I GAVE FIRE HAIRCUTTING A TRY (does it really work?)

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listen I like to consider myself an open-minded person somebody who likes to go against the norm there's a line though for me and it's like kind of like this it's kind of like a line like this it's a thin line we make that a little bit thinner it's like that like like a very thin fine line where I'm something's too much for me personally fire haircutting is one of those things that is too much for me to handle my mind doesn't want to go there it doesn't want it to be a thing but I'm not gonna lie when I say I've been curious about it ever since I watched it I think in a reaction video yes there was a reaction video I did about fire haircutting and ever since then I have been interested in it it's finally come to the point where I want to give it a try I want to do it I am opening myself up I'm going past that fine line of what is too much for me and I'm gonna do it I'm gonna give it a try I'm gonna try out this I'm gonna do this and I'm going to try and have an open mind for today's video I'm gonna be a believer today and just try it so I will be doing fire haircuts all my good friend has been clean I know she's been here a lot I know it's kind of annoying like she's not a real person but like I don't know she's my friend like I hope you can find love in your heart for her because she's gonna be here alive we're gonna use the same one I've been using for last week videos because she is ready to just be gone now I have a few more stocked up in the closet fewer Americans ready to go but I'm Miss Minnie Queen that I've been using last PPS is ready to just have her hair cremated and maybe that's what's gonna happen today or maybe she's gonna get a fabulous haircut and she will live on and she will thrive but I'm thinking probably not but first hold the frig on I'm gonna be doing a giveaway and you guys you know what you boys are cool and I like doing them and their funds so if you want to enter listen the frig up I am giving away 5 glitterati that is right 5 of my beautiful lover glitterati put it in your hair before you style it it'll make it smooth I'll make it shiny it'll have your style lasting you all day through humidity through everything I swear but anyways giveaway five of these to you guys because I freaking love you and I love you and I love you all you just follow me on instagram bremen omic follow ex mando and instagram and then just throw a like to one of my recent pictures on either account leave a comment do whatever you want to make yourself noticed and I'll be picking 5 of you to send glitterati PR packages to and the giveaway will close on June 27th and I'll be announcing the winner on my Instagram story so check that out on that day to see if you want one of the five bottles of glitterati thank you so much for watching that and let's get this freakin video started so believe it or not I don't know much about how to actually go about cutting hair with fire no that is not taught in school that is not taught anywhere how to do that so I decided I could do research on my own or I could do research with you and I thought maybe doing research with you would be more fun so let's do some research so there is this video by ALS and tell women try fire hair cuts and maybe we can learn a thing or two here before we start but basically I'm I want to split up miss Mattie quints hair down the middle do a fire hair cut on one side and do a regular hair cut on the other side and comparable with and see what happens that's my concepts alright let's watch the video that's a blowtorch dude they're so brave hello I'd be a little scared about her that why are they volunteering for this Brad open mind open mind not with fire this week play lit their hair on fire and realize maybe that's not a good idea and there's somebody else is like yo we should use a knife and somebody's like yeah that's a great idea so no I don't exactly believe the ancients use fire to cut their hair I'm sorry I'm gonna say that's probably enough for me guys well I am NOT a historian so don't come for me if that's incorrect but just a thought just a thought there's also um medicine for lice shampoo for lice you can go the fire route or I don't know you could get the medicine for but you know I didn't go to medical school so I'm not a doctor I could be wrong once again I could be wrong okay there's honestly like nobody in the world lose no split ends okay I don't care how healthy your hair is you got split ends the only time you should be concerned about your split ends is when there's a lot of them and it's horrendous and it's frizzy and disgusting because of them otherwise everybody has split ends okay so she wants a haircut cutters shoulders okay I could get into that [Music] stop that again I am Not sure heat seals keratin so if you didn't know you know your hair is made out of keratin which is a protein found in skin I'm not sure that you can put fire on keratin and it somehow seals it like if you had a cut on your hand you wouldn't go then put fire on it in order to heal that cut your hair is made out of the same compound that your skin is made out of so again not a scientist but that is my opinion take it or leave it I am really coming for them and I'm so sorry listen do you live your extra life but I just have to point out some obvious things that I'm seeing I really do she asked for a shoulder length haircut it's literally not shoulder length little I know okay so they're washing her hair I will dis on my mannequins okay okay so now they're deep conditioning your hair so even if the fire hair cuts did make a