KIDNAPPING SENPAI for the "MINDSLAVE SENPAI" ENDING... I'm in TEARS! (Yandere Simulator Update)

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just leave for a little bit but pop you in that box there that's my boy well like it's time to check my emails I can have a very important love letter sent to me from a search in Spain PI long wait a minute what's this so I just sail all out loud you have brain damage or something can you torture save I you know I'm hurt and offended that you think I would resort to such schemes to win a slice of that pie it is written in the stars that senpai and I are meant to be together what the hell is wrong with you say what creep kidnapping his name is how you win sit luckily I know how to scare people away didn't scare you away from this video the next part probably well it is video right here get ten thousand beautiful likes tonight I will become your father Christmas wait there's a twist and it's not that you can call me daddy Christmas that's not happening ten thousand beautiful lights tonight and I will wear a Santa costume with this sign or swimsuit become father famous Alba sneaking down your chimneys and just in Messiah yeah I should probably think things through before speaking hey I don't think anything through do I that's probably why you're gonna hit 10,000 likes tonight it's too late for that now but it's not through like to buy some cheap fuel use code daddy for 10% a spine with mine with line something beginning with wall because I'm apparently submerged in it but that is how I hide from sand pie oh wait nope everybody seems to have spotted me oh okay okay this is this has been awkward personal boundaries guys I was meant to be spying on Sam pie just whispering in his ear that I was gonna take him home to my basement but in a way that was forceful but totally legal now I'm not a lawyer so that might be incorrect so same pie I was like totally wondering if you to come back to my basement lair there's cookies and books joke books there's the whole library down there yes a whole library you can read forever down there now before we show senpai the inside of our basement I have to clean it because there's spider webs everywhere and I can't have my prints thinking I am some sort of spider boy spider daddy's been retired I got far too many weird comments and they're referred to me thirsty girls in this school so I'm going to sabotage now it just eats my mind I just wasted more dollar bills there than I do in an adult night club now before we go ahead and show senpai the inside of my basement because there's a totally awesome way to actually do that I'm gonna take you on a trip through time so when yandere simulator was a what's Oh Oh what's this what's happened your brain buddy is that because of all the emails sent to you over the years your brain is just cracked in half oh yeah they were playing my job oh look at this look how happy she looks oh yeah no alrighty then okay yandere chan tomorrow I will start my second year of high school okay perfect alright oh the girl just lying in bed oh I remember when the shrine was beside our bed oh yes look at this this is the very first building under a simulator ever by the way Android dev has just released it for our beautiful eyes pajamas are they still the same I recognize them but I can't remember if they're still the same or not okay my first year of high school was disappointing I was hoping I would be someone special but nobody asked me out oh she's just forever alone yonder each end forever alone blesser I guess the love of my life isn't going to just fall into my lap I can't just sit around and wait for somebody to ask me out I have to be more proactive I have to go around wider and I wonder what would my dream lover look like well four stars they would have to be like this everybody's drinking oh I would like my girl girl nice I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I will - anything I can okay half sex Oh while I was in a media she was up she was ready no no yeah I'm not done dreaming you look after the shower scene senpai senpai oh wow okay now that's how I get up in the morning just full-on crunches oh I slept so well that was the best dream I've ever had I wonder what time it is school starts at fifteen minutes she's gotta get her sweat on she's gonna have the beads of sweat going down the booty crack if she was that fast if I hurry I can still make it now what did my school uniform look like again okay so this is like a proper character customization intro Wow alright oh this is cool unlock this uniform by completing the game once a one-piece do you know what I actually like this this is actually really cool I want this one please let me have this one oh she's very happy where the chef found it I hope it looks good on me it looks fantastic looks amazing okay no finalized gotta get moving gotta go fry it's gotta go Sonic fast have your toast oh what a catch she's like a ninja don't you put it in her mouth I played always important to have breakfast oh if she's gonna be sprinting to school choking on toast at least she's gonna be there on time I'm almost there I can just make it in time for the entrance ceremony okay okay oh I like this is this where she bumps into senpai Wow toast no not the warm burritos that he landed are down Israel oh sorry I wasn't watching where I was going do you need a hand that was good and this is it the moment she falls in love which is kind of similar how she will meet him in the game do I do I have to reach up and grab the hands so staring his hands sniffing the fingers to grab the hand do something why is she staring at a lamppost why she no pajamas in the middle of the road what's happened I'm so confused there it is mr. dream bow himself no way this is the person I saw in my dreams last night that's right grab the hand of destiny grab they're moist sweaty