I installed too many mods and ruined GTA V

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hmmmmm i think this video is a little bit in bad taste right now

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/volatilepyrovile 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

It wouldn’t be a gta chaos mod vid without Jesus showing up

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheRetailRowGod01 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're playing gta 5 with the chaos mod but there's a twist today we're going to be playing lspdfr which is a mod where you can be the police of the city of los santos it's a fantastic mod well combined with the chaos mod i'm expecting it to go wrong i'm gonna level with you i know you didn't see it coming but that's what i'm expecting wait what is advanced customization components oh dear i'm getting money from somewhere the gravity field brought in money my officer is shy and has no arms or legs it's a miracle really that he survived and made it to the force if you got pulled over by this thing what would you do oh no it set me in a random seat all right i can't see what i'm doing anymore so i think i'm done police carriage ready to go yeah why not it's covered in snow somehow in l.a the sun beating down and i'm still like god i wish the snow would melt oh okay a breaker breaker it's my first day and everyone just exploded all right well if everyone's exploded no crime so maybe it will be an easy first day i thought it would be hard but maybe not just like to point out my car is driving itself right now what the hell is happening like oh my god uh chief heaven's all clear no criminals up here also underwater no crime coast guard's doing an excellent job as well as god oh no there's a meteor shower well that's out of my jurisdiction i can't go into space i've been underwater i've been to heaven but space is just too far all right i think i might have to load because my game is really broken everything's super delayed and also i'm in the middle of nowhere so kind of works i'll be right back pursuit concluded sure is he's just watching tv i guess he just woke up he had a nightmare or something like oh i had a nightmare that i was wearing a bag on my head i went to heaven and then i went underwater there was a meteor shower and i just died they say dreams mean something what the hell was that why are the police after me oh for [ __ ] sake everything is gone i gotta get to the front door i see the door at least but someone's coming out i am at the police station trying to start my shift while the police are actively trying to kill me hey just clocking in all right this somehow let me in all right gotta start the shift again all right this time just john's hat the rest is not worth it maybe it was all the components that made me lag all right city i'm ready to clean up crime it took me a while but i'm ready oh no i i'm the one doing crime i rammed him by accident wait wait wait wait dude no i'm a policeman i'm allowed ram you i've played gta a lot and i understand the rules that the police abide by i've learned if they ram you it's your fault my duns hat all right that's it you're about to get beaten to death how is this for cruel and unusual punishment all right first day on the force going pretty well oh my god don't worry don't worry taking care of the city my siren nothing is out of my jurisdiction all right i think yeah this will do oh i don't have a choice flying hairs ran out i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine i'm actually fine okay interesting i can't see anything i got vaseline on my eyes hold on hold on it's nighttime all of a sudden wait it can only go one way i got this i got this i'm caught him off this way chief ah it's causing way too much public damage this is probably just speeding it's not worth all the effort i'm putting in to catch them after effect's sake at egypt come on there you go oh there you don't go all right oh random tire popping great surely that'll confuse him more than it confuses me yep it's working there he goes there he goes there we go i got him hold on let me get my taser the high pitch seems less intimidating doesn't it all right we got you is the other officer got the other one he does fantastic have you got this one all right awesome i don't even need to take them in great i can get back to doing what i do best as soon as i figure out what that is okay maybe not my my vehicle exploded are you sitting without a license sir oh i didn't even mean to do that but i think he's dead that'll teach you for sitting wait there's someone up ahead what what the hell is that red dot on my map oh my god the high-pitched siren is awful wait are you flipping me off oh no oh no oh no oh pets attack player all right whatever you did i'm letting you go no no no no no no oh my god they're circling they're circling run [ __ ] [ __ ] all right doll everyone now i'm on foot wait actually this might be good it's running down and it's not good i was thinking everyone ragdoll but everyone accepted this person actually ooh money no even the public transports against me now no no no no no no don't pull me out i think i'm causing a lot of damage on my first day this might go down in the record box oh all right uh chief from an aerial point of view city looks good oh are you piloting without a license the cop just pulls up next to the plane siren on pull over pursuit concluded okay great whatever that call was they solved it without me thankfully i was being attacked by everyone so