Breaking into the most SECURE Faction Vault on my Minecraft Server!

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alright guys so today we are raiding and this is the biggest gamble in raid wise that we've done in a very long time because we are attempting to bust into a very secure vault and what I mean by that it has so many obsidian walls before you get into it usually it's just a base wall and you're in but this one has like extra wolves inside their base if that makes sense you're gonna see in a second but the reason why this is such a gamble is because usually when were raining we always go for spawner like that are placed down because you know what you know what you're getting you know I mean you you don't know what's inside chests but the place that were busted into right now it's just a vault with no spawner so there's no spoilers place down there might be spawns in the chests if we're lucky but we're busting inside this vault because it just looks so good it looks incredibly freakin rich weather guys welcome today's episode of faxes if you enjoy this go down below hit that like button we greatly appreciate so we don't need to stack that much stand anymore because we've done most of the canning already we're late on the final warzone we're going through like the base walls like the vault walls basically I'm just freaking excited like I hope this vault is absolutely loaded the faction that we are raiding and is worth eleven million dollars nine million dollars dozen spawner so like look and in the day like value eyes just like they have most value is foreigners but some of them could be in the chests if we're lucky there are some spawn has down below in a different section of the base but we haven't aim for that if we are lucky the cannon might like kind of hammer down into it but I I very much doubt it but I guess we'll see but just fingers crossed spray down in the comments I want to hear your prayers to the holy nugget Lord that there's some value in this box and it's not a complete waste of time because it's very secure right rave dog are you ready to Judas I'm as ready as spaghetti my good sir lovely stuff I don't think spaghetti be very ready because it'd be very like wow okay the spaghetti I have cooked I've cooked it raw and I've liked out be right back we're logging great Stein I blame you alright yeah I it worked how much do I need to stack like elv out of the whole stack can you hold it can you do me a favor that you stick on a sub bust stick it on ya please just out a cure for cake or like half okay twenty like it's not even much at all like yeah alright funny cakes I'm on it I have a feeling to slap us to break the Obsidian below yeah we'll have to stack more and then we get into more part of the vase though okay I gave you but I'm potentially like I just give her a shot like we should have to stack that much it's not a big void of a base all right you ready yeah I'm ready I should really have an invisible Omar my one we're off yeah you really should all right shots fired yeah we go and yes that's a G Boston to another section the base and all Faraci in anyway I lay down a bit okay yeah fire again okay just stuck in we're literally like two walls off now I believe and the right side the balls wow that's what makes you want to raid this this literally makes what a raid like why would you have this many walls if you're not trying to hide something good inside it you know but we could be we could be about to get jebaited we could be about to get you made this job a 2090 yeah we did busting down here see but we didn't actually Boston doesn't think so sorry yeah but we can it's just bait yeah this faced up against world border net so we just fire the world board to keep slab Boston down can we yeah we're probably good wait if we could that would be actually sick dude if we can do that we can raid this entire base I didn't even think about that oh my god is that possible yeah cuz it's like yeah it should be possible Ryan why have you gone silent what what what what did you just do I fired what did you do TVs me was I not meant to fight I thought the fire no like you fired like you did fine like you did nothing wrong but like what come look at this what what just happened what did not just was that that wasn't me was it yeah what I I don't know okay well it didn't bust it though hang on let me fire her as a fireball the same yeah yeah did you give me run out red sand no he's got loads all right okay just go fire again I guess right I guess I'll just shoot the camera that was really weird I don't think it looks like he's after like half the bass burst nice just it's just obviously came down here it's just went through a week now are we dipping maybe we wouldn't if it's not haha that is really confusing I think doesn't make it go sideways yeah I don't know that was that's really weird okay anyway it doesn't matter we'll just see all shout will blame on your shot yeah it's just it's just an orc shot hey I know none the run line so it's not like they're patching walls or something they made it awkward for us or something so we all just fine I'll take off the sled bus just for this just so yeah weird uses that bus at the end when we know we can split down the whole entire base yeah we've got low to teens he left all right grant okay break it just maybe just a weird shot maybe it was the slab bust it could have been a side bust it's like what what's going here and blowing up but I don't see it doing anything like it just came in and went boom boom boom and I just did it fire up okay right we need to fireball this all down raid shop where's fireball all down and right again okay that's really weird like why all of a sudden would it be working and then it just kind of stops working but like I heard something go boom boom boom like like is it like glitching down here something oh whoa whoa oh my god what is going on it's like lookin aces like nuked all the way down this walls that we reach bonus we've let you just like reporters what how is that possible what even when I did it well it doesn't matter if it's the right fares but we're getting side that bulb well we got some spoilers out of it I'll PV those bad boys and what's in here there's we were like I will download this it's basically as a spawner up here like there's