I Made Planets 1000 Times Bigger and This Happened - Universe Sandbox 2

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all right so we're checking out the only game where we can cause countless deaths and pass it off as educational videos on YouTube it's universe sandbox 2 this is mercury mercury sucks mercury has a history of sucking and it has a future of sucking however today we're going to make it cool actually we're going to make everything cool because bigger is always better except the universe sandbox usually being bigger means you're just gonna do a lot faster our solar system is a home to all of my experiments that generally end up destroying galaxies and today I want to see what happens when we slowly increase the size of every major planet in the solar system in a somewhat scientific way I'm kind of curious as to whether or not another planet would become habitable in a non-scientific way I'm just curious how big they need to get before they start smashing into one another I would like to think that at a certain size all the different planets will start taking each other's spots and now that I think about it I said that mercury was gonna finally get the opportunity to be cool but really it's it's just gonna be the first one to get melted by the Sun alright first things first we're gonna make everything twice the size and see if Florida man can continue to sexually abuse alligators an interesting side bonus to this is Australia gets to be even bigger now and yes I'm waiting for some comment about how we're making uranus bigger i guess if you want to sound even more inappropriate you could just say uranus this wider alright everything is paused and twice as big let's see what happens well I mean nothing's exploded yet Mercury's orbit is shifting pretty bad okay got some fairly bad news about the earth while Florida man is fairly resistant to heat he does need natty ice in order to survive and unfortunately natty ice has a slight bit of water in it and there is now no more water on earth because it's currently 169 degrees Celsius this is kind of dangerous but the Earth and Venus already cross each other's orbits oh Jesus the Sun is starting to get pulled around - that ain't good on a sidenote it's 36 degrees Celsius over on Mars still negative 74 he's on Jupiter negative 149 degrees over on Saturn Pluto is well Pluto Pluto all this kind of sucks and everything else is still pretty damn cold making Uranus bigger did not really make it any harder all right let's double it up again this gives you an interesting opportunity in real time to see how the size difference changes when we double everything yet again although when compared to the Sun everything else isn't really that impressive when the size changes ok Saturn just changed color that was kind of cool it went from looking depressed to looking much more colorful now so this is interesting Neptune was usually blue but now it looks like a smaller Jupiter for Earth it just looks like a slightly larger deadrock Pluto now at least has the mass of you know almost one and a half moons and it just looks like a diseased testicle now that's your new name enjoy I love how prominent Pluto's name is alright now that everything has been increased yet again we'll go ahead and start things back up and see how all the orbits change the earth is already completely obliterated Mars isn't really livable either because it's hot as hell now here the Sun is getting jerked around all kinds of different way oh the Earth and Venus get pretty close down again Jupiter is a surprising Dark Horse at 912 degrees Celsius suddenly Saturn now at 184 degrees Celsius disease testicle is still at negative 205 Neptune and Uranus still also insanely cold these are basically like our last chances for survival at this point because everything else is completely unlivable I'm actually just curious to see if the Sun is going to eat anything or if it's just gonna continue getting yanked all over the place that's getting jerked around but it's still pretty stable I think we may have lost Saturn though when this Sun starts turning blue that's when bad things are going to start happening man ok Jupiter just turned into a Sun that's a problem oh crap Saturn just turned into a slightly bigger Sun cool we have three stars now how about you Neptune you want to turn into a friggin star as well nope Neptune is fine Uranus getting any brighter nope turn it into a Jupiter disease test of them gonna look any different no great solar system with three stars let's do it Jupiter is like smashing jeans all over the place man get nice and close over here you can see that all these different entities are trying to take Jupiter's wallet but it ain't having it wrap your reign it's got super hot Neptune is super hot as well now does these testicles still pretty cold and Saturn may not be coming back I'm pretty impressed that our original planets are all still here the Sun is really starting to come oh that's not a bad the Sun is really starting to move all over the solar system at this point like it is flying everywhere and it is screw oh my god the earth just started to catch Jupiter this is interesting fire at least you're not burning hot anymore yeah the earth is uh you know now negative 100 degrees Celsius I don't think it's coming back whoa diseased testicle come weigh in at negative 32 degrees Celsius that's almost livable Venus has an interesting orbit because it keeps pulsing getting super hot so it's having like a seizure all right this is amazing disease decibel now down at two degrees Celsius all right let's double it up again the size of the Sun is gonna start getting real ridiculous at this point here we go uh-oh we're gonna we're gonna pretend that the Sun didn't just randomly disappear okay we got another Sun now in Neptune another one in Uranus earth is still okay well I mean okay you know except for flame-broiled Florida man all right here we go we've got multiple stars at this point within the solar system the main Sun is gone at this point yeah almost all the solar system just went in Sonne directions okay so all of the planets essentially ended up broiling but I have an idea what happens if we leave the Sun the same size but all the planets get doubled in size repeatedly all right so everyone right now is doubled except for the Sun the Sun is also positionally locked because if it's not it has a tendency to start you know going all over the place like it's on cocaine mercury still sucks the earth is okay Mars is still pretty damn cold Jupiter Saturn Neptune Uranus D testicle Pluto super cold so nothing changed so far obviously this means everything needs to get doubled again alright everything's doubled again the only change now is that Jupiter is damn near as big as the Sun and Saturn now