Fallout but it's destroyed by a randomizer mod

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're playing a fallout but everything is randomized oh look at this i've been caught by the legion already some sort of space legionnaire they've already conquered the earth and now we'll conquer the stars honestly he looks like a lunatic who just went wild he's like it's the apocalypse better gather my plates and fishbowl and use them as armor enter character name i think random is a good name for this character like how normal my person looks then i guess to stay in the theme we should randomize this too i just keep clicking it looks like a neanderthal but like a bad one like a school play neanderthal except he's like 47 and definitely should be alone in your schools oh my god that is so scary for some reason all right i'm happy with that well i'm not happy at all actually but i'll accept that most of it right anyway i can hardly even hear him because it's muffled from the fishbowl i mean dude i appreciate that you're a doctor you got to be a quack when you're in a fish bowl on your head like this will stop you getting the flu and putting the fish pole over their head oh wait why am i so tall compared to him he looks like he's just wearing a bad cosplay all right let's blast through this so we can go out and see the actual world and what that's like randomized intelligence lower yeah that seems right i'm a knucklehead accurate it's important that you're relaxed for this next test i'd be more relaxed if you came out of your fishbowl it's all warped and everything i'm on edge constantly when you're wearing all that protective gear and i'm here in my underwear all right speaking of underwear could you put some on this feels really uncomfortable the way your man's spreading in that skirt all right before we leave this doctor's house let's just rob him i'm sure he doesn't mind i don't even need to be quiet because he can't hear a thing in that fishbowl do you think i'm allowed tap on the glass like i know you can't with fish but with him is that okay or is that considered rude taking all his books it's just like okay i get you took my stim packs and medical supplies because you're on some adventure but did you have to take all my books and my chessboard so i can never have fun again i'll take his food too yeah these are yours and then he still returns my things what a saint i'll give out to him for going through my stuff you were within your right to reconstruct my face by going through my stuff the hell is that thing oh no i don't want to go near that thing i don't know what even should be spawned there but i don't want to talk to it hi what's wrong with your arms quest completed what am i getting the completed quest here what is going on okay that was just the main quest i'm just getting loads of pop-ups for some reason oh jesus oh that barked at me watch out dude your dog like is he gonna attack me or is he good i think it's okay his little beady eye is so freaky i've never gotten that close to one way too many strangers coming into town these days no offense i don't know why you're calling me a stranger like i get i'm not from around here but i am the least strange thing in the town and that's saying something oh god that thing is right there do i should i interact with it or daddy partner i just wish he had a little cowboy hat that would make it thanks for taking me out of that grave what are you looking for probably bones he buried earlier i've never seen a robot like you before very lifelike i think i'll go now though i wonder if i try and do this quest like what kind of weapons will they have in fact was i given anything like i've noticed my sleeve is red athlete of the waists outfit what huh are those slippers oh my god he looks terrifying i was joking earlier but like if you saw him near a school you'd call the cops especially with a v-neck that low i just waited an hour by accident he just pulled up to this building and just idled for an hour and then went inside oh god i can't get in i need to get in there one second can i cheat all right unlock unlocked door yay cheating i mean like oh oh my god he's got a mini gun okay i'm sorry actually this is the dev it's like you're ruining my game you're gonna shoot you've been anonymous i don't think that's an issue here's a mini gun and what is this kinky outfit you're wearing by the way you know what's bad when you don't even comment on the spiked collar and like leather straps he's got on you know how to play he's asking me to play with him oh no oh okay good he's put that big gun away not something i want to be saying to a guy hanging out in an abandoned warehouse with this leather strap outfit on all right i definitely want to start a war here because their weapons are going to be insane or pathetic one or the other talk to victor about your rescue yeah i can do that i gotta stop using third person because it it's weirding me out i i feel like a creep even just playing as this guy the weather keeps changing randomly as well like this dust storm wasn't here a while ago it was sunny when i went in and i came out and then the whole world had changed oh there it goes again oh yes aurora borealis at this time of the day this part of the country are localized entirely within this village oh yeah this this this thing i need to talk to sorry i ran off last time i was a bit scared got a funny name called himself caesar's legion i think doc mitchell might actually be joined with him i know it's subtle but he wears an outfit that is super similar to them the little party hat that doesn't even fit him hi he's wearing everything normal and then he had to ruin it with the hat oh get your dog away from me oh it's creepy as hell all right i gotta meet her outside wait are we gonna do target practice like you've got an axe are you gonna throw it or what i don't even