who's here who's here so maybix here someone's killing me i i'm maybe it's on me maybe it's on me i'm running i'm running i'm ready but then it occurred to me was it possible that there was a traitor among the five of us wait i have a really bad feeling that no leo and cube did you guys turn on us no no no who's hitting me who's hitting me yeah dude that's that's leo bro what no i'm not i'm being killed right now are you kidding there were just simply too many people fighting us for it to be the 2v5 that we had originally thought it would be so i had to make a quick decision stay in the fight or leave this way this way this way who's that who's this who's this that's me this is me this is me you were just hitting me bro i was not i was not i promise you okay maybe it's the one with the with the enchanted shield right i need some food bro i need some food right now i think so how are there four people attacking me bro who am i getting hit by holy bro i need help oh i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead bro let's go guys bro oh my god oh my god oh my god that's one for the count [Laughter] oh my god dude just like that we had been betrayed but the fight wasn't over yet there was still a chance that all of my items were on the ground so i chugged an invisibility potion and went to go take a look i don't know dude who's hitting me bro i don't know dude what is happening bro i suspected you guys turned yeah he's in the corner dude wait i just found someone's items they're just all on the ground right here but i've got a little bit of explaining to do you see around a week before i gotten a message from the server's best pvper asking me to meet up with him mr clown pierce eric thank you for showing up all right we need to kill the commies like the team yeah the team at the beginning of the server the communists attacked me after a slight miscommunication and ever since that we've had really bad blood between each other since normal traps are too easy i promised clown that each time i killed one of them i would set a new world record and now since i got everything i lost back i need to head to the swamp to get one very important item slime first slime of the day oh there's a lot there's a lot actually this was probably the first time in a while that i had ever felt safe from other people so i took it for granted as i got more slime balls oh yeah this is big i just found two more big slimes but what am i going to do with all of this slime and to fully understand this question we have to go back to july 16th 2021 when my friend recrab uploaded a video of him setting the record for the highest anvil kill now since minecraft's height limit changed to y 319 i can break this world record issue is wreck had a lot of trouble moving across the world at the time so i'm going to build a four-way flying machine to make this ten times easier okay we're going this way we're going this way okay move move for one second i need to put the button down press that button press the button you do the honors oh it works wait turns out i was standing in the wrong spot and since clown also fell down the flying machine was literally moving all by itself with no one controlling it i see you rendered in and i see the plane oh i see it oh my gosh that's sick wait what happened to the rest of it there's only half of it so with a quick fix for the entire machine the parrot mobile was back up and running again and since i'd come across the base of one of the communists i now had a new target for the world's highest anvil kill i probably should have spent a bit more time planning because as soon as i showed up to this person's base they immediately logged off what why did he leave but i had a completely different target in mind [Music] the plan is simple i just arrived at the server's most well-known landmark nft tower and while it's a place where nfts yeah those super viral internet pictures are sold on the server so i convinced my friend spoke to help me out okay can you lead them to a set of coordinates did you oh it's like give them say can i give you a tour of nft tower i'm like buy nft tower yeah i'll just make like a chair for him and we'll sit while we'll take this and they'll kill bro so with my target positioned right below me it would only be moments before i attempted this ring oh this is so nerve-wracking bro oh my gosh all right it's going it's going please please please please please please oh my gosh oh my gosh [Music] i did it but here's the thing not only did we just break the record for the highest anvil kill but this was my friend wreck raps record and what's funny about this is that rec and i are currently in a race to a million subscribers and to simulate it each of these gold blocks are worth a thousand subs guys wreck is only seven blocks behind us with one more video he's a hundred percent gonna pass us i strongly believe that we can beat this guy to a million so genuinely subscribe if you enjoy my content but as you may have forgot earlier in the video i promised that i would get revenge for the people of gallantry betraying us and by now i had formulated a genius plan the first step is my friend joining leo works call and bringing something up hello okay so i i gotta tell you something right so basically parrot asked me to do be like in one of his world you know the world record video he's making yeah and i went there like he gave me the chorus he's like okay can we go there tomorrow it's really weird because there's this random hut there right and it has the lag types the truth is that this trap wasn't planned for vortex instead it was a complete decoy to convince leowook to help vortex out so far everything was going perfectly leo had agreed to stasis vortex out of there so we set our own stasis chambers inside of that room so we could spring out of nowhere and kill leo touching yourself all right i'm ready ready all right clown are you ready i'm ready tell them to pull and three three two one go and now now now activate it activate it did you do it [Music] go go go go go go go go go go but instead of dropping his items like he should have leo hook instead dropped nothing but a signed book and proceeded to type one message that took us all by surprise [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Parrot
Views: 2,034,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, School Minecraft Server, School SMP, School Parrot, Parrot, ParrotX2, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, parrot lifesteal smp, Spoke, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, LifeSteal SMP Applications, how i ended an entire minecraft smp, Technoblade, HermitCraft, MumboJumbo, Grian, why i broke 100+ bedrock, Here's Why I Made 12240 Minecraft Cakes, Minecraft Hunt, LifeSteal Season 3
Id: dpZ8U8y-tpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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