looks a lot like a slightly more depressed Jupiter I mean this is pretty wild everything still seems to be ok Venus is getting cooler Jupiter however reached critical mass as it often does when it gets a certain size Saturn also went from pretty cold to freaking hot Neptune and Uranus still sucks Pluto still sucks Earth is starting to get hotter Jupiter's already like oh great please shut up this is for science alright there's our two new stars again everything's been doubled again it ain't looking good I don't know what the hell's going on over here by Jupiter it's like Jupiter just pissed off the hive man all these particles are just slamming into it repeatedly sad like no one wants to play with Saturn sweet Jesus there goes Mars and Venus has become livable you know except for everything else about it but the temperature down to 33 degrees Celsius now don't get me wrong it does get up to you know 200 but for a short time it cools down a lot earth is it really survivable anymore the coldest it gets is 39 degrees Celsius best be gargling SPF 100 Jupiter actually has a small habitable zone at this point I kind of want to put our earth around it and see what hat no what screw it I'm doing it alright Jupiter make Earth proud there's an earth surrounding Jupiter right now what's it like to live on this earth it's not too bad negative 15 degrees Celsius but who knows maybe if we doubled Jupiter again it'll get better actually - we'll put another earth around Saturn we got this extra star laying around Oh Neptune is also almost 300 degrees Celsius by the way this is kind of interesting because we've created a solar system orbiting a solar system all right got a jack-up Jupiter Neptune becomes a star Uranus becomes a star oh gee earth I'm actually gonna keep the secondary earths those same size because I want to see if we can get these livable I mean if you live in Florida you're fine on this earth also if you live in Australia I don't know why for some for some reason Australia is always fine it doesn't matter what environment I put earth in Australia is always fine all right here we go come on baby I hope it treats our earth over here decently Venus is even colder now topping out at like 60 degrees Celsius I mean it gets down to like negative 100 degrees Celsius let's pretty bad secondary earth looking at about negative 17 or so negative 50 over here around Saturn since we have a new star on Uranus we might as well give them an earth go let's see how the Year reign on earth does I'll crap Venus is starting to get frickin carjacked by Jupiter but you never saw that coming did you son you never thought that Venus would cheat on you with Jupiter okay yeah this is starting to get kind of crazy because Jupiter is starting to get closer and closer to the Sun so Earth doesn't know what the hell to do at this point hold on I got to rename the Earth's let me know who the hell we're talking about we got og earth over here and we have depressed middle child earth less depressed older brother to the middle child earth then we have the youngest earth over here the youngest earth always gets whatever it wants I'm just gonna call this Starbucks earth all right so that as it is Jupiter is now straight up just bigger than the Sun well og earth just became a Sun as did Venus mercury still Mercury hold on this is weird but I want to have Earth orbiting star Earth now we're getting meta baby it sucks to live on this earth though by the way it's it's really hot less depressed bruh older brother middle child Earth negative 71 depressed middle child Earth's starting to lose its orbit and come into the main sun's orbit Starbucks Earth um negative 46 we may actually get a habitable earth over there I'm like the Oprah of planets at this point Neptune you get an earth Venus you get an earth ok mercury has completely flipped it's orbit so one of our new Earth's got screwed up it's gone what the hell is flying around the Sun what is that what is what is this there's this right here oh that's unfortunate okay right now Venus Earth is kind of looking like our best prospect because we kind of ended up screwing everything else up all right Jupiter make me proud crap we just lost another planet mercury just became a gas giant somehow so right now all of these extra earths are still pretty cold but look at this one of them is starting to come into a habitable area it's Venus Earth this is wild so Jupiter is circling the Sun and it has its own habitable zone Saturn is circling the Sun with its own habitable zone they've both lost their Earth's right Jupiter listen I'm gonna give you another earth I swear to God don't misplace this one please all right another earth because Saturn just got the boot Jupiter I know earth called you a whore please don't kill the earth look at this Starbucks earth it's it's starting to thaw it's turning from an iced latte into a regular one okay now it's now it's kind of starting to get too hot now the oceans are starting to boil yeah burn to death we do have a Jupiter over here though so if I increase this Jupiter in size this earth which is pretty cold may warm up enough to be livable okay it's still too cold that's fine though more Jupiter crap Jupiter just ate the earth what's weird is the earth that's doing the best right now is flying around Neptune so I made Neptune a crappy star and for a short time we could live it's only for a few days but it doesn't get down to about negative 25 degrees Celsius I increase this like there it's it's still pretty awful because it gets down to negative 39 and then it jumps up to 75 degrees Celsius what do you know though Austria is fine yeah I guess I'll unlock the Sun at this point and see what happens it's not gonna be anything friggin good the Sun may end up getting even by Jupiter never mind the Sun and Jupiter have maintained harmony and thus after all that were left with one single earth that may be habitable Starbucks earth of course that would be the earth there is not a single time also where Pluto did not suck it's very enlightening hey folks welcome to this episode universe sandbox 2 or I found out the Starbucks is the only way to survive til next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,053,331
Rating: 4.920032 out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, best vr games, gray still plays, graystillplays vr, gaming, video game, video games, universe sandbox, universe sandbox 2 gameplay, universe sandbox 2 gameplay pc, universe sandbox 2 workshop, universe sandbox 2 update, causing the apocalypse, ways the world could end, greystillplays, supernova, universe sandbox 2, and this happened, increase gravity, multiple earths, large solar system
Id: WkPf4GYw1Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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