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what is the beautiful will you love beautiful you are beautiful I love you beautiful beautiful beautiful hey you look stunning today in always I love you thanks for coming today let's do this thing I'm so excited for today's video because you know what um I saw a thumbnail on YouTube and it was recommended for me it was a guy it looks like he was getting a weave and then I read the title and I said like the guys getting a weave and it's a man weave and I was like ah I want to watch it and then I was like ah I should play save that for a hair just react no this is the time I get to watch the video with you so we're gonna do it we're gonna watch some man we get done and if you know what man weaves are you're in for a treat girl you'll see what they are means a weave for a dude you know you get it ok wait having a different outfit hold on I seem to say I have a cute little pride announcement but first today's video is sponsored by CP and this has to be pride just wait just wait you all know C geek I've worked with them before it's an awesome app that helps you buy tickets in easiest way possible and not only is it an amazing app it's also an amazing company as you all know I am gay as hell so I am so excited to be marching with seeking this year at in Europe it is the 50th anniversary since the onset of the u.s. LGBTQ I a good movement so exciting honestly so amazing it's a really great time to be gay it's going to be a huge event and seeking is flying out employees from around the country to March with me and of course if you're gonna be there please come by and say hello finally take pictures I love you guys so much and can't wait to meet you all but that's not all during Pride Month you can use the code pride PR IDE for $10 off any order now your first order know any order yes any order so please check seek it out and I will be at the parade on June 30th and I hope to see you guys there too okay that's all so let's watch some dudes get some weeds let's do it [Music] wish I could say this was me putting on an act for the camera but honestly just actually I am in person so the moment has come from me or I get to watch men get weaves and listen you know it's me I start balding at any point I'm not yet so if I start balding at any point I am going to have so many leaves I'm gonna be weaving for days just weaving in and out in and out our first video is by a channel called all deaf I don't know if that means they're deaf that's cool I don't know this guy looks like he's about to talk so this is called getting a man weave for the first time Frick yeah man let's do it skills Hudson oh yes skills Hudson [Music] listen skills it's not about the hair it's about the confidence the personality and you have it skills you have it but I will say haribol adds that you know I mean it's pretty good to have hair I mean it's pretty good [Applause] right because straight men cannot handle being emasculated at all in any way shape or form we have to call a man we can't call the weave it's called a man weave good cow y'all straights out there calm down okay it's gonna be okay if we a weave all right we be friends skills can we be friends what kind of hair is this is this Egyptian Brazilian Guatemalan Chinese American who we doing what are we doing what country he's like nah and it's just let's talk real quick he's shaving a horseshoe shape at the top of his head in order to place the unit on his scalp so he has to clean all that area up shave it get it prepped and ready and then he can glue onto the unit that you will see probably in a second I'm so distracted by skills here I don't even know what's going on with the hair at this point okay keep watching the only similarity is the fact that we're using the same process is putting it in with the whole using track care process really I mean man wins and I can assure families men getting weaves and women getting greens actually two completely different things the only similar is that you're adding hair to the head but this one you're gluing a toupee on to their heads heads head and then the other one you're adding tracks to existing hair so completely different things but also by the way we're gonna go through a lot of different videos of different kinds of memories this is just one it'll get juicier and juicier like there's some really interesting things people are doing so get ready looking good guys pull that in her he actually looks much younger the pretty groom after a client these clients are just crazy I can't I'm gonna go crazy this is this is that said listen he looks good I'm gonna say the hair looks a little too thick maybe like it looks so cool a little too much but I guess I just saw him about Harris and now it's so much Harry I want his personality okay that ended more thinking about skills rather than we moving on to more educational videos okay so this one is by hare for all and it's how to apply attach a non-surgical replacement system for men okay so we're starting off with a very bald spot a cute guy I want to know how much cure this is really gonna make him I can't wait Wow that's a lot of hair I am wait wait if I go ball that means I can change my hair color like every day like I already do but like without damage wait what if I just shaved like this part of my head and just wore weaves would that be crazy is that weird I could have long hair one day sure hair another blue hair pink hair green hair any hair I want and I could just take it off and replace it with another one the next day what have I been what have I been doing all this time oh my god I'm having a total moment right now okay let's no gonna looks on him and then I'll make my decision okay so they're adding a lot of hair to his head I'm excited for it oh wow that's a beautiful color too I have a feeling he's gonna look so much younger and handsomer with all this hair on his head you all look so young like I feel like he just like needed a little bit of hair to like really spruce him up a little bit you know okay so now she is laying that front hairline and it is looking so real what the frig oh my god yes and it is it is looking so fresh and oh my god that looks like his actual hair this is so crazy what oh my god into this line of work I really genuinely do I would love this Oh what my god that is so crazy it looks like it's actually coming out of its scalp and they didn't put it too far forward so it looks like too like heavy like she did a really nice job to make it look natural still like he's losing a little bit of hair like not a lot look at that hairline bro anybody out there who wears wigs can appreciate this lace front it is snatched and if you look so good I mean I wish they would shake it up a little bit and like move it around a little to watch for me but like it looks fire oh yes Daddy thank you listen it's honey it looks thank you so much for that that was great all right okay our next video is a little bit different it is by Adrienne the barber and his man weave dreadlocks tutorial I saw the thumbnail and I think this gets very wild and I'm excited for it it's gonna be so fun literally adding dreadlocks we've