know what gun i have i've got a plasma caster or a knife that's the right idea yeah that's the right idea that's complete okay oh my god the knife is actually gruesome i gotta go chase geckos away from geckos okay should i end tutorial no i've had it off because you know if i go after those geckos they're going to be deathclaws or something oh my god no this view is even more scary what is this fist of the north oh my god he does look like someone who'd enter your nightmares doesn't he and this guy looks like a children's entertainer all right i guess i'm following him to outside of town to have a little discussion with him is he good enough what do you want okay it's literally just standing outside the door which is all broken by the way they could hear through that window first things first though you go settle things with ring going the guy has a minigun how am i supposed to kill him all right i'll go deal with ringo then god damn he's such a talented drummer too oh my god he's so scary so [ __ ] scary an option shot makes it even worse i just kind of pushed him over i didn't even use the claw oh my god this is this is brutal okay all right you don't you don't want to see what i'm doing right now all his limbs have been removed what did he have jade prostitute outfit that's what he was wearing i may as well take that for myself all right let me put on my new outfit just so they're really scared oh my god that's so scary okay some of you came prepared anyway it looks like he's ready he looks like he's a good weapon which is the one i was talking to oh yeah you you with the funny helmet i wonder where this is even from i don't remember this helmet at all i'd feel bad for betraying them but i honestly don't i don't know why they trusted this guy i know don't judge a book by its cover but i felt like they read a chapter and they'd still just decided yeah that's good when it was just a jumble of letters that weren't even forming words luckily the townspeople seem to mainly have melee weapons and these people have like chainsaws and guns oh god no no no except for her yeah i'll stay away from her i'm gonna try and sneak around don't shoot me don't shoot me yes there we go i have the strongest weapon i think but i will take your tesla cannon oh my god it's the dock don't bother amy for a headshot he's got a fishbowl on all right that was easy are we done here mr gopher you've got people to kill keep an eye out i don't think his voice really works for the character it should be like we've got people to kill haha i don't actually know who we're supposed to be killing there doesn't appear to be anyone left whippersnap what someone called me a whiffer snapper oh no it's so condescending i'm terrified is it him okay yeah i guess so this weapon is so strong oh wait there's someone like coming in and going out i'll just start swiping and if you get in my way it's your own damn fault there you go your fault powdery gangers accept it folks have come to accept you for your helpful nature good springs hate it now that folks know you're bad most people outright hate you yeah well most people are outright dead so it doesn't matter yeah he doesn't really care i'm like all right well i'll see you next time and he's just like yeah like we we were friends we took over a town together if you don't bond over dismembering people i don't know why you'd bond over oh this guy hit c4 no wonder he died he couldn't do anything with it the demolition experts over here doing absolutely nothing all right i gotta make my way to prim which is down over here it's not too far away so i'm hoping i don't get into too much trouble like when everything is random you don't know what you're getting yourself into what is this oh it's a can i thought it was something interesting i was like what is the randomizer mod done to me now and it's just a can i can not believe that tricked me oh jesus road trips are great when you can entertain yourself the game's trying to make me change my characters like dude please come on at least take off the outfit anything but no i'm committed now wait a second is that mr house wait hold on just a moment it's mr house what are you doing all the way out here huh you came to see me you brought your pawn and everything i gotta be honest with you and you're not looking too good i don't think the bacteria out here will agree with you i was so confused i was like is this going to be a replay of the can it's something normal but no this is definitely not normal i'm going to kill him it got me 5xp for killing mr house it's all i kind of deserve like the guy i probably could have blown on him just and the germs alone would have taken him out all right well what a what a great ending to the game why are the credits not rolling jesus christ what is that oh no oh no no no i'm surrounded all of a sudden oh no no no oh no no no no don't lie oh no oh no what are those i'm not fighting them i'm going in oh the wasteland's scary you discovered prem i'm still outside can i just like fast travel in here okay i can well that's a neat little trick oh there's enemies over here please leave me alone oh thank goodness he just has a shovel poor guy at least i have something to dig your grave with now just gonna put all my points into unarmed i don't know what it was brought you to prim youngster but you might want to rethink your plans town's gone to hell oh i've seen that trust me i saw it on the approach but everywhere has gone to hell i'm afraid you should see the last place i visited want to play a hand of caravan all right he told me to talk to the sheriff i'll go talk to the sheriff do you think you'll take me seriously i sure hope so don't discount a man just because he's wearing skin-tight leather pants wait what why uh-huh i thought we were friendly i was just talking with the other people in the other building all right now i'm