and the Destiny baby just reach up and grab this is this can be a coincidence this must be fate this is my destiny um are you okay you didn't hit your head or anything did you oh don't worry I'm I'm fine I'm cool I'm whatever I'm rock-hard head I've got nothing inside just air head that's it grab that oh yes her whole look our eyes I've never felt this way before I'm certain this is my one true love oh look at her go she's proper yandere now whoa hey I'm glad you're okay I was worried oh you're so considerate the big Boyle I better go now I'll be leaving I'll be big trouble I've been laid before and oh that's right I forgot about it let's jog together in fact I prefer to call it your gang oh yeah oh you just sprinted off he's about to show her her creamy thighs or his creamy anyway thighs of a champion ponies of an Adonis I finally met the person I'll be with for the rest of my life is time for the romance I've been waiting for yes yandere chan you got it girl look a happy she is my exciting high school love life starts now reiber were the first rival anyway this was meant to be originally a sauna or is it this rival channel it's been like 10 years like I remember jeez you always keep me waiting you've been like this since we were a little like toast my goats I really just say that I'm sorry no way childhood friend yeah he's not allowed any friends why is she still staring at a lamppost maybe she's sniffing it she's marked their territory she's just cocked her leg and pedis and she's making sure that lamppost is hers don't get the wrong ideas no like I want to walk to school with you I'll walk with you because you probably got lost I my hell I'm late I'm sorry just get out my face a cinder hey it's even worse than I thought let's go I'd try to keep up because I'm totally jogging I'm sorry oh my exciting high school of life can't be over this quickly I have to get rid of that girl somehow there's no time to worry about it now I have to get to school right away that's right you sprint take that red hair with you as well what was her room yurui or Everest the evil girl also out through a simple chat isn't it info Chan so history's repeating itself huh time to test a theory a theory ok she's staring out the window now brilliant I could hardly concentrate during the entrancing ceremony or listen to when the new teachers were introducing himself all I could think about is that person for my dreams I notice them walking up the stairs to the classrooms on the third floor that means that they were on the floor about me that makes them my senpai I wonder if they would be willing to date an underclassmen like me I wonder if that blonde bimbo is gonna make her move soon wow that went fast ok my phone is vibrating a ticket this is info chan huh at six massage in class three three I have something important to talk to you about hahaha what an ominous message they don't recognize this number who could this be Oh what if they fail in love with me and already want to confess uh I got a hurry to class three three that was going too fast far too fast but hey we're here so dark in here Oh is anybody here I'm glad you came then why she sounds like monokuma but she does okay recognize you how did you get my phone number the information about the students enrolled at my school is my hobby it's earned me the nickname of info Chan my speciality is covering a person's darkest secrets so learning your phone number was easy darkest secrets huh let's see improve it tell me a secret about somebody in this school today while running to school boost in her mouth yandere chan bumped into an upperclassman she fell in love on this fault how could you possibly know that like I said learning secrets is my speciality I become a journalist one day and I prepared myself for an investigative journalism this text goes so damn fast that's nice but I mean you really keep that right now I'd like to share something for me shouldn't that might interest you the girl you saw speaking with your beloved sin by his blah blah blah as you might have suspected she's had a huge crush on your sin I got you plastic applies her loved one week from today next Friday your senpai is the type of person who could never turn to had a luck in fashion if she confesses to him he's guaranteed to fall in love or accept whoever is are you serious this is bad why are you telling me any of this I'm the president of the newspaper Club I produce and distribute the school newspaper it's how I prepare for my career in journalism sadly almost nobody bothered to read my newspaper last year even though I poured my heart and soul into every article I wrote I'm very sorry to hear that but you still haven't answered my question if there was a bit more drama going on at this school I'd be able to write more interesting articles if something tragic I was on an icy ma well she wouldn't have mysterious empire now being with the publishers juicy article about the terrible misfortune that befell her what are you suggesting are you saying I should hurt not Jimmy son oh no of course I'm saying you should hurt her I'm say you should dance the current right here the school students will be naturally one to read everything about it I my newspaper would provide them with every last you see detail about sign of Chad's demise I think sad for the identity of the killer of course I would never tell us all about your involvement it would be even better if you just imagine how the students with panic if they thought serial killers I'm alone no more you fear you can stir up the more people or turn when use paper for answers the more successful I will become of course if you killed every student in the school and nobody would be able to read the newspaper so don't go hmm your your the same and you fell in love with someone after colliding with them in the middle of the street that's not normal either