I hired the Narrator from The Stanley Parable

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Accomplished_Hats 📅︎︎ May 22 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] the audience didn't realize that jack had been lying to them all along he was in fact not done with the stanley parable and was going to continue playing at this very moment shocked by their own naivety the audience left comments like wow he's so smart and handsome and i'm crying and screaming right now jack was so clever that he was actually writing this script as it was being said right before the episode began it would appear that i am not quite done with this game because a lot of people have endings that they wanted to see i thought that i got some of the better endings so now we're kind of just going to get in and get some of the more ancillary endings and the ones that aren't as big and bombastic and they're not the epilogue and they're not like time skips or anything but they are fun nonetheless um and one that i am curious about i i have a like a list written out what could it mean i want to get i decided to go to them apparently there's a thing at the merch booth i'll bring my bucket buckets and his arms with the bucket in his arms again he was home okay i need to get to the sequel which is through the new content right god it's been a two weeks since i played it and i can't even remember what does that mean new contest we're gonna find out baby so much content me and my book it together again thank you all for your wonderful pictures of you and your buckets by the way they really thrilled me they sent my senses tingling wait stanley i've just now realized that bucket you're holding it's the bucket i've been working on for my secret oh how did you get your hands on it isn't this the preview to the sequel right how do you have the bucket already this this makes no sense at all that's fun i'm glad he pointed it out because i was going to say you get the bucket did i already show you my ideas for the secret i don't remember doing that at all you're seeing things all out of order i mean that is something that you can do the way the game is lined up oh i have no jumps left all right let's see it's the jump circle i've not left though i used them up already this is this must be blowing his mind that he like showed me this stuff already and i was like wait what is wrong with the timeline also yes i did in fact hire the narrator from the game to do the intro to this video we're a high concept here we're high budget we're we're changing the let's play game the infinite hill the giant door did you see them already yes none of them are ready yet i'm still developing them they're not even close to finished how did they look when you saw them were they captivating were they exciting did they fulfill on the promise of everything that a sequel to stanley parable could possibly be absolutely i figured out how the hell to make a sequel to this game okay interesting because what i want to do is that apparently there's a qr code at the merch booth that if you click on or if you look at has a really weird website that you can go to um but there's also the bottomless hole which i didn't realize i didn't finish um and people were talking about that there's also the no bucket door that i have to go through with the bucket again i've adhd i can't remember what i did like i can't even remember how i started this video wait if you're still carrying the bucket around with you if the bucket is interesting to you that means i must have made it correctly yes you carrying the bucket with you everywhere is exactly what i set out to accomplish the bucket is the exciting and captivating new content that i promised i did i love it i made a sequel to the stanley parable yes the sign is correct thank you for enjoying the new content thank you for taking the bucket everywhere with you clinging tightly to the bucket never letting it go it means i've won it means i am victorious over the gamers it is a sweet salva victory on my soul thank you for enjoying the new content the bucket is the stanley parable now they are one and the same there is no stanley cup does that mean i have to get i win i win i win let me have to go through the new new content again like how do i start how do i there we go thank you [ __ ] [ __ ] ah there it is i didn't say new new content though you're confusing me i have a i have like a walnut in here like chopped in half that's at half capacity you needs it you need to be nicer to me oh nice cups coffee nut that's me i'm the coffee nut anytime there's coffee as a reference in the game now i'm convinced it's about me very narcissistic wait there's a qr code so oh duh it's right there wait how am i gonna show this to you guys um open in chrome let me see what the website is oh it's just sandy sandyparable2.com let me open it now in expo hall 2 welcome to the official website of the sandy parable 2 a sequel huh watch our helpful and informative video to learn more about the stanley parable and what the journey of becoming a sequel is all about okay that's new if you're more of a prequel sort of person check out the stanley barrel see there timmy what's that you're enjoying why it's breakfast of course everyone loves breakfast but did you know that breakfast is getting a sequel that's right it's called lunch and critics are raving that lunch will be everything breakfast wise is it the narrator with an american accent a little luck we may even get a trilogy series out of it see you know what a sequel is don't you timmy why sequels are the world's way of clinging helplessly to the past we all want more of the things we love and we're all afraid of change which is what makes sequels so popular new ideas are dangerous to me and they can lead to early age this eager-minded young thinker is just 29 years old that's why we have sequels to keep us couched in the familiar and the comfortable sequels are the bedrock of a healthy functional society and if you look around you you'll find them everywhere you go for instance this man is developing a sequel to the automobile maybe that's what i should have done instead of uh just like instead of like merging and shifting content as your channel goes maybe at some point you just cut it off like when the green hair was gone and then i come back out and be like jacksepticeye too launching now and then everyone's like fresh new here's the man