I Found A Weird YouTube Channel On Deep Web 229...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar and welcome to another episode of deep boy browsing dark web browse and dank web browsing the part of the week where you sit back relax and watch that part of the internet that is a little too dank for regular viewing now ladies and gentlemen we got a whole barrage of websites to hit tonight and it is a quite quiet night not nothing speeding by my house no my neighbors aren't up to any shenanigans let's sit back relax and just enjoy some good old dank web browsing i love when we come across a site that says here is wisdom oh boy oh boy are you ready for some wisdom ladies and gentlemen because i'm ready for some wisdom at uh 2 30 in the morning that's great so here is wisdom let him that hat understanding count the number of the beast oh it's gonna be one it's gonna be one of those websites isn't it uh no religious turf wars in the comment section below please ladies and gentlemen i beg of thee it is for the number of the man and his number is 603 score and six what seems to be a bad interpretation from the greek has people believing it is a number associated with a single man this is not what the original greek says that is as follows hode here ho the ho sophia wisdom aimee ho echo news safido oh okay it's pretty much just giving me some some some ancient greek greek to read put in simpler terms what is recorded in the original inspired word says the number of the wild beast is the number of human it is and the number of the beast is 666. so if you don't know the the number of the beast is like some some religious like it's a i believe it's the number of the antichrist like something i don't know why it's 666. i i have no idea i've heard it's also 999. i can't say that i'm an expert of religion or anything of the sort you know it's not my that's not my background so i'm not going gonna you know i'm not gonna have my foot in the mouth but from what i know 666 number of the antichrist everyone really knows that it is what it is right the verse does not say it is a number of amen as an individual it says the number of the beast is the number of human and the number is 666 is the beast from the earth uh so yeah are we humans really the antichrist i think we actually are human beings are terribly they're terribly broken individuals to an extent but let's let's go on okay the verse is not saying the number will be the actual numerical 666 it is saying the beast is identified as a human and that the number biblically for humans is 666 the number 777 stands for spiritual completeness and big wins at a casino and triple eight is the number for jesus the numeral six is the numeral for man meaning incomplete oh god they changed the background holy [ __ ] that's that's that's actually kind of cutesy you know i like oh that is like dude that is like seventh year college [ __ ] website graphic design dude anyways though enough enough being an [ __ ] uh in closing here's the wisdom the number 666 is not necessarily uh to identify the beast cool uh tap a talk groups wonderful one what what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is a tappetalk hold on a second hold on a second jesus christ let me see what a tap a talk is is that is that is that like some discount social network that i'm missing out on it's it's loading up uh the problem of evil we can look at the problem at the origin of evil since god is holy and cannot create evil who did to ascribe the power of creation to satan would tend to make him a goud there is no indication in scripture that satan can create anything but like other of god's creatures equipped with the free will satan can manufacture items from the things god has created uh the force of you in the world today director of the person of satan and his cohorts is a misapplication of the perfect forces in the creation of god so immediately i don't i don't know why okay i guess i know why we come across as [ __ ] most on the deep web right like it's probably from a place where like the individual is just like they believe that their religious views are just shot down they might even come from a place where you can't express religious views like this and it is what it is but they link to a website called discover revelation which i am actually going to try and uncover no shenanigans but don't laugh i pulled the network cable out and i spent the last 10 minutes trying to figure out what was going on it was very simple fix and i'm sorry for that but apparently tap a talk is like a forum set where like you you end up coming to like this really long forum list about the antichrist revelation 13 and the beast so it's basically just a religious website discover revelation it leads you to like this website which is like also defunct like the the link it's sending you to but it's like another website where it talks about the book of revelation it's literally just like a religious website with like front ends everywhere but ultimately everything leads back to the book of revelation all right we started off with the holy thing i actually like doing that because on sundays you know the holy day it's always fun when we start off a little holy website right well let's get a little unholy and go somewhere else internet versus wallet choose wisely shop discover random websites all right boys good boys and girls get ready for this [ __ ] all right let's look at some of this so we've got rick and what the