Becoming the absolute WORST student in Sakura School Simulator

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wait who are you you know not me you well if you don't know who I am why are you chasing me that's it stop it just allow me to introduce you to the settings oh hi everybody hello wow it's so colorful around here I'm just here in Japan vlogging okay I'm trying to be a jokester I'm not really in Japan I totally fold you look at this look at this guy's as it turns out I'm just playing soccer as close to me later guys did you think that I forgot about this game of course I did it and by the way can I just say this what is wrong with you how come you're not playing the game okay maybe it's not how did I get there if you guys have an Android and you can download it a might it might not work for your device I'm sure they're working on it but guys try to download soccer or school simulator seriously it's one of the best mobile games I play when it comes to something like Andheri simulate something related in a school simulator I think this game is just absolutely hilarious ok so there's been an update since I play some new stuff has happened I thank God my progress has saved apparently I got a handgun I think I had more than that I want to say that a sword - oh I don't your deeds are over mister sorry I love quoting that movie ok your days are over mr. you guys missed last episode here's a clip alright hello I am supposed to come to your office what who oh my god ah what in God's name am i staring at this game is just a treat for the whole family honestly it's amazing but yeah I'll make this game down below alright let's let's go for a little Drive so do we own this car I imagine we do I am playing this on the PC so it's gonna be like II don't Spike's for the graphics hi how are you can you please get that bazooka out of my face I'm sorry where's our key car gonna take us today isn't that I like just I ride excuse me are you messing with me hit a man with pink hair drivers pink car rinse to check out the opposite again we spent all last episode doing that we became a level 100 Yahoo is the mafia boss because we a first person that's friggin sick doesn't deceive its gonna I'm just gonna politely friend you've over back it off dude the fun thing about this game is there's a lot of achievement I wanted to eat sushi I love comments about the sushi guy well maybe he shouldn't have attacked my car and oh my lord okay he definitely in he's not eating any sushi anymore so yeah there's a lot of achievements in this game let's try I want to try to get them all oh how did I get in here yes see we got it we defeated the leaders of yoga so what should we do now exterminate moths kill sky hits its defeat monk fish monk fish must have been that freaky weird thing that we saw last episode drove on the roof of the school okay okay let's try to drive on the roof of the school let's start there I'm gonna start small oh there goes one piece girl again yeah you go why is she running though why are you ready why are you running is she just running around a stoplight she's like asking did you hit by a car she should know by now that these guys they don't stop for anything okay I've been run over at least two or three times for sure alright I gotta stop her it's for her safety yeah well what did I tell you oh you didn't learn your lesson you just got hit by a car so what do you do run in the middle of the street oh you won't I they wait but it's hilarious oh yeah that's right I done she's just facedown oh you got me ha ha ha that was a nice break where you ran me over and I died I swear these drivers around here freaking be doing the bird box challenge ok oh you think I can land on this car Burt bucks challenge card this [ __ ] what can I say hilarious ok anybody know where to wipe your ass anybody at all I can tell you right now that that definitely ain't you chief I don't want green she-hulk I'm good see I like playing soccer at school simulator because my actions do not have consequences on there I could jump on top of a moving car and bought a BAM I'm right back alive after watching one act and I get this support the developer at this game which by the way they're really really awesome ok I just talked to them slightly they're Japanese so it's a little bit hard ok oh oh my god oh my god wait who are you you know not meet you well if you don't know who I am why are you chasing me that's it stop I would okay well maybe you shouldn't go attacking random schoolgirls how about that oh look the sushi bars open how ironic everyone right now we let some mourn blood let's more black clothes man number one he was the it was the first one at the black close-mid and all he wanted to do was eat sushi before he died and he died right before it opened if you just want to waited a few minutes to attack me maybe you could have had his sushi before he died he would have wanted this I have this sushi too my hand goes out the black clothes man number of wine hmm hey you see this is how we do things right here you know Daria getting a phone call probably the police cuz I just kill black boys man after this Michael went missing many searches were made but no one was able to find him until one day when Godsey went to bed at night he could hear sounds coming from under it it was Michael he ran away from the police who had just called him day of this recording Kanzi helped him from many years he cooked for him he bathed him he took care of him but only until he got enough courage to continue this video which Michael did gonne see is part of Michael this legit made no freakin sense all right guys it's been a few years I'm back I want to drive my car on the school rooftop that's just it's just something that's on my bucket list it's kind of a normal thing to be on anyone's bucket list drive on top of a school rooftop can we walk at her home all right guys this is uh this is uh it TV yeah yeah Jerry cribs let me show you around come on inside pretty great ah yeah they just love you just love that water it was really nice yeah guys this is why I take showers I thought it would save time now just take take one now with clothes that's fine oh oh hey how'd you get in here sorry this is turning into something else all right let's Lou let's go the show's canceled oh we have a little kitty oh we can't talk to the cats that cat is so slight tripped out right now we're gonna kiss our cats it didn't happen I would've kissed mr. Ferdie pause hello oh he talks back to so adorbs wow this is really nice got the tatami mats in here we got a nice buzz that I got from a museum yeah I like to just come in here and just do some sittin this is riot like you know I like to do my thinking profession guys much like I don't have plates either horsey works every time this right here is the guest bedroom yeah I'm still trying to figure out how to get to the backyard we'll get there eventually Oh silly me I forgot my bag this right here Accord my youtube videos you know right now she's on her alternate a Twitter account where she's just posted some dank memes she's like cursing people out all hardcore on her Twitter right now that's basically me every time I do that all right no for that no one cares about this house we want to drive on top of the rooftop of course okay I don't know how we're gonna get there but we're gonna figure out how