Deep Web 232 Has Pokémon Cards...

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today's video is brought to you by my sponsor ridge wallet a sponsor that wanted to publicly embarrass me by showing you this lovely velcro wallet yeah that used to be my old wallet and yeah i know i know laugh get it out of your system but ever since i switched to ridge's wallets which have the super light sleek industrial design i mean just on their website you can see they got like 30 colors and styles carbon fiber being my personal favorite and it's got room for 12 cards plus cash i mean imagine if you couldn't carry a cash in your wallet right i mean most people are using wallets like this right wallets like the velcro 90s design and you're probably carrying super old receipts you're probably carrying super old things in the wallet so why not switch to something new i mean listen you already use smartphones you already use modern day stuff give your wallet game a little bump up ladies and gentlemen and for all those people paranoid of digital pickpocketers it also has rfid blocking that being said one of the most bold claims is actually saying it has a lifetime warranty yes you can buy one wallet and have it for life but not only that you can even take it for a test drive and if you don't like it in 45 days you can give it right back ladies and gentlemen get 10 off today with free worldwide shipping and returns by going to sog use the code sog and save yourself 10 that being said let's get right into the video hello guys and gals me mudahar this is a very special intro i have civic guy ripping past me but it was okay now this isn't going to be a weekly thing actually it's going to be a weekly thing it's not going to be a bi-weekly thing a tri-weekly thing uh moody did you remember to browse the dank web every month no no we're back to it every week think of this like the sort of podcast the solo deal of me where we go back to that lovely dank side of the internet now if you've noticed by the time bar on the video uh some of these videos were actually like 35 minutes long but this is probably gonna average out to like an hour each i'm covering more deep web stuff every week i'm having a lot of fun doing it and now that we don't have to worry about youtube's uh algorithm and system sort of screwing us over we can finally sit back knowing that hey we're sponsored we're good about it and that's this is as far as i'm going to mention it ladies and gentlemen that being said let's sit back relax get into a longer possibly danker possibly wilder deep web browsing episode so this is the first page we've got the incident ooh the pictures you're about to see now come from a book i found in a second-hand bookstore in berlin november 1995 dude i was born literally just a year before this oh my god the book had my family name on the cover and caught my interest of course i asked the owner of the bookstore where he had the book from and he told me that he had bought it from the estate of a deceased american officer as i opened the book it was clear that it had nothing to do with the history of my family there was another book inside the cover the real title was the incident i closed the book immediately and brought it brought it because if the book owner had seen what was inside he would probably have put up the price so he he basically basically like fisted the owner of the store and was like this this right here this best buy is mine i came back to the hotel and had a quick look at my book and read some pages it actually really scared the hell out of me not only the pictures scared me but the text was almost hypnotizing i got dizzy by reading it first of all the book had to read from right to left as where the usual final page usually is isn't like manga like usual like you know japanese like stories read the same way this isn't truly spooky or scary so far but anyways uh it started with a latin quotation that i translated to something like the first is the last die and instead of chapters or use the terms levels of initiation in archive one two and three each archive containing seven levels so he brought the book back home to copenhagen made some copies of a few pages and mailed them to a friend these copies are all i have left of the book because three days after my turn somebody broke into my flat and stole the book god dude this sounds like a classic creepypasta right now all right let's go see the incident so this is what looks like some spectral stuff dude i don't know if there's a sense or anything it's like some crazy uh it looks like a specter attacking these people and the third beograd tribunal mr klein was doubting the powers of the new world order and look how he was taught a lesson the young man fanning in the middle of the picture is an american student of whom the great leader has said mr oswald will fire the first shot of the new era uh i don't really know how i believe this one dog hello that's a little too wild you know what i mean but i guess i guess something has happened the new world order that looks edited as hell though but anyways let's uh there's also an original which is from the page itself so i guess this is just to prove to you it's a real page and it's not really proof i mean it could