SOMEONE RESPONDED TO US!?! - Deep Web Browsing 166

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hello guys and gals me muta horn welcome to another episode of deep web browsing dank web browsing or browsing it's a lovely late night ladies and gentlemen I don't know why this fetish is showing you the time of day but frankly lord of the week we have a random assortment of videos ladies and gentlemen and as always it's time to see non thematically what we essentially get into so being a late night you're gonna have a little bit of [ __ ] mood out there I don't know if it's savage mood or whatever but let's go to the first website alright dude we're back at FEM sec female hackers United now we've seen the site before now it showed up in the showed up in the crawlers once more so I figured you know I like to see the sites I went to before and see if they changed and part of me it gets even more excited when I see a new section being added right here so the website is actually stole alive and well seems like the hacker group is doing what they can they've got thin SEC answers YouTube comment so that kind of kind of got me a little [ __ ] a little weirded out on my youtube comments I don't know if m/sec had a YouTube page and lo and [ __ ] behold that is my ugly mug right there dude because of our web sites mentioned from the youtuber some ordinary gamers a lot of questions have been asked about us let's clear some things we've seen a lot of triggered men but also a lot of support in the comment section we want to thank you all the believes that believes that our group is doing something good man I want to start a turf war you know me I don't care if you're gonna Doc's a rapist I don't care what genders or political beliefs you have dude if the if the man if the man did the raping or the woman did the raping or the whoever gender you are to the raping if that persons exposed rightfully saws and that's I think that's a good thing to have people should be stopped that don't [ __ ] please don't start I don't [ __ ] care okay at the end of the day if a bad person gets exposed for doing a bad thing that's fine but now what's interesting is I actually don't know if these are from the video that I made like that deep web episode of day like [ __ ] deep search to this I just came across this [ __ ] so I'm gonna have to control f the [ __ ] out of that video I actually remember what what happened so did deep web browsing was that I want to [ __ ] remember actually but anyways I guess we can read the comments over here and see what people said install again - how the [ __ ] do you Doc's are rapists or their sue some people going on the internet like hey guys just raped someone low well even personal from behind five seconds to fake a [ __ ] also mg tote P L wasn't hacked actually remember that comment so yeah these are from my video not sure if this person knows what Daxing is but yeah there's one person well how we are doing it it will remain a secret but we promise we will continue daxing rapist and other men harming women and a simple search about M GTL can prove that you are wrong I am a [ __ ] search into that dude so I don't really [ __ ] even know but IIIi think it doesn't really matter on the gender do some so if people raping people then they should be exposed no matter what dude anyways my take on it polish Sandman Redmond mg tau Mirror Group Rose hacked by feminists from USA last computer service from us recorded it somebody heard above himself activist group how they hack what can they possibly do it because so somebody I guess proved it Diego Torres writes do the female hackers not know that the legal age in Sweden is 15 but it is legal for everyone under 18 to be informed yes we are aware of that but you don't seem to be aware that buying sex from anyone under 18 in Sweden there's a crime I think it's a crime buying sex pretty much anywhere I don't think prostitutions necessarily legal and I speaking about morals most decent people agree to buying section or sixteen-year-old girl as a grown adult man is wrong this kind of people are not innocent using money to trick young women with economic issues for their own sexual pleasure and that is why they are getting punished by us and the laws well woo boy it's a [ __ ] powdered egg and a half Hydra Lord 1 2 2 1 rights we do not hate men right men cannot join FEM SEC we do not hate men because men can't join us maybe you have a problem understanding what female hackers United means yeah ma'am no it's it's entitled dude delicious [ __ ] delicious [ __ ] pancakes FEM SEC is once against proof that feminists are terrible too they all think that men can't be harmed and that women are the only ones that are being attacked like [ __ ] Heil we have never claimed that men can't be victims just because we a group of women are deciding to fight against injustice against women does not mean we deny the existence of male and justice ok so they do it they do acknowledge men also get [ __ ] harmed okay so you know all right dude Phil Mitchell says feminist female hackers I bet they're attractive Phil's asking