rick and morty uno cool never never really seen anything about ps4 controller clock what the [ __ ] is this open up what open up ps4 controller clock all right gotta find this whether you are an avid gamer or just play on tv the ps4 controller clock is a must have the alarm clock is a real deal when it comes to waking you up in the morning what kind of a [ __ ] slob are you you just pass out with your playstation 4 controller on you and you need like the clock to be fair if that was also a touch screen i would immediately buy it probably is let's see what is it internet what you can buy that oh my god you actually can't [ __ ] buy this what the [ __ ] uh officially licensed merchandise by paladin what that's not actually a little that's that's an alarm clock that looks like a graphic that's just like taped on there's no way there's no way that's a real one it looks like it literally looks like [ __ ] like it's just taped on like that would be that that actually would be dead ass awesome on a playstation controller to have like a little oled like timer like a little oled like indicator that actually be great if they if they put a screen on a ps4 and like just put like game game icons on there or like or like understand like icons just to like read it'd be awesome my ocd is triggered from like there's the square being slightly like angle like just rotated so i can't look at this page anymore like it actually is getting to me so i guess that that's something cool giant playable game boy what the [ __ ] you can't that's not actually a thing 4119 that dude i'd actually i'd actually buy that for my mom she played the [ __ ] out of tetris but four grand that ain't oh four grand it's just a [ __ ] [Music] that's bad this item doesn't deliver to canada well there goes my hopes and dreams [ __ ] it is it is what it is but that's actually kind of cool i'd i'd buy it if it wasn't this grossly overpriced but it i mean that is huge that's huge that's huge but okay you know that's worth a buy that's actually worth the buy so this whole website is literally just it just gives you random [ __ ] and it's like or you could 253 pages of buying [ __ ] no way no way there can't be let's click on like page five there's got to be something absolutely stupid i mean most of the stuff here is stupid but god damn god it's it's just like a blog of weird [ __ ] on the internet to buy sometimes this series sometimes this series drives me up the wall man i'll be real with you vault boy glowing led lamp okay that might be a buy what is that it's not even available anymore it's just dude it's just like an amalgamation of [ __ ] to buy on the internet what the what the hell it's so stop meowing and go to sleep boy do i do i need to do that right now it's like it's it's literally almost three in the morning and i'm doing this uh space age cat beds that's not an actual cat that's an actual cat bed you can buy that's an actual cat bed this is so st this okay i don't even know if it's stupid it's just it's it's it's so incredibly out there that i'm surprised i am even here okay cocktail wiener erasers because because those are so dude i feel like this is a website i should never go to if i am high because i'll probably end up spending like 10 grand on this website without even knowing dude it's insane sriracha seasoning sticks okay amazing fireworks light bulbs star wars adult inflatable han solo in carb yo i thought that was about to be like a han solo body pillow gotta get me yellow doland immediately i see i see how it is batman toilet paper holder imagine you go to some dude's house like some guy or girl's house you have no idea what kind of person they are you just go to their house and then you go into their bathroom and there's like this batman like just standing above you like chatting it up handing out your toilet paper i they'd be marriage material i'm just gonna be real with you guys pizza box designed for eating pizza in bed okay this is the last one we're going to check we're going to see where's the where's the buy on this that's actually a bible thing from boston pizza oh my god oh my god that is absolutely dumb as [ __ ] but let's see toys so they got like other things like you can filter it out by toys and games so i'd rather see that to begin with let's see what they got toys and games wise like here's the weird and what the [ __ ] is if everything else on this website wasn't just we death not challenge oh my god death nut challenge version 2.0 who really likes spicy oh okay so it's about spicy food all right i thought i thought it was a different kind of challenge truth be told but hey it is what it is they're carolina reaper peanuts i actually had carolina like a carolina reaper like beef jerky stick when i was in minneapolis once that [ __ ] that [ __ ] burnt my insides and i swear the entire flight home i needed to absolutely leak out poo from my butt cheeks but i was not doing it not not on an airplane bathroom but uh enough of uh enough of it this is internet versus wallet so i guess if you ever wanted to like i guess if you ever wanted to buy really dumb [ __ ] off the internet congratulations some some web developer has made it incredibly easy for you to waste your money on the internet and buy some absolutely regrettable like a drunk amazon purchases what i know is i can get even more regrettable and possibly more degenerate than i already am and go somewhere else death above oh [ __ ] dude death all right let's go over this