just be edited through like a pdf editor or anything but let's go next pick okay this is semper's girlfriend miss ardens was a very popular media uh okay that's uh that's weird this particular evening four demons were fighting over her delicate body after the incident she went to live in america assuming a new identity dude she's like snapped in half in that how could she go move to dude you couldn't even move out of the room let alone america get out of here and this is the lady from warsaw was trying to cheat her way into the group but i never doing a very convincing levitation the napkin that was supposed to look like teleplasma is still hanging out of her nose so i guess she tried to levitate or something and that that was that was it okay next next comment disclaimer the incident is an artwork yeah i thought it was real it was like three images and it's it's like this is the admission that it's an art okay as you might have guessed the incidence is not all it pretends to be it is made up by me i am scared not of dark powers but of the new age we are entering manipulation with words pictures and humans have become so easy that we have to be extremely critical with everything we see or hear yeah that's kind of what i was doing the entire time through that but okay especially with those things we want to hear the greatest manipulator is one own one's own mind it will pick up the things we want to hear and forget or distort the rest i have in the incident tried to take it out so far that it becomes an absurdity you will if you look carefully find references to the rosewell incident lords of the round table nashes communism cold war intelligence spirit and christianity uh the assassination of jfk the new word order okay not the new world order that's that to be confused uh lars von triers movie epidemic and eve's klein photo eaves klein hurling herself into space uh so yeah he's hidden like a bunch of like stuff into it and that's pretty much what it is he says the first letter is false the rest are true and that's pretty much it his actual website that he was linking to is completely dead in the water so yeah ladies and gentlemen kind of an interesting our creek pasta i guess people kind of fell and believed it uh i didn't i expected it to be just some you know you know spook bait or whatever you want to call it but that being said though ladies and gentlemen that was the incident the wacky conspiracy we just witnessed let's go to the next website oh my the nameless void welcome to my little corner of the internet i'm a cgi artist making primarily erotic and fantastic pinups the majority of my work can be purchased on my redbubble store but i post work to deviantart and other sites as well you can find links to all of these in the sidebar to the left so we just found out what we found a little hentai gallery got a little go ahead and die get a little entire dude going on all right all right all right let's go read the about me section real quick uh which is or am i is the site working okay no my name is raven i also go by la master or antarex depending on the website i have a gallery on as before i'm a cgi artist who makes pinups and erotic art the tools of my trade are dos studio and [ __ ] okay i have played around with zbrush but i have yet to get the hang of it i have been creating 3d erotic art since 2010 a decade decade of making saucy uh you know digital only fans when i started i had no idea what i was doing but with time and patience i believe i've become at least somewhat decent i would love to make a living doing this but i'm honestly pretty bad at marketing my art so right now i'm just doing this for fun and to make a few bucks well i always love supporting the underdog ladies and gentlemen uh if you if you're if you're ever i don't i don't even know if i should be promoting this but i guess i guess if you're an 18 plus year old adult male woman or whatever you identify yourself as uh this this this is raven if you have a commission if you have any financial transactions to be making of of of the adult variety then this this is the guy all right god this is the guy or gal i'm not not exactly uh sure out there i don't want to just [ __ ] you know talk out of my ass but you've got a bunch of galleries which we're going to censor real quick i'm going to give you a quick professional review holy crap these are real looking that's not hentai wait a minute what that's not hentai oh my god that is hentai dude he's got like ray traced hentai going on oh my god that is mama dickens wait wait that's the deviantart wait that's allowed on deviantart wait wait wait wait wait wait wait here's another one there's another one oh my god it's taken it's loading it like dial up i'm about to get aroused at 56k a second it's loading it's loading it's loading oh my god mama that is a lot of cake that actually is a whole heck of a lot of this is actually like really really good 3d artwork jesus christ i mean the lighting is impeccable the deep it almost looks like i'm looking at a real person but it's not i'm looking i'm looking at code i'm getting aroused by code jesus now here's a site called hentai foundry um i can obviously i can't show you anything here okay but let me tell you it is very good