a what's a freakin and squid which I'll grab but like why is the cat it like reversing down this makes no sense I'm so confused right now how it like this is even possible we've been coming down yeah like I said I owed you I heard TNT like going off and I was like where is that TNT going off it's been going down the whole time should we just raid this quickly and then see what happens feeling we're clipping yeah we got your all the over walls probably fine what we keep it on its lower okay well okay let's worry about out a second let's just raid while we're down here so they if they come online it's not a complete fail why can't I open these can you open this where are you sir down here in the way once at the bottom ok this corner this is where I bet they have their skeletons up here zombies they're not yeah they're not they're not there so don't worry about it but like there's an I think there's an overbooked below so if you fire again if I fire again logically we should keep going downwards yeah and now obviously I think there's an obsidian floor below us yes we can't actually like say it properly well I'm taking anything useful out these show fire again then yeah oh no wait hang on hang on works wait before you fire you want a fireball like that flows like any case it decides to split that wall now but like I could hear it ideas like what too bad it wasn't there because if we broke into that wall like these are Falls here like that has died think that one has a spawner and like actually place down there I think it's only a pig spawner but still it would have been a spawner never smaller you know I'll be good the cabin yeah it's it wants that it's hitting here ok so yeah it's hitting like I mean you're lower by one Oh Raven good job yay fixed it and it's still the new king as well so that's good oh gee freakin G ok so I think we have one more this is this is the last wall I believe I just want to check something did you manage to nuke in like this like but I put this next shot could actually yeah it will it definitely will because look it's off this wall yeah it definitely will so we can get some spots on them yeah because if I put on it will go down into the wall definitely how much TNT do we have left because we're gonna fill again I think is reshot if the data wants to do this it's definitely worth it while we're getting to this wait oh yeah it will because you're gonna hit here so it means it's gonna go down onto that one block yeah so let's do this alright I fired alrighty dokie we should hopefully be in as long as nothing messes up I don't want to feel more TNT just yet if I oh oh ki dokie I don't know what the Freak that just did but that did not work did it doesn't need to be long at all we're deeper when you go lower one more again lower again one more look see what's doing it's like slowly dipping and we just get out a range of like the cannons like if might be okay well can you lower the cannon again um I think so hopefully oh my god seriously there better be something inside this range you know I'm talking about alright so if this doesn't work like what do we do now and like we cry we cuz I'm not sure how it's gonna work well we can't go anymore well we can't go any lower is it because the cannons did but no is that why or is it just cause it's obscene I think it's not sure yes yeah yeah we're good yeah we're in we're all like sweet okay right we're just about in can I just say that okay great and no but like you'll see what I mean oh and but like it's in so that's all it matters so it must be like there must be deranged which I'm kind of shocked by because the amount of power that thing has right let's first things first check these chests and right so we've got so anyway this is the vault that we wanted to break but this is a result that we're trying to break into now question was was it worth it at least we bossed into a novice on the base without like no one's over is terrible Wow okay play your heads but anymore foot nope both worthless anything anything anything at all anything I'll take anything at this point well we've got actually like proper chests that are blocked off which we should be able to seg Moorhead's they must be the people living the base because that's the second head those same same head does pop back up again with this fuse to like Susan often here okay I've checked those okay so all right well there is something promising right we could have potentially lots and lots and lots of TNT I don't know we'll have to see for them we've got some stuff over here where'd you want to start start with the stuff it's not here start with team team I guess that'd be great to get some TNT back you know I mean after pump in a decent amount into the raid okay I'm going to do Rach up grab a flint steel and I should have some just normal sex don't waste any good sex and oh I've got full cooper exist okay I've got 22 okay if you want to put them back you're in a goalless right this one's not marked marked ones what's this is these two are Levi's probably a press in the fashion so these could be private vaults which could be anything okay failed lovely oops sweet yes mom TT let's go we got it have you got it do we get both I just oh and getting over chest as well and bright home base legs alright orcs that's TC so that wasn't labeled with TNT though was it so no I just said these Levi's okay right so this guy likes it store up the old TNT right I'm so TNT trick if we crates into UT for this but what I want to see because it's more satisfying thing is I want to see and I keep like now every time I do suspect I want to see basically like a chest blow up like supporters insider yeah that would be everything whoa that would be my dream okay and so we can get oh we can get these up here as well but I'm gonna yeah just I'm gonna start back II I want to have like a I want to make sure that mandatory is clear all right I'll wait for you before we before we last thing we want is everything clearing right here we go you ready yeah I see you place in thank you yeah any one of them saw a lot min yes right here we go come on come on come on anything no nothing unless you want this fine here we go how do you most the best way to do this you have to do it against the corner middle of a block we go here we go all right oh no wait