Speedrunning a rhythm game is hard

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Hoo Boy! Physical copy‘s of Fever are gonna be even more expensive now

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/Tori0404 📅︎︎ May 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

she got the world's most lenient remix 10

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/That-Guy-Named-Joe 📅︎︎ May 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

I legit had to stop myself from screaming when I saw the notification

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

Suddenly 10k more users join the sub

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/ReturnOfYoshinovaR 📅︎︎ May 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

I don't know how she superbed remix 10 I swear if I make 5 mistakes itll go to ok

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/MaleficentObject8480 📅︎︎ May 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

I’m losing my mind I cannot believe she is a rhythm heaven fan /vvpos

First the aroace subs lost their mind over Jaiden and now this sub is going to /lh

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/GenericAutist13 📅︎︎ May 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

I was about to post this lol

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Zizeo27 📅︎︎ May 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

Yeah I did NOT expect that

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

omg really thats cool! it'll bring more popularity to the game to

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/smithshyota2134 📅︎︎ May 21 2022 🗫︎ replies
as you know most games are pretty flexible in terms of getting to go as fast or slow if you're lame as you want and honestly it's pretty hard to limit that from players maybe you could turn the main character into an old man who has trouble walking or something but that's not fun at least in theory i don't know but you know the one video game genre that forces everyone to play at the same pace rhythm games rhythm heaven is one of my favorite games especially in the rhythm category i played it constantly growing up and i wanted to come up with some dumb excuse to play it for a video so today i'm speed running a rhythm game how does that work in actuality i have no idea but this is what i laid out for myself as the video game masochist i am i wanted to make sure i had some sort of challenge capable of driving me to the brink of insanity so i'm going to be running the all metals category which means i only have a certain amount of mess-ups per mini-game before i fall from award-winning gaming greatness into low-life scum and since i'm not running a game no one else has run before i have some competition for the first time there's a decent amount of runs already submitted so to compete with them i need to make sure i get first try medals throughout the entire game every time all 50. i need to play 50 rhythm games in a row without messing up i thought about going for an all perfect run and then i did a test play to see how hard it would have been and i was like no this would actually make me want to stop breathing so here we go this is my experience speed running the 14 year old rhythm game rhythm heaven fever for my first run i just wanted to play through the whole game to simply see how it would go you know learn what i needed to practice get my pacing and you know what it was kind of an insane first try i only messed up on two games in the entire run figure fighter 2 which is this game where you're a puny little shrimp man who gets inflated to punch a punching bag in front of a crowd of a couple hundred people and remix 10 of course if you've played rhythm heaven favor you know about remix 10. the game organizes all the mini games into columns and after you play four of them there's a remix that's like a medley of the whole column it's genuinely cool but for the last remix it's a nearly four minute game of every single mini game you've played up until that point like i said very cool but also terrifying from a speedrun perspective anyway besides getting oks in two mini games that means i was perfectly prepared for all the others and i was shocked that's not half bad in fact that's 96 percent not half bad i even started thinking to myself oh man if i get this run faster than anticipated maybe i can't even make a video for it i was worried i would get it like attempt to and then not know what to talk about which no i do have a video for it as you can see i went into attempt 2 with a very heightened sense of confidence ready to complete my run second try and i immediately missed the first beat [Music] so that runs dead attempt 3 was going alright making a few more mistakes than normal but was still doing well enough to keep getting medals then i got to dunk donk which i hate i hate it and it's the worst one you're this middle thing and have to dunk against the other things to make this blimp go fast or something honestly the whole concept of this one is beyond me but i was just barely missing the marks and when i say barely i mean i was still donking against them but in a way that's like i definitely didn't dunk perfectly a few other games have this visual feature and throughout the run i was telling my friends jordan kelsey who were helping me take notes and keeping me company and saying i have no idea if that means i completely messed up or if it's a that was a close dunk but we'll give it to you type of thing and then after the game ended i need to like look up if that's bad or not [Music] it is bad apparently it's bad baby jim all right well runs dead 12th alright i guess i got that answer i started another run after that and messed up at the very beginning before i could even do anything the timer starts after choosing your new file and clicking yes when asked to continue and then immediately after that there's a very long tutorial but speed running strat you can actually skip that pesky little tutorial by after clicking yes immediately clicking the home button and restarting the game see this run is cool it's got cool skips and stuff anyway i missed the reset button it's petty and not a big deal but i restarted it anyway because why would i leave in an extra half second of time loss like that my mental game for that run was already irretrievable attempt five was on its way until i messed up too much on flock step the game where you're a bird within a group of other birds all migrating and walking at the same time i got trampled so yeah it felt like i was only doing worse and worse the first run was almost perfect immediately and now it felt like i was losing my mojo why did i have to jinx it why did i have to think i was going to be too good for this challenge but then i got on this run a run where i was doing better than i ever had before remix 1 remix 2 remix 3 i was getting perfect maybe the occasional one or two mistakes but that was it i was in it the zone not that it mattered i was getting perfect it still gives me the same normal metal but i was doing well alright and it was an overall calm feeling too i didn't mention it but my very first run i was on the verge of passing out or something my anxiety was through the roof i knew it didn't even matter but the entire run i was having to take deep breaths and tell myself to calm down and stuff my hands were shaking but after a few runs my speed running anxiety had disappeared and i was just calm and focused until i got to the end game then it came flowing back and it felt like my heart rate was so high i should have stopped immediately and had someone drive me to urgent care we need a doctor she was trying to speed run rhythm heaven isn't that a rhythm game i started up samurai slice 2 which i was extremely worried