when you use a 9,451,000 degree blowtorch on earth

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all right so we're checking out the only game that sums up this year by allowing you to drive a sun uncontrollably through the entirety of existence [Music] it's solar smash solar smash is a game that allows you to break ridiculously but i didn't realize just how stupid this pause button they added is what it allows you to do is pause when you're generating the different items and it multiplies the force of the items even though it looks like one item i'll show you exactly what i mean in a second i have to mention that today's game-crashing civilization ending insanity is sponsored by raycon but since talking about them would be boring i'm going to cut them in half with a chainsaw more on that later see that that is the normal blasty thing now obviously as we know we can bring up the power of the blasty thing and it gets a little cooler but something else that you can do let's see here we're having a shot ah florida you can pause the game and you can click i don't know let's just say um 10 times you know what let's go for 20. and then you can release [Music] and the devastation that you get is packed full of 20 times the original power so today we're going to slowly build up the ridiculousness and all these different items and since i don't think there's a limit to how many different weapons you can use when you pause in the end we're gonna pause and we're gonna use every single weapon in the entire game a thousand times simultaneously i mean if i can go more i will i just don't know if the game will actually not crash this isn't the only thing this works for remember the the planet destroyer beam see this here this is one single planet destroyer rookie numbers [Music] look at that beam limp now what happens if say you pause the game and then you use oh i don't know 10 of them i definitely want to slow this down because i have a feeling this beam is going to be much more girthy than the last beam yeah go ahead just park right in front of panama fantastic all right the spaceship which is actually ten spaceships all just compounded together begins to spread its legs you can actually hear the beam getting more pissed off than normal it's about to throw a small sun at the planet it's like here's your 20 20. honestly you know what that beam wasn't good enough let's do 50 of them okay now things are getting better there it is i like how that 50 times planet destroyer screwed up the planet so much that there's actually a deformation in the back the entire planet is filled with limitless lava and somehow the game is like yeah 28 million people deserve to still be alive this is basically the population of australia isn't it oh no i think i just crashed the game god what's gonna happen if i go to like a thousand of these all right real quick i wanna i wanna grab this i wanna make it the urine color pause line up florida here okay we've got 100 times power on the blaster right now galacticus or whatever just went to the bathroom he shook his wiener this is like the one droplet that came off [Music] all right doesn't look too bad for being a hundred times worse than normal i mean you know it just killed half a billion people in one shot which is pretty decent i just need to show you something too so that's the damage that did this is what this would normally do it's a pretty significantly larger crater i think the other thing that we could do is probably like unpause for just like a split second and then throw like another hundred and see if they hit slightly deeper than the first ones we still got 6.8 billion people left to murder so what do you want my sole purpose in this game is to find out different ways to completely glitch the entirety of the damage you can do here we'll do two different colors yellow and red a little blood in the urine all right there's our original chunk operation kidney damage go all right there's thanos's urine somehow there's only one million people that are dead whatever ah the blood never made it down here okay so i learned why our thing didn't didn't double up you have to at least move the planet when you change the laser types then it will work and if you notice you can do an infinite amount of lasers i did about 10 of them which is pretty interesting because they all decided to hit on this area and it turned the planet into a really really jacked up bowling ball so something else i just learned you can stack the missiles as well so normally the highest amount you can do is a hundred ah but i clicked it 50 times so there's currently 5 000 missiles coming for earth sweet jesus here we go these are my raycon everyday e25 earbuds this is the chainsaw i'm going to use to cut the raycon everyday e25 earbuds in half the raycon everyday e25 earbuds start at half the price of normal earbuds which is good this is probably only going to be half of them left when i get done you know who loves raycon ear buds mike tyson do you know who's never cut the raycon earbuds in half with a chainsaw it's also mike tyson their six hours of play time makes it easy for me to listen to all the audio books i want to because i'm an uncultured swine who doesn't like to actually read raycons come in a wide variety of patterns and colors which is good so you can make sure that they match your power tools you use to slay them with okay let's cut them in half you know raycons make fantastic holiday gifts so let's say you just got your new raycon earbuds when all of a sudden they happen to fall onto a piece of wood that you were cutting so you