I Hit a 2000 Story Skyscraper with a Tsunami and Broke the World - Floating Sandbox

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alright so we're checking out the only game where you can destroy lives to the soft soothing sounds of the wind in the background it's floating sandbox do things about floating sandbox first they just had an update where you can generate tsunamis and cause ridiculous stuff to happen and then this will be the game where I create the mm floor buffer it's been asking for ever since my 1000 story building I tried to find a way to make one without wanting to put a cheese grater against my wrists and I think that I figured out how first things first though I need to find out how bad the tsunamis are over to the options menus that you may not be able to see because of the way my recording software renders things wind and waves all of them we fight a lot wave with not very wide speed all the way up okay first I want to see what this does there's like one sad wave over here that's doing whatever the hell it wants no I think that there's also a tsunami generator button trigger tsunami it's called but I don't know where the hell it would nevermind it just forms wherever it wants to form it's just an extra angry piece of jell-o that's coming for our ship that is already being torn in half by their sheer fort that the tsunami isn't even going to touch the ship it's not even gonna matter I can't wait to put a tsunami against a 2000 storey building although I don't know if my computer is going to have fun with a 2000 storey building you also get the opportunity to watch as the sheer power of the waves dissolves the ship think the problem is there's too much weight down here we see if I can reduce a little bit of that weight it's got to grab the ship okay and we'll put it like right about over here by the tsunami just to see if the tsunami will backhand it so hard that it'll lose its lunch money right about right about here should do it so right about now I don't know why gravity works in this game the way it does I think I could probably mess with that too I am really surprised at how well the ship deals with water feeding it so what if you throw a ship at the waves at like 60 miles an hour or something oh my moon baby that's a little bit faster than I had previously anticipated okay so let me let me describe to everyone what this is this is the Titanic in a bottle beautifully done what I didn't know is that the bottle is made out of the kind of degenerative bone disease version of a normal body and so when water hits it it basically disintegrates immediately I'll give you an idea here so if we just pressed the spacebar that's hot hey we got the Titanic out of the bottle look at that huh and the bottle is kind of still in one piece I mean like all the chunks are still connected so that was surgery basically Titanic surgery so it appears like when you make your own tsunamis when they strike together they create like a super tsunami so real quick I just want to grab our ship in a bottle before we start using our fantastic artistic skills to make the V building and I just want to kind of put it in here and see what happens all right so what you got to do is you got to get this aimed up so these two waves touch down exactly in the middle of the bottle right about me a little bit closer so we could really get this perfect right about here I'm telling you man I never knew that water could dissect something like this but now knowing it just makes the substance that much better okay so there's plenty of pre-made stuff but we're gonna go ahead and make our own I don't know where to start I'm just gonna make this 5,000 pixels high I don't think we need that many pixels wide so we'll do a thousand of those if we do five pixels to a floor we need at least 10,000 of these okay this is absolutely ridiculous there's an instruction manual for this I didn't really read all of it but how hard can it be cardboard oh I feel like that would be a bet you know what screw it we're gonna make our building out of cardboard this door I can really only pray to God this turns out all right all right needs a little glass as I do this I can only realize that we're probably gonna get like one frame a second because of how massive this thing is going to be maybe I should try it with like a hundred floors first and then we'll work our way up to 2,000 I don't care about distances our windows are gonna be disproportionate distances from one another I like Photoshop because it allows me to do things without taking a million years in order to do it you go 24 so far that's not too bad hundreds Tori cardboard building don't know how well it's gonna work but let's give it a shot oh sweet Jesus this is way bigger than I previously thought it would be Oh God whatever I said I was gonna do it here we go okay let's make this a little bit smaller this definitely works a lot better the problem is though the compression of making the image so much smaller turned my building into a place with no windows and it's noodle oh it's like a it's like a giant squid underwater down okay that makes sense sure you know what why not yeah I could see what happened here okay though we have the idea of how big we need to make this at least okay the hundred storey building is still pretty friggin ridiculous okay oh yes six frames per second here with the hundred storey building I should have known I think that there's a way for us to reduce some of the mechanics simulation quality how low can I bring this I think more than anything I find it somewhat curious that cardboard just doesn't give a crap about anything it lets you wanna watch your structure just crumple in upon itself all your glass shatters and everyone's hopes and dreams ends up killing them just need some antimatter bombs real quick all right here we go cardboard building versus the antimatter bombs I think we're gonna have to make our building much much smaller if we want any chance of being able to see what the hell happens in this game okay it's gonna be a pain in the ass but we can totally make this work I think we can start out with a thousand floors and still kind of be able to see stuff happen welcome to hell all right you beautiful bastard go get them the ground the waves keep kicking it back into the air because it's like a it's just a gelatinous mass they pumped the simulation volume back up oh yeah never thought you'd see a thousand storey building get broken in half go ahead and start triggering some tsunamis here oh it's curving in like a seat it's such a big object that the tsunami doesn't even make a difference like it doesn't matter I don't even know if the tsunami is going to be able to touch this we're gonna have to change the material that