I made one Mistake and ruined his life forever - Air Marty

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it says nothing everything goes as planned no yeah that's how it works now everyone has water Oh welcome back to air party will this poor man ever get some rest maybe maybe not let's continue if you missed the last two episodes we've been playing this game okay err Marty helped him have a good vacation he clearly isn't having a good time also Marty my man is a psychopath okay have you seen last episode you definitely knew why we've done so many things we must do more so in last episode I think we did it eat the chicken wing all the way we must eat the chicken wing to get these endings and then we also still left so many more things to do jump into it oh see there it is that's what I've been trying to do this whole time and I just how stupid whoa eat that chicken it looks like he's biting fingernails that looks disgusting okay hmm that's some good chicken No oh no not a game show again a friend would it surprise you to know you're eating professor Ezekiel's and then took it to bake chicken oh yes of course the end Zico's nantucket debate chicken everyone knows of this well are they gonna make a dating simulator about him too oh yes yes it would yes sir the fine folks at home are just dying to know how many stars would you give it how is the chicken oh good oh it's oh my god they're so loud five stars all the way hey guys I'm picking up something here the heck is that I I don't even want to know I don't even know Oh bend yourself I don't think you should let me break you guts on the airplane it doesn't matter what we do oh my god it's like John wick the retool the retelling of the story maybe this is Colonel Sanders origin story I don't know this John wick for Oh Marty's gonna lip relive his war past again he's a super chicken and like I really appreciate this game a lot of you said the comments you really appreciate the art of this game I do too the fact that it changes it like every little detail it's so perfect this day just to see that freaking face oh okay so what did we do I don't even know what we did that's the problem half the time I don't even know what we did in the whole mini game but so let's not defend ourselves against the chickens so I'm pretty sure this is a reference to Zelda and Zelda if you hit chickens I guess they're vegan or something cuz the chickens will come and murder you in that game all right that's how it happened at first we thought it was just the poultry that rose up for revenge no no but the entire dang farm turned the tables on us wasn't long before we were totally overrun over the cows now humanity's fate is in my hands oh that guy just call me the butcher this isn't gonna be the next John wick I don't want to see it all right do you know what I you know what I don't like that chicken that chicken is but did you pull that chicken out of a chicken's butt because that's what it tastes like one star if you're lucky meanwhile at the is equal manner well serve it by being on it so he's watching you on TV what is he drinking I'd really only give it one star it's me yes I have a job for you oh my god is Colonel Sanders Ricky putting a hit out on us do the job oh oh he said Marty's tried to do his freakin Richard Simmons workouts did I kill him nothing personal friend oh god I feel bad for everyone else that tries to give out a bad review what if you just don't like it I was sorry this little thing on the South sorry about the little thing a job well done it killed Marty in cold blood just one more thing he's cheap Marty goes to eat chicken plots this is what happens all right so now we don't do the hits in whites they are they gonna go on a business or something like that actually got a Taco Bell said I don't know why I'm on the phone but I really didn't like that taco they come and slap me with a taco killing me instantly the talk about Chihuahua comes it assassinates me whatever happened to talk about Chihuahua I bet happy you don't even remember the talk about Chihuahua love that doggy all right we just do nothing that's easy that's what I do all the time we'll Marty get his sweat on he's got like Coneheads and as a picture frame I think we have to miss I'm stupid oh he had a gun the whole time Marty is prepared I see he was prepared oh is that Marty oh my god is Marty's a ninja professor Marty's Nantucket bay chicken we took over yes it is all going according to plan we've took it over the chicken business oh my god that is a tall building that is a very tall building he's all like big now that's their logo what I don't mess with Marty okay all right we're officially officially we officially done all these in these now all we gotta do now is buckle up here we go mm-hmm should be making those noises to me I'm trying to buckle my seat dude did I do it did look very safe 20 minutes later oh hello sir may I interest you in something a drink oh hey give me some good good stuff sorry there sir that'll be 550 please paper hey the what I need money oh so this is way easier than the other one oh oh wait it's this one right see watch watch I haven't remember it what is it you do I think it's to do oh I did you a patient odd candy no okay no we can still probably get some money though we just need enough money we know I have enough money it says a lady 550 so I think