When nature becomes 100,000,000x more violent

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all right we're checking out the only game where you can suck so hard that you will destroy all life on earth it's city smash i don't know what the hell this new item is it's like i'm just gonna call it the suck blaster because it looks like that's what it is obviously the game that is effectively solar smash under a microscope got an update it added even more ways to torture the populace and now you can manipulate them all also just because we can make elon musk proud and by proud i mean slay the heathens with whatever this is so as typical uh i have to see what this game normally set the stuff that you're allowed to use at and then we're gonna have to crank it up as high as we can and then mix them all together use an auto clicker and probably either break reality crash the game or have my computer kill me see this force 10 rookie numbers 100 that's more like it what what is the force there's like this is all force there's a suction force and an explosion force and then just an average force the hell does it even mean it looks pretty bad no matter what the hell you pick oh there's very little gravity here well isn't that nice all right let's let me let me try and suck harder because i have a feeling if i can suck all the way then i'll get everything from one side of the town to the other in one shot yeah you see that there was a couple of buildings that we're trying to get out of there we're all dying together can you still obliterate the stuff like when it's under water yep sure can also you can obviously mix and match these so just gonna go ahead and bring things all the way up we might as well so this should explode hard enough to the point where it's all not just inside of the water fantastic there you go i'd like to get all the country a small taste of the suck blaster actually this brings up a good point before the hurricane force wins in this game were 12 how high does this number go a lot more than 12 oh my god oh jesus 400 it was at 12. don't blind but you know if you're gonna use a category 1 million let's at least start it up at 150 okay so 150 the entire city basically gets backhanded by mother nature god it's like the big bad wolf but on a lot of math right wouldn't want to kill everyone too immediately do 300 this time okay now okay see this is what i appreciate now we're in the realm of category 1000 i want light speed winds now i'm kind of curious hold on can you can you use the suck blaster and maximum wind at the same time so if you use the wind [Music] now will it just drag it all back oh my god no look at the wind trying to blow it away but the sucker keeps on pulling it back come back here you bastards you're not getting away kind of curious where all the water's coming from it's like a disappointed poseidon oh hey the firework [Music] the firework was always pretty average you know one two maybe three buildings at a time i like it this is this is literally florida right here there is a building laying in the middle of the road and everyone's like i can get around it screw traffic people off-roading in their honda civic okay so it starts at 104 how high does it go okay well it goes way past 200 might as well start at 200 and the blast radius was four and it goes to 100 sure let's do 40. now i'm going to shoot the firework in the exact same spot needless to say uh independence day is independently removing souls from bodies oh and this goes up quick too all right mice will go straight up to the 400 and the 100 blast radius obviously if the 240 pro you know leveled the city i imagine this would do the same oh you get some secondary explosions well let me suck everything in and then blow it up can it even break it apart no the suck is way more powerful than the explosions oh sweet you can change the amount of bombs so originally it was eight this is the cluster bombs honestly the cluster bombs did a pretty sucky job at destroying the rockets mostly it's just very slow gravity destroying rockets now there we go go with nice cool 100 let me just see what happens when you spam click this everything good that's what happens i remember the portal too how does the portal work a lot now that we can suck things through oh my god the game is just breaking it's like the portal gun if the portal gun had no chill and a lot of cocaine the game is legitimately broken it's at 1 fps at this point i can't do anything with it god can i reset this make it stop one of my favorites was always the comet because you could decide like exactly how much force was behind it and what direction it came from so now the fact that you can make this a lot worse uh yeah crank all that up it's not like it didn't destroy the city before oh when it hits it blows stuff back now how about if i give it like the the lightest yeet i can give it all right crank it all the way up but throw it real slow i love how there was like one yellow car some hatchback some dude's a honda fit twirling through the air it's like i'm the ballerina of good gas mileage now i'm curious if the sucker will grab the comet i have no idea what the hell just happened it sucked too quickly let me tune this down no it powers through the suck can you suck cthulu it sounds bad but listen i have to test this okay no can you suck the space worm i haven't even messed with the worm yet the worm's like i'm here there's nothing good to eat though it's all high in cholesterol that's right don't use your brakes or anything right space worm sucky portal oh the worm actually counts as an object you can like hug it with all this stuff can an a-10 save the city no in fact the only thing i think it did was did it did more damage to the damn building than the worm did all right so you can't suck the worm but what happens if you blow it maximum blow you know if anything it helped for just a second held that one building up for just long enough for everyone to experience true terror before they got atomized oh finally you can make the tsunami better too this was the tsunami before not really so much of a tsunami as it is just a example of how terrible the engineering is on these buildings so that was on 40 and this goes up to 400 hold on i might as well get the wind in there too all right typical saturday at florida take one uh-huh yeah looking good and go ahead and throw the wind in there too beautiful look at this who needs recycling when you've got a really really pissed off mother nature i told you there's still always that one guy these people are like i paid five dollars for this greyhound we're not stopping till we get to starbucks so here's the volcano what do you oh it gives you more fireballs the answer is always more balls so before i guess it started with five fireballs and this is basically what it was and they would land and someone would be sad it was like winning the lottery okay so how many balls can you pack a hundred fireballs what is it gonna be it's just gonna be like the minigun of volcanoes either i'm gonna be sitting here for like 20 minutes or it has to shoot all the fireballs at once i got