looking work like this this is like i'm not usually like a hentai aficionado don't get me wrong i'm not an expert at any of this like i don't have the eye for hentai stuff but uh it's just pretty good stuff this this is pretty epic i think she's standing in front of the white house here um she dude that's like a demon that's a suck cupid's dude that's a suck you bus oh god dang dude he's a dude uh antarex uh here she is active actually look at that look they're active september 27 2020. dude you gotta antarex you've gotta get in touch with me my man this is great you're good at what you do don't sell yourself short homie be the proud hentai king you can or queen or whatever god dude i'm terrible well ladies and gentlemen that this is some actual genuinely good stuff it's not every day that i'm sitting on here praising hentai but i'm i'm pr i'm praising the hidden ties let me tell you i i really i really hope i don't leak any nudes on it'll just [ __ ] kill me but i they also have old art so maybe this is not nude oh this is definitely nude oh my god that is the leaning tower of pisa going inside that woman jesus christ christ oh my god dude how does it oh my god oh dude that's huge that's a big one that's a big one oh my god i love this guy dude i love i love this guy i just love the nameless void they're great they're awesome that's a that's that's some good head and tie but yeah ladies and gentlemen you know how people are like man the deep web's a scary scary place let me tell you ladies and gentlemen deep web is a great great place okay not only can you find a lot of you know cool conspiracies but if you ever needed a top tier grade a hentai artist that has sold themselves too goddamn short in my opinion the deep web is a wonderful place god bless and i and this is why i love doing these episodes jesus christ anyways let's get out of here uh quick quick thing i know i know i was going deep but this is uh if you just wanted to know exactly what we were looking at it was uh it was naomi futa dot png um i'm just gonna leave it at that let's go somewhere else i was on a chan website and i got led to the card that's our now i know bizarre says i'm indian and you know let me tell you right now the card bazaars some or bazaars in general dude let me tell you way back in the day all right because my media my book was really stores it was the most boring time of my life but anyways that's that's that's that's enough backstory today how to spot fake pokeman cards okay now pokemans the the car trading actually uh it's pokemon and there's the other game what is it um magic the gathering that's like really popular lately and like people are just out trading cards like crazy um there there's a lot of investment to be made logan paul was doing like a whole podcast not a podcast a stream a couple days ago that i was actually watching where he sold those cards for like an exorbitant amount of prices let me tell you i'm not an expert but i know that he was he was up marking those packs like crazy but apparently i heard he raised like 400 000 500 000 to charity so regardless of whatever you want to know at least somebody got a help out of it right but anyways there was a he was he was unpacking pokemon cards from like i think a base set which is like the original like pokemon like trading card releases um i think i think he said he spent something like two hundred thousand dollars on it so it was a little a little [ __ ] insane in my opinion but uh anyways let's go over here how to spot fake pokemon card so uh i was linked over here i guess and this is going to be something that we're learning because even if you dislike muda at least you'll learn something from some ordinary gamers right now this is how to spot fake pokemane cards okay this is a handy step guide fake card area to the top right of the pokeball is filled in with a single color uh genuine card area top right has spots of dark blue that is something i probably would never have noticed but i guess okay so these are like fake cards right here right this is these are these are sets of fake cards and these are genuine cards so let me see what the difference is okay oh yeah no it's pronounced okay i'm sorry i'm sorry that that's as real these are fake cards and it's like actually it's not even just to the top right literally all around it's like they got this entire swirl wrong and i i i have to wonder right like how is it that these cards like even if you're a counterfeiter and you're in such a profitable market like pokemon cards how is it i get i guess maybe making this genuine variety like it takes more skill obviously uh it's probably more expensive to produce and that that's where your market margins market margins are like wiped out so i guess that makes sense but yeah that's that's pretty egregious like i'm not a card expert but like even even the corners of these cards are not uniform like do you see how the edges are uniform here yeah these are like all over the [ __ ] place this is like fisher-price baby's first counterfeiting font spelling okay let's see all fonts all use fonts that poke genuine pokemon cards do not uh oh yeah no that's uh that that's uh that's a genuine card i think if i notice no that's not fake card features spelling and