that means I've whined a cigarette no but I totally won no I'm sorry so that's not enough it was clearly 550 I had six dollars I don't know very math very much but I know that's enough math for Mita for this drink here's a cup of complementary Ruby Cola instead he just doesn't even catch it he's like wait I've got the money right day now my vacation is ruined I think I'll call it complain oh ye gods my roast ham is ruined now where'd I put that phone hmm what's this battle battle whites battle who battle cigarettes okay yes yes don't smoke kids this is the drug or this is the Dare commercial I mean we're gonna have to do both so it really doesn't matter look at that Bank khmer of his hand that's how mad he is oh no I couldn't resist yes I've earned a little break Marty stop screwing around how much should I tell wheel and I think we just took off typical go tell the pilot to hurry up hey fly faster buddy sure thing honey go to the cockpits oh here I am just who I wanted to see couple of drinks for the road if you please six hours later so what's the that's what I said oh is that you brought again Oh Marty find a topic of conversation over in his brain this is my this is totally me and my last brain cell trying to find something to talk about I'm stuck in this brain part keep going up stuck again I know there's a topic good go go go why is it though seven hours later and that's what started my love affair with knitting or Psychopaths I didn't a gopher knitter but hey Wow hey friend you okay not like it's so hot there is he dead oh no not again guess it's time to see those if those CPR lessons pay save alive uh uh okay do i press his heart am i doing this right I don't know if I come on big guy breathe for me get tense this is what what's happening it's all realistic now hey mister you just oh no I did nice one lawsuit later I really be like that though I bet I was just trying to save his life no wonder why his life is so messed up just just wait just wait this would be totally B if I if that happened I tried to save the man's life the sad truth about today is that that could actually happen tell me right now that you would you couldn't see that happening in real life it probably already has happened oh my god we are all the way over here well I like to complete the endings that we already did so we might as well do this one and not save them saying no matter what happens nothing goes good per Marty I really hope there's a good ending for the per my poor dude here I ain't touching him uh-uh I ain't doing that I ain't taking that lawsuit he stinks anyway he really does look at it oh he did hey what the heck's going on over there it's his twin it's that supposed to be Mario I really don't know that was Luigi no why you gotta go and do this game you just killed them all he's like well I killed one a lot as well Marty all right this time we got to find a topic of conversation right I am totally determined come on come on come on it's so hard to walk what's gonna stay here I think he's gonna pop up here eventually right it's so hard it's like you just walk there it's not so easy all right we're going back I did it yes 10 hours later so I say to him that's no oven that's my wife did I remember to turn off the Singhal oven what let's hope so Marty or officer your whole freaking town probably burnt down is the oven off okay it's up to us down hard I bet you had to go through this every day just to turn your oven off oh it is the same kind of open is this I don't think they make of this hides just invaders ins house going down to a secret lair Earth's core of it Oh what brand is this oven I need to give me one of these now Marty always remember to turn the oven off okay I have a feeling this is gonna be really tough just to turn in the oven huh I wouldn't even cook if it was this hard all the time hey actually got it Wow first try it's is nothing everything goes as planned but what about the sink Marty what's wrong with you yeah that's how it works now everyone has water all right we got to go to the cockpit now with our cigarette to go yellow egg just fly faster just step on it all right just step on the pedal okay I doing this right Oh God okay that was scary all right I got a little jump scared okay stay on this side stay on this side I don't think they can hit me if I go here [Music] yeah we made it so hard just to walk down a plane yes hi hello Martin speaking hey any chance you boys could um freeze oh oh crap well United States Air Marshal put your hands up he's the Air Marshal Oh huh okay Gabe Marty you better not be making a scene over here now it's not what I was thinking put your hands up now reach for the sky oh okay well we're dead how could this happen to me United States air marshals one terrorism zero typical Marty always dying it's tough now's my chance oh no don't you can't even get away from his life what he's dead Oh oh she just floats of course escape this moral mortal coil okay did she gain the ability to fly finally I'm free off we already has a sign that sweets enjoy some family time is this like the real ending or whoa don't know what you just wasn't get away from his wife he just hates everything yeah how do you get away from her how do you get off so hard she flies so fast bro dude what is this what was I supposed to go up I think that's what I'm doing wrong I should just go straight up