that's like a machine gun oh my god hold on it gets done pretty fast too yeah throw that in there another one of these we would like to congratulate the very first moon colony i got it right between these two things too yeah whoever's in this building is legit gonna survive it has not been destroyed everything else is going down except for this one building oh the tornado doesn't have an editor but the earthquake does so the starting earthquake was 5100 and i mean it destroyed everything i like how the one thing that survived was the strip club this poor earthquake it's like we can't repel debauchery of that magnitude all right let me go ahead and pump you up oh i started at 50 already at 300 we're at 400 and then end force okay so it ended at 150 so it can start and end at 400 very good okay so this is the that's not an earthquake it's just planet earth cracking in half like an egg earth pretending to be an overripe melon go all right so you can pew pew people with the flying saucer but the pew pew is kind of limp so go ahead and pump that up 400 100 we'll see how much bigger the damage radius is i'm curious too like if you can what kind of cheap ass material is this flying saucer made out of that it can get struck out of the sky with some lightning hold on can it get blown and stuff no it's like only the lightning can it get molested by cthulhu survey says yes so the satan beam does have an editor now before the beam worked pretty damn good so that was at a six and a two so if it starts at six okay 200 300 400 500 that's up 800 it goes to a thousand a lot i don't want to actually i don't want to increase the rate actually can i bring the radius down how low can i bring this one don't mind me just taking out the trash so this will go up to 50. [Music] there's nothing left there's not even a single tile there's one guy in his car get out of here what the hell it didn't blow up the cars it just like kicked it like a soccer ball look [Music] what yeah the lightning can take a damn ufo on the sky but it can't strike the cars so the nuke was always pretty bad at a 75 with the hell of 22. it's like the most random radius the developer's like i do what i want 75 and a 22 levels the entire porn city so this goes right past 200 into this is gonna go to a thousand as well yep so i imagine this will just like disintegrate whatever it touches okay so what happens if i bring the radius all the way down but keep it that strong this radius of one this is like the thinnest nuke you can get it's like a diet nuke huh it doesn't actually do any damage at all it just looks cool everyone's getting radiated that's right you're gonna be urinating lime green jello you're welcome can i get like any damage like even in a city [Music] there's like one guy taking out the garbage down here on the bottom floor he was the only one that got injured i think like two panes of glass broke what the hell it disintegrated the bottom of the building but somehow it's still standing standing like the finger of satan oh i didn't mean to actually do that again it's still standing how about a radius of five how about that let's try this okay from one to five that's a big difference all right radius of 100 you know i almost feel like the beam was stronger so what if it's the biggest radius but the weakest nuke it's like the one nuke that disappointed its parents there we go all right biggest radius weakest nuke all the buildings are standing they all just got microwaved enjoy your apocalypse oh finally buildings are starting to fall there we go hold on it just they just need a push let me try the smallest meteorite the weakest and the smallest one explosion force one radius there yeah i feel like that was a lie that didn't feel like a one one of the very first ways that you were able to ruin people's lives was with the black hole making the black hole oh i can do a double black hole making the black hole worse is gonna be so good so it starts to solve at a 10 and a 40. this can go to 100 and this can go to 500. all right make me proud [Music] oh my god it makes me proud the beam is still at like magnet there's like one vehicle flying through the air from the twister the beam is still at maximum so when i pulled everything with the black hole the beam just vaporized everything it all just evaporated now one of the things that was good was getting to put down the bomb timers and then press the button and it does some damage but obviously we can move this all the way up to 400 and this to a hundred your bloodline was weak timers i had what the hell like how the one timer bomb was trying to crack open this building like a cold beer it's like i want to blow up from the inside all right so this should be substantially stronger you don't need more than one if you've been cranking up all the way now everything's just getting blown back and forth the bombs aren't even on the screen anymore okay i've got to crank all this up i gotta see if i can get it all to go simultaneously all right all the way okay if i can even the damn beam just ruins everything i'm not clicking on you anymore beam you're actually too powerful there we go uh-huh yeah throw the bombs in there one of these couple of that cthulhu dollar store godzilla all the bombs the fireworks the wind the warthog whatever the hell this is the worm get everything in there this guy's over here he's like oh i took two children's vitamins today so what i did is i've got the the cluster bombs and i've got them so that they're going inside of the portal here so i basically turned it into a mini gun that shoots cluster bombs okay let me see can you does this like take out the plane i need i need it further down than that now further down okay it doesn't look like it okay so it doesn't touch the plane how about the worm nope all right dollar store godzilla cthulhu why do i feel like the one thing that's going to end up getting injured by this horrible portal vomit of bombs is going to be the ufo what happens if i throw this at it what the hell oh because it goes in the one and it comes out the other part about the tsunami [Music] and just caught the tip oh the earthquake can destroy the bombs well now i have to redo this again all right oh my god it absolutely can hit the uf but it glitches out the whole game that means i need more i think i've ruined enough lives for one day anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of city smash until the jpeg can't even fit in the frame until next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,587,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, ways the world could end, greystillplays, god games, city smash, city smash game, city smash gameplay, nuclear bomb, nuclear bomb simulation, nuclear bomb simulator game, what if a nuclear bomb hit, what if a nuclear war happened, nuclear strike, nuclear bomb radius, nuclear bomb radius effects, city destruction, city destruction game, F-10 tornado, natural disasters, cat 10 hurricane, blizzard, blizzard storm, storms, lightning storm
Id: Nm2pLtICXE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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