who invented breathing which is the sequel to suffocating and dying a slow death even your parents are getting a sequel to me their names are rob and jessica and they'll be taking care of you once your original parents are sent back in time to fight a secret war for the government sequels can be very fashionable this young woman is wearing five shirts at once which is the sequel to wearing four shirts at once look at becky over there wearing only two shirts at once get with the times what a dumb dog in fact there is only one single thing in the world that isn't a sequel it's this we don't know what it is or why it exists but it's the prequel from which all sequels are derived and just like everything else the stanley parable is getting a sequel too we all know of course that it was your favorite game as a child don't you remember those long lazy afternoons you spent playing the stanley parable watching your precious youth fritter away hour after hour we've all wasted our childhoods in one way or another you were fortunate enough to get to waste yours on the stanley parable but the stanley parable came out years ago and you're not a child anymore you're a man which is like the sequel to a child and as a man you want manly things like taxes and cheating at baseball you need a man's video game timmy or cheating at minecraft that's uh that's a child's thing to do when developing this particular sequel it's important to start by thinking what mistakes did the original stanley parable make well first off most of the pornography in the original game was stolen or pirated and it's time we paid the licensing fees fair and square second the stanley parable was catastrophic for this man named leroy whose personal information including home address social security number and bank information were all displayed prominently in multiple locations throughout the game that's like squid game or some lady there was like a number in squid game that you called to like i think it was the main number for like how to get into the games or whatever and it turns out it actually was somebody's number and people were calling them non-stop and it basically ruined their life and netflix and squid game were like yeah deal with it change your number game development is a difficult and complex art one which can only be fully understood by this race of hyper-intelligent child soldiers read in laboratories they begin by studying the original stanley parable here it is in its raw untouched form a specimen of technological perfection time to exploit it for profit we begin by adding jokes the stanley parable was most widely known for its stark lack of humor yeah conventional industry wisdom it was a bold artist's statement that its developers stood firmly behind but in 2022 it's impossible to reach even a single consumer of video games without jokes of some kind that's how i feel uh watching the new doctor strange i was like i like the movie but man that is a prime example of marvel over using jokes all the time it's like some scenes where it's like you could have played that movie so seriously and been so cool and scary and tense and atmospheric and then every now and then they crack a joke and the whole audience was just losing their [ __ ] at it and i'm like um i insane for not thinking that any of this is funny but certainly parable is hilarious another common complaint of the stanley parable is that there wasn't enough gameplay that's another one i want to find again i think it was in the original but it's the adventure line and it like wiggles all over the place um but i haven't found it in this version of the game and i want to see it again because it has like a fun delightful song to it here we can see gameplay being printed under sheets every video game contains as many as a thousand sheets of gameplay and several of the largest games ever made contain close to 1500 wow on mobile devices the gameplay sheets have to be printed smaller for the stanley parable to as many as 35 new gameplay sheets are being printed each of which must be delicately massaged by the hands of a child before being added into the game this man is stealing gameplay sheets from the factory which he likely intends to use for a personal project he's been developing in his spare time a good public stoning will cure him of that inclination let's check on gregory real quick still recovering from a hard day's work don't you move a muscle next up it's time to blackmail the press in a competitive market blackmailing your local journalist can be one of the most effective methods of creating word-of-mouth buzz for your sequel in fact blackmail is the currency of social progress oh geez from your neighborhood grocer to the teacher at your school to the man who helps you steal hbo everyone responds to blackmails like netflix be like you're sharing passwords that's considered stealing now and we'll be sending you to jail straight to social jail and if you've never done it before it's easy to practice at home on your friends and family simply follow the instructional pamphlet that your teacher hands out after the end of the film oh i want a black man there's one last tool at our disposal for making the sequel feel fresh and exciting and that's packaging the game with collector's edition merchandise if you read the stanley parable ii you'll receive this cow's egg a single egg will produce over a thousand cows which are of course the sequel to pigs and there you have it everything there is to know about producing the stanley power of course you may know that there is also a game titled the stanley parable ultra deluxe so which game is the true sequel to the stanley parable it's an excellent question billy one which the child soldiers have been working round the clock to come up with an answer to and after many weeks of diligent research the conclusion they've reached is who gives a [ __ ] all that matters is that it's more content for you to cram down your insatiable gullet you don't want thoughtful and nuanced answers to complex questions billy you just want to eat bubble gum and cheated hopscotch get out there and consume do your civic duty and bully your parents into buying you every version of the stanley parable 2 on every platform tell your friends to bully their parents as well it's through community efforts like these that the world comes together in harmony and connection and it's only through this connection