grammar mistakes flip a coincione are bad yeah this is this is terrible like this font wouldn't be on a pokemon card i'm not even an expert man and i can figure this [ __ ] out experts are probably cringing hard so here's the energy symbols fake card often feature energy symbols in which the inner artwork is larger than it should be uh it'll tell you in the empoleon image oh yeah no that's that's totally bad this is like the normal energy pump this is the fake one yeah how do you mess that up that should be like i feel like that's doable like don't they like don't they like do this on photoshop on an actual computer like how do you [ __ ] it up this hard this is so stupid i'm hating like the coloring it's like they open the saturation up that's a real water car bro dude this is this is pain that ah this is painful i can't look at this like i'm not even an expert this is painful uh health bonus points and damage okay so let's look at this real quick hp and attack damage is far too high 2 000 plus for a god bit what 1200 hp are you out of your mind bro this is pokemon not yugioh go eat my [ __ ] uh holographic effect okay so the holographic effect on cards is bad a holograph card is not holographic that has an ex card it should be i guess yeah i i didn't collected the ex territory so i wouldn't know uh card is holographic features a holographic gold border not found on genuine ooh what the [ __ ] yeah that was my buddy as my good friend carson who just messaged me okay the light test so you've got many fake cards uh let through a lot of light with the torch when shine directly at them oh i think it's like if the light goes through or something like that i guess it like it proves that the card is like fake or something card material uh sometimes oh so this is like the bend test right where like the actual card is like four layers into it and like the the cheaper cards obviously don't have that much um thought put into it so you know it shows it shows uh and then they've got other stuff and then here's like has some oh this is a fake card it has signs of being punched out of a cardboard sheet dude what that is so tiny oh my god you need like a [ __ ] magnifying glass to see that oh dude dude and it's funny because like this card looks relatively like it looks relatively good right like like the energy [ __ ] matches the the the centering is kind no actually is the centering there oh no there's a drop shadow that's [ __ ] with me but like the centering's there the fonts there oh dude they screwed up on that thing that's so bad occasionally there may be instances where a genuine card exhibits a similar feature oh so that's like when they have like misprints or like promo cards or whatever for instance but yeah ladies and gentlemen deep web has pokemon cards now and if it's something you learned is when you're investing in the pokemon card world there's a couple things to watch out for and today you've learned almost all of them i'm sure there's like way more anal ways and i'm sure the counterfeiting has gotten way [ __ ] better but that being said let's back out and go somewhere else you know like when they tell you not to click random links because your computer's gonna get infected this is that page ladies and gentlemen and not because like of the chinese print or anything don't don't get the fact that we here are like cynophobic or any of that [ __ ] no no i'm just saying like if it's anything like this site given the fact that it's got the connection not secure it's a very poorly implemented website i don't know why i was led to this [ __ ] but i guess this is where like you definitely pick up the malware i don't know what i'm looking at i can't translate it uh because like a lot of this stuff actually could i translate it wait a minute okay so unfortunately uh i don't think google translate is working too well as a [ __ ] plug-in for some reason but i i have fired up google translate so we can actually translate whatever we're seeing over here so what we have right here if i can actually like uh translate what the [ __ ] we have over here uh this introduction uh cannot be open please use alternate domain okay so they have like multiple different domains under like this exact number but like different characters afterwards right so oh what is this jesus christ what have we opened up here uh so we this is new version stewardess mystery picture and uh it's literally it's oh there's like swimsuit stuff going on okay so it seems like we got a little porky pic from china a little chinese like balloon crocodile drawing uh and then it's just like it's it's it's just swimsuit model like it's an entire article you can read online like it's like a little [ __ ] zine page if you want to get into it so uh it's got you know very beautiful asian women with uh with very like uh cool looking imagery straight out of microsoft clipart if we're gonna be [ __ ] real here uh if we open up these sections boy oh boy oh boy oh boy let me translate whatever the hell this one says uh uh wait it's not translating hundred thousand hurry everyone should watch watch what what are we watching it just takes me to other places jesus it's just number websites what am i in where did i get to i'm dude i'm definitely getting tracked