our building is made out of what the hell is that sound is that is that supposed to be the tsunami warning station telling us that this tsunami is coming in over here we may have to put some bombs on this thing I really don't even know if the bombs are gonna do that much because the damn thing is so big there we go now the tsunami is just barely kind of tickling the rectum of our floppy building this is what happens when you're building losses it's its rigidity honestly it doesn't really do anything yeah hold on let me just let me just put some bombs on it there we go that should help things out a little bit the building is clearly able to take far too much damage so if we rip it to pieces with like 20 of these bombs and watches my framerate drops down to three FPS I think we'll get one there it is and there goes the building all the way across the entirety of the board damn when it hits the ground it just disintegrates alright let's choose a different object to make this building out of wood you would clearly that'll work well alright my son you know what to do I see the wood the wood just disintegrates the second it touches the waves the waves are beating the hell out of our wood I'm gonna tell you I thought the wood would have better durability than the cardboard holy crap was I wrong the wood just gets obliterated by the waves in fact there's a tool here the swirl tool I'm curious what happens if you start to use it on the wood building hell yes thousand stories of sadness just going flying through there alright so here's what we're gonna do we're going to take the the largest portion here and minister at the ground ready here we go Wow it ricocheted off and all of the particles just went through the other piece of the building I didn't think that was gonna happen we'll give this one over here a little bomb as well like I said the wood pretty much just shreds it just gets shredded instantaneously there's no no potency to wood this isn't the wood I was hoping for it's tried different material no iron let's do that all right iron building do me friggin proud I know you can I think it's able to take a lot more punishment oh yeah see it's it's keeping its structure at the very least it's not immediately folding like wood or bending like a friggin limp noodle as the cardboard does now I don't know once it touches down into the stone not a hundred percent sure what'll happen I imagine the sheer weight of the building will probably crumple everything that's down here yep and I'll do it hold on maybe it'll stand come on stay erect I know you can I know you have it in you still crumpling pretty fast but maybe it'll run out of gravity before it turns into nothing this is legitimately one of the most satisfying things I've ever watched in this game floor after floor of human living space getting turned into nothingness we are getting a little bit of a bend over here so it's still disintegrating it's just disintegrating a lot slower I'm gonna go ahead and swirl this with ultraviolent mode on make it happen it's like cracking a Twix bar in half basically what happened there and the pitch it's out of there so it looks like when your object hits the bounding notes of the sandbox it it's like hitting a wall made of titanium at 10,000 miles an hour right now let me got good news and I've got bad news the good news is our building is going to be touching down into the water pretty soon the bad news is I think everyone that lived inside is going to be liquefied as the entirety of what's left of the building gets pulverized against the seafloor it really makes you realize just how big these waves are if we're considering a thousand storey building I am gonna try a 2,000 storey building after this I just the frame rate is gonna be awful you guys know maybe I'll make it 1/2 is wide maybe that'll help slightly I really doubt it will but man can hope and dream but the second this thing touches the ground there it goes there is not going to be very much oh look at that everyone that's in here will survive looks like the iron's gonna save lives all right mm story building made completely out of glass all right so this is how ridiculous this thing is right oh my frame rate I'm so it's not that bad it's Alito it's only down to about 20 FPS or whatever you know some people play video games with that guy - he is a good guy guess now it's able to fight straight through the waves for the most part as a matter of fact the waves aren't even breaking the glass which i think is a little bit strange but more than likely the moment the glass touches down against the rock it will begin to shatter although I feel like it's taking this a lot better than normal glass would don't break in half don't break in half don't break in half come on I know you can do this oh it's gonna break in half it is really starting to brenda yep there's a couple of fissures right in the middle of the building I can't even imagine how much weight this would be the building would should not be able to stand under it so will own weight at 2,000 stories it should be impossible and I think that's basically happening as a matter of fact it may continue to break in half over and over again it's like little flamingo legs you always wonder how we can hold the bird up basically the same thing here our building our glass two thousand storey building has flamingo legs but this is what would really happen instead of using a pair of garden shears to take the flamingos out all that's happening is it's hitting the ground over and over again oh we're starting to get waves throughout the entirety of the building right now you have no idea it's it's disintegrating like one story every second or so and there's still this many left because of how big the building is see it's slowly dissipating all right destroy rip bomb blast radius all the way up breaking again put a couple bajillion bombs on this thing there we go see how that does [Music] yes Oh finally did it all it took was a 2000 story building and a bunch of bombs so everyone that wanted the 2000 story building I hope you friggin satisfy I even had to increase my size a little bit to get all 2,000 stories for you hey those hope you don't send a sort of floating sandbox til next time stay foxy much level
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,325,063
Rating: 4.8855538 out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, sinking simulator, floating sandbox, floating simulator, ship simulator, ship simulator 2019, ship tycoon, sinking ship, cruise ship, cruise ship sinking, cruise ship crash, cruise ship fails, floating sandbox game, 1000 story skyscraper, 2000 story skyscraper
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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