This mod makes GTA V missions hilarious

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and i want to thank nba bald stairs for sponsoring this video with nba ball stairs you can grow and manage your favorite team while customizing your lineup using your ideal players and your favorite lineups to put together the best formations to put the best team on the court you can collect a huge roster of nba stars including the amazing job around to add to your team you can level up their skills and watch them perform their signature move while strengthening your team's talent this enables you to compete for a chance to attain rare rewards and move up the leaderboard to gain trophies it has a challenging and rewarding puzzle game to increase your players stats through gem bursting successfully making your way through the puzzles will allow you to charge up your players and you can slam dunk fast break and so much more you can also place defensive blocker gems to hamper your opponent and create board clearing effects to bring home the victory the epic victory royale that is by increasing your overall rating you will train your favorite players to use the best formations to strategize lineups and utilize your athletes to take a shot at winning the championship best of luck with that if you want to check it out there's a link in the description thank you so much for watching thank you for the sponsor and i hope you enjoy the video today we're playing some gta 5 chaos mod and if you don't know how chaotic the chaos mod already is then look at me i'm here i don't know what the hell is going on i left the game afk i don't even know where i am i left it for like 10 minutes and this is what i'm dealing with right now but we are gonna try and do some of my favorite side quests ah should i try and get out let me try and just wait oh hold on there's an arm here why are we all dancing i'm gonna try and get out nope okay i'm just a train i guess i'm so confused spawned the agent oh oh there he is i think he's in more danger than i am but at least him shooting now shows that i'm in this trailer i just can i go in first person no i just so stuck now i have a gravity field around me and everything that i'm passing is getting picked up by the train this is going to crash my game 100 oh wait i saw myself for a second there he is wow this game dude well no this mod i can't blame the game for this all right someone's calling me i think they're telling me to get this over with so let me let me get a mission started you know what this world needs more paparazzi the bees are coming for me he's even like swatting him off his face [ __ ] then [ __ ] the [ __ ] [ __ ] that are you talking about the celebrities or the bees because i'm getting pretty angry about these bees oh yeah we're in trouble no that's not miranda that's impotent rage he's just standing in the background like what about me i'mma make a set too oh no i know you're an actor but we just we don't want pictures of you right now for effects sake paparazzi dude get on please get on please get on oh my god dude come on he's not doing me any favors here is he i'm gonna fail the mission just because he cannot get on my bike great for god's sake get him gone get it yes yes okay we're out of there now let's just never think about him again i can't move left or right are you serious please get i know that was my fault for hitting into you but i can't move left or right and i was going so slow you would every chance in the world can't this go any faster it can but it can't go left or right i'm trying to just gently hit things to redirect me oh for [ __ ] sake i got through the left and right but then we started lagging oh impotent rage is going to be waiting for me again isn't he wait but just got hit by the limo he deserved it honestly just take pictures the fact that running red lights in their limo these pictures can't be that good she'll just be sitting there i'm going to get sued man no wonder this whole town's in therapy this whole town is in kiplam keep love everybody oh for [ __ ] sake i got teleported to heaven keflam so many kiplands there we go will that work your camera is a hundred percent broken oh no and so are we all right at least i counted i got him off the bike that's the main thing oh no oh no oh no it might be a good time to set snapping pics oh my god the lag what the hell is going on oh no oh i'm not an idiot it's not my fault gravity got inverted like that's got nothing to do with me maybe i'm an idiot for putting on the chaos mod in the first place i'll give you that much after effects sake start the mission and immediately i'm going up in the sky okay we're saved all right homie it's been an education dawg look keep on making the world a better place you hear me i like that attitude new contact beverly now why would you give him your number he was terrible for fake's sake the traffic's just wild right on to the next one screw this i'm not being on a bike oh i think he's dead i don't know what this targeted risk mission is but i like the idea of parachuting with the chaos while on so i'm going for it invert gravity and you're just like whoop straight into the sky oh damn it my parachute was set to reverse it's franklin again he's getting up to a wild day come on lady boy let's go who even is this person why are we doing this i just showed up here all right here we go i have a mini gun sticking out of my face it's weighing me down uh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh i hit the truck yeah i see yeah i see he says i'm just smacking into it look i know mini gone in the way of my vision how was i supposed to do it all right half game speed this is going to be a slow fall this just helps me to be honest even though i i'm not doing great anyway hold on let me just slam into the [ __ ] thing there we go that worked somehow it's still way up there oh captain conservative actually jumped i'm already here what are you talking about oh that guy just spawned there he's pissed i did it in like two seconds flat i'll incinerate whatever you put in front of me boom who is this man we'll set the sliders to maximum and bust your tiny little processor he's very defensive over this all right well that was an easy mission luckily i got the best chaos mod for the moment just having the game speed so i could gently swoop in we got this amateur border patrol now at least it's trevor this time franklin's had a rough enough day already great great effect to ruin the cutscene for me thank you very much what the picture of the vehicle is damaged but i'm still in a cut scene this is gonna continue okay i think we're just continuing mission failed successfully the civil border patrol sweden tweedle