by something this is there's do okay there's porn there's straight porn dude there's porno in this there's porno in all this there's like straight tits now what did i get to sansa 151 support games recharge gameplay wait wait wait wait wait wait this is some [ __ ] backwater beijing casino online wait is gambling legal in china wait wait a minute wait a minute give me a second china online gambling legal what gambling in china is illegal under chinese law has been officially outlawed since the communist party took power in 1949 any form of gambling oh any form of gambling by chinese citizens including online gambling gambling overseas opening casinos overseas to attract a citizen to china as primary customers is considered illegal yo this [ __ ] wait is it wait a minute wait a minute wait the [ __ ] up they have a recharge section right where's the recharge bank car transfer yeah so you are transferring [ __ ] cash into it electronic game fishing hall chess hall lottery game that's dude this is literally like gambling betting now i gotta make a [ __ ] website where is this what corporation and did i wait if it's illegal in china did we just come across an illegal china what the sans corporation what that can't be real this can't be real wait wait wait wait wait wait no las vegas sans corporation wait wait no that can't even be related to it that's like a las vegas group so are they are they just asia gaming beep in bet hang bet dude it's legitimately it's got like qq agent calls this has to do this if this involves real money is this violating the they've got a chat room dear please log in first dude what have i gotten myself into register wait can i register for this account number is a confirmation of oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah securely generate that password action must be the same as your bank account name otherwise you cannot withdraw money uh hsbc bank i guess let's go for that hsbc uh security uh even though i'm not trying to put money and i'm just trying to like get into the website oh there it is we're in the website we're in the website we're in the website uh so we're in sans corporation and like i just want to see something right now can we go to uh the chat room is the chat room alive does it have people over here like wait if we go into here mudafuda i'm like a hot chicken here refresh the list set up name moodle food can i talk to people fine dude i literally can't talk to anybody in this it's a broke i think i i think i have to put money in lottery game let's see if i can play a lottery game lucky airship dude i'm playing the goddamn water you can't join the basket i put it in you arms dude oh my god nobody's on this website but me nobody's on this weight i want to withdraw withdrawable balance so you are gambling online no [ __ ] way how do they get away with this wait are there multiple websites quattro 406 locked i feel like i just got tracked by the government hello your current ip belongs to a restricted area of the website please contact customers oh it's probably geotagging me out of like china or something uh and there's no like way to get into the chinese web space like this so dude we've entered like chinese [ __ ] i think this is like this has to be like underground chinese casinos this is like [ __ ] straight up underground chinese casinos that i can't even access this is insanity this is [ __ ] insane i've only gotten into one it's illegal we just okay i might be totally wrong did we just find an illegal chinese like gamble network wow you know what actually i'm going to save this whole thing for the next episode of deep web we might we might actually dive in a little deeper figure it out [ __ ] we might have we might revisit this let me know if you want to revisit the weird shady chinese gamble halls online we could probably explore a couple more that's insane i love it what the [ __ ] and like there's like a billion more pages like it just doesn't end guys like you click over here there's so many other websites and they're all like number sites like two point seven seven seven seven seven one seven point vip but like what do you do here it's like you just keep going down this rabbit hole of like gambling gambling gambling and some of these are just straight boobs like they attract you with straight tits 406 not acceptable literally because i'm not even in the same region okay i think that's all we can really do they're not even letting us access this website at all just because we're so out of that region maybe this is like a way to stay legal in that side of the world right like maybe they're like hey just keep it within us but like i don't know i have no idea i gotta have a vpn into like china or something to figure this one out maybe we'll be able to do it like i didn't expect this so i don't have anything set up right now uh so yeah we'll have to save this for next time ladies and gentlemen let's uh back out and go uh somewhere else umbrella labs to pure research okay before you guys were like oh moody you're cute you just found yourself a little bit of a resident evil art stop because you might wonder wow this is resident evil jesus christ no it's an entirely separate company boys you can go over here like umbrella labs website