I Found MASSIVE Treasure At The Very Bottom

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there's more oil than ever before down below me we need to find it and this is a good start I never complained with finding Untold wealth just below my base first thing I'm gonna buy is the idiot proximity meter because I need to know how far away they are so I know how long I can mine for we still got a bit of time and that's good because this drill is really annoyingly slow until we get into this stuff and here's some more iron right away this is a very lucky start and I'm pretty confident we're gonna get pretty uh fabulously Wealthy on this one the idiots are about to show up or should I say idiot but I'm pretty sure we can just spear him right in the face maybe once or twice and well whatever both back on with the starter when he gets here then take that idiot okay we gotta hit him a few times speaking of upgrades more drill strength we need to be able to bust open all the ground energy to see what's around I think it's going to be most efficient to go at this level I don't like the way the top of the map is Rich like that so I never know like I should be going down a layer here especially because of that because of that weird outside of the map it's going to be hard to efficiently mind that but we'll figure that out together you and I so going along with this is now halfway efficient but we're getting back into an organized order because there's more iron already we're getting super super lucky with all of this for now we'll just take some of the purple triangles we'll come back for those things I'm also going to get more carry strength right now before battle then I'm gonna swing my sword in the air as I get ready to fight more idiots why here's one now okay I can see how swinging his sword maybe wasn't the wisest choice of my time but if I swing it from here I'm pretty sure doesn't kill him not entirely I missed that one I can't even time this right got him anyways now we have more carry strength so I can carry more crap to the top so I don't need to waste as much time going back and forth three iron plus the water drop can't go wrong with that that doesn't gonna get me more speed so I can move even quicker so between that and the upgraded drill we're gonna be pretty efficient miners found some more water it'd be nice to find some things that would help me find more resources but we'll see if we ever get to any of those here's some more iron so I'll take that right now we'll probably upgrade our weapon we can carry so much more already it's great I'm gonna take this chunk out of the way just because we're getting away a lot so there's those things I just wanted to get these two water while I was waiting because we're that close anyway I'm gonna increase the flight that this means now when I launched this sword it does more damage and I have more control over where it's going okay so they're dying one hit now should we charge you a little quicker yeah this is going to be much better already because we go like that and we'll wait for that guy so we'll charge up a big old hit and smash them in the brains although I'm not entirely sure they have brains okay since we're still close to the surface I'm just gonna grab these and bring them up and then we're gonna push just a little deeper which means about to here because we're doing this Minecraft style and our love our iron was up at the surface because we're not really finding any down here but since it's really easy mining we're just gonna go down this way there's some iron oh and also uh one of these so if you guys get all accompany me to the surface I would consider this a success I also don't know what the little Walnut thing is I don't really remember I think that's something I'm supposed to leave down below like a seed to grow or something I'm gonna spend one point on seeing the dome's health because that will eventually come in handy so I know how lazy I can be then it's back to killing the idiots wow that really does turn sharply I gotta save some of that for this though I can reflect I think uh or at least I could oh and kill two of them at once great oh yeah so that just brings out roots so I might just offset this just a little bit that way that thing can grow its roots endlessly well you know what maybe I'll just straight up move this go right there that way it's not in my way but it's going to set up its little shop and start Finding Me resources slowly but anything helps over the course of this entire game especially with my what are we at drill strength whatever running out of time a little bit so I'm just going to push you just a little more to see if there's anything else out here we got to go back to the surface pretty quick though starting to get the warning bells that means bad things are happening okay really bad things are happening okay you guys got a few free hits but you're pretty weak anyway so do I care so we're gonna launch this this way please appear got em and got em and didn't get them didn't get them come on oh oh that's really bad I didn't realize it didn't have unlimited energy but now that I think about it it kind of makes sense otherwise it'd be too overpowered anyways back to finding as much iron as I possibly can or anything at all really found some obviously right near my main shaft where it always is which means I can get more carry strength again so I can carry ever more resources to the top in one go which makes us richer and I like being richer decided to move to the left instead Wright was getting a little tense I gotta get back to the surface pretty quick but I'm going to take four of these with me good timing for me we made it in time the Dome still has like 90 95 Health who's first this idiot where is he stopping got