GTA V but it's destroyed by mods

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He talked about this mod in his "GTA5 but Twitch Chat controls the mods" stream.

I don't think this is nearly chaotic enough for him though. Maybe if you turned the timer down from 30 seconds to half a second it could be fun.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pupetman64 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

More like bore Ragnarok.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gonrog76 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Isn't that all of his gtav streams?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xX_ThiccKrabz69_Xx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I mean, I feel like Doug and Kevin need to play together anyways. I feel like they'll riff quite well off each other

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheCornerGoblin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TurgMcTurgFace πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I see you’re a part of the cul- I mean organisation

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dark_rider_52 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Kinda just sounds like a colab idea between darkviperau and Doug but with extra steps (for those who don’t know darkviperau is the person first did the mod in his video Doug Doug even mentioned this in his video)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WhyIAlive πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
oh hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin sorry i was just idling for 30 minutes because we're playing gta 5 and that's how long the loading takes uh we're going to be playing a wacky version of gta 5 because i feel like i bring a lot of chaos usually and this time it's time to put the shoe on the other foot all right so i have this mod that every like i think it's 30 seconds you can see the bar filling up the top it's gonna do something wacky completely random what are we in for nobody knows let's find out i'm just bracing myself okay here it comes here it comes minimal damage wow pretty wacky all right let's see what other wacky thing it has in store for us whale rain okay that is a little bit wackier please don't kill my game at least it's light rain it's not a heavy storm i mean it is [ __ ] heavy but there's not a lot of them just they're having a whale of a time they don't mind the rain i think we're gonna have to try a few missions with this on oh but not before we get some green traffic like that's the thing some of them aren't even bad or good they're just like all cars green now it doesn't really affect you it is just complete chaos oh there's another whale it ain't easy being green okay whale rain is over thankfully now we got pacifist screw you you can't tell me what to do what okay maybe you can alright let's try some missions with this on oh wait hold on can that actually still go up showing cut scenes tell about random beds in the current vehicle okay good thing i'm not in a vehicle jesus he's causing chaos all by himself no i just missed sentence just gravity's gone wait he's talking to his dad's ghost at this point oh god stop haunting me please papa where is the model where is it gone is it on the floor oh he's back he's back i'm sorry that's okay we forgive you i just wish we could do things together what things i bought you this car my son i apologize look at that cinematic view through this windscreen okay cut scene's over back to regular old me let's hope nothing wacky happens to stop us getting there oh i've fallen down the stairs i guess we can't go biking can i get up is it gonna let me up no it's not okay oh yeah i forgot all traffic is green hold on let me get in the car you like the the spray paint job i got done i'm having a bit of the mid-life crisis in fact i think i'm having a few at the same time watch it oh i just bought a blue car also oh no wait there's someone in that and they're shooting at me why did it spawn like it said spawn blue sultan but why did it spawn an angry pedestrian in it but i didn't expect or want them to get killed oh god what to say no this is so difficult it's kind of scary too i don't like having a heat vision it would just make me aware of how cold i really am please help me my heating's been broke for a year and i my feet are just they're destroyed with the cold i'd show you but i know better than putting my feet on the internet oh god you wouldn't belong getting frosh but all right son we made it somehow go just in time too why didn't we just take the blimp to begin with it was so much easier oh jimmy was spooked really the guy is shooting at us the whales falling from the sky that was all fine it was when the blimp showed up that's when he's like i'm out of here luckily we just got the checkpoint come on let's get some bikes oh no oh no jimmy don't get spooked okay that's just uh a feature of the boardwalk it looks really cool doesn't it just gently under it and careful it's balanced curiously oh my god spinning pads jimmy are you spooked again oh my god that is so scary i don't like it at all is the game is here like cycling will improve your general stamina i don't read those normally and i'm sure i'm not going to read them now with all this going on around me wait oh god did that no it didn't okay oh fake crash [ __ ] you [ __ ] you game oh my god okay that got me good i was just about i was about to make a joke out of it like apparently this chaotic mod is the game just crashes oh oh no get on your bike there's something about to happen ah at least my bike is fine what even was this a cargo plane okay michael we gotta go we gotta go before that thing falls on us