guys ladies and gentlemen they are selling some tests alone sarms i don't know what the hell any of this [ __ ] is but they have their own thing and they've been active since like four months ago on this entire page uh if you go to their twitter bio what's interesting is on their twitter bio is if this even loads up is uh they have been active here uh in 2018 so this is like a relatively new company ladies and gentlemen it's just like selling these like uh chemicals and like storm powders i have no idea what it is but let's read it online buy sarms why umbrella let's see why umbrella as the life science field expands and the need for more access to storms increase amongst the evergl population of middle age to older men and women the re the search for a reliable source to purchase high quality products continues men and women may seek the use of sarms for a multitude of reasons but it starts with a need to replace testosterone it is a common misnomer to think people seek testosterone replacement solely for fitness purposes so it's like a tostrone like replacement supplement right more knowledge has surfaced as industry professional scientists say ailments through a deeper understanding of the science behind sarms i guess we'll kind of read what the science behind sarms is but they apparently show promise testosterone therapies are widely known in the medical community however there are unwanted side effects a variety may include uh maybe older and have other medical issues the us endocrine society advocates an individualized approach in the consideration of testosterone therapy in older men as we age minor injuries and health problems once easily dealt with become a burden on family members rising health care costs can affect families on a grand scale causing a run of options so yeah they talk about the health issues in the united states and whatever it's a long spiel but uh if you're gonna make a product to heal other human beings the last thing you want to do is name yourself after the company in a game franchise that without a doubt has literally caused massive global pandemics okay the umbrella corporation ain't the corporation you want to attribute yo shelf to okay that's that's just wild now they've also got an fda disclaimer so statements made regarding this part of nominated value by the food and drug administration the efficacy of these products have not been confirmed by fda approved it is not government approved do not put in your body let me tell you um you know you might be like but muda the government should they they don't want it it's the whole because it listen the government is run by a lot of you know talented individuals and there's a lot of checking that goes on there i get it the new world order [ __ ] but i ain't putting any testosterone replacement thing into my body hey i don't need it but b if i did need it that that wouldn't put it into i wouldn't put it into umbrella corporation that's scary dude they make examples in the video games at least but uh here they're talking about new cutting-edge research confirms the potency of rad140 dude it's called rad140 i'm not gonna put anything that has red in it i know radiation is commonplace but stop it activating the androgen receptor so yeah i guess i'm supposed to figure that one out a little bit oh but an aston 705 the only thing i know out of this is water 101 and that's just because it has water in it i'm an engineer okay not a [ __ ] you know physiologist not a not a virologist or anything like that molecular modeling that's cool baby i don't know anything of what you're talking about but you keep doing what you do boo boo let's go see what their shop is how expensive are these supplements so this is the [ __ ] sarms right this is like this is what they're like let's go see what the [ __ ] we've got over here 69 70 dollars for 30 milliliters of [ __ ] sarms stenobolix arm testosterone sarm and they've been selling dog 474 reviews i mean maybe they're not real but who knows right 87 is what they got i mean this is this is some crazy [ __ ] let's go see what this is uh what can we can we buy it so you tell me you tell me i can just buy the sh i mean dude they literally have like everything they've got their cast numbers pumpkin ids uh chem spider ids roots of administration uh uh oral maybe they have like some [ __ ] suppositories who knows like you stick a little umbrella in your [ __ ] uh s4 anderine is offered in 50 mg mlm comes in 30 ml this is insane actually is this is this real let me just pull out of the vm real quick uh sarms let me see what a sarm is yeah it's actually real it's like it's fully real like this isn't this isn't a joke like this is this is without a doubt real stuff swarm users in social media there is an additional anecdotal evidence of side effects including sleeplessness and lethargy uh is buying sarms illegal um yeah no in australia i guess it's a prescription only medicine it is not approved a lingendrawl and possession without appropriate authority is illegal uh yeah i guess that what the [ __ ] in some parts of the world this is an illegal drug jesus but i guess in the united states you can just buy it all you want dude they got like verified buyers and everything down here jesus they've