ruining 50,002,142 lives with a category 10 hurricane

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alright so we're checking out the only game where you can make hurricane so big that even Satan himself has to purchase flood insurance it's hurricane outbreak more kicking science in the balls damn it hurricane outbreak is a game where you have to develop hurricanes that go across the world and kill people now normally the Hurricanes are air quotes realistic ranging in categories from 1 to 5 however when you punch science in the face and take its girlfriend you get this scenario where you have hurricanes that range from category 5 to category 10 I don't even know what a category 10 hurricane is but goddamn it we're gonna find out I want to kill as many people as possible with a category 10 hurricane before we get to the category 10 I have to see what the other categories feel like now because no one likes to training wheel hurricanes otherwise known as tropical depressions I've already completed a bunch of these I'm not gonna lie I really hope that you can take out Canada with a hurricane not because I have anything against Canada just because my Canadian friends are always giving me crap about how I live in Florida and I'm constantly getting smashed by hurricanes and they're not I like how in this game the Hurricanes moving away and everyone's probably like oh it missed us I'm grace - plays [ __ ] I don't listen - sighs don't mind me just taking a stroll in the park at 103 miles an hour hey Dominican Republic you didn't think I forgot about you did you [Music] I'm such a nice guy no one's died yet just give it in Florida a little kiss while I'm in the neighborhood right now Puerto Rico's like dude a hurricane just pull an illegal u-turn it sure did your ass better get prepared hide your kids hide your wife cuz we flooded everything up in here as you can imagine you get various hurricane upgrades such as velocity or terminal velocity flying debris I have to have this breaking levies making people homeless it's fantastic game and then of course the crowning jewel of the abilities area drown the population struggles to survive I have to mention too that in the global warming scenario one of the scenarios is actually called lost civilization 50 million deaths we're doing this I don't care what it takes I just realized that all the realistic scenario quests have normal names except for one of them this one's called bigger better wetter it sounds like some kind of porn oh I like that in all a bigger better wetter one of the things that you need to do is kill one single person we eventually have to kill 50 million people so I guess starting with one isn't that bad but first I have to drop the hammer on the Bahamas what's going on y'all it's tropical depression Carl here my wife just left me and so the Bahamas has to pay I've got to enjoy the Bahamas in Florida while I can because I think once we move over to the global warming map they get the shaft me trying to hit the Bahamas with a friggin hurricane is like watching a three-year-old attempt to color within the lines I don't know how the hell I just did it from over here but whatever finally figured better whether I get to kill my first person does it matter where they die at because I'd like to do it in Jersey I didn't have to try and I got my one dead son of AB come in New Jersey Passaic County baby got it being the weatherman in this game has to be incredible because you get to be like as hurricane Tyler prepares to drive its mighty fist into Florida it suddenly makes a freakin left-hand turn off of the Turnpike and decides to go for the Bahamas curb stopping the mother nature style not giving a [ __ ] about the jet stream it moves straight through Cuba and what the hell kicks Cozumel in the face as well as the Yucatan and that's how you become bigger better and wetter some I had one single death I don't even know how it happened it probably wasn't even a relationship to the hurricane if I like one guy found out his granddaughter's pregnant he drove all the bridges I think that moment when you're driving around you're the sad little tropical depression and then all of a sudden you do a ton of cocaine and you turn into a category 1 hurricane the most unrealistic part of this game is to thought that anyone in Florida would evacuate for a category 2 hurricane you're lucky if you get a day off down here in a category 2 hurricane ok screw the regular campaign I made it straight to the global warming now I have got a ton of points to spend later but I want to see what kind of anus ruining power a category 6 gain as I like how my quest is to kill 200,000 people it's like I'm in some kind of MMO and they're like pick a class and I chose hurricane we're going for Canada I need to make a left turn Jamaica I'm sorry you're kind of in the way I'm going across the median over here I'm not gonna lie the anus of the devil over here starting to get pretty damn big we're at a category 6 330 miles an hour Texas people are dying there's like 400 people dead ready I don't want to complete this campaign yet I want to get to Canada hold on okay on the plus side only like 25,000 people are dead from that pass we got our work cut out for us to kill 50 million don't mind me u.s. just going up the coast over here nothing to worry about Canada there's so many states in the way the hurricane has died clearly we need more hurricane powers I told you I had racked up some points yeah go ahead and give me that yeah that too uh-huh whatever this is I want it causing damage gives the hurricane strength yes if I could buy it twice I would actually apparently I can buy it twice my hurricane now has a gas pedal this is amazing 240 miles an hour seems like enough enough speed to go say hello go ahead and really slow down for this [Laughter] that moment when your hurricane is bigger than all of the islands thanks to the upgrades I can literally do like 360s although the country killing two hundred thousand people is a lot hard and I thought I can't wait to see the category ten hurricane it's gonna be the size of the entire map c'mere Florida I'm just here to say hello East Coast got it category seven hurricane time hold on I have enough to upgrade something flying debris this is the skill that all the Hurricanes that hit me in Southwest Florida have they keep destroying all my blood lay art okay this is starting to get ridiculous I'm sorry for thirty five don't mind me just taking a shortcut over to Grandma's house through Mexico it's very unfortunate five hundred thousand people have to die so that I can continue through the different quests you know it's a bad day when a hurricane literally does a hairpin turn I'm