seems creepy no reason i'm wrong seven days equals seven hours equals seven years it makes sense no no really it really [ __ ] doesn't but but hey you know it's your world brother i'm just living in it right yeah i agree i really would hate to see you crash and burn but hate means love in many instances time is emotion emotion is not a game it is qx42qvzq942x77 all right so you know normally i look at pages like this and i just say it's unhinged you know like me but this is just way too unhinged like right here you got a graphic of i don't know i guess if i threw this into like some photo editing software i might come across some like scary reality or like some map to like i don't know some something wild like some some something that's definitely not treasure but as you can see you've got like youtube videos right cultural mystification i didn't want this i never wanted this v gleam rid my greatest mistake was my greed all right okay well let's watch one of them let's look at i didn't want this i never wanted this let's open that youtube video and we'll see where it leads to so it leads to ins in star labs who is by the way uploading in four by three at a at a quality of 240p like if you didn't all this person needs is double 07 dreamscape all right and that's about it that's all they need double 07 sound systems like that or if you know that song you are [ __ ] old and so am i but uh it's got about 585 views so it it's a 36 sub channel we are dead okay we are definitely going to cover this channel this week this is going to happen we're going to look at this channel like one of them creepy like youtube video channel uploads it is a goddamn art it is an arc from 2018 that less than 3 000 total views have been accrued we have found the virgin arc bro this is a virgin arg this is a virgin one no one is it there are there are videos that have not cracked 40 views okay i i this is mine i i i'm gonna talk about this this right here mine okay this is this is mine but like okay let's let's let's look at i didn't want this real quick let's watch this video so the redacted part it's so hard to [ __ ] read this the redacted coming from me i should never i just wanted to help i didn't want this get out of here i did i never wanted this thousands are dead because of what i created i didn't want this i didn't want this i never wanted this i just wanted to help you this would be fun to [ __ ] cover holy [ __ ] yo i'm gonna i got first dibs on this is mine i i'm mine all mine it's uh it's pretty much sticking onto this for sure it's got like music but i can like barely hear it because i don't have my headset on i just want it to help i don't know okay so it just like keeps going over here redacted still haunts me in my dreams i never it's near i can feel its presence i never wanted this might catch me i wanted a peaceful life but some things will never happen and then it's got like weddings or something i think that's web things you know i want to i want to believe that's web things i once sent an email really drunk to a co-worker in web things don't know what i wrote and i'm glad they can't translate it still haunts me in my dreams i never okay as the same posting of course and that's about it so it's just it's just slides of him talking and or in text and i'm sure i'm sure it might get spicier okay like here's v gleam rid okay it's just it's just audio cool but okay let's look at this this wasn't here before you seem interested in me maybe you should share the site around and you've got june and may so let's go may because i was born in may and i have a special attraction to may so here he's posting things like soul nevic a giant string of characters and i believe this may just be like bass wait hold on a second wait a minute base64 can we is it is it like a message wait a minute wait a minute decode uh no it's it's really it's really not it i just it's it's garbage it's gibberish and i fell for it okay so let's go to watching you i see you talking about me do you love me yeah i love you buddy and then you've got my thoughts on the truth of humanity oh [ __ ] 50 pimp 42 oh yeah yeah i truly think of human beings oh yeah this me you know what he makes a very compelling argument but ultimately i have some slight differences and yo this kind of goes on it's just gibberish like you ever come across a website where it's like haha the joke hahaha funny it gets beyond the joke when you've got like like [ __ ] 12 posts of this [ __ ] you know what i mean the blackness after death what do you see after death in my opinion do you see the color a blind man sees the void the death darker than dark darker than venta black i know what i will see the white figure he will be happy i freedom he will praise me he will happy i will be dead sadly but not sad for humans getting getting a little weird champ you know you know getting a little getting a little you know sad sad pepe you know as the kids these days say on twitch all right so let's let's let's back out away from this getting kind of [ __ ] creepy okay this is talking a lot about death right now i'm actually getting really freaked out this is choice what is this this is like really intricate hold on a second let it load make the choice ultima form and kill caesar or vice versa rid is going to update sure hijacking dijking white figure what the [ __ ] i know about you i see you now is what he wrote somebody knows somebody sees is that it it's like in the beginning would you like to