him got him got him I do think I need a bigger deflection pad that one did at least catch that one shot but I can't do that too much I'm not sure if I was supposed to leave that route like on top of uh iron I'm starting to think I was supposed to but we'll just give it some time to see what it does I really need a bit of radar it's very hard to know where all the resources are digging blind and that hurts a time oh we found a power though wow I almost dug right past that all right well I want whatever this is because that might be really big so I get the probe the black best mining was fun last time the probe is better because you're pretty rich I'm gonna upgrade the speed of that we'll get rich before we upgrade my stabby boy I also don't really remember how the probe thing works so it's going to take a second to figure out what to do with that oh we're back to the little guys I like these guys because they pop like popcorn we'll go through these guys whoopsie Tipsy get him oh now I'm gonna have to try and kill everything in one shot pretty sure I can we're gonna turn and got him so obviously the probe button is r f f perfect yeah I see how much easier this is gonna be look at all this iron I found just because I had the probe and it doesn't take very long to charge it up top so I think I could probably spin this into something amazing especially because it's also upgradable improves the probe making it generally better I like that that's such a nice upgrade just make it better and that I'm pretty sure it automatically recharged it so when I go pick up this iron I'll use the probe where it was sitting or maybe a little further over here I already forgot what key that was F there's definitely an iron patch over here because that's the only thing that goes in clusters that big and there was even iron outside of that cluster where you're gonna be rich next we're also going to increase the range of the probe then I've spent all my money so we can't upgrade the sword yeah but there's no so much Aaron sitting down there at the probable find us more this will be easy I definitely want this sword to recharge quicker because it's it's too slow right now and enemies definitely aren't getting any weaker I don't know why these guys are not dying in one hit to the stabbing action I think these guys will though maybe that is stronger now oh okay we'll come back for this guy now by the time that recharges hopefully the timings wow they're moving so quick is it because there's blood rain what's that about I don't know if I'll get this guy got him okay now that I'm over here we're gonna use the probe over here to see if there's anything else hiding out there there's one thing here we'll grab not much else except for whatever that one is oh I heard more to the right I didn't see what it was though because it's off screen that's okay as long as I know mostly where the iron is iron is most important so I'll bring that to the surface see if I can recharge my uh doodad I think that's overpowered that goes so quick that it's it's kind of stupid okay since the easiest digging it straight down I'm gonna do something maybe stupid and bring my resources with me there's definitely an iron patch I'm just gonna dig down so I'm level with it wow look at all the iron there and there's some up there the probe is so big now okay the vision is becoming clear now I need a better weapon for now before doing that I'm going to recharge my thing that way I won't forget and I have time to kill anyway I'm going to take slice Improvement that way I can slice things better that's going to make a pretty big difference in itself and eventually this will be able to recharge I think that yeah it's definitely quicker side to side so I can point to different things and swing it a lot quicker particularly helpful for these little guys the popcorns then I might just have to start swinging it for some of these those little guys aren't going to hurt it enough of me to care but it's enough to one shot these now I am going to spear through these if I can just to save a little bit of damage and then black black now I got a uh free Focus my brain because there's a lot of iron down here I gotta grab that one found an iron for me finally a single iron uh I did start digging over roughly away the iron was yeah here it is so this will be straight up and down takes a second to dig but I'm definitely gonna upgrade drill power and carry strength as soon as I can we should have the iron to do so I grabbed this many for now feel free to count them for yourself I myself cannot count that high that rather annoying me was not enough for the next upgrade this one will give me higher carry strength which is what I want right now that way when I greatly go to the bottom I can easily carry the rest up in short order I'm going to put a scan out there just in case I saw something I know there's a few down there because I can hear it to the left and then we're ready for battle again gonna have to focus on the birds first got em got em things are getting a little busier now gonna go for the birds are we're just gonna go over these little guys first uh good enough and Bird's dead back to mining I'm also pretty sure there were some higher resources here it won't be as big of a cluster but they will be a lot shallower and this is really easy digging still so okay well there's definitely some iron here we're gonna send out the scan here to see if there's more around uh that's definitely a cluster to the left I'm gonna dig into that right now I don't need to bring it up just so I know how to find it next time or I might bring this one first because it is further from the main shaft uh I did leave one behind over there but whatever I need this iron I'm just getting really greedy I took a wrong