difference you wouldn't be able to know if it was the deep conditioner or the fire haircut and I think that's the point because I guess and the fire haircut doesn't work and you need to mask it up with a deep conditioner all right okay so this one will do Moustafa do here I'm gonna go and wash the mannequin and deep condition it and then I will be coming back and following whatever they do next to her hair hopefully I don't like my house in flames because I just moved here and I love my house I think I'm ready so we have Miss Minnie Quinn here girl and I just split her down the middle and you know we're gonna do today is label one side aspire and the other side we're gonna just leave those are for regular let's draw a line in the middle just to make sure we keep track which side is which fiber regular is just a regular old girl so to do this of course I haven't load torch these are use at a kitchen accessory for creme brulee so perfect I have fuel for it I also have some water just in case things get a little bit too out of hand she is conditioned and shampooed heavily and you know the regular supplies some haircutting scissors um Oh perfect all right let's keep watching the video and see what is next kind of excited kind of worried for my safety but also kind of not alright let's do it [Applause] we have special games good maestro protectors we have wet towels we have a fire extinction we have a bucket of water there is a fire extinguisher and a bucket of water next to them just in case her head goes up in flames I do actually also have a wet towel just they are so what hold up okay I'm gonna do this in a second but first my opinion cuz I love sharing my opinion today and build it always there's wet it's soaking wet I mean I think I get it because when you're twisting it like it's like the little hairs that pop out like the frizz dries because it's like just little tiny pieces and then those are the only thing being burned off all right let's give it a try I don't actually know how to use this seems awfully dangerous okay so we're gonna take this first section here and we're going to burn her hair off [Applause] this is exhilarating sorry it smells terrible her hair looks burnt I guess I don't know that real technique on how to do this I guess um I think that I'm gonna go and get a maybe not this torch actually you know what I am ready to source I'm gonna learn how to use it actually no mission but these are great for a lot of different things such as hair cutting perfect I know they picked the right girl to be teaching your now sorry with the intermission I'm writing I'm ready now [Music] okay I got it to work let's continue our fire a haircut so I think this piece looks nice we're trying to get rid of like the fuzziness I think nobody's really telling you what the goal is but let's do a little bit more I hate this thing I'm not using this anymore I'm just using regular later I don't know how to use it and I'm over it so beer back this is more my style anyways all right we got a lighter and let's give it a fire Erica all right let's start up here I'm just gonna aim for these little frizzy bits okay I'm not gonna lie this is fun I mean I feel like most people like Plano fires so it's kind of like um like obvious you to really make sure the hair is wrapped tight or else you're gonna burn a lot of hair off here so it is doing a good job at like getting rid of the dead ends without like burning all our hair off but it's leaving like this the gross like black residue behind I'm really trying okay so don't come to me if you think I'm not trying I actually genuinely think this would be cool if it works so I'm noticing like there's a lot of little black dots everywhere like where it seals the hair and burned it off so maybe that'll go away once we blow-dry it but let's work around the head do this in sections burning the hair it doesn't smell that bad so that's good don't worry about that um it is fun so I'll give them that I know there's any rhyme or reason to like how they're sectioning out the hair how much hair they're doing per section but it didn't look to me like they were just going in and lighting the hair on fire when we just do a little recap here that makes my name's like it's burning more than there's also like I don't know how he's doing that thing when it goes like this like that's not working for me I'm scared and I'm not even the one getting it done stop stop no stop I'm not doing that I'm sorry sorry I'm busy getting ready for dead ends over here please let me be can't avoid just do is fire cut in peace once in a while honestly I notice a difference yeah no mm-hmm I'm gonna do that thing they just did but I don't want to use that much fire because like I don't really exactly trust myself so why don't we just run across and you're just trying get rid of like I don't know there's the X access on your frizziness going on here I feel it it looks smooth to me like oddly smooth and like there's no flyaways so kind of getting into this like is this gonna work or is this just gonna flop okay I think that's sufficient enough oh that's nice let's do tapas repairs they didn't deep conditioning treatment remember when she wanted her hair down to her shoulders am I the only one who can see those fuzzy split ends like it looks like her hair was burnt I'm sorry but I can see it even in this close-up there showing oh okay I you guys know how I feel about that but I I don't want to end it there I think we can go one step further and give her a real haircut and then we'll blow dry both sides and see what the deal is but I want to actually cut our hair with fire so we have this one it feels called