the [ __ ] real questions dude or making the real insinuations and they respond indeed we are did cross it's like it's like witnessing it's like witnessing a [ __ ] war a hot zone from the outside dude makes me feel giddy Rin Ryu right I joined those female hackers to expose rapists and you'd be very welcome to do so if we didn't have to be so careful with who we are allowing to join this time we only recruit but nothing is stopping you from exposing rapist yourselves our main goal - at start was to bring female computer interested people together to do hacktivism against the unjustice women face every day and bring female activism activism into the light all right dude okay all right dude max the coalfields so revenge porn is bad but revealing people's personal information online because you don't like their political opinions is alright feminist logic we don't Doc's MGT Ezra and remembers we are only daxing rapists and other form of women abusers alright dude the femme sex thing is cool then I'm anti third wave feminism but what they're doing is cool right saggy Pig 4321 thank you for your support all right dude so they made a whole page I made a [ __ ] video I knew that when I made that video I knew that when I made this [ __ ] video this one section of the video would have been the whole powder keg I don't exactly remember what else I covered in it but I knew the femme sex [ __ ] would have been targeted and me I don't really care man I don't have any connections to I'm just an Indian guy on the internet dude you guys got to understand my life is a very simple life that I try to lead okay I don't like to get into a lot of this [ __ ] cuz I frankly do not really even care but it's nice to see that at least they knew that I was kind of like that I mean I don't want to start no [ __ ] turf wars dude but you know what as long as a rapists just stop the raping and they get stopped I'm all fine with that man but you know at the end of the day no more turf wars dude I got see that there's a response page so that's often like it keep things at a core Crosbie I get kind of giddy you and I see my name mentioned somewhere deeds it's it's it's it's awesome dude but you know why hey man hey stop stop the bad in the world anyway is that being said I spent too much time looking at the response to the comments on the video that I had produced so you know what let's go somewhere else hoo boy join the conspiracy conspiracy theorists unite ok black [ __ ] come on dude ah black goo again are you kidding with me right now I'm pretty sure I've seen as I saw this on the [ __ ] ff7 goo website what the [ __ ] alright that's fine that's fine dude that's fine black goo so this is black goo alright basically for those you don't know the black goo conspiracy is essentially what happens is like the black goo is like it's like some mind-control [ __ ] or something as a sort I actually totally forget it's been a while when I asked to write about the mysterious black goo that was spotted recently I thought to myself what could be that intriguing about some toxic goop if I see some black goo on the sidewalk I'm not gonna touch it smell it or go anywhere near it you know I was imagining something like hot black tar like we often see when the city is paving the road however when I started researching the black goo phenomenon I have to admit I was intrigued yeah a little bit anyone walking along the road and she's a big glob of black goo actually moving on its own like a living being would have a difficult time getting anyone to believe them the black goo was collected in two different boxes the crystal-like forum for moved the boxes to try to get to one other many are calling the black goo D monarch what does Jesus have to do look like how it was concluded that the crystals were of a demonic source I have not found any evidence in my research however the goo has been found near the Bush home so I'm consider that to be a sign that it is not of God the Bush home were like like the like President Bush like the Bush family or come on how's that the scientific breakdown of the goo is a mineral oil containing high amounts of end-state gold and iridium found on dual island in the south Falklands Islands and under the Gulf of Mexico Falkland Islands being the disputed islands between Argentina Europe actually I don't want to miss out on you-know-who you know what yeah the the Falkland Islands there you go is it still under dispute I'm not sure and the Gulf of Mexico the black glue has been spotted and recorded on YouTube by many a black oil is said to have come from events when the Earth's crust split and broke allowing the goo to seep in okay black goo shows the ability to organize itself and display highly intelligent consciousness according to witnesses the goos energy instructs them to have thoughts of murder oh come on are you serious you're telling me there's black goo that just you flows across like molasses and let's assume that I came across black goo in my head the black goo would tell me you see that dude across the street kill him muda come on come on do you keep reported