turn because the map is actually really really big I'm just gonna grab a whole bunch of this stuff for now whatever I can carry which is actually a ton of it I didn't think I could carry this much so that I would consider a success uh I'm gonna give myself a wave okay before these enemies start I'm gonna buy long stab two that cost ten but I have a lot of money to spare at this point then this should be more Nimble yeah this is way better it could still use a recharge faster but that's not the end of the world right now I'm gonna see if I can stab a whole bunch of these okay that got a little bit out of hand whatever it will go like this we whack things to get close you it's one more and I'm pretty sure we still have time to go and get most of them and whatever that's fine uh while I'm at it I can use this to repair my Dome then I can do something like this to your dump automatically repairs it takes a lot of damage and I think that heals by itself uh before going down I forgot I need an upgrade I'm going to take more drill string which naturally is going to make it switcher faster there was a little bit of iron over here not a ton uh I was maybe just going to dig a little bit down from here to use the scan over here because we haven't really explored this area and I know there's more iron out here somewhere okay there's definitely a big deposit below me and there's a big deposit to the left I need to make a mark in the hallway that is so I can find it again this is a little bit of hard digging but like their carrying capacity is huge so we can take a whole bunch of this with us and we'll go straight back out towards the center and straight up and we can come back for this fairly easy this map is huge I really should be exploring a little more those like one-off pings uh just for more upgraded stuff like more tools but I'm lazy like that we'll just keep uh carrying up iron only and work with that and while we're waiting for that enemy wave and whatever we might as well just grab this one because then for next time we could have things like more speed that will lie that will do us nicely then is back to murdering okay waves are definitely getting strong I'm going to have to make sure to upgrade my weapon too because uh I cannot survive a ton of this wow okay guys relax you'll all get your turn to die I bought very few waves that are this strong before but I can kill them all in one if I want but it's also time for an upgrade this whole pair repair total 50 of total HP and give me more HP okay whatever the case Dome is repaired it has it that thing already gave me another iron that thing's going quick now but for now I need to use this extra speed straight to the bottom to pick up all this iron and then the other batch of iron it's somewhere up here yeah this will help us get some weapons going this one's hard to dig through a little bit but and there was something else above it I think but I can't really remember that's okay give me all of this we're going to the surface and because of my amazing speed I think I can do it again if not this is a really really bad choice but I know there's a ton of iron sitting here and I know I can get it to the surface fairly quickly because of my super speed give me all of it I got so much carrying capacity I can even take that one this is absurd look how quick I am even with all this so I made it back on time I got enough to oh I don't even need a scan so I'm gonna take even more drill strength so now I have a Max Level drill now I just need to manage my time better in the blood rain okay there's a big guy coming in I'm gonna stab both of them if I can got him once uh this is going to get difficult so come on recharge I need a better weapon badly but I got them dead actually it's not as bad when there's less things to deal with just because I get a little bit less overwhelmed easily because I can kill both of these now got em and gotcha okay Max over drill going straight to the bottom we're gonna mine up everything we can find I'm gonna actually dig over here because I know there's there's got to be Iron somewhere here there's water uh okay I found some iron accidentally anyway so we'll start mining that out where that thing's working yeah there's a big cluster to the right I'm gonna try and get this all at once if I can I do also want to see what's down below this is actually a really big cluster for how shallow this is oh home because it's a mix of things got it that's okay it can mostly all come with me I'm Gonna Knock some of that water down the shaft probably that's okay I know where to find it later I'm also gonna get this one on the way up which is always a struggle to grab dump that off hopefully make it back in time for the next round I took a wrong turn so I'm not actually gonna make this I'm gonna install the longer more Nimble blade at this point I think that's just gonna help me out overall now I got some reach what I would like though is something that recharges quicker I hate waiting for this but if I actually just sort of focus and manage my resources a little better it's really actually strong uh plus is Blake can swim really quick close to us so like with this guy coming up I don't worry about him anymore because I can just go like this he did I do have my power recharge I'm pretty sure I left one single iron over here like an idiot which isn't really a wise use of my resources I'm just gonna go down just a little bit and do a scan somewhere here so we can know what else we're going to be mining that's relatively close uh I did find another Power there's a big deposit of iron here and down to my right that's a colossal one okay so I'm just gonna dig straight back to the main shaft because that's quicker up and down and then we'll figure out how to grab the