about because it was the second time i'd gotten this far since the first run i didn't mention it but the actual reason i lost my second attempt was because of this game so now there's trauma there jordan and kelsey stayed silent so i could have maximum focus and as i started getting into it jacob joined the call jacob you're a very great friend and i was very happy you joined but oh my goodness i was sweating bullets hello hello how's hello rhythming it's going good so far jaden's in focus mode i assume this much how far is this we just finished remix seven uh we're about three percent you're nice how are you guys good you came in at a good time oh phew i was sweating so hard phew all right i'm moving on honestly still i was doing really well it wasn't until love wrap two that i even hit my first four mistakes in one game very frightening but i still squeaked by side note uh i have no idea the technicalities of how many mess-ups i'm given per game i was just hoping and praying the entire run then it was time i was at figure fighter 2 again the game that officially ended my first run i practiced it religiously after that desperately trying to assure i would never fail at it ever again this game is deep into the run too it's like one of the last five in the entire game so losing at that one did sting quite a bit the first time after lots of nervous pep talk to myself i went into it and you know what happened i knocked it out of the park from five mistakes that cost me the run all the way down to one i get to continue on every mini game onwards was just exponentially heightening my anxiety further i was doing really well but that's what was terrifying me i didn't know when the mistakes were just gonna hit and it felt like any second i could kill the run because i i could i'm being completely honest unfortunately when i say this was probably the worst nervous anxiety i've ever felt in my entire life a rhythm heaven fever speed run i was taking deep breaths every chance i could it felt like i had chills i would have liked to pause and calm myself down maybe get a cold towel but i couldn't because you know it's a speed run i was saying things like i can't handle this oh no i can't my chest hurts i feel like my ribs are gonna fall out of me okay okay more deep breaths some water maybe i hate this feeling i don't want to live with this feeling any longer maybe i was starting to hallucinate or something but it felt like i was literally having nervous wreck heart palpitations both scenarios are equally likely but i was somehow keeping it together on the outside and made it to the grand finale remix 10. this was also the game i practiced the most next to figure fighter 2 so i was technically prepared but not mentally i was falling apart mentally crumbling if you will but i had no time to try and calm down that would be time loss of course so without hesitation i had to start it all things considered even though i couldn't hear the game over the sound of my heartbeat i was doing pretty decently but then the first mistake hit i don't technically know how many mistakes that counts for but it's okay it's assumedly the first one then it happens again moments later this is what i was talking about earlier when i don't know if that counts as an actual mistake or not can i look it up does the internet have the answer i don't know maybe probably but i'm in too deep to check at this point so i'm not going to the run continues [Music] it happens again i wasn't ready for the switch to the tap dancers and missed my q they literally harassed me in game about it it's all slowly falling apart now i don't think i can make any more mistakes do i know for sure not at all but that's what was filling my head at this point i continue and god no i missed three of the little dots i'm sure it's over now i don't know how many technical mistakes i've made at this point but it just feels like too many i'm completely in the dark now if i'm even on route to pass or not i will add in my remix 10 practice at the very end there's a little credits mini game you know like the ones i skipped where you tap a on beat to make the little mascot guy fly in the air there's one part i just couldn't get at all and that was the double tap where he does like this little roll into a jump there wasn't a single time in training that i could get that part and always missed it and when i needed it most did i get it in the run no that's it i don't know how many mistakes that was but it was too many my heart sank dude all that work just a fail at the very end all that anxiety i'm gonna have to relive i just didn't know if i could handle it like physically i wasn't joking about the heart palpitations hallucinations all i could do was sit there at the foot of rhythm god and wait for my judgment i don't know i don't know about that one i genuinely don't know [Music] no don't say it don't say it oh my god [Music] i don't know how but i did it i finished the run i was free i officially played all the rhythm heaven fever minigames and didn't fail at earning a medal first try on any of them at all one hour 53 minutes and one second that's my final score how does that compare to the world record honestly not even close i don't really know how they saved so much time my main guess is that playing on the wii is much faster in terms of loading time i was playing on a wii u and that could affect how fast everything loads i don't know but also there's no way i'm gonna play on a wii for youtube do you know how crunchy that would make this footage i'd rather take the time lost bullet so i don't have to cross my eyes just to rewatch my footage so how does my run compare to the people who did the same run on the wii u second best and you know what i'll take it i have no idea how this guy ended up saving like 10 seconds but being the second best wii u rhythm heaven fever all metals runner is fine with me i am settling and i am proud well i probably lose this record hours after this video goes up absolutely but that's just how it goes people message me for weeks months after my cooking mama 2 speed run video being like jaden you're not the world record holder anymore and it's like yeah i know thanks for rubbing it in i'm trying to cope over here no i'm kidding i'm actually really happy people started running cooking mama especially the burnt pie percent i felt honored in a really strange way anyway after trying my hand and speedrunning a game that has a semi-active honestly at the moment kind of dead running bass i now realize speed running is terrifying especially if content is on the line i'd probably like it more if i did it for fun in my free time but yeah oh well i'm happy i finished my run despite everything i had a great time and it just feels good knowing i'm half decent at rhythm heaven now a skill that will be very useful absolutely never i really still can't believe i almost had a panic attack because i was speed running rhythm heaven but hey just put it on the resume i guess sorry the videos have been coming out more sporadic in terms of frequency honestly the reason why is because they're just longer in general which takes a bunch more time to animate but they're fun i like the videos i think they're they're fun maybe if i just stock up on a bunch of videos for like six months i can post regularly like a normal content creator for like a month and we can all pretend it's normal and awesome just an idea i don't know anyway thanks for watching and i appreciate any and all support you guys have for me talk to you later bye bye
Channel: Jaiden Animations
Views: 11,331,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaiden, animations, jaidenanimation, jaidenanimations
Id: mfbfT14bOjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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