paired up your raincons with bluetooth when all of a sudden you decide to drop the camera i have no idea where the actual earbuds went but you could find your own at buy raycon dot com slash gray still plays for a limited time to get 20 percent off instead of the typical 15 percent off thanks for sponsored by crazy ass recon they do spread out a little bit at least so the pain is you know not all in one single place i am kind of curious just how much of the planet is going to be left when all these are done hitting the fact that there's still a million or a billion people left is kind of impressive still 369 million okay all of all of them are done there's like one missile that doesn't know what to hit look at it it's just like moving in a circle what the hell it blew up up here what happened to the planet the planet's like surrounded by some sort of weird corona oh [ __ ] um okay hold on i need to pause this because what the hell is happening look at the middle of the planet we opened up like a different dimension or something it's a real physical item it's got a it's got a curve and everything i mean i guess i'll just watch to see what it does it looks like maybe part of the explosion or something okay so 5 000 missiles legitimately destroy half of the entirety of the earth hold on we need to do more okay game please still work so i decided to do 10 000 missiles i don't know what this was i must have like convulsed thinking just how many people are about to die by my hand or something prepare your anuses it's gonna be like a really bad 4th of july look at all the missiles just like go into the blackness of of the earth that no longer exists here in the middle i feel like the weird death ball that we are creating in the center of the planet is slowly getting bigger i like how there's just no sound now too oh it actually blasted through the entirety of the planet it's like a little keyhole effect over here i find it interesting that the damage of the 10 000 missiles isn't really that much better except for the fact that you know we went through one side of the planet and out the other side okay quick question can you spawn more than one cthulhu at a time i think i've gone with 10 and the game instantaneously crashed i want my 10 cthulhu's you're not taking this from me you know what let's go 20. all righty oh sweet jesus yeah they're on top of one another the game barely moves there we go the entrance of cthulhu is much more impressive now that there's like you know he's super saiyan 20. all right there come the tentacles let's see if there's any additional damage that happens i like how everyone's already dead i haven't even started what the hell happened how is everyone already dead it was just the image of the times 20 cthulhu everyone's like i [ __ ] it i love how somehow the south pole is still frozen it's weird most of the world has some frozen parts i still don't know how everyone just died of fright that's the sound of cthulhu times 20. it is a grinding death moan like horrific planetary anger whales alright so there's the rip of the earth i don't really think it did more damage to the earth than normal but i do think it's interesting that it killed everyone before a single point of damage was actually done all right i need to know we're doing a hundred cthuluz okay so i misclicked and we're actually at 101 cthulhu's it's like dalmatian it's only a lot angry here we go i'd like to find out exactly at what point everyone just decides to die to right there instantaneously everyone just dies cthulhu doesn't even touch the planet and everyone just peace out i'm actually gonna let this one go at full speed dear the sound the droning sound of anger cthulhu oh come on baby don't break the game yeah the corona of explosion is just getting bigger that's all that happens as i begin to add more and more cthulhu's don't mind me i'm just uh checking to see if this works with the space worms because if it does that could be amazing and then it's time to bring out the auto clicker and go into numbers that shouldn't be possible okay i've decided to go with 75 space worms the fact that my computer is already beginning to sound like it wants to leap out of the screen and strangle me to death means that more than likely we are getting more than one space worm in one area i don't know if they'll all follow the same path look at them all yes they all go different directions oh it's perfect there will be no survivors what the hell what are you guys hitting there was no earth out there were you just getting pissed off of the atmosphere earth meat yeah it destroyed the earth pretty fast it doesn't have the record of destroying the earth before even something happens though like cthulhu oh ready go ahead and click repeat and we're going to go ahead and repeat 1 million times all right go ahead and click pause i mean we might as well start with this jack it all the way up urine and go guess i'll go have a sandwich and come back when one million clicks is done a few hours later okay okay one million clicks here we go okay so uh i might have to go down to like maybe 10 000 clicks because the game is broken oh god oh oh oh i didn't realize so i uh i screwed up and i clicked off i clicked off my auto clicker too early and now this is happening god it's like a horrifying urinary tract infection i can't stop so uh after that assault this is what was left okay i managed to actually let it go all the way through this time it doesn't look like it's gonna be any better than 100 or so okay it may be slightly better when there's only like a sun nova that's the size