rest of this okay so all that errands to the surface I'm gonna see if there's something I can upgrade in the meantime but I sort of doubt it I guess I can increase the Dome Shield strength a little bit and I'm gonna make the reflection pad uh on my Dome bigger that way when I can block projectiles I'll actually block them or it's easier to block them I don't have to put as much effort consciously into doing so okay I'm gonna pick up just a little bit of this iron and maybe that power while I'm here it'd be interesting to see what that is actually these are really heavy I don't know if it's because it's a deeper power that it is heavy I'm not actually gonna pick anything up right now I'm just going to take this to the surface and hopefully not die because of it okay just made it back idiots are incoming but we did get all of these the teleporter is nice then it's time to start a fight so he's dead I'm just gonna continue going on here because this thing does have a lot of reach killed almost all of those these guys are gonna be bad uh oh we can one shot though it's now interesting and I can reflect their projectiles too so I guess they're not as bad as they used to be oh I miss clicked that that sucks I think your pad is nice though could you guys Farm now I really need to kill you I don't know if I'll reach that one got him so we can take the portal down and like apparently that's just a straight back and forth so I'm gonna put that down as deep as we can go so that's gonna go like here I guess does that work okay that does in fact bring me to the surface does it work both ways it does I don't know if that carries resources I kind of doubt it wow this is hard digging this is a Max Level drill and it's still this slow but I'll get this stuff to the surface and we'll be good to roll again give me like all of this even having a one-way teleporter is still huge like if I can't bring resources I can still uh blink myself back down and back up again without resources at least if utilized officially that's really huge because I can go down right now and mine a few more or just poke around this is where I need an elevator automatically carrying resources for me but I know there's a big Iron deposit over here we can chase a little bit because I have a teleporter back so that was somewhere yep found it I carry a little of these closer or I guess this would be a good test to see if these come with me which I don't think they do but I'm back at the surface ready to fight uh I don't know what that thing is I want to kill it really bad though get off my Dome get off my Dome get off my Dome get off my Dome what are those get off my Dome they're so damaging to it what are these hello can you die okay I need to watch out for those luckily I have lots of heels on me I can also do this for Six 300 HP repair 50 of total HP done and then we go straight to the bottom back to mining this massive deposit over here uh I'm gonna send another scan here anyway I'm fairly confident there's gonna be more iron up to the right uh it actually gets awkward to carry this much at once I could all get stuck anyway so I don't know if I'm even gonna increase carrying capacity like I've got more iron than I can like work with at this point I think on the way up in this one I'm gonna carve out just a little more space that way the iron can just comfortably get up and that's a lot of iron we let one go right there I'm just gonna teleport straight down I think I screwed up something with my teleporter there I'm not entirely sure what just happened but I got to make it to the surface right now anyway or I'm gonna be in trouble I didn't realize I had 35 iron points I would have been getting more speed and stuff uh there is also somewhere stronger drill I didn't realize about I think it is continued to get stronger anyways we're gonna get Long Bay 2 which is a 20 upgrade oh this is an interesting upgrade I didn't see this before you can upgrade the teleporter so it takes resources back it'll take me down and resources back and that's a really cheap upgrade so I really wish I saw that one earlier look how big my sword is now I could probably reach all the way up to these guys got them these guys are the problems these guys Gotta Die like right away missed them damn okay this thing's way more powerful that destroyed everything these guys aren't really a problem so we'll just deal with the bird got him so on this one I'm pretty much gonna go up here uh I didn't bring my scan this time but I know there's a big heart of resources somewhere here I'm a night for getting my scan because I don't know I might be right on the edge of that huge pile of resources oh aren't they over here yeah okay found them and a power of some kind also so I'm gonna take a load of this back whatever that was definitely gonna leave one behind that's okay we have a surplus and I lost another one I wish it was a more efficient way of carrying these that wasn't so losy okay so these are over the top gonna replenish my scan really quick and upgrade the teleporting so it takes resources back for me uh teleporting yourself takes less time time yes teleporter gains back the ability to teleport you is kind of nice can teleport resources more often I think I want that to start we can afford the rest of those like no problem uh I do have my scan going so I'm gonna try and just let it go here to see if there's more resources somewhere nearby and I'm going to use my ears to find them but we're also going to find out just how strong this is at getting new stuff there's also something down there I want can you go there yep there we go teleporter ate it up okay so we're gonna drop those here and I'm gonna take the teleporter up hello can you what did I do that wrong hello uh oh I would like to go to the