upgrade to rid os 4.0 wire n bro this is too much like three something in the morning okay i'm actually getting kind of creeped out looking at this like it's talking a lot about the blackness of death and i'm sorry i think about that [ __ ] a lot i think about what happens after death and this guy's mindset is matching my own like i really don't want to look at this any further than i have to like i'm actually getting kind of freaked out this is like a sister blog a placeholder for my blog and it's just like a generic it just keeps going dude it's actually like [ __ ] freaking me out a little bit i fee i feel i feel like after watching this the white figure haunts me this is [ __ ] creeping me out dude i'm sorry this is like really really weird like i normally i'm cool with a lot of this but it's i don't know what it is but just it's something it's like when i looked at the sun vanished arc something about it got to me like this is getting to me of that same level i'm i actually feel like something's watching me like it's kind of [ __ ] weird it's it i know it's like irrational like haha you're really like no i just feel really weird i'm gonna cover this guy but i'm not gonna do it right now i need to like i need to like zen out a little bit you know like this is just weird dude i i need um i think i need a drink if anything like i i really wow okay we're gonna stop we're gonna stop we're gonna we're gonna back out of this that that's really [ __ ] weird dude oh is this terminal lane is this serial killer lane the anime that i promised to watch a year ago but i just never did yeah it is what it is so let's go look at about angus is that dude that looks like pyramid had a little bit man oh okay that freaked me out a little bit okay let's let's mute that okay let's mute it thank you full name of subject angus dondrick nick evan nick nevin i think uploading relevant data now expected fragment data cos is the cost cosine is that cosine angus was born in 95 subject claims to be a writer but thorough analysis shows no distinct differences from human biology spends most of its time pushing keys on a primitive o4 matrix enjoy sleeping past its biological needs it appears the subject seeks something out of its dreams further analysis required and then it's got like interests and is that dude is this somebody's like not being cut in half oh dude dude it's way too [ __ ] early this is dude that's way too [ __ ] early for that [ __ ] no way oh stop i hate close-ups on eyes it's [ __ ] weird okay i can handle hands and fingers okay i don't i take that take that statement back actually you know you know man it is a weird ass sign let me tell you though a weird sight dude now you also got work so let's go look at works real quick you got one works he's written stars bleed little fan fiction i see oh oh oh fan fiction action it's on amazon too i'm not gonna i'm not gonna go out of the way but the but the concept arts fly as hell homie like that that that is that is kind of awesome uh connect what does that connect with twitter youtube twitch well shout out i'll shut him out on youtube for sure i'll shout out i'll shout out angus i i usually want to come over lowly slush ah man i was gonna shout it out with pride and then you just gotta you gotta like assault me with the [ __ ] lowly ah god no no lollies are not okay that's [ __ ] haram boys all right just remember that this place seeks to consume you turn back [ __ ] no i'm not gonna turn back i'm gonna go on forward we've got an image over here and then we gotta i guess we oh it's one of those like [ __ ] rabbit holes you there turn back this is beyond you do not progress you will find your limits severely lacking are you listening do not proceed don't do it don't do it return you fool you're gonna regret this remember you were warned i tried i tried to warn you just as i warned them do not pull off this terminal it is too much isn't it oh man dude okay fine let's go let's go all the way dad yo let's get it's get yo let the bodies hit the floor okay now listen warning depth zero zero zero probe change detect it signal retreat recommendation continue hell yeah dawg continue that [ __ ] do you dare seek the truth yes i do seek the truth give me the truth grave message retreat message i don't want the grave dude i won't die analysis of message requires a class a 99 modification to any investigating probe coast detected additional forces are recommended to probe the data further there are the other four oh [ __ ] dude 4.3 billion which moved past without sufficiency fort worth annihilated straightened the signal if this is some serial killer lane [ __ ] which i guarantee it is because a website design reminds me of it i am so watching some serial killer lane like i have to this is the vanguard designation salon speaking you should all sit down now don't bother retreating and don't even think about coming to get us it's all ogre now the rest of the unit is gone oh camera died cool uh but just relax enjoy these moments because they are our last yo this is kind of insane it just goes everywhere here let's do 4a 99. like this is one of those rabbit holes it's just like way too much like it's just like there's obviously like a full story and to an extent like i really love when somebody goes into all this because they've written like what is effectively just like this really creepy lore and it makes my job way harder because i'm kind of like freaked out a little bit let's see what