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all right we're checking out the only game where you can eventually obtain the infinity is well I never thought that I would be getting bludgeoned to death by Donuts but why not starting off with a halfway decent MLG a lot of eating going on here such as the Mackie Pro plus plus and Danny digito back again right next to alcoholism there is a lot here that you can potentially get now there is a shout out but there is also a gray still place you'll notice right there that Grace still plays was very close to touching gray still plays ah the in-between I do appreciate as well there's an area here just called I have questions get in the pocket there we go don't ask me why I just really wanted to do that ah sweet delicious vodka the best way to stay hydrated wow doubled up inside the pocket I don't really think that you're supposed to put two bottles inside the pocket I mean no no one ever told me not to the very very start of penetration so what what happens when you're in between the god of holes and the whole of regret but the god of regret actually feels a lot like what I am let's go backwards a little bit haven't done anything back here yet Chuck Norris is hanging out back here wow I don't even know what to call that not quite a backing it's like over the back all right so now we're fully inside of the hole of regrets this is weird I feel like I'm not really supposed to be here I'm not quite in The Matrix and I'm not quite God I'm just disappointing masochism but just for a moment well this is random I managed to end up even more behind myself the average eat in a sea of other Yeats lies the original average eat are you not impressed wow all right I think I know what I want to go for we've done GSP and we've done things like shout outs but very rarely is there something called save replay so I think we're gonna get the replay and we're gonna save it get in there actually I don't even know how you're supposed to get to the oh okay oh what's down here well I found out what was down there and ain't nothing good so somehow you have to Arc this bottle literally above the screen and then touch this thing and somehow get it in a save replay maybe this was a terrible idea how do I keep doing this I said we're going for safe replay I'm getting my replay get in there super back gate oh oh I got kind of so close my bottle just came back to me like a boomerang ah I've stacked alcohol on the hall [Music] you got it saved this is called store run you have to make a store run that's what you get all right I'll be back when I'm done I left some sausages on the ground here for you you can eat you can you can go ahead and cook those up all right store run this looks nice lovely trees over here beware broken bridge ahead okay oh well that worked out surprisingly well I what is over here what was that are these are the people trying to fix the bridge hey hi what are you wearing on your head we're in the top half of a leopard on your head it looks like the skull of a leopard they could also just have orange hair with highlights I'm not 100 sure anyway down the bridge here no big deal pass all of the high def trees Dover Mart one mile ahead yeah hold on why why why does this smart have Violet security welcome to Dover Mart meow that's it's adorable I already got you know 75 crossbow balls in the spine ah a nice supply of watermelon lovely don't forget the food all right well all of it missed the basket so stop shooting me [Music] oh you know the watermelon did in fact protect me from a few of the cosmo balls this is why I've gotten along with watermelons for so long and yetis perfect hey well I guess I don't really have to pay because the person that I was going to pay collapsed randomly all right let's push our way through here what is that whoa everything's ah oh wait hold on everything's fine we did it this is called rope swing Yas I I don't that's that's the context so oh oh wow oh wow oh I totally managed to survive that oh my God it is like a it is like a I don't know what to say it's almost like a uh like a rope swing but done on loose leaf paper so it just [Music] made it it's called Spike fall it says it's a stereotypical Spike fall oh really might there be something oh what hi Grace still plays all right hold on it said and I quote there is a a secret ending over here secret ending you thought okay so it's a lie alright so I guess we're doing this for real you got it oh this is a much much farther Spike throw than I originally anticipated I'm horrible that's true oh ninja all right so maybe right about here oh that looks good oh it's less good is that the hot Beyond incomprehensible all right you have done a little bit more than just a stereotypical Spike fall oh over not gonna lie your Speckles not exactly easy yeah this is called hard Harpoon run looks like you have a rearward exit so obviously I have to go back here and see if there's anything chilling out there is not so how hard your Harpoon run okay well it's not really that bad whoa except for all the heat seeking harpoons that come out got it are you ready for ah okay extreme cliff diving grab what oh you're supposed to go through the thumbnail hole and grab the Vine I guess ouch I guess I'll just slide down this Mountainside what's the worst that can happen oh oh it just oh wow okay oh yep I'm all right