super run and super jump oh very nice and a super run too i mean i wouldn't say it's super like i'm pretty sure i could outrun him at this speed is this what mexico looks like oh this is what like films do at least i should be able to get to my son before another one happens i don't want to lose now because if i do have to do this whole cycle right again randomized players close yes that's the stuff i like he's ready with his mask you're looking very 20 20 michael come on you know this is real nice dad yeah it is i love mexico explosive combat oh god i thought things were just about to start exploding i think i'm okay if that happened on the boat i would have been in trouble oh my god the game speed has lowered it is half the game speed now and it's not that bad in the cutscene but you can't tell something is off god he doesn't undress at half speed though that was fast you know what you could spawn whales if you want now it might be nice actually oh ls well it's gonna make for one cool cut scene at least oh never mind a bail trailer it just spawned on top of me when i was almost there the ship said dignity but uh turns out i had none of mine left launch all nearby heads up i wasn't near anyone unfortunately that would have been really handy in the cutscene oh wait i can see them hold on they're just coming back down poor tracy is probably like oh god my father must be near chaos follows him vehicles have no gravity oh hold up a second wait what tracy was spooked effects why are you so easily spooked i mean to be fair if everyone started flying up into the sky i'd probably be a bit spooked too vehicles have no gravity yes this isn't what i had in mind but i thought i could just cycle over there hold on hold on i got this i i have this under control gravity's coming back but i'll just simply dive off and i just gotta try and parachute but then all vehicles exploded so i couldn't get there god damn and i wanted a parachute over there all right this time this time oil trails what there's just oil trails behind all the vehicles or something that you could explode them with luckily that shouldn't affect me i should make it to the boat this time that's all i want just to make it to the boat so i can stop swimming this is a length of water over and over again but it keeps baiting me it does something right when i get there and it's about to do something else now do something boring please don't smoke perfect oh thank god i'm finally here sorry about launching into the sky and exploding your vehicles and such they're shooting porno here they shoot porno all over town mom rented our house listen my chimp says you have to go and you have to go don't make him angry i think he's actually angry about me he's posturing up next to me he said come on come on then he's just watching the whole thing go down primitive humans you know what wait where's my chimp gonna sit please don't make me fly up please don't make me fly up oh [ __ ] sake a teleport player a few meters sorry about that dude honestly i'd leave now it's only a matter of time before something really bad happens to me you or all of us oh no oh no i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared never wanted oh my god i was so tense i was ready to just explode or something wait i'm invincible and i'm never wanted why am i not just my killing him you there we go that was easy they're both dead i can't believe this honestly it's one of the least overwhelming things to happen today blind peds what does that even mean i mean i know what blind means don't lecture me i just mean like what will it do to the game oh there's the explosion what's the explode on nearby vehicles well good thing they were blind so they didn't see all the chaos i'm sure they heard it though in fact with their heightened sense of hearing it probably blew the ears off him [Music] no i don't think you understand i'm never wanted stormy weather hey son god is angry at what we did today i think that was actually your sister that made this whole thing happen she got angry and then the storm just appeared really setting the mood it's just a family day at the beach turned turtle what does that mean what what is happening what it's all upside down is that because i'm stuck on my back what is happening oh my god this is so disorientating spawn random enemy you know please don't fight me dude i can't even understand where i'm running to honestly it's really really confusing let's start a new mission before it starts getting chaotic again okay here we go we're gonna pull off a heist the greatest heist known to man because we're gonna be so chaotic even we won't know what we're doing wait it just came up where did everything go and now it's just me standing in a room alone let's just talking somewhere okay i'll look into how you can give everyone a backlash it just appeared in my hand i'm ready for the heist the one thing unchecked on the list was get m4 carabines and i guess we swapped the battle axes more simple plan will work best oh also everyone is invincible that's a big part of the plan you are welcome everybody i'm leaving on foot any questions oh franklin just changed clothes he's like did everyone else bring their disguises oh he's changed back am i stuck in first person can you leave me out of first person please thank you i can't i can't perform well in first person which is why i can't perform well as a person in real life great five wanted says fantastic everybody get in we're gonna die not only are we going to do a heist we're bringing the police to the heist talk about a fast response time that is thought crime right there the peds are rioting oh yep they're um they're rioting that one's shooting me okay get out of here get out