the smell like sulfur those of you who spotted the goo off the Gulf of Mexico have touched it stating that the texture slimy and looks like crude oil no [ __ ] okay well what do you think it was gonna feel like [ __ ] what tests are ongoing to find it exactly the black goo is though it sounds like a creature we have seen in an old 1970s episode of Star Trek where dr. Spock tells the crew he cannot compute - what the substance is but warns that it is alive and then Captain Kirk gets sucked into black goo and somehow has a love affair with a female what tough yeah I've never seen Star Trek in my life but I think I had to watch that episode dude he [ __ ] a GU well he tries to get Scotty to beam him up before the black goo takes complete control of his functions of course there's a fight to the death and Captain Kirk is able to break free from the black Oh camera skip the Star Trek spoilers when I think of other life out there in space and what thing might have landed on earth I think of being that looks similar to us but definitely not little green men or black goo you all right so that was the black goo conspiracy do you believe it aye aye I do I try try to basically the black goo is a mind-control experiment I guess you could say you know the black goo is interesting to me because it's it's relative to a game that I'm really excited for that's coming out called death stranding by Hideo Kojima on the ps4 so I don't know I probably would follow more into this but like this is kind of like a stretch dude got little tickers on the side national security in the United States was it all a conspiracy theory or true I mean yeah probably was [ __ ] true dude it's the national security animals found on Mars oh yeah you might want to open that dude Illuminati runs Los Angeles oh boy open that up Florida professor fired I don't know how that's anything to do it okay Ku Klux Klan takes over sure open that up I saw an alien boy oh boy boy animals found on Mars if it get a D here odds are NASA knows more than they're admitting the so-called mouse-like animal has been spotted on gules crater so basically what what the [ __ ] they found a mouse on it there's got to be some [ __ ] dude new evidence just showed there's animal life on Mars conspiracy theories - taking images from the Red Planet enhance the images as proof enhanced NASA however states that these images are just various shaped rocks if that is the case and why are these steers so adamant about these images man did you just read the [ __ ] last page okay they tried listing the Bush family is a source for God or something I don't know Illuminati runs Los Angeles okay for years I have heard about the mysterious society called the Illuminati there are those who believe that it is all a crock of crap others believe you know it's gonna sound really tinfoil hat over me but like I believe there's got to be some Illuminati out there I mean come on man there's gotta be it's gotta be some powerful people pulling the strings dude do I think it's like some Deus Ex [ __ ] probably not but there's got to be something dude you can't just sit there and kill yourself from all possibilities of facts right I mean you never know you never know what could and could be a thing but anyways this is where LA has apparently the Illuminati running it and it's long do these people are talking about it like crazy I could I would love to sit down and read these if I have the [ __ ] time but the other one is like what Ku Klux Klan takes over yeah they're the ones who set lowercase T's on fire and a really racist but you go to a fawn alien and I don't know if sunglasses on your wipers have to do but you know it's just like a blog manly I don't really think it's straight like tinfoil hat conspiracy it's like it's a relatively tame individual just talking about conspiracies okay uh and I actually like the way that this is portrayed it's not like you know he's telling you all the black who was demonic as [ __ ] it's a rational individual trying to make sense of these weird phenomenons that are popping up so all the power dude join the conspiracy man if you believe in this kind of stuff then you have a home over here but for me I'll save this for something else in Satan's honor available now at Satan's altar by Murray Raven solo boy you know I haven't come across a satanic website in a while dude but I'm glad I did sometimes dude I I love coming across Satanist websites I feel that it it makes me a pure boy but marry Ravens soul a disciple of the devil for more than 30 years presents the readers with a fascinating collection of her personal and heartfelt devotions to the Lord of Darkness those who have been searching for a serious and practical guide to religious rites in honor of Satan will find what they seek in this volume written with the explicit religious worship of the devil in mind that Satan's altar provides a wealth of liturgical material to aid both the novice practitioner and the seasoned Satanist alike so okay I'm glad that like I came across a satanic website that not immediately says [ __ ] everything about the Lord