Red Dead Redemption 2 but it's destroyed by mods

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're playing some red dead redemption 2 and we're going to be messing around with a few mods there's not many mods out for this game yet i can't wait till they start to make it more and more wacky but the ones they have already are pretty wild all right i need to get down to that town and the only way i see reasonable is by using a ufo oh god the animals already know something's up the animals are always the first to know they always know something's wrong it's already so bizarre oh look there's a guy ripe for bombing there i'm sorry oh he's dead there was a witness i'm not surprised wait can i do anything to the train i doubt it rockstar's trains are invincibles they're the strongest thing known to man maybe second to old nokia phones okay i think it's on fire but it still didn't derail it yeah it did explode it though i didn't even know they could explode to be honest oh look at that i'm dropping an honor why all right let's turn off gravity sorry sorry i'm trying to abduct you but i just need a closer look there's not enough room for all of you oh jesus christ i have my own orbit oh no there's some animals getting dragged in from the farm where did you come from oh those screeches are horrible what are they are they pigs i can just see horses in the distance gliding towards me this guy's approaching valentine just like those shrooms i ate are really paying off and here he comes oh wait no just his horse he's too powerful oh no he's not he's coming too will they come with me i'm really afraid i don't know how stable this is i assume not very where's my camp i want to take and show dutch i don't know where my camp is is it here i think it's here all right dutch this time it's me who has the plan i just come home with a load of bodies and horses circling me they're just freaking out and more and more coming my game is gonna crash we're just picking up more as we go i'm afraid to go any faster because i have a feeling my game will crash i'm surprised it hasn't already are those birds being dragged into this i thought it crashed but no it just wants to save the game i don't think i want to save this you know no i lost my friends friends come here come back to me yes i got all my friends back i really like the way they all came over to me like that hey you want to come over nah my mom's not home [Laughter] so lame oh no dutch no not deutsche he needed to show him this someone was swimming there all right you know what i think i'm done being a ufo for now see you guys later ah the screams of appreciation that i let them go fantastic i wonder i could go anywhere in this could i go to blackwater yes it is me the wanted outlaw invader morgan i'm here to get my money from that robbery all right you know what i'm done being a ufo for now even though i really really enjoy it all right be free folks oh my god jesus christ okay let's just bomb blackwater and get out of here okay we're done here goodbye i got in a boat i can't bomb him he's just having a peaceful day i can take your boat though get out of here i need it you can have my ufo i'll trade you get out of here oh my god he lived he deserves that ufo you've earned it too slow and too peaceful that's what i'm talking about it's like a speedboat imagine they saw this oh oh oh oh oh oh i'm losing control i'm losing control how do i balance this out he's still rolling god waters cam today [ __ ] i fell i hope the water's soft ugh i landed on the only bit of land in that entire lake i'm expecting to see the ufo at any minute just to pass on by okay he woke up it must have been some crazy fever dream come on horsey let's go animal gun i see i don't know what i call him an animal but he's kind of cute yeah i think my mom would let me keep these guys as pets witness disturbing the peace that's what i get for giving birth to you guys i brought you into this world and i can take you out of it unfortunately it'll bring a lot more into the world as i do it this is fun way more efficient than finding people and just tying them up what the hell oh my god run away what the hell is that thing it's huge i'm getting on the train and getting away from that thing someone's screaming at me who's angry i think someone's in the train go check it out horse will you honestly challenge this like there's people coming out of my gun i have lightning out of my gun now i am a god leave me alone all i want to do is ride the choo choo all right that's it predator missile inbound take care of these fools they're all trying to run oh god i hit myself with that launching again oh i think that was a bird that i went for i wish i could get a better view of it as it hits i hit myself i was like i wonder if i go straight down will i be able to hit them rather than trying to veer it off god that is an accomplishment not only did i call in a predator missile in the old west i managed to kill myself with a force ring thing what's that oh i've made myself have an orbital pull again all right if i'm going to actually have my own orbit i should definitely be bigger i saw something here a chunky morgan okay um i guess he is chunky you didn't lie to me but also i feel like you didn't tell me the whole story about what was gonna happen it must be a windy day i can see why he has his own orbit though he is chunky all right let's stop the ring okay lucky you who landed on the rock sorry for all of you guys spawning vehicles oh train um sorry oh yes my canoe wait can i actually go in this oh no it didn't last long oh he's in one even though he's dead he's just driving the canoe up the wall oh it's a wacky wild west that's for sure i don't think this is gonna be the fastest way to get back to camp i should go oh god where am i uh okay good i can just walk through this i've always wanted to drive these things when i see them in multiplayer but now that i've gotten it i don't really want it it just can't compare to a ufo oh [ __ ] sorry i haven't got my driver's license yet there we go i hand can't okay this should get me back safely it instantly killed me how did that happen i think i might need the ufo to