dumb over here aren't they on an island oh god they're ghosts now oh i like that guerrilla warfare they'll never see us coming literally let's do this oh wait hold on i got to retry first i failed that cutscene i was never any good at cutscenes get out of my way i've got a force field on it you get out of the way of my sirens or i force you out of the way with my force field sweet jesus they're flying all over the place should we take the patrol blimp no let's stay in this this works oh my god i'm skype by a train i didn't even realize oh yeah i forgot i'm a ghost stealth operation oh they're all back oh this is pointless everyone in here has done something illegal i mean they are all carrying ray guns it's a mariachi band all right we're after them a sun gun but we got our we got our ray guns to be fair they did just run over a dog or coyote and go straight through someone's garden maybe we should try and stop them but they just seem like trolls i kind of admire it oh oh god i almost landed on him oh god i didn't realize they had this sort of resources the mariachi band is calling an airstrike on me oh sweet jesus okay do we steal their car or what use the stun gun there we go they're stunned do we take their car now please let me take that car i love their guitars there's an air strike and a dense fog i don't know what's going on oh god think the ground's on fire troll vehicle is destroyed i couldn't even see it anymore oh for fix sake i gotta chase them again and the car is already on fire perfect's sake i literally got two seconds in and it's gone heads are brainless i don't think we needed that effect i'm pretty sure everyone in this mission is brainless what ah kill the engine every vehicle jesus christ this mission is hard border patrol oh um you smell that uh do i just pull them out of the car or they're on fire i don't i don't know what to do this is just beyond awkward he's just looking at me stop it he's immune to the elements oh now he gets out now he realizes always oh god i'm on fire oh sweet jesus will we take the helicopter maybe this civil border patrol are more well equipped than i thought too [Applause] [Music] i unfortunately this is just my own stupidity this has nothing to do with the chaos mod i've just been wedged between a rock and a hard place entirely my own doing perfect sake this is gonna take me all day i'm very close to quitting this one but it is kind of funny at the same time you know you can't take a subway in peace liberty just gave me their vehicle all right that works thank you very much i like how this guy came with me too all right are we done please let me be done let's just throw it on the scooters all right get in come on america's a little bit safer because of you i'm not sure it is i think it's just a bit less happy like a mariachi band it just brings happiness to all doesn't it and now we've won less oh no well off i go i just returned to my home planet now that my job is done okay something fecky is going on here that was where the clouds just disappeared instead of having a time lapse oh god it's doomsday it's doomsday it's doomsday i should have known when i saw things were up with the clouds i should have guessed something was fecky when i kind of did i suppose maybe i'm like one of those dogs that knows like things are going to happen before they happen this fake look in his eyes so he just stared at me now he's dead back in doomsday please be careful with my car not a bother just like i'll make it there don't worry i think if i need to respray anyway it looks a bit generic at the moment considering everything is blue i don't know whose house this is and i don't know why i'm burning it down i'm just happy to do it just happy to be a parent to something bigger than me you know oh god i'm a bit danger close all right well that's this house ruined it i don't know why i'm doing this but it's done i mean the chaos mod if you can't beat it join it i guess i'll just go hide in michael's house and i've dealt with that i'll go hide in jimmy's room there we go i gotta lay low here chief just looking out the little window oh no they're coming in i didn't think they'd come in what okay i'm not sure what happened there to be honest i just kind of exploded oh now i see i deadly aim i get it i get it all right just making sure that that is in fact what is happening so i'm just continuing to aim at some civilians cars here just to see and it does seem to be the case all right we got that sorted at least at least we clarified it oh god i'm famous [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what why are they swearing so much oh i'm sorry it's it's okay just don't worry about monetization you know honestly i think a well-placed bullet would be better than lighting the gasoline trail all right that's not allowed apparently i don't like this mission i'm going to do a different one all right on to another one where i got to steal some items from a celebrity i'm being very slimy in all of these missions i don't watch her for the gardener he has a rail gun oh god i meant to punch him all right i meant to say i better watch out for myself i've got a rail gun all right let's try this again what the hell was that oh he he's blind he's like no way where did my vision go can i just sneak by oh no oh no he's doing like laps or something she's just standing in the hot tub for some reason oh perfect you're gonna blow my cover don't do this don't do this don't do this i'm stealthing i'm stealthing don't punch me come on be a bro for once all right i got his clothes he's looking literally straight at me impotent rage i really appreciate you not attacking me i don't know why we've suddenly made peace there's been a ceasefire but i appreciate it all right now to escape in portrait mode oh [ __ ] you see that's why portrait mode is bad it's dangerous you miss out on so much when you're in portrait mode mission passed fantastic picked up a little souvenir for that weird old british dude i helped a lot of bad people today but i think we're going to end it there thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it if you're new be sure to subscribe and i hope to see you tomorrow bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 480,279
Rating: 4.9523983 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, gta v, gta v funny moments, best mods gta v, best mod gta v, gta 5, gta 5 chaos, gta, chaos, gta 5 funny moments, gta 5 streamer, grand theft auto v, chaos mod, gta v chaos mod, chaos%, gta 5 chaos mod, gta v mods, gta 5 mods, mods gta v, gta 5 mod, chaos mod callmekevin, gta v heist
Id: piKFvsqoHoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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