and Savior Kay like it's just yeah they're they're moderate Satanists I would say so they got prayers prayer of invocation Satan Horned one you are Satan's temple pain God of Prophecy come descend o serpentine and you got chants of devotion which is him to the sabbatic goat Prince of Darkness him to Alise oh wait that's actually it's interesting so I think I beliefs are Iblis is like the it's the Islamic variant is the Islamic name for the devil actually saying it's actually interesting to see them kind of stretch every it's not like a very Christian dominated version of Satanism right it's I think it's taken from all Abrahamic faiths which is interesting to see the Satanic altar offering satanic baptismal rites dedication ritual nine days of - devotional and more alright so you got this cool photo of saris just looking for a no PP okay does the other pp if he does if he does he's like borderline eunuch so all right I just have to look like really closely does he have a [ __ ] peepee or something do have to someone let me just check that again it seems on her Dom and I got boobies there I got worried about that Satan's honor was founded in 2006 by Murray Raven sole for the purpose of honoring Satan and the demons at the time the internet was lacking in devotional typewriting and I believe that it was important that a place existed were Satanist and those interested in Satan could go to find inspiration encouragement in their spiritual practices Satan is revered as a sentient and primordial entity who throughout the ages has been worshipped by many names and among many different cultures and civilizations everything written for the site is done as an act of worship this is not the type of worship that requires a person to grovel on their knees and fear and submission to their dady instead it is a complete reverence and adoration an act of free will each prayer poem and proverb comes from the heart with a deep love of Satan and the demons it is my desire that these words will help the devotees an insight on what it means to be a practicing Satanist to walk the dark path with the black flame burning forever bright alright wait a minute it doesn't Satan basically torture [ __ ] and the hell like well if you're gonna Revere somebody it's gonna torture you is it do you do you do it so that you don't get tortured and hell like uh I mean uh I guess Satan to me has always represented that side of like religion where it's like it lets you embrace sort of the things that you're forced to surprise I can see the appeal of it I just I don't do anything with any of this stuff but throughout the years aside he's gone through some changes we get that a Satanist so Marie Raven soul what I am and what I always will be for my growing age I had felt the presence with me and as I got older Satan began to make himself known through various signs and manifestations as he led me further down his path I was drawn to the occult and to anything that I had to do with Satan especially books arts and music and in the summer of 85 when I was 14 years old I made a decision that would affect me for the to my life I became a follower of Satan from that time I worked on words his presence increased and so did the signs manifestations and dreams Satan taught me that the inner voice and raise a black flame within me I began to understand my true will and I took the next step and dedicated my life and soul to Satan it was done my path is my own not one that I found in a book I have always believed that the Satan was a real spiritual entity and that there was never any doubt about this his powerful essence cannot be denied after one experiences it and my life has been forever changed throughout his great wisdom and touch on my soul Satan has tested me and I have had to walk through the flames but that is his way I express my adoration to Satan in many ways but Express especially throughout writing and painting I have given him as body as a temple my mouth for him to speak and my life is a complete act of devotion I wear a pentagram ring on my ring finger on my left hand as a symbol of his commitment Satan is my God my father my teacher my muse my everything over the years I love Jesus man I've also established a connection with quite a number of demons and they have become a major part of my life in O three I became involved in the online state in the scene yahoogroups were especially popular back then and I got involved with a few and after some time I started a couple of my own I'm the devotee of Satan I am his child a student in this priestess L vey Ave Ave Satanas all right okay you know what I gotta say something this is interesting you know it's somebody that really cares a lot about being a Satanist and you know I can respect that you know what I mean and this doesn't seem like somebody just pushing the [ __ ] out of this on to other people so you know for all intents and purposes it's fine over here Satan is a sentient primordial entity the ultimate goal of a Satanist to develop a relationship with Satan yeah I guess it's kind of like a person who believes in Jesus or something