"YouTube Ruined his life" Reacting to "True Story" Animations

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so when I was able to make videos for a living I was so excited that I went straight to my manager and I took a dump on it I'm sorry okay I gotta get a bad pasta game Wow what is up my scrubs welcome back to another episode wonderful episode of reacting to true story animations we all know it's a bunch of bull so now we're over here on this Jack wagons channel call the be jel be goo bingo honestly who names her channel this an idiot that's who the first thing I noticed when I looked at his face is that he's not intelligent it's not very intelligent his channel name should be great value jacksepticeye high so we gotta take a look at this boy cat don't just channel alright boink boink it's the best insult YouTube ruined my life wait I do YouTube as well how could it ruin your life like that's already sound so dumb but as always guys be sure to check out their channel I'll link them down below if I could even spell their dumb name okay so I'll be sure to link the channel in the description I highly highly encourage you to go check them out ok it hit that it smashed that subscribe button because if you if you want something to point laugh at every day be sure to check out that channel Jack wagon Mike let's do this hi my name is Mike and let me tell you about the time YouTube killed my family and my pregnant dog and I went to jail Wow Wow way to go from like zero to 100 real freaking fast sigh let's say you just can't trust these true story animations because they don't they just don't seem real but I don't know actually on second thought this one seems pretty freaking real you see I'm a very famous youtuber who makes the best quality videos here on YouTube but little did I know at the time my life is about to make a very serious turn for the worst how many subscribers you have only 2 million bro how much does like PewDiePie have you're like I hate you everything in my life would be turned upside down it all started while one of my fans pointed out that the automatic captions on one of my videos was slightly off in my video I had said the word dog but the YouTube captions thought I said logs Wow hey buffer although those YouTube captions be real crazy sometimes alright watch so I'm gonna turn them on right now and see what they say but little did I know at the time my life was about to make a very serious turn for the worst and everything in my life would be turned upside down okay it actually was the the captions were absolutely perfect YouTube's like I don't what pun I'm starting to question the legitimacy of this video since the YouTube captions clearly are not broken Wow I can't believe this channel I don't know how this person sleeps at night it all started when one of my fans pointed out that the automatic captions on one of my videos was slightly off in my video I had said the word dog but the YouTube captions thought I said log result seemed pretty silly Hey look at my log if a deaf person was watching one of my videos they would think that I owned an actual log as a pet silly right I don't own a log as a pet no I'm not I mean Feroze oh like that is totally true okay I've actually I personally I don't know about this idiot but I know personally I've actually had deaf people be like can you put captions on your on your videos and you know hey I don't always have them on there imagine imagine if the actual deaf person was watching and they had to have like rely on the captions they're awful except right now if they seem really good so again just seem like this this person who I do not know it seems like a liar not gonna lie but this made me check well silently to myself when I read this comment and I didn't think anything else of it at the time I just thought YouTube sure is silly get a load of this background what is this a freaking weeb is one of those stinkin weaves are you kidding me oh my gosh I'm sorry I just gotta say how it is when I see ugly I gotta point it out ugly stupid head it's just disgusts me all of it music man what kind of shirt is that where do you get your shirts I can't even have an actual band on they're sickening this must have been part of another one of their experiments to improve the closed-captions with its space each algorithm technology space each algorithm see told you but I wish I would have turned the captions off because what was about to happen to me was literally going to be the end of life as I knew it I can't make I love that part there I mean because it's like it's not my video Wow is this really on this channel things making videos is like it's just easy as pressing a button they have no idea how to do YouTube Wow these quality videos on my youtube channel and let me tell you the fans loved them they kept telling me things like your videos are so cool epic subscribers only watching you behavior wait a minute isn't she from sharing my story hot studs babysitter wow she's on YouTube what how crazy I don't know who this is alright touch but [Music] I I don't know but you guys but I'm getting a little suspicious about these comments like they're a little too good I really enjoyed watching because you're so original I don't know like I said great value jacksepticeye doesn't seem very original to me because you were so original your videos are better than oxygen apply via your videos are better than auction who who says that oh my god I never notice that are you cuz I've never seen this before but like Tinch is good really good who's the creator of this animation I just I think I should I would