surface now I can't remember which button do I press to do this what okay I'm in trouble not entirely sure what happened there but it didn't want to teleport me so I've got to kill things really really quick that wasn't actually that bad I expected a huge stockpile of idiots up here I think we're able to thrack him pretty easily these days okay not bad this sword is so stupidly strong now also I'm not entirely sure what's going on with the teleporter sometimes I grab it sometimes uh like it I don't whatever yeah like it's still I don't does it not take me back did I not buy that power whatever the case that's sitting in a weird spot where like it's really awkward to try and work with but for now I'm gonna dig down a little bit deeper using my super drill and then I'm going to fly to the top again pretty soon I just wanted to use my power somewhere here to hopefully find a colossal iron deposit and way down to the left there's something okay yeah the teleporter doesn't have the ability to take me back I didn't realize I hadn't bought that no we can teleport me back again no more confusion everything will be all right though using my massive stabby sword even though there's two of these years who are made his favorite idiots in the world we're just gonna start swinging away at them I need a bigger sword for sure that wasn't so bad I've got my scan we're going down and we're going this way hopefully you find another colossal iron deposit and then we'll bring it all to my teleporter hopefully and it can take everything back for me now where was this iron deposit exactly above me even better this stuff can all drop down I'll bring a teleporter to it this ground is also getting super hard to deal with considering I have a level 4 drill kind of curious what that stuff is now what are you triangles thanks for being something interesting I appreciate you I guess this stuff all helps there is a power here too I'll probably manually carry that back where my teleporters go and Ham on these okay new power good come with me okay it got caught up in all the resources down there I don't really care you come with me you sit I don't know here yeah you take all those materials up I feel like it's not very quick at taking materials like at all which isn't super great that was kind of a waste to get you all come with me I regret upgrading the teleporter now it's good for moving me around I shouldn't use it for resources though I should only use that for me but things will be okay we're still filthy Filthy Rich with lots of good upgrades so life goes on we're gonna stab these guys I still need this to charge a lot quicker too these enemies are not going to get any weaker as time goes on okay this time we're gonna do this a little more efficiently gonna take a scan bring myself down to the resources I'm gonna do a scan never mind there's iron over here I still need more carrying capacity these iron deposits are getting ridiculous I mean I can't bring the teleporter over to that but then it's going to be awkward to carry this all you go down in there uh okay I did not mean to do it like that whatever it's clunky to use is the point I'm trying to make I wish I just had the elevator to lift everything up for now we'll probably just settle on taking trying to get this whole lot to the top uh we're probably gonna lose a few along the way because well it all jams up yep lost the first one last probably a few more here here need a wider yep there's another one I'm gonna upgrade carry strings one more time I'm gonna go down and see if I can get another load I don't have to be carry a ton I just want some of these and carry strength is so high now I should be able to carry Lots with full strength like these guys and whatever else I forgot along the way we'll take that one we'll take that one might be a second date to the party up top but I also do have a new ability which is stun laser or a lift that's perfect so now I don't have to carry things up manually but I do need to kill especially that guy oh this is getting dangerous there's a lot of idiots he needs a diverse definitely so if he wanted to die that would be fine and then we're trying to sort out what bird needs to die first which is you we'll get these two and then the last one no problem the dome's getting so beat up it looks worse than it is though okay I'll upgrade a little bit we got some triangles to spare okay now that lift can bring up a bunch of stuff for us we can use a teleporter simply for teleporting us baby I'll go to the center go a little deeper uh yeah I see the lift is working really well on these materials can you carry your stuff do your job okay we're down into some easier digging that thing is stalled in the elevator not entirely sure what that's about we're a scan I heard something nothing that's a particular huge use to me but from here I'm just gonna go to the right because we'll scan over here next I want to try and stay close to the left when I can there's got to be some other goodies out here somewhere I wish I had more scanning stuff what what is that oh that's the teleporter thing that's that other power I got okay so I have two teleporters now is any iron out here please iron anything we're so deep there's even a new material down here where am I I'm where I need to do a scan I'm going to move the teleporter over here closer to this that way and come down and scan and hopefully bring a bunch of iron over here okay teleporter sits here now so I can ride it up and down super spear the battles really are mostly just about sort of enemy management like trying to kill them efficiently as they spawn in the order sort of because things like that aren't a problem he's going to be a little bit more of a problem but my Snappy sword's pretty strong by now so like