around a Christian following the words of Jesus a Satanist questions all things and does not blindly accept the truth of another okay so logically think demons are revered as mankind's first teachers the ancient gods and goddesses worshiped by the pagans when calling upon a demon in a ritual they are treated with the utmost respect Signum does not have a holy book that must be obeyed the most powerful sacrifice Satanist can give is something of themselves like blood hair energy or tears Satanism stand for knowledge wisdom self empowerment freedom creativity honor and you ality magic and spiritual mastery so I guess understanding stuff okay Satanist does not judge a person based on their sexual orientation Satanist does not intend to convert people to Satanism if contemplating whether to live or died Satanist will come to a confusion conclusion if they can overcome anything saying this will always stand up for what they believe to be right and true animals are sacred and held in high regard stands against all form of animal abuse so like you're not doing the ritualistic like murders or sacrifices what's going on Sinnott eternal punishment do not do not exist okay a satanic Satanist so basically the whole eternal punishment sin doesn't exist you can do kind of what you want but I guess the logic is is that as a Satanist and this is what I've kind of seen in Satanist circles is that you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't actually hurt other people or do anything of that sort which is respectable I could say I mean I'm not you know I'm not I'm not really gonna subscribe to anything sort of so to speak but you know whatever you want to believe what are you gonna believe is fine please don't start a turf war in the comments section below but I got a respect you know I got a respect Marie Raven soul she explained what you wanted and I think that I can respect somebody who genuinely believes the way that they do and as long as they don't hurt anybody that's as fine as it'll ever go ladies and gentlemen that being said I don't have much more to say about a person's involvement in the occult I'm gonna go somewhere else and ladies and gentlemen our deep web video of the week which frankly makes me have to put on my lovely headset to listen to a 28 second video or watch it actually in 28 seconds is actually below our average to be honest with you I think our average is now like a minute a solid a minute but 28 seconds long with what appears to be I want to say CCTV footage of Caffe display F ski on siege but let's hit play and see what we got going on oh my god what the [ __ ] is that oh is that what the [ __ ] you can see if it's just repeating it it's just reading earlier you can lick a look at the window for a second what the [ __ ] uh excuse me what's going on what if this is like a ghost or something would it be like a hooded figure what's gonna that master chief and the non-existent game what's going on okay all right um what happened okay I think I think something I've disconnected okay um like this or some [ __ ] okay what did I just see all right let me let me tell you real quick okay there's not much to analyze out of a 28 [ __ ] second video but basically what we've essentially had over here is as we hit play we had this individual I don't know if they're wearing a mask because we have such low quality footage anyways but this individual I'm gonna assume is wearing a mask that skin tone doesn't make any sense it's like a very clear hair lights just doesn't make any sense to me but basically they're coming in and the video loops so you can actually see by like the mirror reflection over here like he goes back in like that and then loop so he comes up over here this individual or she I don't know who it is you can barely tell so they look at the CCTV camera and they back off right so they realized at this point that they must be like COD or something and I believe this is the same [ __ ] person they wear like a hooded shroud or something and and and now they're trying to avoid being caught like it doesn't matter the CCTV got you the moment you were coming up the stairs it doesn't matter if you dress up or cloak yourself dude it's I think he believes that I think he or she believes that they have like the invisibility cloak from like Harry [ __ ] Potter they think they think they're invisible like that it doesn't matter you want to get rid of cams you gotta use a thank you can you feed this you got you gotta you gotta just run away to you got caught once like look at this [ __ ] you know you know you're [ __ ] hold on let me let me just maximize this real quick you know at this point he looks up right here or she he just turns back they know at that moment like this is where that meme shows up at this moment he knew or she knew that they [ __ ] up get out here malwarebytes and that goes like you [ __ ] that ones but I mean you can barely tell on the CCTV what the [ __ ] does it matter I think it's even weirder if you have this attempt taken off it she's gonna make me laugh anyway it's not much more to analyze ladies and