can we I'm this us back don't suspect I will suss back and then you can you know and I'll see if I can grab it because they free slash back to get rid of clear walnut yeah well hey both yes how come it didn't blast chest last night perfect such back okay I'm happy about this we're games on TNT obviously I want more but like look you could be a lot worse can I even grab that I'm actually oh no I was gonna say maybe I can take the block and get in but I can't work no that's not gonna work on Chuck one in is it to you by to space oh sweet lovely stuff alright least it's not going to waste so that's two inventories and that's keeping me yeah I'm gonna go store okay it's literally a whole inventory right lovely stuff right so that's two inventories to Dobbs I've got so far we got more we got another chest up here which isn't labeled at all and this chest wasn't so actually it couldn't be good sir and can you give me Yas okay here we go here we go nothing did you get it um I think I got some golden apples from it cuz I stack it golden apples well that's not bad that's something right come on you gonna bristle Morty right oh there we go you get it yeah most of it ice let me put let me pee see somebody is there we go okay I'm just gonna TP back out UTP fractions Raven so that's 14 D so far I mean my prisoner secure ho everybody I can bust my way out right now No why can't I like should it oh yeah cause creepers like smoke no nothing right and up above above okay he's up above ones worth it like I feel like they're not story might be more have you got any problem Oh No well that was empty the back chest was oh right oh no empty all right I'll check my last second this well I've already done this one yeah this one has obsidian alright I got yo I got to UT as well I got T what do we do a chest pop all this in here for now I'm going in wait what happens it's at home s in case we can't get back I can't game oh wait wait wait no no you said your home outside didn't you oh yeah yeah I did you good okay anyway because there's a Chester TV here fractions Raven here I'm just gonna go stall this TT in T back in the box that's what right now for yeah there's a that's five no three four five because you'd like we just pop both at the same time oh yeah we got five Dobbs is not bad and it's not like changing India either right there's a chest here that's blocked right but I don't think we can get it I think I don't take it Engel book it's like covered in obsidian oh no wait I really don't think so oh here try that Koko's are tied by Ebola no I think I've gunpowder from that I think I killed the creeper oh oh yes right in the back it's a chest oh we need to beautiful okay no we don't you can open it oh we just open it yeah well that makes more sense right I'm going back to the Miss story okay so that's six dogs the team at Gino's yeah eight is it it's five and a half because we didn't get the full - are we yep if there is a full dump insider oh my god that's a law of constant ETA you partly in for it am I gonna go yeah I'm going oh my god yeah it's silent TNT charge TNT yeah it's all that some interesting trench there's some trends in Kane TV but doesn't matter TP home I session oh yeah you know I'm good I'm a mummy okay I can't I have so much custom TT on me I can't grab it why music and you can sing in that bit well like I can't grab because I delish you have a full M drink oh well I'll get in there go for it it's off yeah doesn't blow up something you have to pile in that's weird eventually forced the pardon okay hang on I'll see y'all group do I have any room IHS no I don't and okay once I throw this I'll throw it the Flint steel is gone that's all you really grabbed scene 4 stacks on the floor day so it's not the worst Noel alright we obviously might as well just leave it believe that last little well if I go back and it's still there then fair enough I'll grab it I mean - you were - pardon after me no I think one bunch s I slash back I went into every box I think there's one more chest okay hang on I'm taking this back to home okay take it back I'll wait and then we'll pop this anywhere just have like literally a fully maternity of 17d oh yeah right so we've got all this stuff from there that was just basically this side was just filled with TNT so like what we've got about seven Dobbs if this could be the eighth don't really want that right what we go over here this is interest okay this looks like it's all private chess yes take what you need but ask first hashtag we don't ask it anyway I don't care about all right popping this one open I've got two SEC's left okay uh I'll pop in videos cuz he seems like oh okay oh that's pretty fancy don't know if we really need these films cuz like yeah I'm just gonna try them out Oh Mindy Oh had a little bit of pee too okay yeah was not very good just blow this up oh no I went for the one above okay right I'm gonna go for this one and then good no nothing I've wasted my last creeper yeah okay that's not right yeah why is it all so secure we've only big time I missed my last creeper it's fine already joke yeah got some more money as well alright you spend that cuz I spend most of my on TNT right okay no but like why is this Balto's it you're where the spotters at man no nothing no and pots no okay this one appears what appear above all right come on one who's a leader I wonder Matt runs a tight ship nothing if the other vaults down below if we manage to get him they're richer than this I don't really see how this is possible why you just bought social security stuff for here unless we get something last chest that we all know anything in there no okay right you still got two more behind me yeah that's it yeah okay okay yeah all right and then we'll go in this one up here's off so we broke into the vault the vault was it was alright it wasn't and what I was talkin abou imc tall it's gonna be loads of prop for spawn is four days just like something that but obviously it wasn't and it's been business but it was still fun to break into but it might be potential to continue this raid because if we can fire up against the world border and in new keep nuking downwards like we were here it means we can bust into this vault here this fall and maybe even just all the way down in the base and nearly raid nearly all the boxes