that we'll defeat time dracula once and for all don't let the time traveling vampires win by the stanley parable 2 and pledge to support all sequels for today tomorrow and into the great unknowable beyond tomorrow is the sequel to today in memoriam you only live three years [Laughter] oh man that was awesome holy crap god how or how can you be so consistently funny i guess if you take nine years to make something or updated and keep writing continuously and iterating on what you've done um you'll get pretty good at it but that that was amazing holy crap that was totally worth it i can't believe i missed this the first time now we've come to the blackmailing portion of our video please go buy my coffee top of the morning go to toptonthemorningcoffee.com and buy as much coffee as you can otherwise i'm going to tell everybody what you did that secret that you think nobody knows that secret that you've hidden deep down inside you're like there's no way anybody could possibly know that that happened because i was alone at the time we know we know and we're coming for you and i have a drafted email sent out to everybody who's watching this video right now and unless you buy coffee everyone's gonna know moving swiftly along to the infinite hole apparently you can do something with this uh that i haven't done i should just like somebody said to go back into the hole after i've gotten out of it which foolish me just didn't even try i don't know why stanley here's an idea that i'm truly fond of it's never been done before in a video game yeah this is in fact i have a book at this time though i don't think you've fallen into it with the booking before infinite you can fall until the end of time if you like one of my more ingenious and falling from one perspective the infinite is merely philosophical in nature it's more of a okay made it good for you you found the bottom oh i can't go back out you found me out stanley let me out shoot great now i'm very excited i was right the problem is oh i'm definitely a problem is that you like holes too much not normal a normal person would have an infinite hole right there goes on forever till the end of time don't need to see it all but not you oh no no no no oh sort of it got smaller did the hole seem even shorter to you this time yeah i couldn't help but feel like you spent a little less time in there than you did before i mean admittedly i didn't make an infinite hole i didn't think it was that not infinite well i suppose once again there's nothing to do if i keep falling in doesn't get shorter and shorter the hole you can hit the teleport button and come join me up above and enough i'm here i go holland again how could i have guessed you're back in the hole if this starts to become a thing oh it's really short now okay yes i'm starting to become extremely certain that the hole is not only not infinite but that it's growing steadily less and less infinite yeah i suspect that i'm starting to hit the point where it's no longer feasible to call the hole infinitely deep even by the lacks overall standards for accountability and marketing what's going on here stanley i have no explanation for the uncertain nature of the hole's length here let's try something let's pop back up to the top and we'll see if it gets any shorter i can almost assuredly tell you that it is whoa shame of my lie has come to haunt me not only is the hole not infinite it's barely even a hole at this point it's more of a concavity or even a very aggressive divot like a curb and i go how is this still appealing to you i know you're obsessed with holes but at this depth hey you're scratching the itch oh who am i to judge you just do whatever it is you're here to do and hit the teleport button when you're ready to move on oh can i jump back in will it just be tinier again oh i can't return to the surface is the um teleport button not working oh no no jumps left well i mean i really don't have an explanation it was working just a moment ago try it again oh still nothing well i suppose i suppose there is one thing i can do to fix this let me out i'm out goodbye stanley you couldn't bear to be away from the hole and now you'll get more time with it than you could ever have asked for it's a win for everyone no no no no no i get to do literally anything else take care stanley i hope you in the hole have a wonderful rest of eternity together no it's like that that john bernthal clipper he's like wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let me out [Music] what is that what does that sound that sounded really cool i love a good deep bassy crunchy [Music] goodbye world goodbye everybody i must go with the hole now to become one with it to be part of the eternal cosmos goodbye foreverworld you sucked and i never liked you but hey wendy's is pretty cool whoa [Music] i have a whole new perspective on life stanley that's what you look like i finally got to see your face [Music] wow you know sometimes in life all you need is just a little bit of perspective and that will change your perception i basically changed the music not my perception [Music] dan stanley maybe if i change your perception again [Music] no this is not the perception you want stanley it's basically the equivalent of rats running across a piano whoa [Music] oh no this is the bad reality stanley this one's pretty good this actually shows where i am in space and time let me change my perception again oh this is the best one change yourself oh my god stanley you're a little robot man [Laughter] what [Music] what is that oh yes stanley let me get a better look at you look at him it's like giga chad stanley okay let me change this [Music] hell yeah stanley stanley what oh good you're awake it seems you had sort of dozed off there oh dreamland but we can't have that stanley because this hole is just so darn fascinating that i want you to be wide awake for every second of it you don't want to miss a single moment so how about if i just pop in from time to time and wake you up to keep you really truly focused on that no send me back to dreamland from the looks of things you and i will have many many years here in this hole and i'm looking forward to all of them stay alert stanley i'll be back damn my weak legs this is just going to cut straight back to me in paradise again here we go again baby take me away to dreamland no does it just reset oh i wanted to be in the hole forever that was awesome