telephone here so this sets clients hair on fire to get resplendent and this is my Inside Edition so oh no no no no no I don't know if I can do this scary you know if this was actual science everybody would be doing it if we could bond keratin back together with fire everybody would be doing it okay so I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it and I'm gonna cut the other side with scissors so that's it I'm gonna blow to us real quick and then we're gonna do it okay so the hair is now blow-dried on this side and I'm really genuinely giving this a fair chance but I need to see the other side blow dried too at the same time um so we'll do that after this but I do see like just a lot of shorter hair coming off of her long I mean I looks a lot worse like concerning Li like there's so many little hairs but I don't know we're gonna do the other side looks like once they're both dry and compare because maybe a party was like that but I wanna alright let's just get this over with and please don't let me die or burn my house down so I saw I'll eat in the video he like put a comb in the hair and then just like started burning it wherever he wanted to comb the land okay okay alright mine's not going up in flames like his did so clearly put something oh my it smells so bad oh my god I'm gonna bleeps waiting on my car okay I have a towel down guys so I'm gonna it's smells so bad I don't know if I can do this okay I can't do much more of this this is really gross this is really really gross I mean do you see what's happening here I mean like I don't want to die and I want burn my house down and this is actually really scary to do well not even me being a dramatic like this is honestly just scary and I don't want to set my alarms off my house I don't want to burn everything to the ground and for the sake of YouTube video so that is that clearly it looks disgusting oh it feels so bad it feels so crusty okay yeah we're gonna weirdo fire for today so last test let me just blow dry both sides the exact same way all I did was just run the blow-dryer over this and very lightly use a flat brush to blow-dry that way I get very natural dry and not manipulated too much with a round brush just to really test out what that fire did for her hair let me quickly push either side the exact the exact same way and let's test out what's the deal here alright alright so there we have it both sides are blow-dried I go down them in the exact same way I did not put any product in our hair besides the conditioner everything's exactly the same except this I would use fire to cut so let's do it up close inspection both of us both to the same time up again this side was the regular side and this side is the fire side so good there so that is that let's see based on feel I don't throw anything different at all okay something on the ends though I don't know it was probably because of that last thing I did the head feels for ride to death I'm not really judging that because I want to go I want to really judge I'm like the kind of split-entry went the other salon was doing because that's what I'm more interested because clearly guys please just don't literally chop your hair with fire maybe just split anything let's let's let's really go in here and look closer I I don't know if I really see a huge difference but I'm like looking at the surface don't see really any difference I am also not professional at fire haircutting so possible that I didn't do completely correct and the other people did but basically the same amount of split ends and flyways other side but you be the judge that is the close-up you guys saw it so that's a good thing I mean at least it wasn't exactly bad for the hair but I don't think it particularly did anything especially Oh firefighter brothers here I don't know why this hat is crooked but I came to the conclusion that first of all I don't know I never took a class on on fire haircutting but I don't believe there is real experts in it I don't know if you happen to be a fan of fire haircutting that is cool I don't think it does any harm if it's done the way it was done in the first video the second video I think terrible idea I'm gonna be honest my recommendation would be to not do fire haircuts just because I see no benefit and I only see a potential hazard potential risk doing that but that's your thing go for it I don't wanna say anything rude about it because clearly some people really like it and that's awesome and we're all entitled to our opinion so fire haircuts gonna be no for me so case closed on that one and will not be doing any more fire haircuts than anybody especially real human beings but interesting concepts and I'm glad I gave it a try today always try new things you know that's what life's about so don't forget to enter my giveaway or if you guys would like to win one well like tomorrow fall brahmano NYC on instagram and twitter and thank you guys so much for watching today don't forget to live your extra life and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 2,853,219
Rating: 4.9287858 out of 5
Keywords: I GAVE FIRE HAIRCUTTING A TRY (does it really work?), bradmondo, bradmondonyc, fire haircut, Women Try Fire Haircuts, fire haircut gone wrong, fire haircut fail, fire haircut dhanmondi, barber, haircut, hair, style, buzzfeed, funny, hairdresser reacts, professional trys, professional reacts, fire cutting hair bangladesh, haircut with fire, cutting hair with fire, women try, we try, hair on fire, cutting hair, how to, bad haircut, hair cut, hair style
Id: -c_MQs0QnEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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