i completed this legendary harpoon run challenge by outsmarting the game

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all right we're checking out the only game where you can endorse a lifetime of regret with a mere 50 percent satan it's happy wheels where the hell is the rest of the satan oh there it is it's always kind of weird when only half of the devil it's always weird when you invite satan to your wedding and only half of him shows up hey starting off right with an okay obviously not as good as the discount god but there's legend alcoholism refill my liver was getting bored mlg sun it's like the fifth one out too there's a couple of things i want to get here obviously gray still plays with one of them but i only got them halfways so i'm basically like a a like a sheer version of myself there i am again what the hell [Music] die choose your death death by harpoon death by explosives or death by toilet i don't know i mean let's go and reverse alphabetical order okay i'm kind of wishing i didn't go and reverse alphabetical order i do appreciate that at this point there's not just one way to die you say like okay and pro what happens when i do this what does that count has oh hey go me i landed on the colon i don't want mlg again i need to get gray still played okay i need to get a full gray still plays i want no god damn discount ray still plays girl girl are you serious i don't care how much alcohol i have to ingest we're doing this well never mind i'm going to die again let's do harpoons that was weird i was like slapping myself in the face with my disembodied arm i don't think it was that lethal it was more just embarrassing also drugs no context how the hell did i do this it's like standing on the one freaking right angle get in there i don't want any more mlgs i just want myself never thought it'd be so damn hard to be me drug bearing 360 000 i'm like a house flipper but all of my houses are made out of drugs this area is really trying to keep me out come on you gotta get me stuck god damn it yes i'm doing the explosives oh hey i got easy also i don't really know what this means but i finally penetrated green still plays hey i'm like what is that what is that like 15 satan i don't even know i also got the penetratus minimus but it's a double penetrators minimus that's like a it's like a penetrative moderates okay this limp wiener gray still plays thing is starting to really piss me off uh i got spider-man oh oh i don't know what happened but i i threw a bottle all the way into these i don't know how i didn't even see it happen oh my god the full spider-man baby [Music] i can finally die happy [Music] okay i was gonna say god damn it it is like impossible to become me but never mind i'm there baby call me crazy this is a completely inverted board instead of like 99 impossible it's called one percent impossible the hell does that even mean like what's down here is it just like a bunch of pillows okay it's really long [Music] oh [Music] all i'm doing now is just floating between these two projectile vomiters all right what's the rest of this thing look like first the bottom okay all right then we have a jet ball except the jets are basically depressed now we have a spike fall are there any actual spikes on this and then a glass prank that you can't lose okay so it was truly one percent impossible who's the one percent that could have failed that this is called gray's spike oh my god i was gonna say it's called gray spikey paint the fastest did my son's ass sword just kill me god damn it tom oh god i'm gonna make it all the way to the end i my dead body is going i have every single sigh connected to me no i've been assimilated i'm like the borg except instead of part machine i'm part farm tool look at it it's actually reanimating my body i have so many blades in me that i have i have re i have reanimated from the dead oh penis this is really bad oh hey i'm like um like i've bottle flipped a sci on top of my skull if you notice it hasn't actually penetrated my skull now these ones are 100 going up my ass this is um this is fairly annoying oh my god oh you have to go fast must go fast must go really really fast oh don't break your head i can do this that's right son keep blocking everything for me oh damn it all right here's the plan we're gonna go and then we're gonna do a full flip all the way at the end okay well without a weapon in my wee wee hole wait for it full flip damn it i feel like i'm getting closer yes oh i knew this was possible i just had to as usual use my wiener as a shield this is called the gray okay this is called the gray will not be able to play is this a lie no this is real okay so so far so good okay things are a lot less good oh the end of the board is pretty close what the hell is this what is this why is there why is there like a procession of hobos okay down here like this and then what the hell what the hell is this what am i supposed to do here oh god ah i'm crushing my spleen you know what that's like my second try and i'm here um i'm missing my head details out really you had to give me that second harpoon there's one thing i always wanted it was to have my was to have my spine replaced with a harpoon okay so like this like this then flippity-doo down here i'll piss [Applause] i'm a winner gray was able to play welcome to the gray still plays quicktime supposedly this will test my reflexes which i don't have press the circle to progress the level and solve the map do not pedal okay gray circles represent a hazard timing is everything would have to click on the gray circles or i'm dead aren't i press here and then this oh yeah oh i can do this then this this this i don't know what green is but i'm gonna click on it okay this isn't really working i'm mostly just crushing my skull right now i had to help it ah god my son okay i feel like i feel like the dope pedal may be a lie but i'm still gonna quick time the [ __ ] out of this don't you worry tom your father is fantastic at solving problems he's been trying to get rid of you for years uh-oh i didn't click the button in time this is an issue okay uh-huh yes got oh got it this ow not gonna lie quick time events are a real pain in my ass tom's like i wish school wasn't back in too damn bad i'm tired of being responsible okay i finally got the brown one so now we go through here i can't lose my head bloop bloop down here what else you got for me it's my quick time i was made for