here we are go on try out some of the new features i i did the whole was awesome it's the best thing in this game book it and hold together for what is a bucket other than a really shallow infinite hole it was just like i was jumping into the bucket if i was an ant it really makes you think ah so here it is there's a door here that says settings world champion and apparently if you just go into the settings and do all of these like up and down over and over again if you basically move every setting to its max either way that you can get this door to open we're gonna be here for a while there he got it settings world champion nice did i did i mess up anything what was i at it didn't open yes it did wow the settings world champion achievement well done let's go experienced every setting travel to all corners of the settings menu there's nothing you haven't seen so just for you in the stanley parable too i'm including an entirely new setting something called bump scarcity what exactly is bump scarcity yeah i haven't quite figured that part out yet but i just know that you'll be able to adjust it on some sort of slider and that it'll be available from the settings menu we'll sort the rest of the details out later i hope you're looking forward to trying out every level of bumpscarcity in the stanley parable too i sure am they will never set the setting sliders to every possible setting you're the champion of setting all the sliders to all possible numbers please enjoy this room this is your room it was made just for you i feel so accomplished right now wait did you actually put a bump scarcity yeah it doesn't actually do anything does it it's just there to make me feel like something is happening wow i love bum scarcity setting whoa look at all this bum scarcity over here damn the bomb scarcity and that looks awesome now now that i've changed the setting i wonder if i changed it higher it's like a thousand oh yeah that looks way more bumskos that's cool i'm glad i got that hey and i got to change the balloons all of this what could it mean this is what i wanted the first time i finally get to live out my dreams take that narrator i've got blue balloons now how hard stanley looked he couldn't find a trace of his co-worker come on book it the good old bucket just stanley in the bucket off on another thrilling adventure together i [ __ ] this bucket once stanley did not question why or how this bucket was speaking to him okay i have to jump in i should have alarmed him of course because buckets can't talk because he chose not to think about this obvious fact he was firmly convinced that the bucket had spoken to him and he unthinkingly did whatever the bucket see your brain is just too small to understand the wavelengths at which the book it operates at the bucket is just thinking in the fourth dimension it can see all outcomes and possibilities all at once i can't so i just follow it blindly and willingly was it was it down here no stop oh there it is there's a sign right there it says no buckets past this let me bring my pocket stanley how could you think it was okay to bring the bucket here unless what if the problem is that you actually don't know what is a bucket and what isn't a bucket i suppose that would explain a lot about your behavior up to this point which if that's true well my goodness i think we have to do something about it this understanding could have dire consequences on the entire rest of the game if not addressed quickly and properly so much of the impact of the story is dependent on your understanding right what if mugs are just tiny handheld buckets what if a door is just a wall bucket is this a bucket yes but it's like oh my god it's like when everyone's like the color of that is red and then everyone's like yeah that's red but how do we know that we all see red the same how do i know that you see that book at the same what if my perception of reality is completely different than everybody else's that everything that's happening right now and everything that i'm seeing like on my monitor my camera doesn't actually look the same for everybody else but your perception of it just makes it so what if you're watching this video right now you're thinking in your head wow isn't it weird that everybody watching this video is also a human and has their own lives and everything going on and jack's saying this to me right now so that proves that he's real because he's able to be aware of the fact that i have my own consciousness and that i'm watching this of my own volition and own free will but we don't know that we don't know that if you're experiencing this right now that it's actually real and i'm just a figment of your imagination or if the fact that i'm saying this right now i'm not aware that any of you are actually able to watch this video and you're all figments of my imagination and the simulation and the reality are just tailored to what i want to experience what if we're all experiencing something individually different or if i'm the only one experiencing all of this yeah that's a bucket though now then i'm going to run you through some test scenarios and you'll tell me whether or not the thing i'm showing you is a bucket okay simply enough right this should tell us everything we'll ever need to know about what is or is not a bucket i hope so but i get very nervous answering right i tend to just answer what i think is the right answer item one is this a bucket yes [Music] incorrect it is a hologram of a bucket oh come on it's still a bucket i'm telling you perception i've been in the infinite hole i know item two is this a bucket yes [Music] incorrect it is a 3d printed recreation of a bucket not an actual bucket i'm going to guess node this time and he's going to tell me oh unfortunate this actually was a bucket item three is this a bucket no incorrect this is a bucket you're messing with my head man is this a [ __ ] correct item four is this a bucket no you're gonna give you're gonna tell me i'm wrong no matter what i pick i'm gonna say no that's a tractor but you're gonna say no it's a what what is it then what is it correct this is a tractor and not a bucket he's to be honest i just sort of put this one in here as a gimme but i was starting to get concerned that even this might be too much for you i am second guessing everything i'm an idiot next one i'm second guessing everything in my life and i hate it why are you making