the grave is grave 995 string of characters it has eaten the others it consumes intermittently all low class probes were destroyed all watchers regardless of classifications were eaten it watches always beware and turned back an abnormality is detected coast detected yet proceed yo is that like some lavo [ __ ] dude that is some that is demonic bro oh lots of characters yo i'm gonna get a screamer ah another has slipped through the membrane how was it dying i mean you are dead now you understand that just look at where you are yes look deeper press further dude it's weird pathetic isn't it nothing a vast nothingness an imminent way so sad although you already knew that with one look it's easy to tell but i can give you something of worth i can tell you which way to go you indeed there's a lot of nothing here but if you look closer you'll see all those dots right naturally you can see them because of me a lot of them lots and lots you can tell obviously all you have to do is rub it together nothing a nil such a shame but as i said i'll point you in the right direction it is the 53rd dot oh the 53rd dot oh the the 53rd all right [ __ ] let's look at the 53rd dot why not uh so the 53rd right here and let's click on that i just all tabbed it excellent you could see them after all all you need to do is touch me do that and you'll be met with something of worth wait a minute oh dude this is too much i swear to god this is way too much it was like burning my eyes i looked at the url like i tapped and hit it welcome to the fold you idiot there was never a chance for fools like us yo this is this is this is insane except your end sure take me to the end dad this is an end but also a beginning an end also beginning also beginning go back to the beginning dude okay too much way too much man this is way too much for the night this is putting me in that same mood everyone's talking about death and everything oh i can't i can't two i'm too like i'm it's i'm not i'm not drunk enough for this dude i'm really not drunk no this is way too much ladies and gentlemen i don't think that was serial killer lane somebody led me down a rabbit hole of introspection and all that nonsense and with that said i'm gonna back out before my brain becomes a pile of moosh and we're gonna go check out something else cthulhu.org man it's a really religious night tonight dude we're all talking about some metaphysical [ __ ] and god and now cthulhu this is like really really everything cthulhu for president why vote for a lesser evil i mean with the way half the elections in the world are right now i mean are you i mean maybe voting cthulhu might be the best option though i'm not going to get political my political takes are are are pretty shitty i'm an engineer i'm not a [ __ ] i'm not i'm not a pauly science individual so don't even ask me about political opinions okay i really don't give a [ __ ] enough to care about it but cthulhu for president by vote or lesser evil the site is dedicated to the great old one who should return from his slumber to take over the u.s government and make this country a whole hell of a lot better as the leader of our executive branch or destroy it and drive everyone insane man being the us president must be like the hardest job in the world because you're just gonna it's like the job you go to and every everyone's gonna [ __ ] on you every single day dude it's kind of insane but cthulhu for president all right i feel like i almost saw this website before but let's go check out cthulhu so cthulhu uh fans obviously can't do website development because this is [ __ ] garbage but hey uh cthulhu is found in lovecraft's tale cthulhu is a monstrous entity who lies dead but dreaming in the city of raleigh a place of non-occluding madness presently and sunken below the depths of the pacific ocean cthulhu appears in various monstrous and demonic forms in the in the early midst of the human race racial memory preserves him as humanity's most basic nightmare cthulhu is the high priest of the great old ones unnatural alien beings who ruled the earth before humanity formed worshipped as gods by some misguided people it is said that they will return causing worldwide insanity and mindless violence before finally displacing humanity forever uh so it's always kind of interesting like cthulhu and all this [ __ ] uh i always like i i never was like a lovecraft reader by any chance like i read some of his works don't get me wrong like i did um there was a point where yeah i guess i was really into the lovecraft stuff but i i don't think i was in into it you know like i sort of read it and i was like interesting you know paul it was basically like you know paul the pulps from back in the day it was whatever it was okay but uh you know i just feel like everyone kind of over hyped it beyond belief it was fine whatever i definitely liked the whole like cthulhu mythos that was created especially when it came to like video games because there was definitely a lot of good video games made out of whole like cthulhu uh mythos um to be honest with you but let's let's just go further right so let's get out of here we now know about cthulhu all right now they're also doing free showing the call of cthulhu so they're showing the [ __ ] movie what is it oh well it's a dead page filmed in 2005 produced by h.p lovecraft historical society and directed by andrew lemon the night is going to be hosted by rory and there's going to be free pizza from the nice