gentlemen I am just gonna back out of here and go somewhere else Sikhs ghosts welcome if you are interested in ghosts you're in luck the topic is faster I love ghosts I love actually going through ghosts time I in my free time when I'm editing it late and tight late at night you got it you got to realize I love watching ghost footage dude it's [ __ ] like I I'm not like what you time I'm a skeptic I'm not a believer but damn I just find it interesting anyways the title of this post is a nickname given to Savannah Georgia the southern city is called this because like many other locations or old burial grounds were paved over and built upon without moving the graves that lay beneath the fact that led to reportedly ghostly sightings across Savannah but many locals agree their city's historic district is the most haunted yeah I mean if you have Barry over debt people and disturb their graves they're gonna haunt you dude in the middle of this district is the six acre colonial Park Cemetery that dates back to 1750 over 10,000 souls are buried here despite the fact there are only a thousand headstones that remain you know that's always weirded me I thought about that the other day like whenever you're walking over like you know your sidewalk or something with somebody ever buried on that you know somebody somebody died over that did you well how many corpses you've walked over this past week to you got to think about that the rigueur grave sorry the reason for this vary over 700 victims of the 1820s yellow fever epidemic or buried in mass graves in colonial the graveyard also has many family vaults where family members were placed the remains turned to dust and placed an urn so the next generation of deceased could be placed on the shelves this cycle then continued may of colonials gravestones were moved or disfigured by Union troops during the Civil War which leads to more confusion of where the deceased are buried so basically there's so many people that died in this location that they just don't know where they're buried and yeah I can understand that I mean mass graves the whole war happening the Civil War especially yeah it makes sense but the most compelling factor is when the cemeteries boundaries were shortened the surrounding streets Abercorn and Oglethorpe were paved over and many of their graves were left under them one area of colonial today is a children's playground in basketball court sightings of ghosts believed to be deceased men who were killed in duels are reported here other sightings in the cemetery include shadow figures and a green mist that floats above the gravestones both those are weird did you see shadow figures and a gravestone in a graveyard and green mists above gravestones I want to see no petulance by far the most famous haunting of the park is known as the hanging tree ghost locals and tourists are fascinated by the story which is taken on epic proportions a male ghost known as Rene Rene Rondo leer Rondo Lee a is often seen walking through colonial or hanging from a tree called the hangar at home oh that's [ __ ] - dude like imagine walking into that cemetery and should just like just like think about it you walk in and you see some dude just straight hanging like dead that's in a set around dolia is easy to spot because he was almost seven feet in height man as dudes tall his ghost is infamous because it is believed he murdered two young girls in the graveyard he then was lynched either on the hanging tree or in this nearby square footnote there's low historic evidence originally deserver existed in a story about several generations and our folkloric status so despite the fact that there have been so many witnesses to this haunting as well as others the paranormal investigators in the area of duck colonial Park paranormal central and of course ghost tours are offered ghostly figure captured at colonial really that's a it's a ghostly figure I mean I believe you I'll believe you did I'll believe you on that so they got other stuff so it's actually relatively I guess recent I mean it's been uh it's been updated like August of last year so it's literally a year ago this it's updated so 2017 right first person from The Reader's Digest one of my mother was a teenager she lived in a haunted house so basically they're literally sharing I guess you could say realistic creepypasta is out there so basically what we read was kind of a real creepypasta man and the cool thing about this is is that they have multiple they have multiple like stories multiple layers you can see like they got actual photos you know of this kind of stuff actually happening so if you're ever interested in ghosts man a website like this would be absolutely amazing for anybody involved man like this kind of stuff is really intriguing for me they've got they've got stuff like curses I guess you could say so if you want to learn about curses and [ __ ] cursive and Mitchell the Navajo Cindy part to defiant night company Archduke's cursed car okay let me see the Archduke's cursed car yeah so they got they got they got like genres of this I got curses they got ghost