me think and making me feel stupid is this a bucket see now you're now you're playing with my expectations and comedy is all about the comedy and horror are very closely related it's all about the build up and release of tension both of them they just do it in very opposite ways so now this is this is what you're doing to me the expectation is that i'll say yes this is a bucket because the last time you said it's not a book and you're trying to trick me or it's a trick to get me to say that both are not buckets and it's like yes of course this is a tractor again i'm just testing you again incorrect this is a bucket see damn it all it all makes no sense item six is this a bucket yes because now you're like finally i've shown you a real booking [Music] trick question both gotcha both what let me see should be around here oh make it a quantum bucket you know like a quantum object that it only exists when you observe it or when you observe it it's in that like state where it's it's just staying right there so it's like how do you know that the world doesn't deload behind you unless you have something observing it so you have a camera pointed at it hmm no yes thank you there's nothing here of course it isn't a bucket maybe my brain just isn't evolved enough to see it wait when i say nothing isn't a bucket that makes it sound like i'm saying everything is a bucket which of course is not true unless is that what you think answer me straight stanley are you trying to tell me that you believe everything is a bucket yes it's like when i was playing minecraft that time and everything was a minecraft you're a bucket this is a bucket i'm a book at you in the bucket buckets there's just too many buckets what does it mean who's the bucket god is it me [Music] everything is a bucket it's so obvious i'm too confused to even sort it out i've lost all sense of perspective me too man is a bucket what isn't the bucket mere moments ago i could answer these questions with what were we to say and yet now i'm somewhat adrift do any of us know what a bucket is probably not am i a bucket yeah danny i can't keep doing this i'm losing myself and myself was all i ever had to begin with whoa i'm afraid the bucket is threatening to tear around apart like a bucket i'm sorry but i'm going to erase all buckets from the game entirely no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no don't do it he should have had it like thanos snap is everything gone why did everything disappear wait was everything a bucket everything's every single thing in the game was a bucket everything's a bucket oh god i had no idea it's all a good bucket except me i'm not a bucket after all a new stanley you're still here you're not a bucket either i'm not a block this is wonderful news we're not buckets yes i actually feel much more at ease right now it's delightful to get some clarity on that issue but it doesn't change the fact that we haven't got a game that's true so tell you what i'll reset everything and we'll put back all of the buckets okay good we'll know that it's all a bucket yes but if you run into anyone else maybe don't mention that who knows what that information might do to a person all right here we go hey narrator i promise that i won't say it to anybody i promise i won't share this information with anybody else when you think about it though a video game really is just an ideas bucket it's a bucket for code you just dump it all into my stomach is a bucket for food my body is a bucket for emotions and feelings all of this co-workers the buckets are back though right stanley decided to go to the meeting room perhaps thank god why are we going today the bucket asked stanley just it doesn't matter anywhere they went together would be perfect i was going to say that that was my line i was going to say it doesn't matter where we're going bucket because every day with you is an adventure it's not as cool as what he said but mine was at least off the top of my head and not written down and scripted chest and entered the door on his lap um where am i trying to go adventure line that's this way right this was not the direct way to the meeting room but stanley had felt the bucket calling to him the book knew where it was going employee lounge was simply the place to be for the book it was an endless bucket of possibilities all you have to do is reach into the bucket and pull out any idea you wanted mind the bucket was wrong stanley took the door on his left to go back and so the two of you is it down here through the maintenance section and walk straight ahead to the opposite door nope we went down the elevator and ignored everything that you were saying because nobody likes you oh good stan i'm glad you found your way here i knew you'd find this actually wait have i not gone down here at all in this playthrough because i did it in the original but i can't remember this your friends and i are concerned for you stanley we've come together here because we care about you very much it's this bucket you're carrying around everywhere oh the bucket isn't even from the original stanley parable it's just sequel content we're the ones that matter stanley classic characters from the first game like the adventure line and the broom closet because that's what fans want from a sequel they want more of their favorite jokes not this bucket that they've never seen before yes i know i'm the one who gave you the bucket but you're spending too much time with it don't you want another story involving the adventure line we could make the adventure line go somewhere new yes yes that's what the fans want let's do it whoa i mean i came down to find the adventure line but i feel like i'm finding so much more if i didn't come down here with the bucket would this be different weird where's the adventure line going now look at that wacky line who knows where it'll go off to next oh and it played some silly music as well there it is [Music] that's the music i remember this is what the stanley parable is all about don't you remember all those great jokes from the original dialogue also stanley is addicted to drugs and hookers it's his classic knowledge back then let's do it for the fans stanley let's give them more content exactly oh my god but if we want to do that you're going to have to give something up i'm not giving up the bucket no way this is this is a i told you it's an endless bucket of gags and goofs and