really like to know oh it's Rella you know this this this person's a dumb stupid-head but like this person I really wouldn't care if they fell like in a ditch but like I really got to say that animator really did good for this video of this ad this particular animation video and maybe like you should go check them out because you know I just it's important to support the artist it's important especially because of these great things here your videos are better than oxygen of course these comments really made me happy because youtube was my dream job you see you see I used to work in really crappy job where people throw trash if you spit on me I gonna lie right now I feel pretty bad I feel pretty bad for him right now you're so sad they call it human garbage why is he resting like what kinda looks a little cute alright good light that's really cute right there throw trash for $20 bro I list up with throw trash should be right now for $20 seriously spit it $40 so would help him please I'm so sad for him because this is true story and call me a loser I was pretty sad my manager made me work where does this dude work in like a power plant it's all radiation in the background but hey low-key though he kind of hot [Music] I'm just saying what everyone's thinking my manager made me work a whole shift in my underwear press exit doubt doubts press exit doubt I doubt that I doubt that you freaking stinking liar it was humiliating he said he hated me I asked why not just fire me but he responded you're nothing without me kid you're my dog all of the customers laughed at me like I necessarily means you let's say like with all these story edit videos there's some stupid you're just so ridiculous it makes no freakin sense Oh what are they throwing at him I didn't hear him you're my dog all of the customers laughed at me and crackers meet at my face I was a milli eight serves you right perhaps such a dumb channel named biggle point Godoy oh here's the more clickbait clickbait that's why I hate this youtuber so when I was able to make videos for a living I was so excited that I went straight to my manager and I took a dump on it I'm sorry okay I gotta get a bad posture Wow I wouldn't I wouldn't be able to do that go take a dump on Mike my boss the cyber truck yeah no definitely wouldn't be able to do that I think it's pretty interesting that they got a cyber truck so early though or battle show him now it's sad to see that old job because what was about to happen to me would make getting expired meat hurled at my face for eight hours a day seemed like a dream there I was little old me nerdy happy a little me making his YouTube videos day and nights when my phone went off I checked my I gotta say though I relate to that every relates that real real good here even though I don't like him I really relate to that I don't expect another one of those comments saying how my video is actually the answer to world hunger I eat your bids you can't videos no this isn't freaking real but to my dismay this comet said something that was not that why is he bad like real bad like I wanted to bury my head in the sand I wanted to get on a spaceship okay ice myself into orbit okay I'm gone no more no more me do you want okay we get it we get the point ah I don't know what the comet said hey Mike I was watching one of your videos then I saw this is confusion is this true because you have a wife and I thought to myself what did I say that was so bad I just it was a video of me playing another episode of Doki Doki liddie room which my fans couldn't get enough of hey that's a pretty cool game though right I love that look at them loops I really love don't tell your wife you're playing this game little little nice little detail there you know referencing those humorous clickbait ads that you see throughout you know but they you know I just like to say that was a good direction they went you know this the creator of this animation you know they you loved when I played that game but then my face turned pale white more than it already was when I saw the picture attached to the message it was a picture of me in my video but the captions read something totally different from what I actually had said it read apparently go swimming in a pond I'm so gay I'm just really really gay now what'd I tell you those freaking captious can't be trusted let's see what it what are the captions think this apparently go swimming in a pond I'm so gay I'm just really really gay well now that got him right let me stress this now I have nothing against homosexuality at all who I was a who I was about ready to press the cancel button Wow Wow he was that close to being canceled but I was actually straight when in fact YouTube said the complete opposite I am actually married to a woman not him dude is his wife like him as a girl did he just put on a wave for this I don't know if I trust this guy man I like kissing girls does this shirt say what it is what does a stranger's shirt say that I do not know I don't know this person at all has pregnant huh just after I got done reading that call my wife burst through the door dude his wife just escaped prison with her dog her pregnant dog which I really doubt it even exists it's just a stupid detail baby she hot though she was screaming hey why didn't you tell me I could practically see the fire coming out of her eyes and breakfast I misheard I could see my pregnant dog shake her head and disgust wait a minute right now everyone right now let's cancel that dog why is that dog shaking its head in disgust there should be nothing wrong with his decisions oh wait it's not real