finding a SECRET Minecraft Chest after being raided.. what's in it will surprise you!

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oh my god there's actually no waste on this side I'm a mastermind you already know right it is gonna be a fantastic video when there's a raven intro at the beginning if you thought the other video is confusing this one's a little bit more to put this situation bluntly our base raided who did it creepers edge I hate him yes in-game I love him really the clips you're about to see is what happened directly after we got raided I'm not gonna lie to you guys this is one of the craziest videos I've ever done so smash the like button if you haven't already he end will a hundred percent shock you hope you guys have a good day I can't believe what happened so obviously you know what happened in the intro and we're here with the man himself x2 motto xx tomato X how you doin you're right you ok children he said yeah I'm good now you you were the only person online right when good old or good smelly crazy Steve 97 attacked our base is that true you can nod or shake your head if you want a dramatic effect as I can really zoom into it post there we go thank you you were the only person on when crazy Steve 97 attacked now do you know what he's taken just spawn us did he take anything from chess okay what about items like anvils we're talking beds we're talking armor and stuff did he like ransack its everything or did he just like take a little bit of spawner take some ores and that's it armor anvils but yet most of the stuff in a secret chest okay so you're saying we didn't lose much but we lost a lot and you mister I'm pretty sure instead of fighting to the death like a good Dave member you logged off like a little coward what you log off look down at me look down at me I look at you I'm looking at you den the I want you to look at me dead in the eyes no that's your bum I don't say that listen you logged off now I'm not yet I know you're not doing but I'm not one to draw accusations i frightened sent you know but that could be seen as abetting maybe you in crazy so you've planned this you know maybe you two canoodle together is that the right word for it framed am unsure canoodle you could have you collude with this plan to raid us maybe you were crazy Steve 97 all along okay thank you but that's not gonna help did ya concocted a plan that's the one you made up well you and him created the plan to raid us so you log off on doing quotation marks but you can't see it will be in the video of probably but it mate you logs off to give Ryan a nice chance to have a look through see where you want it that's what it's looking like X tomorrow X I'm not gonna lie to you now Dave the Lord that we all worship every Sunday or Saturday 9:00 p.m. GMT we we've asked him some questions right and Dave thinks you're a little bit suspicious after that so we have a mission for you all right I have a mission for you framed has a mission for you yeah I'm making this up as I go we want you to find one crazy sive member and I want you to kill him and you are redeemed you'll still begin the base in everything but you're a little bit on side and you're a little bit off side you know you're off to the left until you kill a smelly edge member right it can be anyone but we need to catch Oh is the catch I like catches catch a catch catch you are not allowed back to the base until you have killed one you know I just I just said he was framed we would need to plan this out beforehand you're allowed in the base you're fine we just need you to kill him but what I need we need the obviously this base isn't it gone so I can leave the Waypoint on because when you guys see this video below to be moved so it doesn't even matter but if you guys are wondering where we were show off for a second tomorrow you have a mission we want his bank note as proof as you can't get heads in this we want his death note is proof that we can get the money and we can we can dance in chair dance moves on fortnight like this and we get all of the money you don't get them yeah join in join it you're doing it on a horse all right tomatoe off you go on your adventure no go go that way I tell you to no tomato that way that way you are going this way that's all we needed to buy my child one day he will return to us Rome one day he returned but mean you have a plan it's Sarah Sarah Jane Sarah Jane I like it but we have a mission okay now I've explained a bit in the intro I'm gonna splaying it a little bit now obviously we got raided obviously now hai kahan it's good because if you're by yourself which Ryan was as we obviously know from tomato it was only Ryan it was inside the base if you have more than a full inventory what are you gonna do with it store it somewhere close by so you can come back and take it from that's what we thought now I've obviously I've big-brained this with you a Z Mikey and they all agree that the stuff Ryan took it's probably more than a whole inventory right it's probably looking back at it and more than a whole inventory so he's gonna have to store it somewhere close so he can put it all in and then go back in and continue raiding so a lot of our stuff we know he sold the ores right that much we know because you can bow crazy Steve 97 if I could spell I can gaana he has a hundred case of a hundred grand he has that we know he sold the oars which means the spoilers and stuff it could still be around here so that's what we're gonna do but first things first like what we're gonna go look at I don't know if you've seen this but I'm gonna show you this because I saw this when I was scouting the base earlier and I think might be a Ryan thing so if you'd like to follow me this wasn't here every time I go back and forth from the base cause I'll see that outpost is that way tree it could be in this direction in this little forest because if he's going to the outpost it's in that direction it could be anywhere that's the beauty of it could literally be anything we're looking for out of play stuff out of place blocks out of place stuff but I saw this r.i.p Betsy the fastest horse in all the land aka the base sniffing dog dog horse dogs dogs can't sniff basis you've ruined his mamoru Betsy in there Betsy but it's not in there yeah but this could be Ryan this could not be Ryan right but unsure but it looks a bit weird because we didn't place this we know how the whole school Betsy Betty's a stupid name for a horse we only call our horses Sarah yeah she was do do you tell them Taylor but now we have the journey of having a lot of this probably going to take a very very long time but if we find our stuff we managed to get our stuff back it's definitely good for us at least because that means that's more because he's gonna come back for that eventually right he'll come back to raid the rest of the base so we could really play this off we find it very well really well so all we have to do is look cuz we can even sell so AZ mentioned she obviously asked about our base and she basically said with our base she was gonna be in the forest or a river or inside one of those mountains so do you want to start back to front because we're gonna have to excavate the entire thing pretty much anything out of shape what's up you have a good shovel okay you start there but anything we're looking for anything out of shape that's not mine every block but stuff that looks a bit odd you know like this - granite up here in the because it could be