possibilities and endings this is incredible i followed the line exactly just addicted to drugs and hookers oh my god if i was ever able to create like i create stuff all the time um but i'm created on such a frequent basis that there's less time to like innovate on it and practice and come up with new fun in like ideas around it but if i was ever able to hopefully i can because i do have plans to like make bigger more innovative stuff as my career goes on which inevitably will lead to a lessening of the regular content and it's like a balancing act trying to do both and this game is super inspiring to like go for those things but if i was ever able to create something as intricate detailed funny innovative clever smart any adjectives you want to use as this game is i could die happy um and i know that the creators of disc as any creative would probably say that there's like more to do when it's not perfect and there's little bits here and there that they could have gotten better um but i just want to say to anybody because they've i assume they've seen the first episode because they tweeted about it but if you've ever seen this part of this video just let me tell you that you've created something that is so incredibly unique within the video game space that you should be so proud of it that you will be able to carry this with you forward as one of the pioneers of doing something so super different in this space that you should be very proud of yourselves it's like when bull burning brought out insight and every other comedian looked at it and went how in the god's name did you come up with that and how did you innovate on what we normally do change it into something else still make it entertaining have a message be poignant but still be so meta all at the same time and that it can be consumed by so many different types of people i just don't get how some people's brains work and are able to come up with stuff like this and if i can come up with something just a fraction as good as something like this or inside or any of my favorite mediums i will consider myself very proud and happy but knowing myself as the person that i am if i did do it i would be [ __ ] all over it and saying no it's not as good as i think it is i'm proud of it but it could have been better and i wonder if people who create stuff like this say the same things like bo burnham like the people crows crows crows who've made this game and the people who write it and develop it and create the assets around it and whatever do you look at it and think we could have done better or do you look at it and go we created something absolutely incredible or is it both i am so fascinated by the creative process of things anyway god it's just absolutely incredible hopefully now that i'm adhd medicated and i've upped my dose and we're still trying to figure it out hopefully i can like get my brain in order to like do something truly incredible with my brain because i always worry that i won't we need to get rid of the bucket no no no that's why i'm very proud to introduce a brand new character this is the bucket destroyer no i think it'll make a wonderful new addition to the rich lore of the stanley parable true it also was not in the original game but it's such a well fleshed out character with so much personality that to me it already feels as though it's been part of the castle all along don't you agree who's its dad who's their father where did they grow up that's what the bucket destroyer does surely you don't need me to spell it out for you i mean it's spelled out go ahead now standing right on that say goodbye to the bucket and then pop it into the machine when you're ready no no no no i'm going to destroy the machine i'm going to take a part of your machine it's crucial that you give it the bucket no i don't know what the bucket destroyer will do if it can't destroy your bucket destroying buckets is all it knows that is its singular person no no no no you're more than what people think you are as a character with only one personality trait deserve to join the pantheon of beloved stanley parable characters no we can develop it if you were to really we could make it better you would see that its desire to crush buckets is so densely loaded with complexity and the bucket was just a bucket for so long and now it has personality another object in this game can you even say that about the broom closet certainly not i wonder what sort of bucket destroyer merchandise the fans will be clamoring for after this okay the bucket destroyer is getting very upset now you'll have to hurry and feed it never get back to the classic stanley parable characters like the adventure line all the [ __ ] destroyers until you crush that down quickly now the fans are waiting do it the fans no no i know what the fans want they want hurry and oh jesus flashbang am i alive [Laughter] [Music] the bucket destroyer my prized creation you had so much potential we were going to do such marvelous things with you tell such spell binding stories about you all of it's squad now goodbye new friend for the moment in time that you were here you were magnificent i'm sorry booker destroyer but i just couldn't let my new fave be destroyed like that the bucket has more to live for and so did you this is just going to end though oh i thought we could actually continue on past that wait what if i actually feed it the bucket what if we just did both i can have my cake and eat it at the same time i'm ready this time that's why i'm very proud to introduce a brand i'm ready we can do it is the bucket destroyer i know what i have to do but i don't know if i have the strength to do it goodbye go ahead now stanley say goodbye to the bucket you were the one and only true love i had in this game he doesn't want to go now listen to me it's crucial that you i can't put the bucket in i don't know what the bucket destroyer will do if it can't destroy your bucket destroying buckets is all it was oh no that is it do i just get the same ending again now if i i can hear you i i want to put it stanley parable [Music] um where am i all of his co-workers were gone what could it mean stanley decided to go to the meeting room perhaps he had simply missed a memo it's all different [Music] what is happening why is this room completely changed okay i won't bring the book in on this one i i love your bucket i would never kill you i wasn't going to last just saying