guess we gotta go through the thumbnail hole oh my spine okay this is a little harder than you think how are you supposed to survive this oh hold on ass unbelievably difficult oh it's right there beautiful jump why are these Cliffs so violent okay wait for it wait for it wait for it come back oh that looks good now my arms cliff diving is awful oh my God how did I survive that oh oh oh oh let this happen ah I guess I understand why it's extreme now oh oh I had it I was thumbnail hole is ridiculous you know that oh oh my God you eat it I hope that oh okay it is oh thank God you put Minds on this entire board didn't you this is called Pogo fight physics it's a pogo fight with physics I don't know what that means do we not normally have physics is it a big deal what happens if I walk over here do I get kicked by this kid oh oh all of the objects fall apart okay that doesn't seem that bad sorry little Tom I'm just helping you get a strong spinal column and Boop there we go no big deal dual wielding ketchup I see very good see he's resting he's fine and then the my myself basically it's just my twin with a lesser quality pogo stick this way to finish are you lying or are you telling me the truth I am Pogo Grand Master you cannot defeat me well that was a lie also does anyone else notice that the hobo is flutter kicking over here do you see this this is very disconcerting all right well let's see if there really is a finish here oh yeah oh [Applause] Master guy called rope swing gapper what kind of a gap were you talking about oh my God yeah GG is right uh I'm gonna check some things real quick first off is there a way to cheat this you know okay well guess we're doing it I think you're I think you underestimate how many times I'm prepared to rest my groin on these katanas oh these katanas and I are gonna be great friends I love the swordsmanship I'm not gonna lie you you left me a very very small thumbnail hole you couldn't have made it slightly larger uh we're fine we're fine we're gonna do this We're not gonna do this just kidding we're totally gonna do this oh oh oh I'm right there oh oh oh I just have to oh my God I am saving that one yes the time has come hold on all right I had to check for a watermelon oh Ellison's so bad that was delicious actually this is called Vlog hogged guess what it's selfie stick time but before I do that you thought all right fair enough the grand gross Canyon population 1728. whoa how come everyone here is so violent ah there is a sword in my groin he is still holding on to the sword am I going whoa the Grand Canyon is very very concerning oh hey hey welcome back oh I didn't know that it's your guy best dad69 okay if you're the best will you get me tickets to the demo derby how much is it kid like I was saying best dad 69. today we're gonna be going through several maps live broadcasting my parkour skills let's begin oh yeah parkour Greg gross Canyon 420 off the backboard get that out of here upward forward roll no big deal I'm dead there's no way I can survive now oh God I have feeling I'm gonna be dying live on camera a lot oh okay all right oh yeah this fine all right so you need good forward Mo whoa I was gonna say good forward momentum let's back things up a little bit or let's die at least I'm getting buried with my selfie stick over and over again that's nice salvi stick powers activate oh there we go all right just go just go go go go go my God whoa there's a hole in the what is this there's a hole in the bridge Canadian land every day is Christmas yay it's Frosty the Snowman yay oh what happened there oh it's frosty a uh a freeze board hold on let me test it oh maybe he's not I thought he was a freeze board the Canadian flag oh he totally is I don't know if I can get over that uh all right I'll try here we go oh god oh no oh no oh Canada that's right I'll just use my mouth there we go that's safe almost fell into fell into I don't know what that is you know like a Canadian Ravine or something maybe oh yeah all right this this is fine where am I now the desert okay I didn't really bring any water with me oh there's meteor Crossings around here well okay go oh God no ah whoa I survived that all right looks like vlogging is a little bit worse than I thought it would be through the Grand Canyon through the unhappy death rocks the bridge through Canada oh you can fall down Canada I found all right jump the Grand Canadian Ravine there and then we're gonna climb Mount Canada lovely a lot of selfie pictures there okay uh the desert is pretty legit so you need to get down here Dodge the gigantic Rock of death down here Dodge the gigantic Rock of death I lost my helmet that's not good okay gigantic Rock of death all right the last Rock's a lie oh God I should have stayed in Canada there's all the maple syrup at okay stress again all right first one real Rock second one real Rock third one you just gotta go you just gotta go go nice oh I did it did it did I win am I a vlogger I vlogged and I survived well I became a vlogger and the only thing I have to tell you is stay in school kids anyway hope you enjoyed this episode of Happy Wheels to the next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 510,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: etVytb9KRRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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