slice yo i kind of want to join in here watching the movies and like like this is a wholesome website lovecraft movie night i'd be down for it i like me some horror movies i won't say that anything lovecraft scares the [ __ ] out of me but you know i'll watch it if you give me good company free pizza some beer hell yeah i'ma join you for the movie night why not that sounds like a good time i love having good times unfortunately 2020 has been anything good times anyways campaign information nominate a running mate who would you who would you put here's a question in the comment section who the [ __ ] would you put as a running mate with cthulhu that would be that's actually a great question who the hell would you do right need to know more about the candidate we just looked it up dying to know how cthulhu feels about the issues let's see what cthulhu cares about let's go see it political positions what do you think about abortion cthulhu cares little for mortal affairs and politic and moral mortal politics it's all gucci for him what's the candidate's position on campaign finances he accepts any donations a citizen wishes to make of course you do you politician [ __ ] we were wondering what great cthulhu stands on foreign policy all right so it's all it's all just [ __ ] joke answers obviously but but they really went hardcore they're they're really going to ham into this and and i'm glad that they did okay what does he care about porn technically that isn't a question cthulhu is taking the stance that it will not read anything just look at pictures god bless dude cthulhu cares more about picture books than anything else jesus christ but uh that it is what it is you know interesting enough okay so they've got other cthulhu stuff like the necronomicon a glorious candidate cthulhu stuff collection of jokes jokes you know they got cthulhu ascii you got you gotta appreciate when they put all that effort they've got limericks no way they got limericks dude that the last time i heard a [ __ ] limerick though last time i heard a goddamn limerick there was a young man from inn's mouth who cheerfully plighted his trout to a series of wives and their new nuptial dives were the scandalous talks of the south what the [ __ ] people out here really posting limericks now they've also got drinks too right like they've got uh they've got arkham ale soul gin gibber pikman's mug ale sex on the veil of noth shaw got shooters the thing on the rocks suffering biake the strange high ball in the midst blind idiot god and seething miasma so they've already got drinks they've got limericks i mean they've also got a joke how many lovecraftian protagonists does it take to screw in a light bulb just one but are you sure he should turn it on get it because it's about horror funny dude epic funny gamer moment 99 dude hilarious but then you've got a slightest slowly changing and evolving that's that's a [ __ ] lie because this site ain't updated at all dog now they've also got other products like bumper stickers oh god oh god oh i i would s dude i would so had the smile of cthulhu lose you bumper sticker on my car that would be the greatest bumper sticker to have they've also got like wizards addict do they sell like a cthulhu t-shirt is it still active no the website is actually dead i'm pretty sure about the error 404 this is great this is awesome okay so it's an entire website about having an elder got an eldritch god as your president i was right i did get an error 404 in fact i didn't just get an error 404 i got that edit youth photo set page plus all right so yeah loyal french one that's great awesome sorry if i butchered french okay i speak the most french i've ever spoken is like in quebec and i believe even people from france hate the french from quebec like it's kind of a weird situation but anyways totally off topic that was a great website uh i'm not really political i don't care to be political in videos but i guess just for today uh i will say i fully endorse cthulhu as the next president of the united states of america uh that being said though uh if you want to cancel me please feel free to do so i really don't care uh i'm gonna go to another website oh well ladies and gentlemen that was another episode of deep web browsing dark web browsing dank web browsing the part of the week where we take a look at that danker side of the internet now ladies and gentlemen we have quite a little interesting godly episode today uh but we also had an episode that honestly left me really [ __ ] freaked out i'm gonna try and go to bed but quite literally i'm just gonna have to take it easy because um we really did cover some heavy [ __ ] and uh yeah i don't know how to deal with that right now i'm actually still feeling freaked out i'm not even kidding about you with that i'm not trying to be like cutesy or like over the top i really do feel freaked out just when i read things about like death like that the blackness of it it's just not good no but anyways though if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you dislike it i'm gonna i'm gonna calm myself down probably play some ghosts of tsushima and i have no idea and uh that being said that being said wake up and edit this together so yeah me mudahar and i am out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 666,820
Rating: 4.9539647 out of 5
Id: cNGjrPXpJL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 27sec (2127 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.