it when stanley came to a set of two open doors he entered the door is anything else different whoa that's weird is it because i changed the bomb scarcity was that the bomb scarcity in action wave of disbelief stanley decided to go up to his boss's office hoping he might find an answer there now i'm going in the broom closet stanley stepped into the broom closet but there was nothing here so he turned around and got back on track uh there's a broom haven't you seen the best character in the game after the bucket of course the broom there was nothing here no choice to make no path to follow the choice to make no choice is in of itself a choice yeah eat that plato sitting around at your dinner parties being like oh aristotle what did you think he wasn't even doing anything at least if there was something to interact with he'd be justified in some way doing nothing he's literally just standing there doing sweet fa doing nothing is what humans should do very periodically how many times have you done something and hated it in the broom closet standing around here nothing why please offer me some explanation here i'm just meditation it's peaceful in here you have a noise to focus on you can just zen out and get one with your brain paris all of that anxiety and thoughts that you have you're speaking in here right if i'd said stanley walked past the broom closet at least you would have had a reason for exploring it to find out there shall be no speaking in the zen room closet actually this closet is of absolutely no significance ever i never would have thought to mention it i'm focusing so hard right now that i want to do nothing maybe to you this is somehow its own oh god maybe when you go talk about this with your fringe or say oh did you get the broom closet ending the broom closet ending was my favorite i just want five minutes to myself your friends find this concern i just want five minutes to myself can i have that thank you he probably only got the job because of a family connection that's how stupid he is that or with drug money also stanley is addicted to drugs and hookers there it is well i've come to a very definite conclusion about what's going on right now you're dead you got to this [ __ ] sure exploded a bit sure we're just about to leave because there's nothing here when a physical melody of some sort shut down your central nervous system and you collapsed on the keyboard yeah well in a situation like this the responsible thing is to alert someone nearby so as to ensure that your body is taken care of before it begins to decompose at least i'm in a place no one will find me anyone who happens to be nearby the person at this computer is dead they have fallen prey to any number of your countless human physiological vulnerabilities right indicative of the long-term sustainability of your species please remove their corpse from the area and instruct another human to take their place making sure they understand basic first person video game mechanics and filling them in on the history of narrative tropes and video gaming so that the irony and insightful commentary of this game is not lost on them all right when you've done that just step out into the hallway what if i just stay here forever this is an ending in the original game right i'm sure of it oh geez that was weird i had a dream that i was anywhere but here i'm leaving ah second player it's good to have you on i guarantee you can't do any worse than the person who came before you oh okay good i want to go back i want to go back to the blue room why did i come here this stinks hear me out what if buckets the scarcity in here is absolutely overwhelming a thousand you people have got to be nuts how can you stand this much again he actually referenced it am i i'm at a thousand bomb scarcity that's cool okay so it actually does something i'm glad that there's a reference to it again at least um the embrace of an old friend it feels good doesn't it companionship that stands the test of time um broom closet has left stanley clutched the bucket tightly to his chest right and entered the door on his left it's left right right left i think it's through here god i've done it so many times now that i yeah stanley needed the buckets warmth and comfort now more than ever i've done it so many times and i can't remember where it oh stanley can you feel it the broom closet it wants the bucket no you can feel that can't you no aura of jealousy today this broom closet believes it deserves the bucket i deserve the bucket and only me it's a bucket it belongs in a broom closet that's what the broom closet is trying to say can you have a mop box okay with the other cleaning supplies good for you stanley don't give him don't hand over the bucket i'm not gonna i know how hard it must be no it's not harder to do that the pressure that the broom closet is putting on your shoulders right now but you have to be strong this is your bucket no pressure this is your companion and lifelong friend you can't hand it we're over into name calling now it seems this is how low the boom closet has sunk that is a resort to this stream of petty insults simply in order to get you to hand over the bucket stanley i never liked this broom closet for a variety of reasons but even this is worse than i had imagined and wait now the broom closet has the goal to imply that you and the bucket are not truly deep and lasting friends that your relationship is purely superficial and convenient that your life is super null and proof that you'd feel the same sort of kinship towards any inanimate object which happened to lay in your path in an even partially enticing manner go on stanley lay share your journal entries detailing the rich emotional landscape of your feelings for the bucket as they have changed and evolved over the years okay give me a chance let him have it we went out i went home with them we got married we had bucket children also called cops now we're in here okay i've got you something which i think will help settle this debate once and for all sure here we go oh i get a sticker no more debate no more discussion take a hike broom closet with the water guys dire tribes about the nature of cleaning supplies and their relationship to broom closets let them have it because i think it's appropriate you see i feel that it works because the sticker is also a bucket you're not wrong that way if you're ever unsure whether the thing