ships they've got folklore they've got four children whatever that is let me see that real quick Irish headless horseman uh alright the Japan's hundred scary ghost stories moonshine warning moonshine warning for the kids now okay and I've got ghost hunting tips alright so before you decide to ghost hunt what is all this well that's not like straight things to tell you how to go stunt alright it's straight-up cold spots red bean flashlights poltergeists pros and cons ghost radar app how do ghosts communicate Arkham's razor matrix saying old hag syndrome intelligent hauntings what does old hag syndrome you wake up and you can't move you field an immense amount of pressure on your chest and makes it difficult to breathe and you sense or see somebody in the room with you it can be a frightening experience the syndrome happens to about fifty percent of people in their life it happens at most once or twice a month for years people have mistaken this experience as a physical encounter with a ghost because when it happens you are fully awake you can see hear smell and feel so it's understandable why it feels like someone that happens dude so like I have a head like a slight sleep paralysis thing and sleep paralysis is [ __ ] scary for those of you don't know and I'll give you my personal experience before I go to the next website for me when I have to go through like any form of like sleep paralysis it's a feeling where you're awake and you're not so like when you're in sleep paralysis when I'm awake I can try to move my neck I try and I feel I make slight movements in my neck right so like I'm trying to move it I can't I can't I barely meet and feel my neck moving like slightly to the left slightly to the right up and down I can feel myself try but you can't move anything I can't move my fingers I can't move my feet I can barely even feel them to begin with but the weirdest part that I've ever had is when I was laying upside down on my bed and so what happens was there was a feeling that somebody was in the room right I could feel the strands of hair like flowing across like my front face okay that was weird but what the weirdest feeling for me was and the absolute scary shocking feeling was like the feeling of like nails like light scratching all over my back like the back of my neck and that was the weirdest [ __ ] part of it now of course you wake up after a bit but because you're in the sleep paralysis you [ __ ] are pretty lucid in your memory like you remember that [ __ ] I remember that [ __ ] and it's [ __ ] scary and any episode that I have ends up being in that same situation sleep paralysis is [ __ ] scary but ultimately it's just the fact that you're dreaming while lucid and your brain does sketchy [ __ ] to your head all the time and if you're unfortunately completely conscious for that then oh Jesus Christ ladies and gentlemen if you're prone to nightmares and you have sleep paralysis I feel your pain dude but that being said let's go to a different website 9 9 9 7 3 I am what I am so we've come across at namu I don't know how many people remember this but this has to be deep-web number like 22 [ __ ] 30 dude is when he came across at Sonam I think 10 to 20 really basically this website is a giant amalgamation of a lot of things but coming to it now on like the hundredth something episode like we're talking in the 160s 170 even we this is a weird set of website student I don't know how [ __ ] feel about this [ __ ] but uh you know it's basically a giant puzzle which is kind of up there was unlike cicadas 3301 now things have actually changed is the first time seeing some lay sungai a towel so I guess we'll read through as much as we can 9 9 9 7 3 I am what I am i that am that 9 that and that I and though I'm actually gonna open up page source to see anything changes no it's just standard HTML it's just what's on here then it's got I thought and basically what it's done is it's taken the number values of each of those letters converted them added them up $36.99 36 and that's what it is the great work status unfinished the magical alphabet added to all - none shared by everything multiplied in abundance add to reduce reduced to deduce Divine Love is 99 and 99 is love divine arises that sunsets that sunsets that Sun arises that Sun add to all - and and shared by everything multiplied in abundance I'll say one thing that's pretty [ __ ] symmetrical so it's got 9 973 at namu AZ 9 za za za 8 is that 9 times 7 60 so it's basically converting the numbers back and forth with the letter Accord Asians and it's just multiplying the [ __ ] out of them and you get into like photos like this that I've always straight weirded me the [ __ ] out so I don't know what this is necessarily aiming at but it looks like a weird face attached to something it's [ __ ] man but the more and more I go to it sri krishna's membrane many lives arjuna you and i have lived i remember them all but then dost not is that the bhagavad-gita get the IV v ok so that's that's a Hindu religious thing now the more we go into this we have newer photos that I actually haven't seen