i couldn't really join in oh how many times they gonna get ejected that guy is so lucky that he didn't die he was on his phone crossing the street the car just glided by him citizens reporting at grand theft auto grand theft auto i'm honest that's the name of the game i hope it's an irish grand theft auto and you know it's like a ah grand you know like it was a grand theft auto now i must say oh no there's an extreme fog watch out pedestrians i'm just trying to do my job at some point you'd think my guy would say hmm maybe stopping someone stealing a car isn't worth murdering 10 people yeah when we're in control probably i think i've already lost the perp all right whatever i didn't want to catch them anyway oh yes the kevin skin complexion effect lovely [ __ ] hell maybe i shouldn't go full speed when i cannot see a thing i'm just going to stay and wait for it to be over oh i can call for backup news air unit please i got a lot of mopeds out here speeding oh my god there's even some of the police on scooters why can't i be a scooter cop then people would take me seriously why am i in the back seat i didn't even realize i was just sitting in the back i'm just so used to being on the other end you know the one being arrested i i just did it out of habit all right come on scooter bros let's go stop some crime oh my i don't know why i'm arresting this man i just am i think it's his shirt i'm the fashion police now you're being arrested oh i've fallen over i've never gotten this fire before i don't know what to do with this criminal oh for [ __ ] sake what the hell i was just arresting for littering you don't need to kill him oh you're trying to kill me i see it oh no i gotta get back to the car all right that was instant karma to be honest that poor old man just had a nasty shirt there was no need to arrest him for it i hope i don't get any calls for a green car because everything is green all of a sudden okay i'm dead i'm not stopping much crime am i we stopped one crime so far and i've died like four times i i guess you called four times like i did go to heaven the first time that chat's reported oh gunshots perfect i mean where were you earlier when all the gunshots were being fired at me uh i have a feeling that criminal's gonna end up killing himself because the full acceleration oh god that was scary i just radio in like pursuing on foot it's a kind of cat he's dead he's [ __ ] dead he was probably flying through the air because the full acceleration and very low gravity sorry sir this is uh what's the thing called um commandeering a vehicle officer no no no abusive power that's what i was looking for walking and talking that's a crime there you go um all right that's uh apparently the death penalty he's not getting back up having a friend that's a crime hey there friends i just want to frisk someone because i i feel like i've oh sorry i feel like i have a good eye for crime you know that's [ __ ] sake i got binoculars taking a real close look at you buddy boy oh sorry no no i don't want to hit him i want to frisk him i'm stuck i froze up because i'm doing such a horrible job i'm getting just performance anxiety i can't move for god's sake oh please something land on me yes that might knock some sense into me yes it did thank you so much citizen but you still hit an officer hold up hold up hold up you can't just drive off after doing that all right maybe you can i can't oh that one doesn't want to let you good citizen my game is so fact i can't go into cars i can't take out a gun it's just so broken oh no oh wait it's just kidding okay that is really good fake death now and it fixed me yay i'm coming with you oh no you're running away you don't want to be my friend fair enough all right time to go stop some crime on my quest to save people i've hurt a lot of people but it's for the greater good damn sorry buddy greater good pursuit and progress we got this armed and dangerous oh that's just the call i wanted to hear there he goes hold on i got this i got a really good shot trust me okay i think i actually got the driver there that was decent there we go i'll just park on you so we can arrest you and you you you die there we go i've arrested him look at that wow i'm good at what i do i should probably take the gun off him all right boys i got this one um the other one's under the car if you want to get them out i don't know what you want to do there do you want me to pull them out from under or will i pull the car off them what the hell was that oh i didn't realize extreme grief for jesus was behind me i'm not surprised god sent him down to come after me i was doing a lot of bad things with the the veil of i am the law imagine going home and they're like oh how did your shift go honey ah not great i died a few times and i did some pretty bad crimes well it's not like you murdered anyone no no no not murder i'd say more genocide the amount i killed right we got a robbery hold on i'm ready i'm ready for this are they in the store oh this is so cool please don't kill me i want to actually do something cool i got my stun gun and i'm really small he's also there you go look at that what a stun oh then he's getting away all right hold on there we go come here kid oh everyone's gonna think i stun gun the kid but no it's just a really small man there you go there's no even back up this time i just pulled up in a stolen car to arrest them the cops don't fit i think you can slide out of those all right come on sir get in the car i know it's not a police car just get in oh no i gave