yeah that's right my wife is death so she couldn't hear anything that I said and I never bothered to learn sign language we didn't okay do you mean to tell me that this entire time they were together she noose she they didn't it was speak at all so every time he talked he had to do so in a YouTube video posted to YouTube and then she would then research cat just imagine you had to do that every time you posted a video or every time you wanted to say something you first had to upload it to YouTube oh no I got copyright clay so now I can't say what I wanted to say Wow a bunch of weeps what is his enemy we didn't need any language other than love and of course the YouTube captions she was my biggest fan so naturally she would always read my YouTube captioned out there were oh so reliable Dallas knew Mike I am leaving you and I am taking our dog with me whoa whoa is that like a visual novel like I thought for a second we were to go playing we're going to watch it a video I thought we just got transported in a visual novel this definitely be a visual novel if it's not I mean I'm just saying what everyone's thinking I mean I could just really appreciate this change in art style just randomly totally unexpected maybe you should check out the animator I'll link them down below with me I scrambled to get a piece of paper to write down what I wanted to tell her but okay that's pretty freakin sick the guy not so much but that is pretty vague insane this is insane it's kind of a good animation though and he's kind of cute though I'm just saying what everyone's thinking a piece of paper to write down what I wanted to tell her but she had already packed her bags and just like that she was gone she was ordered practically down the street zip zuly da dun so it was over YouTube was my dream job that got me away from my evil boss and horrible customers but now it caused me to lose my deaf wife a pregnant dog whom I loved so much okay I definitely smell some bull crap right now in all this situation but I ain't gonna lie I felt kind of bad for him I'm thinking about crying right now I cried like a river for hours and I thought to myself what else do just at words in that the phone ring I answered with the red ice from the crying it was the cops way way way way I answered with the red ice from The Crying I answered with the red ice you know I just happened to see on Twitter that someone mentioned that that that said that I don't follow this idiot or named anything what is he gonna do with red eyes I mean the caption says so obviously there should be red ice in here but it's just like what I'm saying with these fake stupid animations this light I don't see any red ice anywhere so therefore it's not true cuz there's no red ice I was crying with red ice it doesn't make any sense at all it was the cops they told me that my wife and pregnant dog had gotten into an accident resulting in their death oh that was way too graphic that was so sorry you had to see that dating this animation man so good and they said it was my fault and they were coming over to arrest me really I I screamed yeah what cops kicked my door oh my god oh my god that was intense they showed me the screenshots of my youtube captions oh hey wait a minute wait a minute is that from Marty's oh my god what's the name hey wait is that the cop from air Marty Wow that was a good game wasn't it I definitely didn't play but like I've just know that that's like a cool reference it like wow another great detail that the animator added and the cops were also deaf the caption though my videos that they should I cut the brakes off my deaf wife's car while my pregnant dog was also in the car I hope they die within wow is this anyone don't do yoga here because that was a stretch actuality all I said was hi but again the cops were dead so I was Peck you for life and I lost all of my YouTube subscribers I worked so hard to build Getty Images that's how YouTube ruin my life I hope you learn from my lesson I personally think this YouTube channel is garbage but the animation was I mean very very good very good I loved all the references and all that the voice did sound like nails on a chalkboard so I mean to you guys like what you think down in the comments down below what do you think do you think the story is true or fake cuz I'm gonna I'm really leaning towards fake I know that that might be surprising to some of you but I think I think I'm leading towards fake but again I just want to pass this off to you guys out there what do you think alright be sure to smash like okay if you enjoyed this this bonce bomb skis reaction video and do not check out his channel after all I'm taking you back I don't think you should check it out I'm just so sick of these these videos just they're just poison to our youth but you know what I'm gonna stop talking I just wanna let you guys I just want to ask you guys what you think about it alright and don't forget to check out those amazing artists everyone right now leave in the comments what you don't like about him okay thank you that's all alright thanks for watching bye guys gonna be sick after watching that [Music]
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 443,810
Rating: 4.9198847 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, share my story reaction, share my story, share my story bijuu mike, bijuu mike animation reaction, bijuu mike animation story, react, reaction, true stories animated, my story animated, my story animated bijuu, youtube ruined my life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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