to get on the top of the school get out of the way Ned Flanders story ugly oh god I'm late for school that was like so perfect move out of the way Peter it's a tight squeeze for sure but oh my god that was a tight squeeze oh sit by and please notice speed my Pete Cornell alright I'm just gonna go to class it's on the third floor excuse me alright it's a tight squeeze all I'm so sorry you know I didn't think this is possible but I everything is possible it's like so bent from the side what card does if you look to save anymore make it guys oh wait don't tell me that that that that is the only way to the rooftop there's got to be another way oh no it's a dead end oh no you are according to the police I'm just trying to drive my car in school it's fine okay well I better brush my karma stick to the junkyard we're just gonna plate Lee go on top of the roof there's no way I would have gone up here maybe the guy teleported rooftop I know we can't Oh No okay okay all right all right is the lasers really necessary Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil is coming I won't forgive you for disturbing the peace someone takes their job a little too seriously that's it you've drove me to this shoot Oh God Oh God stop no you got me sushi like really hard to get in this town in Japan which is really hard oh I'm so sorry I caused all this come on perfect timing right so another thing they updated is that you can now go down the slide oh oh they're gonna do it look at these kids he reminds me of my childhood I just go up and down slides every day this may have been response to what I said about this lights I'm not really sure boom it was great being a kid you know back in my day there was car accessible hallways up and down the schools you know what I mean it's just like I just don't know what to think about this generation anymore well honestly how are we gonna drive on the roof all right okay I'm still very curious about the skeletons wonder when they're gonna show up the monkfish I think that's a random like legendary Pokemon that just roams the streets knock down the bronze statue in the plaster figure shot down the UFO I forgot about that one oh oh oh what is going on hey no I I respond I Spit I respond oh thank you so much god bless you Oh Steve's bunkers hey she's got a new target now will she catch her I gotta see if I help the cops catch her or him that mad lad that was driving in the middle of the street that's not where you're supposed to drive everyone knows he's driving to the hallways where are you aiming did it go that way I didn't know if it's a he or she so whatever please developers never ever make the cars drive right have their money over every time it's so hilarious she knows where she's going she's determined to catch them on foot oh but she still won't forgive me for disturbing the peace I'm so sorry I wished a lot of money I'm broke oh that's such hey I don't know if you're busy but want to come watch a cop chase someone gonna be really fun you don't need money it's free oh they did it about now oh great I lost the cop now it's okay guys I forgot we have a temper oh they even got a restaurant over here the cherry cats Oh looks like they're going out on a date I also want to know where this is where's this bronze statue that they were speaking on oh no the cops are fighting each other what happened in the span of like ten minutes these cops are corrupt put it down put it down it's okay there's better ways know you don't know you don't know what he did oh she's actually getting really mad at me okay I'm sorry for disturbing the peace I apologize huh I'm trying to apologize for my wrongdoings okay I'll just can't cure this Carrie I'll make it better I'll just carry I'll carry them okay I'm sliding I'll slide him but way it's fine okay nice job we don't we don't need violence so you can actually work out in this game you can have lovers you can build your intellectual power to increase popularity you can repair your cut all kinds of things just all kinds of things if your lover feel bad sometimes punches you yeah that's called domestic violence destroyed buildings you can destroy buildings I have to go try this well the cops are still outside is that girls still over there she's so traumatized right now the other cop must be her lover because you know sometimes you hit the person´s truth okay all right okay I'll take him away let me take him away just like no that's my lover stop okay this is like from a war movie okay no I take him away now take him away now oh okay so I accidentally ran her over this is literally Yan dairy theft auto like you could do so much Pam oh these contract oh-oh-oh-oh because I hate you it was my card stop shooting me or you should who is sneak bugs out that doesn't feel very good wow she can still shoot me I'm honestly just impressed the factory like it could have just been a crappy mobile game but it's not it's good it actually has a lot of stuff to do and it's so ridiculously random and crazy okay I want to try to destroy a building though how does that work here we have a bazooka let's try this one punch five knock knock you think they heard that sorry my senpai I really like of you know and normally in those team movies they just throw pebbles at the window no no no not me I'd like to take a little more hands-on approach or I should say sorry Rockets on approach please you think she hears it I don't think that could be destroyed oh wait a minute this is the hospital then where is it Oh oh my god oh my god stop I'm in front of a hospital for God's sakes she's like you took my lover oh she's doing it to me now today scrub of the day goes to [Music] Alex maker Jr this video has actually may be uncomfortable that's how I feel about 90% of the time don't worry about it you get used to it after a while I hope you guys enjoyed that video if you did please do me a huge favor and drop a like down below but more importantly I wish you'd go down with this game I'm telling you I know what I'm talking about I played a lot of these mobile games and this one actually has some more to put into it as far as I know I don't know everything about it but I know that it's fun alright so if you want to play it and like if you can't play something like yeah I dare you simulator honestly I wouldn't even compare them they're on totally different levels I think to be honest so I'll link it down below I believe it's for iOS and Android so check it out guys if I that sounds cool to you right and simply some screenshots or some funny you would like to see me do cuz I always love to take you guys challenges and stuff like that also subscribe to become a scrub today all right you could be scrubbed with the day don't you want that we all want that for you I say that like I'm gonna close thank you all my beautiful scrubs out there okay I hope you have a great day or night or morning whatever [Music] I swear in 10g I wasn't planning on it
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 384,151
Rating: 4.9390993 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, sakura school simulator, bijuu mike, yandere simulator app, yandere simulator, sakura, school, simulator, sakura school simulator update, sakura school simulator bijuu mike
Id: -kUrrUXIUr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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