get back to camp because i want to try a mission i'm sure these mods will help me get rid of the speed all right this is at the top left i'm chunk of fight let's get out of here i'm gonna see dutch he'll have a plan to get me out of this oh no don't make me chunky for the cutscene i'm gonna miss it all right wait i can get into ufo oh wait i think we're still in a cut scene here oh jesus i've messed up this game already haven't i he's freaking out take us too uh i will if i can get in back into the cutscene that would be great uncle is just deposing over there why don't you care about my ufo why do you just want to see civilization i could take you to another civilization can i just take you with the ufo all right we'll be there soon gang hang on they all died how could this happen all right how about we just get out i hope i didn't kill anyone no i didn't mean to go i got out it wasn't me it wasn't chunky morgan it was somebody else god damn it the gravity just [ __ ] kills them and i don't mean to go into it i just have to cycle through it to get out of the ufo okay good it's working well if you call this working sorry about my hair girls i just need to get a bit of a trim that's all if you find any bugs or horses in there if you could take them out that would be much appreciated i thought they were just screaming because they're stuck inside my hair but no they started singing this looks like a decent little town yeah it's all right i hear there's been a few ufo sightings though so just keep your eyes peeled oh i can be someone else i could be uncle wait why did i fail the mission did that kill uncle because i became uncle i am the real uncle i think that's what broke my game that's what broke it the ufo pulling everyone up into the sky and spitting them around me was fine but being uncle is where they draw the line okay maybe the missions were a bad idea i'm just going to go down to valentine do some odd jobs let's take a little stroll down to valentine okay i am here oh wait there's a mission here hello everyone they look happy to see me come here come over here i want you to meet our friends i want a friend too god get some friends get some friends just spoiling people live on top of us oh this is a busy probably fellers ignore those men that i'm giving birth to amid cutscene i apologize it's a condition i have hey hey there he is who i can't see oh my god there's too many people here to be fighting everyone stop this should calm everyone down honestly see guys now you all fit in you're like parents of the furniture can't remember what it was like without you i think you're tough come on surely that's canned everyone down no you're still angry okay jesus christ this guy's strong can we take this outside because honestly we're gonna destroy the bear i like how he still punches and just completely misses oh god someone brought guns that's not fair and defeat the brawler i think he's defeated all right they're dead just one good look at them and they're gone good thing my friends can't die morgan what more do you want me to do this is over charles please stop you're wasting my time i don't think this is gonna work can i kill myself with this mod i can kill myself with a predator missile i want to spawn my bodyguards guys please defend me i'm getting beaten up you guys are useless stop punching me i haven't even hit you i don't want to fight sorry i don't know how to dodge honestly what oh okay something triggered this guy to come down really more he immediately just flies down the road yeah i got him now apparently can i turn it all right hold on one second hey hey come on that's not fair let me set up a cannon that's it i'm sailing away goodbye everyone god the seas are choppy all right that's not gonna work oh sorry i forgot that that button does that bill please get out of me i can't do anything i'm stuck for vexing he keeps grabbing me and the only way to get out is mash f but pressing f sends him flying which just resets this quick time event all i can do is walk around backwards stop playing with him i wish i could all right i got in my ufo where is tommy there he is i'm on the roof now perfect's sake he shouts from his ufo all right i think he's dead are we done no we're still gonna do this okay the mission is completely broken oh guys i'm sorry i don't know how i'm doing this i'm sorry oh no okay i killed half the town but my force pushes off so now i can actually fight him my boat in the background of this dramatic scene sorry it just got suddenly cold one of those freak things you know this is quite cool actually oh now it's nice and i can't see you oh now it's day and i see a lot of you that's what it looks like to look at me in daylight my paleness just reflects the sun so intensely i know he's in black water but there's talk of them moving can we teleport a black water right now then well then we're dead man i don't think they can hear you and i don't think the game likes that you know what i think we might end it there since i crashed um this was really fun i really enjoyed this if you want to see more do let me know there are a few more mods that i can check out but there isn't too many as of yet when more come out i definitely want to play them though because i used to do a lot of videos on gta mods and stuff like that kind of before my channel blew up but i always had a great time with them and uh well they're probably broken now but yeah i'd love to try it out on this game too because it's just so damn wacky uh but i hope you enjoyed if you did i'd appreciate a like or even a comment just to tell me you liked it so i can make more content to cater just for you but appreciate you watching and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,748,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, red dead redemption 2, rdr2 mods, red dead redemption 2 mods, red dead redemption 2 pc, red dead online, rdr2 pc, red dead 2 mods, red dead redemption 2 pc mods, funny moments, red dead redemption 2 mod, rdr2 pc mods, rdr2 funny moments, red dead redemption 2 pc modding, script mod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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