that's hurting him quite a bit I'm sure and if he does get close he's not gonna enjoy what happens he'll get whacked I've stabbed him three times directly in the face he doesn't seem to be giving up okay come on closer then fine we'll deal with this old-fashioned way I stabbed him he gave up and I did thankfully remember to actually recharge my power so I'm going to do a scan somewhere over here where there's obviously going to be a massive iron deposit there's a single item over here there's a single item over there curiously no iron whatsoever it might be deeper would have loved some iron but no we're not allowed to have that uh I did find more of the triangles which are fine like I need those for healing wow that's strong ground so my next fun idea is basically dump all this in the elevator that can hopefully get carried up uh install an additional lifting orb uh the orbs move faster lift boost your speed while moving upwards inside it that's not as important because I'm not really into your can carry more resources oh okay see they ride up on the yep I get it so since we have the teleport I'm gonna go down for now those resources will slowly get lifted out themselves I just want to do a scan myself down here see what's down here and then go back to defend ourselves so scanning iron no iron that's heartbreaking that's such a big area with nothing in it I heard one thing way off to the left which is no bueno oh there goes the nerve taking stuff back for me it's just you and me little tree I did also realize at the beginning there might have been iron hiding up there that I might have missed but I didn't now we're ready for battle again is that a sky thing what are those I've never seen those before oh that's not good what are those I gotta kill those what are they die okay but so like now where do I go I don't know which way to get maybe just straight down this way there's some resources over here so that's a bit of a relief I want more iron I need more upgrades oh I did find whatever this is not sure what this is gonna scan down to the left I think that was iron if I heard that correctly so these guys are gonna get dropped here we're gonna work down to the left okay yep that's got to be our and that's gonna help us out in a big way yep that's a lot of iron and all we gotta do is get it to the lift now and continue exploring a little bit look at all this iron in one single node the nodes are definitely harder to find but when you do they're uh absolute wealth and the best part is I don't have to carry this to the surface myself I have an elevator slave three more iron okay we'll settle for that then that stuff will probably start itself out uh over now take my one Lone Tree Dan is back to defending against all sorts of different things I should upgrade my spare one more time so that can actually kill these things in one hit because that's gonna start to get damaging even the basic enemies are getting so strong now I can't one shot like uh these guys anymore really and if it's one single one I can't deflect back at them and that takes care of them but let's go ahead and upgrade some of our Dome or heal it I should say okay so I'm just gonna come over here and we're gonna do another scan somewhere I don't know here I keep thinking we're at the bottom or near the bottom but that doesn't ever seem to be the case there's nothing out there I don't know where I'm supposed to be going at this point so I'm gonna dig my way just more to the left for now I guess and do a scan somewhere over here hoping there's something over here I actually need digging is so painfully snow slow at this point that I don't know if I want to continue this way without knowing for sure there's something there so there's some pretty good sound nothing except for that one up there what is that okay it's water that's okay all of this stuff is Handy for upgrades and stuff you guys go up I'm gonna teleport back up and recharge my power and we'll go scan and somewhere else what if there's anything straight below me here there's easy digging I kind of wish I knew this was here before this might actually be where I'm supposed to be well there is some of that and we're at the bottom again give me a hint as to where I'm going game okay but down to the left that's where we need to be you guys sort yourselves out uh I'm gonna take uh actually I'm not what I'm gonna do is spend 20 points on stab bomb delivery that sounds fun so I think what I launched just now it gets a bomb on the end yup sure does so that it explodes the first thing it hits so I did that inefficiently but it was fun this one's probably gonna do a lot of damage to me not gonna lie that's not gonna feel very good for the dome but we'll destroy him because of our bomb that bomb's actually Gonna Save Us a lot of effort what is deflect this guy dead probably all right then we're going back down because I think I know where there's some more iron to be had it really sucks that my elevator can't come down this far because it's really awkward to get stuff back up there but hopefully this does take me to where I'm actually supposed to go which yeah okay we found the iron without actually okay give us a scan that's a monstrous iron deposit so I'm probably gonna take like half of this up and get it started in the elevator before mining the rest of this otherwise it's probably really inefficient also because I can't carry it up these stupid corridors anyway they're too narrow oh there's also another one of these here didn't realize I was so close to those typically at this point there's so much of a backlog here that I might just sort of take this all up myself as best I can whatever it doesn't you know the elevator should pick up the rest whatever we'll figure this out I'm just greedy I just want