go up go up go up why Marty fly away with your beautiful beautiful wings yes okay no she's gaining on us stop stop stop stop yes sweet freedom at last Marty's like a Jojo character welcome Marty we've been expecting you we this is paradise as that Marty's family okay are you telling me that he has a whole family and a whole generations and generations of Marty's where they all just is unlucky all right we gotta stick them up it's so stupid this game is stupid what a couple of losers grow up oh don't mind her that's just part of her charm she's right I am a loser I can't even crack this stupid case if only I had a partner well friend today must be your lucky day one new partner right here oh you think so you have to win me over first win him over oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa what is what is what is I mean I just don't know what to say what a waste of time I knew you didn't have what it takes no I'm out of here okay No hey there he is this is your time to shine Marty ha ha ha time to say goodbye you should've listened to Marty goodbye 239 happy you just can't you there's no way there's no way you could ever anticipate what's gonna happen all right I guess we need to beat him in the tank battle I think I'm doing everything I do you uh why does he get to hit me once only some bull hockey come here dude like shooting thousands of bullets at this guy okay if I go over here you can't hit me oh come on I think I you figured it out I figured out the strategy it's gotta get close enough oh please don't get any closer [Applause] how many bullets does it take yes Oh No maybe this was a mistake look at his veins I don't like it with his passion for justice rekindled the air Marshall takes on a new partner together they spend countless hours poring over Case Files desperate for clues hours spent in vain wait what do you mean of course this would be the bad ending why they just wishes a happy birthday again all right we just got to dodge the cigarettes I never know if we can actually hit like I didn't know you can shoot it doesn't tell me you can shoot or I just don't know how to read what am I even shooting what is this okay all right I don't even see it hi here we go let me just fire this sucker up if somebody is gonna get a lashing sir no don't turn that on okay so instead of smoky wheat instead of smoke if we got on the phone you know they do I always you know was a little curious what happens if you don't put your phone on airplane mode because surely somebody writes forgets to turn there to put their phone on airplane mode and now we know what happens are those oh my god there's like legs you were like a feather he's so skinny he is Martin Marty Martin whatever no no no I get the parachute ah I love these hand-painted backgrounds this is the best ending we've gotten so far any any day now dude a shark's gonna come and bite him or something I just know it you're horrible this is the gameplay that I've asked for her thank goodness is he freaking Jesus Christ look at he's walking on the water I found that spare pair shoe laying around honey oh no his wife made it to with whatever that is Oh Marty you're alive who's this babe oh she's cheap oh just some guy some guy now I'm really steaming it use your ultimate move Oh finally oh my god okay well do you freakin did call me huh me huh oh now what the heck is all this Oh Gow a black hole escape the rip in time in space oh no no I oh dang dang I think freakin Marty is like more powerful than shaggy you weren't they both were agreeing to so green equals powerful Wow who would have known well now what's his Marty's power was so strong he obliterated the universe don't mess with Marty I just look at that all right we got it we got to get air Oh God okay I'll wait I'll just be on my phone okay okay God he's gonna do it yeah oh shoot really dude this time he's like oh I've always tried to do the Kamehameha but I never could isn't me on my trampoline my little oh no it's mr. Crouse yikes look at the time got a run stop you're under arrest for murders they did one question why there's freaking ocean police escape the long claw of the law Oh God Oh God I just instinctively jumped over that without know oh my god he's so fast okay okay all right we got this we got this oh god he's really gaining on us is scary no no no Marty you got this Marty aw I don't think I escaped freeze button oh my god that mr. Krabs is where did you get such a patty patty back up one murder trial later this is this a cozy little place hi there fellas names Marty two weeks later is he like the Joker or something well I think that's enough for today today scrub of the day goes to Matt see I believe we got just one more episode of this game and that's it we're gonna be done with air Marty Willie have a good ending be sure to smash like if you want to see the last episode all right scrubs and subscribe if you haven't already today to join the scrub family I'll see you the next one bye
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 291,943
Rating: 4.9601541 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, air marty, air marty game, the most awkward game, air marty all endings, air marty bijuu mike, air marty bijuu mike playlist, air marty bijuu
Id: fYTpvtDr254
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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