got head I mean clearly but I never know okay I don't know I don't know okay he has her I find these nice completely bald so again we're shaving that a horseshoe section out to the top of his head they got rid of that they shake it down this is gonna be juicy I can't I can feel it in my veins so we're adding the glue this person so satisfying to watch I love when they take a little Prussian ago I love painting little spies like Oh got you with this what is this whoa this is so weird so he's like making a bald cap kind of situation I'm guessing to protect his scalp okay so apparently they weren't staying as well before without having underlying paper moment underneath and so now he's adding this because it stays better when they sweats well it looks beautiful he's so talented absorbs the sweat so the glue doesn't move wow this is so creative these barbers are so talented like when you're a good barber you're a good barber like really good like they really cared just feel like he should be careful because seems like this is a lot of time and I charge clients based on time typically and this seems like it's been save a lot of time so I would I mean charge more than just putting a little too tape toupee on that's just me now he's adding the hair to this hairline and it is looking hectic this is so cool oh my no this guy's gonna have a full-on weave and I am jealous Wow looks like it'd be really uncomfortable but worth it I mean if you want to look a high beauty's payment it's really it's true it's all I can think of it as disguise if this guy's had sweating at all it is just gonna be like not be able to go anywhere and it's gonna be very uncomfortable but I don't know it looks like that's plastic that like non-breathable plastic so seems like it'd be very uncomfortable but who cares like toupees though our majors that they're breathable and you can wear them for a long period of time without getting uncomfortable and this out is why people pay more for that toupee but if you can put up with this helmet on your head then that's awesome wow that is so cool it looks so legit oh dude white young tripping he has a full unweave on that head and it looks so good oh my god and now he goes in and details it never look this real on me but like that is so cool you can literally go in there and and trim it like a blush that is nuts you see what he's doing here this is artistry I would have never known this guy had a weave oh I'm so impressed magical hands this barber house you're kidding he's spray-painting the thing I hope this guy's getting married today holy crap he looks hot keep high just sat in that chair for so many hours and this barber I'm like honestly could get a fake round of applause like wooden artist what a magician what an amazing amazing artist I am so being impressed this is probably the coolest thing I've ever seen doing a hair just reacts even like thee the way he pulled it up in a bun or like in the ponytail he looks just so beautiful okay you know I'm so much doubt let's leave it up but wow I want to see the guy's reaction to it he looks pissed okay so I don't think we'll ever be able to top of that video but let's move on to the next one the next and final video which is another different kind of weave and this one I looks like it's gonna be really interesting too so let's watch it this is so exciting okay let's do it this video is by Adrian the barber and it's a man weave brush wave unit tutorial and this is actually the same the same barber as last time so I am ready to be shocked again oh I love Adrian the barber he is very cool Adrian if you see this let's do a video together I want to learn your skills I can definitely cut with clippers but I never did a barber in class so I would love to learn it's all about learning baby all about learning so we're drawing out the line of where the union is gonna go pro huge laying that glue he's laying in it attention to detail is beautiful obviously it's Adrian the barber okay so now that here's the cool stuff so he is legit laying down wavy locks on his scalp so interesting I wouldn't have never been like let's do this I don't even know how you get it off yeah how do you get that off you'd like scrape their head with and I don't know who cares he is making sure every hair is laid down perfectly the squiggles match what oh wow the patience that this takes is remarkable and all his clients look like they hate him I'm sure that's not true but they look like they're mad oh my god is this not the most satisfying thing you'd ever see whoa you know little weird but I'm sure Adrian is gonna pull through I trust him at this point he's going to pull through something cool is gonna happen I can feel it coming does he shave the top oh my god oh I'm not ready for this yes oh this is so cool I don't want to do it you guys know how much of a study hand used to have to do this and not make any divots in the hair oh he really trusts himself I would not trust me to do that like have the most steady hand to make those perfect lines and make that top of the hair level oh that is so hard those Clippers look really nice I want them how do you know how far to go down like when you notice stop I would just keep going I'd like hit their scalp Wow so he brings it all the way down to like there's a centimeter of hair left and this guy has these beautiful waves wild wild wild but you can do with hair hair is one of the most beautiful art forms there is I mean you can really do so many things if you were creative and you have the tools to do it I mean look at that look at that I don't think he even needed spray painting Adrian it looks good don't make it too perfect then it looks fake no don't spray painted it look good my brother Erik always says typical hairdresser always overdoing it actually my dad started that but listen it looked good it looked good she'll show oh wow he looks so much younger and healthier oh whoa the talent I just in all those videos was incredible I'm so inspired to go and do man we've anybody with a bald head around here watch out because I'm coming for your bald head I want to help you I want to do it now also I really want a man weed now so if you see me next time with a weave this is why and lastly make sure you give this video a like if you enjoy it and follow me on Instagram and Twitter a pyramidal NYC NX moto hair if you want hair content and that is freaking all man thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life I will see next time [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 1,309,071
Rating: 4.9292045 out of 5
Keywords: HAIRDRESSER REACTS TO MAN WEAVES, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresser reacts, how to, hair stylist, diy hair, fall off, at home, hair dresser, hair fail, brad mondo, jenna marbles, man weaves, men getting extensions, mens hair replacement, mens haircut, mens hair replacement units, gone wrong, video react, professional reacts, balding, mens balding, rogaine, rogaine before and after, americas next top model, mens balding treatment, mens balding wig
Id: PUQ0uGgD-qU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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