before I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm looking at but it's like a giant blister I want to say and then what is this after the initiation owls to thank the white rabbits most humbly for the blessed gift of the sacred symbols when the white rabbits had gone zedd Alice dead arranged the sacred symbols in the manner of the Ancients as ever the fishy fusion occurred and as if by magic Alice saw by the light of a different dream in obeisance to this soon to be arrived most precious of quintessential moments the zetas Lisette began to read from several books so now you've got another mention of the Brahma which is from the bhagavad-gita if the red Slayer thinks he slays or if the slain thinks he is slain they do not know the subtle ways you're the first time seeing a lot of Hindus stuff mentioned my god and then we have the DAO of that seven nine seven three so more addition to it all money a padmi hum and then we have I assume these are from like the Hindu religion dude cuz this is this is like I want to I actually have to say it's kind of beautiful scenery to be honest with you I'm finding beauty in it and then you got the Holy Bible so this is when the Bible gets mentioned are we gonna do the whole gauntlet what is this face ooh freaky dude more of the now we're mentioning Osiris so we're going to like ancient Egypt and then oh oh god it's [ __ ] with my head oh it's just it's like a futuristic city or something dude Saint John Holy Bible some more Bible alright and then we have the e vocation in the name of God the compassionate merciful may God bless thee and keep thee may God and then we go further more down into it that Ali's dead midway between between the microcosm macrocosm of the lovin below in dears the summons of the omens in the moment the out said ally Zed a being outed being drowning forever drowning that it I that ice ice ice ice ice ice that truth that truth that ice ice ice staining the sea red blood red see that staining oh my god oh geez man okay I'm confused as [ __ ] now for those you don't know this [ __ ] keeps going on it's a long dude I am formed humankind of the dust of the universe and breathed into the nostrils the breath of life and humans became living souls perfect of mine love purest living light that light lit oh my lord it just goes on then I mentioned [ __ ] like Sirius or Isis which fingerprints of the god a quest for the beginning in the end what am I reading dude Book of Numbers III I am so shocked in my head ladies and gentlemen I need I need a drink I need something dude oh my god it just goes on and it has like photos that have been tossed in between so like if we go down over here we have like plaintiffs that are mentioned and that's just one [ __ ] page it keeps going dude it just keeps going on the Grand Gallery magical alphabet numbers 1 through 99 like you could literally click on one of them and be sent to like this infinite table of whatever I don't know the meaning to any of this I am more confused with this concept as time goes on you know we're gonna do we're gonna save this for like a livestream I'm sorry to say this deserves its own like to our [ __ ] livestream holy [ __ ] I'm gonna I'm gonna need a coffee dude I'm gonna need something to like clear my head and this is [ __ ] crazy but yeah that was at namu if the site has [ __ ] evolved I feel or maybe I just don't remember it maybe I was this mind [ __ ] than my brain just cues to like ignore it but we're gonna back out and see something else I need to I'm gonna go get something actually [ __ ] and ladies and gentlemen that was another episode of deep web browsing dark web browsing dank web browsing the part of the week that takes a another look at the darker side of the internet now this week we've seen some interesting [ __ ] we've seen well we've seen doubt we've seen I've seen some respectable you know say it satanic stuff we've seen a response from the fence tech hackers and frankly we've seen a lot of weird the at namu stuff that's eventually going to end up being in the last room so all interesting episode kind of half throwback on a half knew actually a thing that I like I like sort of going to the older website so if you want me to sort of revisit some of the older classics let me know in the comments section below it would actually be kind of an interesting they look at you know see if we've ever been responded to all that kind of stuff ladies and gentlemen but that being said I'm gonna back out of all this I hope you have an amazing day today and I hope I can get some much-needed rest that being said if you liked what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like me just like it I am out [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 479,760
Rating: 4.9131002 out of 5
Keywords: someone, responded, to, us, deep web, dark web, deep, dark, deep web browsing, dark web browsing, browsing, exploration, sog, some, ordinary, gamers, some ordinary gamers, episode, 166
Id: _wc8fFRZcKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 32sec (2432 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.