of here get out of here i'm dead the police couldn't do me in but the pedestrians did it just fine all right let's try this again how oh what no time to explain everyone get in i'm not even gonna be able to get out of here sorry just just let me slide across okay there we go no one's in my car all right i'm just gonna head there no wait for the crew they can't get past my car and the game has locked me inside my vehicle so i can't go back up and get them oh my god please come down all right listen up oh yes they just spawned in here thank goodness all right smooth sailings now all the way to the bank sliding peds oh look at them slide that's adorable it's like they're all on roller skates or like in a model christmas village on ice skates hey don't slide in front of the van now ah christmas is ruined again anyone yet okay there's a lot of people just sliding purposely into my vehicle that is sliding insurance fraud great we got disco weather and the cops are after us because i hit too many slightly pedestrians oh it's snowing if only the slightly pedestrians were still here come on lose them i just want to get to the next checkpoint i don't want to do this part again it's too easily ruined oh my god franklin's falling asleep he's bored at the thought of robbing a bank he's [ __ ] bored oh thank god i made it oh my god thank god franklin you go take a nap dude you're so so tired look just your vehicles exploding from impact good thing the police will be busy with all those vehicles exploding franklin's still just dozing off all right let's rob some jewelry oh no teleport everything to player that was not just people or cars it was everything all right coffee's gonna kick in in a few seconds and this will finally stop and the new chaos is just setting the time to evening don't be stupid it was almost done and then michael just went me want to go to mount juliet just it just tell avoided him it's so hard to get anything done oh my god oh my god it's the blue sedan guy no stop it stop it it's just his face looking out at me so scary he just appeared there like don't fear everyone i'm here to save you let's do this oh for [ __ ] sake he's still here who are you dude there we go that's that's done oh my god there's a meteor shower apparently i gotta take a look and hopefully the car will despawn oh they're the meteors oh dear i'm just staying outside honestly it's probably safer at least we'll get the heist done we'll have a horrible take but we'll get it done yes wait what the heist was abandoned what is this i've been pwned oh my god lester's annoying enough already without this blackout if anything that just helps us oh no what is this is it a monster truck okay that's good i thought it was actually a monster like a boogie man or something like the guy in the blue sedan it's not that bad however i am stuck so i'm just hoping nothing bad happens and we can get out of here when this little section ends don't do anything bad don't do anything bad don't do anything bad please deadly aim oh thank goodness thank you very much let's go let's go i didn't know what deadly aim was so i was like i'll just aim just to see like there's an auto snap to their heads or something but no just aiming at them just explodes them i had to [ __ ] ruin it i couldn't just stay there and make the next checkpoint go go go go no no no no i'm staying over here doomsday great my god please stop they're already dead oh my god dude this is insane please stop the chairs are on the ceiling and everything no no no no no no no no no no keep me alive keep me alive just a little bit more to go and doomsday is over oh thank god it's over and we just have an extreme fog now doomsday affected the climate a bit michael's just like not too bad not a scratch simon says don't move backwards i'm not going to [ __ ] bait it it's just going to kill me that's all that's going to happen if i move back i can't do it 20 seconds 20 seconds okay just don't kill me as the last one don't end the heist flamethrowers oh thank god okay okay let's leave everyone let's go it teleports me to the airport okay let's try this again do i have to steal everything before it ends is that it it's hard because there's vehicles all over the place no no [Music] i just take me just take me again that's fine i just started the helmet it does nothing like this okay who didn't put their phone on silent please this is a robbery [Music] nice work on the crowd thank you let's go let's go we got it we got it we got it one hit kale that's fine that's fine we can leave we can leave get a cut scene yes we got a checkpoint to [ __ ] meteor outside oh great vehicles have no gravity so i ca i can't get any attraction here you were losing the crew no they're losing me i can't i can't drive we go a spawn griefer jesus damn it jesus jesus honestly please stop you keep just spawn killing me over and over again it's getting really frustrating go go go jesus no don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it don't okay good he didn't kill me he killed someone else back there was that scooby doo or something oh my god oh that is genius but come on i can't see where i'm going i should do all my videos like this the render times will be so much quicker i am amazed i haven't fallen off yet oh thank god oh i did spawn an angry alien no no no no no no no he's trying to kill me he's trying to kill me run away run away this is actually going pretty well all things considered in fact i would say 100 chance we're gonna make the next checkpoint without dying i took my crewmates vehicle because it said player into closest vehicle so i just took his and he was out standing there and the game was just like i guess he's dead then the hell is that insane