dismembering a town again there we go i'm just waiting for one of them to have like a fat man nuke launcher and just blow all of us to hell oh no oh no they have good melee weapons oh he's fast he's swinging it everywhere oh jesus this is bad this is bad oh the spaceman is in my way now right i think i have stimpaks oh wait he's been using auto-injected impacts how does that work oh my god i just decapitated him do you think the other guy will come over too surely he can't be that stupid i just decapitated somebody who tried that oh he's coming oh my god that's so brutal this weapon's amazing i don't even remember this weapon but is it good i don't suppose you came here to rescue i've got to get going i wonder what it's like to be able to get going whenever you like it's nice it's nice oh my god that that is full power hammer is it you know what i will free you sorry i thought it was just the kink that you had like my guy you know like-minded individuals but i could see now you were actually kidnapped is this the randomizer or what is it or is he just sneaking out of here because this doesn't feel right hey there what why did your voice change he's obviously just making his voice steeper to sound more manly i skipped it because he he was about to say something that would trigger my guy's fight or flight response all right so i gotta head to novak through nipton ask her and novak about her attackers i mean i could just go straight to vegas like mr house is already dead look at him why is he just walking so stealthily over there's definitely something up with that man all right here i am new vegas by totally legitimate means oh my god what are you jesus what is that oh my god this place is scary oh what happens in vegas stays in vegas i hope because i don't want to bring any of these memories with me okay i got them just about what did he use on me a hollow rifle if it can be bought it can be found in where can it be found i'll never know oh my god why is another person annoyed with me why are you all angry why is your hat so oversized by the way no he got me god damn it that was so close too only i could have got my backhand a little bit closer to him oh no what has he picked up okay that's fine that was very close okay i've killed everyone can i go through the gate here can i go into the strip i want to meet benny submit to a credit check all right i need 2 000 caps luckily i got a lot of random stuff from people that's worth a lot of money so i guess i'll head to the store thank you sir there we go wait you don't even take my money i get to keep it wow this is great i'm gonna bet it all on black i also like how the guards were literally bugs mr house the head honcho of new vegas is itching to make you oh we've already been acquainted i have killed him out in the desert the outfits whoa what you look like you could use some protection is it the helmet because honestly that looks like it would protect you from a nuke it's a massive oh my god look at this you're all terrifying it's like a zombie invasion or something that's what the world is going to be like when we go back to normal people just going to work in their pajamas we've gotten too accustomed to it now i'm wearing even i'm wearing pajamas right now okay it's the norm and we all just have to accept this is the way it's going to be oh my god what is this enjoy your time mr house has just gone out for a bit of a look-see i think he's going back inside i'll i'll let you to it this is just kind of awkward she goes mondays i go fridays he's a talented mole rat she's fast and he's hideous hey i'm looking for chandler bing chandler being around here somewhere hold on i'm leveling up sorry to interrupt the mid conversation oh that's spinning okay i didn't even recognize him without his suit on hold on i'm leveling up again benny give me a second why do i keep just leveling up let's keep this in the groove hey smooth moves like smooth little babies what was that line you and me have a future together he's planning our lives together how can you resist these leather straps i'm looking for clues and i just found this dinosaur doll in his dresser baby this little meet and greet of ours chalk me up as a no-show no you're going to yemen aren't you oh okay this is bad this is 100 gonna end with me dying isn't it i've got some grenades oh my god oh god i didn't know what i was doing like i'm still glad i did it but jesus christ what is happening in there [Music] am i on fire it really looks like i'm on fire i feel better now i injected myself and the fire doesn't burn as much it's still burning though i'm i'm dying slowly you have a [ __ ] mini gun and i have brass knuckles but i still win the speed off of jesus what even was that gun that i got k9000 cyberdog gun oh my god it has a little picture of a dog and there's a brain in it ah yes man there you are hey quest complete so benny's fleeing off to the the legion or something now doesn't he oh i'm leveling up again honor does that mean i can have his room and it's all charged to his car you know what i'll take it a free hotel stay that's what i've worked for this whole time i'll just take a sit down oh i got the big backpack and i've earned a bit of a rest the game crashed anyway so i don't really have a choice i hope you enjoy the video folks if you want to see more let me know thank you so much for watching i appreciate it and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,003,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, fallout new vegas, fallout 4, fallout 3, fallout mod, fallout mods, fallout funny, fallout funny moments, fallout randomizer, fallout randomized weapons, fallout random, fallout callmekevin, fallout ep.1, fallout best mods, fallout funny mods, mods callmekevin
Id: GvUdIl38cT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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