you're holding is a bucket or not you can look down at this sticker and say to yourself oh it's a bucket there really is a wide variety of applications for this sticker it's a very good sticker you need to put that in the game though because the game was proven to be a booking you got more stickers you know what i could take the name calling and the dismissal of your kinship with the bucket but now the broom closet is just giving us a silent treatment and to be honest i'm sick of the pettiness on display you can stay here all you like but i've had it with this impetulant room of cleaning supplies easily the most childish such room i've ever been in i'll see you outside and we can get on with the story about you and your bucket yeah wait should i leave let's wait to see if he actually says anything else because you don't want to leave and then you realize you missed something because i've done that many many times but usually if he's been quiet this long it means that there's nothing else but just in case if there's an eensy weensy teeny weeny amount of chance that he's going to say something else within let's say like the next 10 seconds then i leave but unless he says something i'll stay here what say you dude i could just look it up to see if this is the end of this part of it ah screw it it's the end did we do it coming to a staircase stanley and the bucket walked upstairs to the boss's office yeah but now i don't want to i just wanted the bucket in the broom closet well if i do it again there they are family want to be a better man and a better co-worker in time perhaps he would become both of those things definitely better tightly to his chest and entered the door on his lap okay let's bring it back to the broom closet and see if it does anything else i doubt it'll do more still stanley we must move on from this broom closet simply because i have no remaining stars if i did you can guarantee we'd be in here for hours but alas no stickers but baby wants his shiny i got all the stanlarines maybe missed one i don't know but no no no close it close it no i'm one with the closet you see this closet you see this this is a bucket and we're friends and you can't do anything this is all stinky dog water mop bucket no it is not a bucket like this this bucket holds feelings and emotion you wouldn't even know of such things your stupid room all right bye coming to a staircase stanley and the bucket walked upstairs to the bosses what if we went in again stanley we must move on from this broom closet simply because i have no remaining stickers i have tapped the potential of the bucket plus broom closet combination but unless no stickers that makes me sad but what if i bring the book into the place where i already have the bucket and then i get the bucket again will i have two buckets there's only one thing better than one bucket two buckets you said it yourself the only thing better than the stanley parable was the stanley parable two i'm gonna do it i'm gonna get a second bucket yes yes screw your paradoxes there's two buckets here how did you get a second bucket oh no the warmth and comfort of a single bucket is already so great so intoxicatingly wonderful with two buckets there's no telling stanley can you still hear me are you with me jesus stanley no thank god i didn't lose you stand here the power of two buckets was too much i had to destroy both of them i know how much the bucket meant to you but i couldn't take the risk i hope one day you can forgive me you have just made the biggest enemy you have ever encountered do you realize the sheer amount of pain that you have just wrought upon my soul do you realize what kind of hell i'm gonna rain down upon you now that you've destroyed my book that's it no i'm done i'm done you took away my bucket you destroyed it it's probably out there again somewhere but the fact that you blew that up in front of my face i'm just not tolerating that anymore and i'm done i was actually gonna end the episode here anyway um i feel like we've gotten like so many endings now at this point there are more in the game there is other things i can probably do with the bucket and there is just more endings in general that i can get original and new that a lot of people are probably gonna come to me and say that i missed a whole bunch anyway but that's fine i'm just gonna leave the video here anyway because this was basically just a bonus video because i had the idea of hiring the narrator and saw that that was an option i thought it would be really funny to put that in the video but then also it's just kind of like a bonus video for you guys because there was so much support and so much love on the other three videos for stanley parable i didn't expect it to blow up as much as it did and i just wanted to do more of it for you guys to show you the stuff that i kind of missed again there is still more but just to get a little bit more out of like especially going back to the bottomless hole the fact that i missed that the first time and not going through the notebook door those were like the two that people kept pointing out to me um because i was like near them and then didn't do it again and just to like go back to certain things that i had seen and refresh them but that's gonna do it for the stanley parable that's it officially i'm done here now um i'm not gonna do any more videos of it now for sirius and for realsies um there's just not enough left in it to really do for more videos and not enough like really really cool ones to do i feel like i've gotten the coolest ones already in the previous three episodes so thank you guys very much for watching this series i am so glad you guys enjoyed it because i adore this game it is so wonderful it's so inspiring and i have so much respect for the craftsmanship that went behind it that i'm just so glad it exists um so thanks for watching that's gonna do it for me thank you very much go back and watch some other videos that i've done go back and re-watch this series just do it on loop that's very in keeping with the game uh but thank you guys and i'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,004,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, the stanley parable, the stanley parable 2
Id: Z4RQ3MJe37k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 45sec (3645 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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