everyone a stun gun all right at least hands are coughed properly now all right i need a uh ls fd no i need uh uh you must be like god really i got caught by this dude transport there you go no suspects awaiting transport and what do i do with this one maybe i need an actual police car to place him in there i i can't seem to get him in the car oh oh no oh no oh no oh no uh yeah this is definitely cruel and unusual punishment oh god how much did you rob anyway did you just like rob a t-shirt or something okay all right all right that's fine that's great i'll just wait here until this whole thing blows over i think i'm safe in this little corner uh i don't know if i'm gonna be able to get to them anymore cool guys don't look at explosions let me walk away while i'm eating stung by bees oh nice clothing new uniform i'm an undercover cop now hey kids you got any drugs it's all my years on the force it's your first day i know it feels like years because it's been a wacky first day but it is your first day dispatch perfect night i like hear this thing oh dispatch purpose sight when heads are blind apparently hold on i got him i got him i got him there we go wait is it this person yes it is all right i just let him go sorry a small companion dog go where is it did it go outside the car oh i wanted to be a cool officer where my parent was a dog that would be so cool yeah i could make a sitcom out of it come on pull over jesus at one point is enough you know come on you get out okay one is getting out at least one has had enough all right the other surrendering i'll get the other one you get this one please stop oh i think alien gone there you go what oh my god a deadly agent spawn for [ __ ] sake i was just stopping criminals oh now i got a companion it's not as exciting as a dog but kevin and brad undercover police officers robbery perfect oh no oh no you're driving like an idiot oh brad you're such a rough and tumbled character aren't you you're definitely the bad cop she's really saying something because i feel like a bad cop but in a different way i guess i'm not the mean one i'm the stupid one oh holy [ __ ] okay brad he's alright don't worry i'll be 15 seconds left for god's sake brad we messed up the chief is gonna be so angry at us we're gonna have to redeem ourselves here but whatever comes up next might still be able to catch him if we get there in time we've lost sight of them but they have to go either this way or away from me there they are got him yes the police chief's gonna be so happy with us take that petty criminal we'll just leave the bag all right i guess we'll leave the bag it wasn't about the crime it was about revenge this shop is popular with cops what yes i know it's popular with cops i am a cop who is this assistant you have here who's just dead behind the eyes i just know i can get away with this like i know what happened to the last dude but okay i was about to say that i can't be punished because i was the guy doing the punishment but once again god steps in oh i picked up the money at least his hands come towards me like no give it back there we go you're still good the other one's dead but i don't think this guy's going to tattle on me robbery in progress i hope it's not me oh [ __ ] tires popping we gotta go a mile and no tires after feck's sake brad get out of my way jesus that one was even a ghost scooter and it's still getting in my way where are you where are you there you are i see you oh really you just got in the car and max upgrades all vehicles for god's sake get out the car dude you're boxed in by me and another random civilian get out get out the car really you're going to make me do this the hard way isn't the hard way like i don't know how to do this all right there we go oh you tried you tried to kill me didn't you i don't blame you i don't like your odds there you go you're coughed oh just in time too okay i should probably arrest you but i got my hands full and my parents just sitting there cowering for some reason oh it's because vehicles explode on impact all right be super careful whatever you do do not reverse and hit into him again i'm gonna stand back while i wait on the police to arrive oh no yeah i can't resist sorry sorry brad sorry sorry i was the bad cop after all what a surprise oh who tried to just kill me all right who killed me i could just remove the word try from that sentence now ah look at this place that i've been sworn to protect i've done an excellent job today wait wait hold on what that parachute's just for show a perfect sec all right that's the end of officer dunce what a way to go officer johns died parachuting without a parachute but i hope you enjoyed our little adventure along the way if you want to see more mods in gta let me know how i've been arrested how fitting but i used to mod gta a lot before in my very very early videos on the channel and i always had a blast doing it so let me know if you're interested in seeing more combinations or just more mods in general i hope you enjoy it if you're new be sure to subscribe and i hope to see you tomorrow bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 508,335
Rating: 4.9719014 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, gta v mods, gta v mod, gta v chaos mod, gta v chaos mod call me kevin, gta v lspdfr, gta v lspdfr mod, gta v cop mod, gta police mod, gta v lspdfr callmekevin, gta v lspdfr chaos mod, gta v funny mods
Id: 2g9rjozrlTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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