gravity oh for [ __ ] sake insane frame rate more like it oh there's the angry alien from earlier oh he killed himself that's so sad oh no is the alien oh the alien got back up he didn't die it was the gravity that was affecting him oh no same alienway teleport to heaven thank you very much i mean i was going to die anyway i may as well just cut the middleman and just send me straight there although i think you sent me the wrong [Applause] direction start this [ __ ] alien dude he will not leave us alone he's just camping that space he's not dying almost there almost there almost there doesn't it swap player please swap player please swap player i'm almost there and i really don't want to die helped my w he is stuck okay you know what that's fine i'll i can cope with that just don't fall off [Music] oh fantastic okay wait what the truck was destroyed how i was what did they just preemptively go he doesn't have a chance just just end the mission or what what i'm so confused teleport to random location but it just teleported me back this time at least if you need another gun give me the word she said that and then i just got all weapons that's not my fault okay that had nothing to do with the chaos but that is entirely his own fault launched on there by bed stop the hacker died they were the ones in the van i think so i guess they just went straight into the ceiling of the van i'm surprised the game even allows them to die all vehicles hunk what an annoying cop chase speed up come on come on something chaotic's about to happen get to the checkpoint you no problem going fast earlier when you smacked into the back of my truck like come on we're here we're here we're here yeah what is this [ __ ] i agree with you michael no we're right there come on just roll into the checkpoint i'll just force my way and force my way and force my way in the checkpoints right there i could see oh my god oh this game 30 miles per hour speed limit okay let's make it easier to destroy them i guess everyone is doing it so i guess it works i don't know vehicles shoot rockets okay just be careful don't hit my friends i think we've lost the cops and we've plenty of time to make it to the checkpoint i think yes yes good job everyone yes get out of my way we actually made it oh my god [Music] [Laughter] oh the four feckers yeah crush them crush them okay what what is it okay there we go how's he gonna say what is gonna happen here yeah i thought you were gonna be stuck under a cop they gotta be warned oh come on jesus dude i thought we got away from you and this is extreme grief for jesus he's way more pissed off this time i'm gonna have to take a different route now because he's just gonna be camping that corner and not letting me get into my objective this is actually even a quicker route take that jesus i found a shortcut beyblades oh dear stop it stop stop stop stop stop stop letting it rip please at least the news will have a lot more important things to cover rather than our jewel robbery michael just comes out of the truck [ __ ] was crazy dawg it was crazy a lot of crazy stuff happened oh thank god heist passed i'm so happy that was so difficult weirdly rewarding but difficult and now he's gone to his strip club dude you've doomed them all oh i'm getting on-demand tv here picture in picture he came to a strip club to watch anime on his phone all right i think after all that stress we're just going to get michael to the movies so he can unwind and relax not or not that was a quirky one just suicide and i just died on my way to the movie he's looking around i'm just confused or maybe just looking for whales who knows luckily now the movies are just around the corner so it all worked out give everyone a random weapon isn't this kind of always active in this game this is america she has a fire extinguisher all right i'm ready for a movie this summer no matter what this movie is about it can't be as unreal as reality like reality is nuts right now and i'm not talking about us even though the same could be said for us but i mean in their world oh wait that's the chimp that i met on the post that was a movie star i had no idea there he is again he's such a star this is a pretty good movie i don't understand it but i enjoyed the dancing part it's disabled breaking now so they're bouncy and they have no breaking bouncy bouncy bouncy oh dear all right you know what that is a good place to end i think if you want to see more let me know because this is hilarious i enjoyed it so much i hope you enjoyed it as well thank you very much for watching and i hope to see you next time bye for now shout out to patreons bob bosha jones brandon greenier broken atlas brooklyn stuttman catacombs jinx call me kevin kathleen clown show casey baltes kashui kat celesti kathode singing schnoodler charlie prudence chase sprawling chelsea peterson chair sandals chris ho christina waldman cody hazel malik corbin nuts and crash mccreary cross-haven entertainment damon trilogy dandelion ellie daniel o'neal david griffiths david klein divine coconut and dj crispy smooth
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 2,055,843
Rating: 4.9305539 out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, gta 5 mods, gta v, gta v mods, gta 5, gta mods, gta v pc mods, gta, best gta 5 mods, gta 5 mod, mods, gta v mod, gta 5 best mods, top 10 gta 5 mods, mods gta 5, gta v funny moments, more infinite gta 5, mods gta v, best gta mods, new gta v mods, gta 6, best gta v mods, mods for gta v, best mods gta v, gta v epic moments, mod gta v, v mods, gta v modding, gta mods pc, gta mod, gta v chaos mod
Id: qj7KiZjADZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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