all of this that's that's the only thing I want because we can make it to the top so quick now don't forget that one so yep that's all to the surface uh I definitely got an achievement for that and we got enough time we can do it again well I can grab these at least a little bit more iron whatever is down here which is a lot of iron this stuff I will probably be able to carry to the surface with the amount of time remaining but I can drop it in the elevator and teleport myself back up which will work out just fine for me we'll drop it right a year then it's stabbing time give me something to bomb right away you're not a very fun thing to bomb but I will I need this to recharge quicker okay we're gonna do bomb and stab okay Miss timed out really poorly if you guys all explode sort of okay there's a big boy over there I do need to uh stab for sure so we're going to stab him I miss playing this so badly yeah I need to get rid of him too okay we are going to Ricochet for a sec and then I gotta bomb Big Boy as soon as I can because that's trouble oh this is falling apart quickly got a deflect deflect deflect deflect deflect stab him as much as I can don't worry we can heal if we have to but he's gonna start hurting my thing really badly so we can try and do that I don't know which is more damage okay he's dead so we're under control again I wish the elevator was a little quicker but we can block all these and time it so when he's ready we're ready okay we're gonna repair that a few times and then we're going back to the bottom This is the End thing I do want to do another scan down here to see this anymore iron hanging out this low there definitely doesn't seem to be so we'll dig this most of the way out I accidentally dropped by the teleporter there because I forget I have it looks like the rest of the iron is made its way up that's fine by me I'm gonna go over here I just want to do a scan over here because I'm sure I missed some iron somewhere here I don't have any scan on me so that's fine uh then again I probably didn't miss any iron because there's actually not a lot of real estate there I haven't explored but after bringing that one to the surface and recharging my scan we have 43 iron to spend so we're gonna spend that on electrified blade yes okay we got electrified blade and we got a bomb delivery system so I think we're going to be doing some damage to everything gonna try and deflect uh these as best I can but I do want to hit him with the electric blade is that doing anything are you electrified there's a electrified blade on account for these I feel like that didn't do a lot that was a very easy wave I think I've actually mined most of the iron here I put it up bit some pieces around but like I can't find anymore I've put a few scans out there and nothing so I guess we could uh look into getting this opened up I just need to find this one more piece which is somewhere to the right presumably and I don't really know how to get over there yet oh it's probably actually this one I'm glad it didn't go further with that because I could have gone a long ways looking for that was that was that it is there one more oh right well we're gonna have to survive another wave which shouldn't be hard I'm gonna reflective projectile speed plus 300 that way they die that much quicker and I can move on to the next idiot to kill look at that Electro blade do you like bombs I bet you do and this guy likes Electro blades that's gonna mess him up pretty badly those are still so tough everything's so tough at this point but look at those uh yeah the projectile things actually really handy because I can just go like this uh actually hitting them and then pretty much ignore them because they die uh unless they go into ghost mode and I miss time it but you get the idea we have a pretty strong Dome okay I'm Gonna Come over I'm gonna go to that other side and scan because I'm pretty sure what I'm looking for is way down over there somewhere over here where's the easier to ground this and I really hope there's not a colossal iron deposit here somewhere I kind of hope there is but that would be very disruptive to me where's this extra thing then oh there's a cable for it there does that mean it's further to the right I found the clue there's nothing over here like there's a cable for it I guess we can go further over at some point I'm gonna go up a little bit then down which didn't work I don't know if there's another pocket somewhere this is very confusing is there somewhere like in the area do they line straight up this is oh yeah oh wait I don't know what this is uh uh well whatever there's the thing I was looking for I think this is an egg uh egg just yep do your thing and this finally opened for us so we'll just haul it up to the surface probably along with our egg and our teleporter I guess because why not okay there we go everything's to this surface just in time for the final wave but I don't feel like I need the Ultimate Weapon because like my Dome already is sort of the Ultimate Weapon like it's destroying everything and it's so quick oh I want a bomb delivery oh there's so many things to fight now good bomb delivery for a big boy oh I wish you the bomb on the little guy that's not fair we're gonna deflect some of those big things back wow this really does get chaotic quickly okay I'm gonna bomb big boy that didn't kill him deflect deflect deflect deflect actually having a really big deflect pad will work really well uh I think the weapons got it from here though I win the end [Music] everybody else
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 889,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cBS0T6353d0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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