of the entirety of north america it just doesn't seem that good so what i did was 10 000 of the planet destroyers we'll see if this ends up any more powerful than our previous amount of planet destroyers it's looking pretty good so far the little blasty rays starting to get out of hand rain fire just do it there it is that is a thick piece of anguish it basically looks like a supernova that goes like 5 000 miles into space right now things are moving at like 1 fps i do appreciate that most of the population will be dead before the radius of the blast actually reaches them ah it's a lovely donut of death this donut doesn't kill you with calories it just it just kills you not really sure what this is over here looks like maybe dust particles it's probably just the souls of whoever was there at the time we're a little bit higher than florida maybe so i don't know it's probably like tennessee this time there's sound effects in the background like the game is still running but i think it's a giant lie the earth is going to permanently have a lightsaber going through its core so i wanted to see if you could use 000 of the asteroids uh turns out you can this is what happens when it hits remember how they were talking about like the one asteroid that was gonna come slightly close to earth holy jesus the damage okay real quick i just i need a baseline hold on yeah see that's the normal damage that's the thousand damage i mean i'm i'm just gonna take this opportunity i have to reset the game every single time i do this i just want to see if i can go higher i feel like i've been really abusive to the usa lately they're going to end up putting some sort of injunction against me all right so slow this down although by slow it's actually still pretty fast there's the initial hit obviously everyone in north america is immediately vaporized a good you know eighth of the planet is removed from existence and in the end we end up with about uh two billion people dead it looks like i can't stack more than a thousand of the asteroids or if i can it just doesn't show up as any more damage so something i learned that you can do is you can stack the asteroids on top of each other if you slow things down and then pause and then alternate hold on so what you do is you pause all right see how we've started and then this this and then do it again and you end up what looks like a literal cylinder of death you don't even have to be there doing anything it just happens on its own look at what it does oh wow the ones were like flaming as they entered the atmosphere that was kind of new they don't normally do that i wanted to see if it would let me throw a thousand of these all at once so it looks like there's just one like if you look at it over there it kind of looks like one but then when i oh what the hell it's like a crescent moon of death the only difference is this moon ruins people's lives so oh there's like a bunch that's just chilling in the middle now i mean let me go ahead and just clear these up real quick hold on i like how the game is like yeah there's still 4.4 billion people left why not where are these people living at so i stacked a thousand black holes on top of one another the black holes don't even show up there's death coming out of the planet where the hell is it coming from the black holes aren't even visible the damage isn't actually happening to the outside of the planet either what is it just sucking the innards of the planet up what the hell happened i mean i have to i have to real quick perform like some uh like an incision here doesn't look like there's any additional damage i think it just broke the game i mean knowing this what i'm gonna do is go through every single item now i don't even know if it'll let me do this but i'm gonna try okay i've done a hundred of everything in the entire game oh my god i love how all it is is the red outline of death it wouldn't let me do a thousand of each but it let me do a hundred of each so here is literally everything in the entire game times 100 look at the chunks of the planet moving to cthulhu i think that's from the uh from the black holes here's all the worms oh god please don't crash the half of the planet is already gone there's nothing for cthulhu to take he doesn't care he's like i'm greedy there has to be some survivor that's left all right the weird like nebula pocket is still there so the worms are gonna be chewing on that and the planet destroyers are all the way last i think their beam is finally coming in now what the hell are the worms eating there's nothing there it's got the graphics as if though they're actually chewing on something it's just like dust and with that takes a long time but there we go the planet is finally no more well we did it we used every single thing simultaneously times 100. anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of solar smash till the next step stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,540,492
Rating: 4.9508686 out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, universe sandbox, universe sandbox 2 gameplay, universe sandbox 2 update, ways the world could end, greystillplays, universe sandbox 2, black holes, dime sized black hole, dime sized black holes, black hole vs earth, smallest black hole, smallest black hole ever, smallest black hole possible, god games, black hole on earth, 1mm black hole, 1mm black hole on earth, solar smash, solar smash update, solar smash worms, solar smash noob pro hacker
Id: YIPLhv2gYyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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