you don't understand I saw my senpai in my dreams that means I'm meeting with fate we belong together it's our destiny oh I don't doubt that for a second you'd be willing to do absolutely anything to be with your desired love with you yes you'd have no problem killing Osama Chan right but that's don't worry i'll support you every step of the way if you take a picture of a student's face and send it to me I'll tell you everything I know about that student I could your vlog or the favourites for use well I would have to ask for payment and I only deal in very specific payment and what kind of courtesy would that be what quite a few of the boys at this school I don't even some of the girls will pay me a lot of money for shots of the female student if you send me photographs of girls oh this is nasty Oh dirty dirty Chan that's what name is oh wow okay all right this Texas goes so good keep going it's in her blood that's what she just said just consider my proposal you don't have to give me your answer right away you have an entire week to think about it but starting Monday you'll have five days to get rid of all sena-chan before she confesses her love to your senpai fine burns I'll be going now I've got ankles ankles to break that's what she's gonna do she's gonna play some b-ball wow that was dramatic and LA I'm pretty sure this was one of the very first videos you Android have ever did in which she was testing out some of the features too to show us gameplay we got all these I a no clones here with the strange blue hair I've got a couple of little debug items that we can find out oh look at that baseball bats beautiful Gitano look another thing anything new here that we didn't have before nope pretty sure we already had them we got another one hiding around the corner oh we got my senpai look a girl we could read I see oh you definitely handsome man and then we've got anion Oh with blonde hair this is what she looks like as a delinquent and he loves the bad girls he loves somebody with a little bit of spice method that's way he likes me because I'm dangerous and I've got the Infinity stones up I like this porch up in the top corner I don't know if I was to somehow show her sanity it's quite cool though I like that I'm right from the beginning we already had the cello case we already had the spare uniform we have the mop in the bucket so young rich a dev was already planning ahead of obviously we got to clean up after ourselves and like the good good children that we are and we got all these various different tools to help us with getting rid of our rivals let's just leave it at that and we've got senpai perfect I like this what's the school test then that's gonna look at that oh yes me like he me like he a lot look how different the school looks so this is the very first I could day me hi ladies and gentleman let me give you a tour around my crib the classrooms are so basic as well I mean this was very very early before he had any sort of funding or fan base or oh I'm just gonna go on the roof as well don't mind me guys oh no I'm just flowing flowing flowing don't you know where I am I like the clock over in the top corner that's quite cool actually over the class as well okay so good Japanese language with the social studies is chemistry biology let's let's push them into biology yeah yeah we all like the biology louise come but you're younger a chance in class with different hair colors oh and this was just called guitar case test and I guess I'm supposed to remove this per girl and shove her in the case open there's a couple of couple other people around here just just chilling out I take it I always to get and get them into the incinerator that's how I like my and reach ends posing showing their dominance now I gotta be very very quiet I gots to be sneaky you forget acquired pick up a little knife ooh and we're just gonna give her a quick right in the face right watch well I suppose okay that's a lot of pieces just store all these in the case then quickly change my uniform don't want anybody seeing me with tomato sauce on me some salsa huh hey their girlfriends don't mind me I'm going to my music club to busk make some money so I could take Sam paya on a lovely dinner maybe take for some steak who knows mission success the first thing I do every morning is brush my teeth with senpai his toothbrush makes me feel like he's been inside me better stop that smash like if you remember when we used to stand on tables and yandere simulator it's the best way to learn now for this method to work we need to study our biology B to get all the way up to the level one so we could take senpai home with us the reason that this method works is because senpai is actually a big biology fan and he wants to learn all about my bio Julie perfect my big boy brain has been expanded sent by my beautiful King I would like you to follow me please I want to show you something really cool it's actually in my basement but before we do that we're gonna have to grab a couple of things nothing nasty though okay you won't be grabbing that to buy me dinner first visit the nurse I miss even senpai mrs. are holding a second same bucket you filthy eyes off her she's gonna grab this Suraj and these um sleepy pills I have trouble napping at nights too many thoughts too senpai on my mind covered with me I feel like this was a little bit too easy simple you just following me into the closet like this but hey thanks for coming to my office this is where I do all my work wow this is delicious slumber my sweet prince dream of me and drift off into an everlasting actually no no don't go to an everlasting sleep just just sleep for a little bit but pop you in that box there that's my boy you go firstly peas look at him heading away I can already tell his thinking of being a fan oh swimsuit creep that's the kind of guy he is he likes Thanos and he likes