this [ __ ] it's like metal gear solid all over again i mean body's still making it they my son's a winner i know it's not good enough if my son is going to learn if my son is going to learn how incredibly valuable education is i've got to give this my best okay so now i got to watch out lean back land here then here don't lose my skull okay like that and then this whoa now today satan this uh-huh and now break the glass this yes you got a choice tom face your bully or take crossbow balls to the face he's like i'm level 10 of taking crossbow balls to the face i don't care get to school welcome to grey's melon 2.0 here is a watermelon that had too much drugs please no um i mean i eated but a whole lot of ham sandwiches stopped my fall all right i guess we're dealing with the watermelon are you kidding me right now how am i supposed to get past this i mean you made me the level and i'm gonna beat it okay so basically what i have to do here now now stay with me all right you've got to go okay you've got to penetrate the watermelons and using your neck muscles you have to separate a small amount of these delicious summer fruits there goes my son that was that wasn't really the purpose but whatever he'll have plenty to eat okay i'm running out of space my head exploded oh jesus i might actually be able to get past the watermelon without touching it yes this is a gray still place bike fall it says go here for win i did not win you i'm still alive for real look all right try and do it the legit way i screwed it up if there's one thing i'm good at it's taking swords to the weiner is a gray still plays bottle run with no context other than the fact that the devil is here and i'm supposedly going to regret this oh really i'm a winner [Music] all right bottle run let's do this oh yeah oh oh look at the skill look at this okay starting to run out of speed i'll pass all right let's get some more speed yeah look at it look at it got it i eat bottles for lunch because i usually don't wake up early enough to eat breakfast this is called the gray still plays comet run do not enter the hole behind you there's nothing important there really get down there tom come on bye here we go since you're here how about we talk everyone say hi to nerdy dragon tom will be saying hi because he doesn't have a choice all right meteor run here we go so far so good i mean i haven't been crushed yet i don't really know how far or oh god okay through here mini jet run whoops god a long fling competition what the hell's that yay i don't really know what happened but i won i was curious if there was a comment there's absolutely a comment welcome to the 99.9 ball run with more mustard it's not really a ball run though isn't it like a ball fall i'm pretty sure it's this ball run it does i'm not really good at reading so i had to double check why are the balls always blue i do wonder okay ball down here and oh my god what the hell well at first i thought this was just normal ball fall but now it is not all right ball fall as long as i keep my helmet on everything's going to be i'm screwed this is a very mustardly level you have here oh my god if there's one thing i hate it's becoming human burrito filling like that not gonna lie levels pain mass ow ow ow out please stop ow ow out i'm still alive all right you really want to go in feet first oh my god please jesus i can do this if my neck doesn't explode yeah oh and i lost the helmet all the way at the end this is called the gray still plays harp it says stop trying greg you won't win that is a surefire way to get me ow a surefire way to get me to try all right let's see what your harpoon run does well you can't jump all the way okay how about if i do a full flip damn it really good at catching my teeth well that's an unfair amount of harpoons where there's will there's a lot of harpoons up my ass go actually hold on a second i had a plan but it was really bad in the end now great for this okay i was gonna um i was gonna pogo stick off the roof uh but now my heart is dancing a jig oh i can make this we're talking running man style oh oh my ass i just have to relax my anus yes how about that this is called the gray still plays impossible jet fall you have to have at least two pieces or less okay let's see how bad your your jet fall is here oh i kind of found a pathway all right full flip then you gotta tuck and roll oh my god full flip oh hell yes i lost the leg lost my head this might not be that bad okay there's a couple of harpoons on the bottom all right so do this and you eatily deet full flip into a die ow oh i got i got the wall i got the wall okay your jet fall is kind of difficult oh i'm i'm like a wily snake look at this okay i i'm like a headless wily snake joke's on you board crater snakes don't need their head is there a bomb on the side i can't even cheat this okay now i had to lose some limbs it's really the only way to make this work because i need some of these freaking jets to go away ah okay and then tuck oh god tuck nice tuck hell yes we're doing it we're doing it i can do this i can just i don't need my limbs for this i don't need my limbs for this as long as i have my head as long as i have my head it's plenty okay here we go now all i have to do is lean backwards and we have a winner this is called the gray still plays tape oh jesus the gray still plays table disaster it says you won't get past it okay i mean so far so good i have all my limbs that is a really really good sign okay i have a lot less limbs now this is this is start what did i say what did that say oh um i mean i made it to the end okay so when you eatily deet probably have to lean forward and then tuck and then i can win this i can win this okay i can win this the trick is always to put the table securely up your anus that is where it belongs okay and then yeet and then jump and then dodge all this ow we don't need legs where we're going and we have a winner hell yeah well it just goes to show you that even as a broken man you can still be a winner anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of happy wheels until next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,058,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels 2020, happy wheels banned levels, harpoon jump, bottle flip, extreme spike fall, spike fall, spike fall happy wheels
Id: uG5j7FzFVDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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