coming for that ass Veracruz oh my god I've killed a million people already driving a category ten hurricane like I stole it is gonna be the crowning highlight of my life the game says you need fifty million deaths in order to complete the final mission I kind of wonder if we can get a hundred million these storm clouds came to the wrong freaking neighborhood well almost two million people dead price-gouging what an amazing an awful thing to buy nothing like paying eight dollars for a gallon of friggin gas category eight I feel like once you finally get to category ten it just doesn't matter anymore you become the Clint Eastwood of hurricanes you're like you got to ask yourself did I kill you at eight hundred mile an hour winds or nine hundred pounds the person would be like does it really matter no I don't feel lucky nothing quite like driving a hurricane around the size of Australia actually it's not quite that big yet we'll get there I've decided I wouldn't let California taste the Fist of the North Star 592 mile an hour winds excess I'm huh alright California is next my hurricane went limp so I need to get some more clouds I like how this mission needed an extra category so it was like Idaho I know instead of hit California with a category five but if I do it where the category eight does it still kept servicing yes it does Idaho I'm here for that $10 you owe me you bastards Hurricane Karen was over here pal driving in the middle of the United States of America and all we racked up was 400,000 deaths not good enough okay we can get category 9 don't worry Mexico I'll be back after I do a bunch of steroids I thought category was stupid right 700 mile an hour winds hitting your target isn't that hard when your hurricane is like 800 miles across I actually can't get any smaller the hurricane so big and sucks up water vapor from across the goddamn map there is so many numbers on the screen right now for the amount of people that are dying horribly I don't even know what's happening I had to stop for gas over in Mexico I also ended up killing like two million people okay I've made so many goddamn u-turns on the south part of the globe it's like I'm trying to finger paint with the planet except the only paint color I have is the blood of the innocent and it's like my freakin hurricane is being driven by a guy who hates getting out and asking for directions South America I'm not gonna miss you that was the biggest pain-in-the-ass quest I've ever done in my life God 3.5 million people had to die just so I could be in pain for the last 30 minutes it was all worth it because finally I get to see what a category tester chick looks like I've been waiting for this finally I get to purchase drown I like how there's absolutely no quests for this other than kill 50 million people note the baby hurricane in its natural habitat I can barely stand its mother has been in prison for drug abuse for the last 30 years all right tropical storm they made five additional categories for this day you gotta kill at least 20 million people in Florida though since that's my hometown category ten winds are only 780 miles now or though maybe alright maybe I was wrong it's like 820 now I was gonna say maybe it's not that bad we're gonna get up tonight it's at this point where your vehicle isn't getting tossed down the street anymore the hurricane is literally kicking a field goal with it it's just a giant tornado that's all it is at this point how's it going everyone hurricane lucifer's here to collect now to move so fast I'm already in New York screwing things up I like how people are dying and I'm not even close to that area anymore they're just like still drowning from the waves part of me wonders if I'm just eventually going to run out of people to kill over here in Texas I'm just doing donuts over here by Panama that moment when a hurricane has a flat tire right in your backyard in South America sorry guys that was five million kills right there what an awful life all these people have to go through the hundred-year hurricane that never stops it's just making a tic-tac-toe board out of the south part of the planet that killing 50 million people is a lot harder than it sounds okay I've literally murdered all of Panem I need to find a new place Mexico it is people aren't even trying to prepare anymore these little icons here the people who are like trying to evacuate and stuff at this point everyone's like you know what I always wanted to go into space this is like the thrift store astronaut training program we've got going on everyone over here understands they've been hit so many damn times they're like not today Satan you can see the lines just going back and forth through their backyard come on I just need six million more sacrifices I want to unlock the sandbox mode damn it see it takes 50 million souls in order to unlock the sandbox mode yeah we did it we made everyone enjoy category ten Christmas cookies now I get to kill the entire planet at my leisure it's like a shopping spree though you only get ten minutes to see how many lives you can snuff out I just exposed 80 2.7 million people to my hurricane I'm not gonna lie I'm fulfilling my lifelong dream right now which is to draw the word heat out in the ocean with a hurricane some may say it can't be done I've heard it got the white god damn it on the plus side once I finish the heat I get to destroy the Bahamas I think the saddest part is that a ton of people have to die for this yeet all right the heat kind of looks like it was made by someone having an epileptic seizure but we're getting there this is kind of a weird thing to tell you all but if you ever want to draw a yeet with your hurricane your best doing like full 360 so the hurricane slows down as much as possible the bottom of the second is kind of tumorous shaped all right there's the second a although this one looks a lot like it's on meth or something how great Mightiest penetrating my e and there's the top part of the team although it's kind of like the top part has elephantitis I think I'm satisfied with that level of chaos sorry Florida anyway folks hope you this episode of hurricane outbreak till XF stay foxy a much-loved
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 7,717,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, game of life, life simulator, life sim, life simulator game, life game, life games, multiple endings, bad choices games, bad choices, life choices game, life choices, bad life choices game, hurricane simulation, hurricane simulator, hurricane season, category 10 hurricane, largest hurricane
Id: jUs6NJe9nWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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