me so just you just put two and two together and you'd come up with 69 Right Said buddy's been stuffed in a box for about oh you know 10 hours to leave oxygen holes I hope he's alive this could be a big problem younger Chan stands near the school eggs and waits for senpai to leave Chicago in a long time you know science and regen waits until the clock strikes midnight under the cover of darkness gender each end travels back to the school sneaks inside of the main school building yuri-chan returns to the instrument casein carries her unconscious victim she pushes the case back to her house pretending to be a young musician returning home from a late night show yet rich and cranks the case down into her basement ties up Sam I exhausted the energy and goes to sleep and has this whole wave of dreams baby moving on to Tuesday and that ladies and gentleman is have you take senpai home with you it's easy that's how you win him but that's not all we're gonna be doing today I'm not content with just having senpai down in my basement I just went to reject me so I have to resort to dramatic measures in Wow senpai you've changed a little senpai I guess you're gonna be here for at least four days oh that's handy oh there you are sent by looking absolutely fantastic as always you seem you seem quite happy I I will give you that would you would you would you like one of these special tools I brought for you the rubber ones are at home but I think I can spare you a pair of scissors no whoo Oh whoo should we eliminate coconut oh here we go senpai here you go senpai what did you do with that ship senpai it's a simple simple what did you do where did you put that please tell me you didn't shove it up your booty except why were you playing always say bye I need you to do stuff for me do what I want Mazal just don't that job myself after all right sir he's in senpai isn't doing my bidding you're gonna have to do something wait no what are you going for I don't even get that I don't even get a select anything are you just going straight for coconut is it is that what you're doing I can't remember how the old one works I mean this game was a long time ago oh she's going straight for somebody who's a good coconut he's gonna be coconuts how you're going for I mean at the end of the day that that's completely fine I am okay with that I would other senpai gonna probably I mean we took I took you home we spent many many hours together same pine that's how you did me you did mean nasty not in the nest nest he said she just did me I'll stay oh oh okay she just she's just muttering through the halls that's us fine don't worry about a thing Shirley Shirley somebody can hear this right nobody nobody nobody even gonna say anything are you gonna say pee pee Midori system fight anybody gonna say anything where's this is this just happening yep yep she's maybe the thing she's rehearsing for a play or maybe she is a weirdo that says this normally to me she throws our underwear all over the place she's a stray Taniya stay in other words by hate let's let's just go for it Oh No the sound effects are all there and Koken is lying on the ground so it's gonna be interesting to see what happens to Sachi in a second okay Sasaki has just used this kissers there's there's a fountain that's the fountain oh I love the fountain of salsa is everybody just paused there's nobody gonna do a thing this is Sachi technically gone I got I don't know anymore I don't know what's however buddy's just frozen [Music] wait so they've just reacted with what let's back up oh she's no I know know how hard she's flowing as well I ripped Jesus I'm going straight to hell for getting rid of the saint himself near his birthday of a heart just got to get to the end of the day just got to get to the end of the day I think everything will be fine everything will be the teacher calls the police that's fine that's fine all good police arrive at the school they discover their Haruka but not Sachi interesting enough knots a 12 us interesting hmm we're just kidnapped same five we got rid of a rival and nobody can trace it back to us that's fantastic we win senpai hooray we'll have a go ladies to general that was another young very similar video if you did enjoyed today's video and you would like to see me dressed as Santa Thanos whatever I you guys decide to call it 10000 beautiful legs tonight we'll get you that costume because obviously being winter times gonna take a while for the costume to get here or at least a beard and a hat that's all I need to be honest along with his swimsuit remember 10% off 4G feel if you use code daddy couple of very interesting offers are gonna be coming up very shortly so keep your eye out for them and hey if you would like to see more yandere simulator of older builds let me know down in the conversation below we can mess up out with them I love going back to old belts and see what we can do and I had the idea because somebody said you torture senpai so uh hell yeah let's go for it baby either way I'm gonna get out of here I've been raspberry you've been the beautiful raspberries is always for watching and I love each and every single what are you did I you have brain damage or something
Channel: Razzbowski
Views: 457,030
Rating: 4.9393201 out of 5
Keywords: yandere simulator, yandere simulator update, yandere, new yandere simulator update, razzbowski, razzbowski yandere simulator, yandere simulator new update, yandere simulator razzbowski, yandere simulator senpai, winning senpai, yandere senpai, yandere simulator ending, yandere simulator winning senpai, winning yandere simulator, senpai ending, confessing to senpai, confessing to senpai yandere simulator, yandere simulator confessing to senpai, yandere simulator happy ending
Id: sbujuW414_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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