whereabouts no I didn't notice this let's do anything down here you dig down there I'll go I'll go back into this hill because there's a lot of granite sticking out if we can find an odd block maybe it could be dirt that's not gone over if you put it in a forest if because if no one's runs over it hasn't it done the chunk I'll go in the forest because there's some stone block sticking out and stuff I'm gonna do proper hydro hon I'm checking under every tree I ain't checking under everything because if it is closed we have our stuff back you know raid wasn't completely lost and we do still have a load of stuff from secret chests but it's not everything and you know I save nice job I have nice job I mean this is the longest base this is the base we've had for the longest right we've had this for what like a week maybe it's I mean if you're getting he found it by the highway then I'm not so sure how he did I mean it could be like a variable a load of variables into it I'm mining currently in a little pond I'm just checking under like the first three blocks just to double-check nothing's fishy cuz all we need to do is find it and if we find it raid is over you know he's rate he can't come back and grab the rest of that stuff we'd have it he has no raid we've basically ruined a video but we don't care cuz it's our stuff and it's our video instead it's our video now because if I mean this will probably still be a video even if we don't find it because we'll probably do something cool later on but if we do find it then you're watching this is a video alright you're watching this specific part right now as a video I'm gonna go into the forest and just start going for trees I think it will be in a hill somewhere you know in the side of something because think about it if there's Ross that is grass and not that there's a bit of cobble here friend it could be up here look this in nice and flat area up here but make all this come up come on come up to me it could be up here you just were there's a nice flat area right here and there was a bit of cobble there that wasn't there previously no no okay no don't worry she'll be split because this forest is like massive you know it's a gigantic 4c I know Ryan Ryan probably would not go like very close now this was where are you where are you Raven please tell me you didn't did you actually there's a bit of dirt there that was mined one down I mined it generally oh my god if this is our stuff you have to LIKE the video if this is our stuff if this is us this could be nothing this could be an x-ray trap for hackers it's good but if you think about it one bit of dirt at the top wasn't gross which means if Ryan's placed it he's been out of the chunk obviously Ryan's been offline for a very very long time so one bit of dirt wasn't grass which means it hadn't grown over which means nobody was there in the chunk which means Ryan is probably placed it and left okay get ready because if this is it we're patching it all back up we're patching it all back up ready three two one one go go I'm a mastermind oh I'm a mastermind I am an apple okay we need to clear all of this right we need to clear take everything because what we're gonna do is I'm gonna put I have a I have a good bit we need to take everything because I'm gonna put an element that's what I'm gonna do we are gonna go toxic right we're gonna leave a sign and we're also cuz if you think about it he's gonna log back on tomorrow how is it this easy I was prepared to search for half an hour I was literally sat here ready to go for about half an hour the base is the base is 70 blocks away but I think the thing that gave it away was the the grass not being rendered you know the grass the grass was dirt okay I'm gonna go place this back in the base for now and then what we would do is we will we'll have to move obviously after we've done this little clip because we'll need a brand new base and we're gonna probably be yeah we love the second part of the video listen oh alright I'll place it all in like the clothes oh no we need like two separate I can make some chess actually no I can't I put my wood in there in the top left chest that's how I put it do I have an inventory of smallness like an entire inventory I think we did it I literally think we did why did Ryan not wait for it to grow back over if he made it grow back over we I would never would have checked in that area why is it so quiet you know go 300 blocks away and place it a hundred blocks down why would you do it right at the very surface I mean thank you thank you very much we'll take our stuff back but I've got I've got an idea what so uh like you know how you know he's obviously put the secret chest there right yeah he's got it he's obviously probably gone back to his base after that all gone to the outpost yeah so which way did he run in is there any way we can look I don't think this way we can track I'm not sure I've got rid of everything by the way everything from the chest is now gone which means we now get to place a sign and I also get to place my L I really wanted to do but I mean I weigh feet are you right here okay look we'll do in andesite I ain't gonna make that at you know I'll do one bigger tit what it will make it a five why not look there we go I have no science I can make a crafting table and I can make fine okay okay okay we'll make a sign and we'll put a mess with Dave always win okay will do will do I'll break this top one just so you can actually see it and I'll say thanks for stuff back don't mess with Dave do an angry smiley face as well so he knows how serious we are that's it you know what I mean I'm disappointed in him okay I'll do another one I'll say long gone by now see you soon Dave and Co I didn't either who does Dave there we go there we go so how is it before it was like yeah we're gonna have to you're gonna have to stay in this chunk was it like this no it wasn't because there wasn't one there no no because it was two blocks of there we go right we're gonna have to wait for this to render over so I guess you'll be dead soon so here we are in the brand-new base and hopefully this one isn't actually gonna get raised it's looking back I'm not actually sure how Ryan managed to find it but we have actually moved all the stuffs when you guys are seeing this video this know you can head to the old base but there is actually nothing there but GG - Ryan I think we got very very lucky in finding the stuff that we did I think it's been one of my favorite videos I think I found a style now where I'm very much enjoying recording editing uploading all that cool jazz but guys if you have enjoyed make sure you guys who like and subscribe if you guys in you I'll see you guys tomorrow hopefully with another hi Rohan episode have a good one and I'll see you guys tomorrow
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 37,502
Rating: 4.8530974 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, factions raven, raven, minecraft factions, old school Minecraft, minecraft raiding, I found this rich kids, minecraft, mine craft, factionsraven hide or hunt, minecraft hide or hunt, secret waterfall minecraft base, hide or hunt, hide or hunt episode 1, public hide or hunt, hide or hunt server, secret minecraft base, minecraft base raided, finding a SECRET Minecraft Chest after being raided.. what's in it will surprise you!
Id: HBmKkA2Aq0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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