so if we could do that that would be pretty darn good like alright boom let's see what happens even if again just boxes last box I'll be happy out cuz I know all fits were filled up with more TNT uh Gigi you just bust into the box and I see spawns on the floor TP yes let's you Pig stoners Wow Oh welcome yo what what the hell what is that look look look look do we Boston over there I don't know what's going on I'll say I don't - Beatrice Boston can you did we just do that why is there stuff in the floor it's like the briefings broken wait have they came online about it I don't know I'm so confused why is there stuff on the floor inside there like we broke her or something there's a squid mask for hang on did we break it up here did we nuke down up above and like in two different spots well I don't know this cannon is like weird pretty darn words going on so we both sent up well did you check the chest inside there as well but I just saw that oh no I am jacked yeah guys hang on do we like cannon in here or something new downwards or something a few sets a weekly yet literally nothing in here but like how is the stuff boss should we fuss should we fire again we don't have any shots left should we fill up with more shots it won't go further but I don't understand how to stuff inside there there's not enough action online I'm so confused yeah I'm really confused actually I don't know what's going on the shock didn't it didn't reverse down over here and link wait there's a hole where right here is there a hole I don't know Wednesday can I print it come come come here look right well there is yep I see a hole or is it like you just like you know might be still blocked off I don't know can i plop a second it let's find out oh no it's not now will a segfault no okay it's all bead off it's definitely bit off but how did that peak spawn a blow-up well not a pig's bought it but the squid head and stuff yeah I'm so confused I'm almost tempted just to fill up with a few shots that's up to you but wait we're still it's clipping again like evil yeah no we don't mind if it's clipping if it's doing this I mean but we're not going any like further across if you know what I mean just going yeah is that it over him ray done and dusted I think that's it okay right well honestly this has been like you know like they can't really be messing up but the first time it's been messing up in the rut like in a good way I guess like you're like kind of like oh I'm kind of happy was messing up but it's also been doing some really weird things unless that's and I guess I'll have to watch back in my head thing yet unless that sand was actually over there already nay puddin it might have been but if if that sir if that's time for moss our cannon must be mid firing sound like out in different directions because as well I know is this if you go down last thing I'll show you if you go down to the bottom box come here TP a crazy Steve I don't know if this was already here probably was this be real cuz like it's not look at this it was like that from also is that then what that's what st. I don't know but I think that must be from them come on let's people must be from them that's surely surely but anyway this rain is done and dusted was it worth it do we make profit nah we didn't make like we didn't make a lot you made Kali well it was still a very very intro interesting and entertaining kind of rate and Larry lesson well we've taught you something and we thought ourself something because we usually don't and we did it anyway what kind of knew it but yeah don't make sure you go for spoilers that you know we're definitely gonna be there otherwise it's just a big 50/50 game that you don't know if you gonna make money back the dinner I learned there's a guideline that's going on the car line I kind of slogging below oh okay I have no PP stuff on me don't do repeat it's up to you I don't have any PV stuff like literally I have 0 DEP song and also I can scape I'm going off anyway so we can go out the walls at least look like a box yeah he's in the box here we foxes are back the one at the post so maybe into no okay right makes sense now maybe they were online this whole time I can probably fireball you know that's why I tried we need to get over against it block is it because that would be really bad yeah like at least at least get up here yeah oh they were lychee they just came on like maybe 10 minutes ago they could about you upset this raid they could have actually ruined it for us is there anyone up here there's two mono nope no in there did we just get over I guess he's not really gonna come out let's go that's alright let's get back to our cannon so we used all our TNT so you don't have to go drain their link no absolutely all gone at least we used every shot because we're always bad at not using every shot exactly so not too bad anyway let's get out of it and yeah interesting read and I dunno we'll see what happens hey I found some TNT that we can't use awesome alright so in the process of trying to rebar reimburse yourself from that raid that we thought we would make money back from but we didn't we're going to attempt to see if we can open up an extreme charges now I have the treasure chest Raven has the key because he recently opened up his m and evolved January which again do you get one or two keys you get one I have one no it's just one to tune up but you've got one okay I won yeah I know I never get to but he's so it's rare because these keys are in saving right now what chances is a 50% I'm not alive Lee I hope I opened up one of these like I tried to use one of these every day and didn't work go on take it and see if I'm right you ready yep go for it wish me luck don't do one is it just time to walk away yep Gilliam yep see you there goodbye [Music] you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 157,639
Rating: 4.7603765 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft video, minecraft raid, minecraft factions, minecraft funny, saico, server, i accidentally found some broken blocks, no swearing, kid friendly, so today, noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft, minecraft base, minecraft factions raid, minecrafr
Id: YXmHt2t194I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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