got like no one-star review they're all four to five stars here my god that's so unheard of online about us quality control i mean i assume if i'm buying something that i'm putting in my body for like quote-unquote medical reasons your quality control better be goddamn [ __ ] perfect which it seems like it is what's alpha male plus alpha male plus no prescription required no side effects all natural tastes great bro that's scary that's scary i don't know if i put that in me physician developed over-the-counter male enhancement strips not a pill containing hemodynamic responsible elevation matrix harem uh carefully calibrated using clinically proven ingredients dude dude it makes you dude you take a bit of this and you're ready to [ __ ] [Laughter] dude it's crazy dude she's about to get alpha male it's a [ __ ] enhancer bro damn umbrella corporation's gonna help you nut dude five sex position devil in disguise oh my god dude it's like a nicotine patch that gets you ready to [ __ ] [Laughter] oh my god ah this is great this is great this is awesome i would never recommend it though i'm not i am no way no way endorsing you guys to ever take any of this [ __ ] this is just the fact that this is like i mean like i guess they mean really well you know they mean really well like this is probably it probably works like i'm not a medical expert i don't know i mean any medical experts in the chat let me know or in the in the comments let me know if this is like wrong or if it isn't i'm not sure i'm an engineer dude i have no idea about this but like it's kind of crazy that the [ __ ] umbrella corporation dude capcom dude they literally copied the logo how does capcom not [ __ ] sue these people or like cease and desist them what the [ __ ] that's insane that's insane how does it how did the cake how did they get away with it dude i get again maybe you can't trademark the entire world umbrella but like umbrella labs and the umbrella logo like what does the umbrella logo look like from re5 umbrella logo it's the same goddamn logo it's the same logo it's the same [ __ ] logo isn't it yeah it's the same logo dude the umbrella corporation what the [ __ ] dude dude all right back out back out back out compadres we're going somewhere else uh hurl a simple army roams the plains a lower cries out to my name when heaven falls in kingdom come all no limbo will be done click here to instantly teleport and here we've got earthcam which is now unavailable can anyone hear me i'm so sick broadcasting anita can you see her i'm so sick i can't let you see her anymore anita's room is painted pink and is always full of light uh hear me here smell me here how about see me here let's go check that out personal prayer in church uh we read a lot of prayers from the bible why not be able to write your own a simple army looms the planes a lover cries out to my name it's like a child's writing and i guess we've got whatever's over here let's let's keep clicking through man let's uh let's let's uh let's try to figure this one out uh i don't i don't think there's anything else on this page actually so let's uh let's head back so it's like images of a cloud i'm not i'm not supposed to i don't see what i'm supposed to be like uh seeing here quite literally but let's keep going down hear me here i'm so sick i'm so sick i'm so sick i'm so sick i'm so sick oh dude is the whole thing gone the vocaroo she smell me here sickness stench is one of the most evil things a being can produce the online equivalent of sickness stench is nothing an angel could ever produce unless they were trapped in limbo sickness stench includes some of the following experience dizziness nausea black spots wet spots screamings and hitting uh on tumblr already get out of here i'm not going on tumblr for seeing stuff touch to talk to me here we got sent to i'm anita i'm 15 and i love you i feel about this one dog what what am i looking at that's [ __ ] scary it looks like some alien [ __ ] get out of here that's that's weird that's weird like two years ago gross i don't know but it's kind of weird how they got like characters like crayon suicide letter on it i don't know this this is odd this is this is getting kind of weird uh remember anita anita and max's internet memories and this goes all the way back to like 2009 where the websites just aren't at work it's like lol cats like i'm not going to lowell cats dude dude half the stuff doesn't even work oh so oh fancy pants adventure okay i guess i could play short life too maybe not october 2015 undertale for steam yo there's just like random links around i guess it's just like a weird diary what they doing on the internet somebody once told no it's just memes it's just memes it's just memes of shirk and it stops it like april 28th what'd you do on april 28th uh j is that ah is that like a rock or something like that the enunciation huh it's like it's like it's like a painting it's like a page to tumblr okay let's get out of here this is something that i don't understand uh at all okay let's try to figure out what else we can get out of here so there's got to be more to it so here we've got like she's on a car a nice looking sports car from back in today an attractive woman let's click next uh garbled image more garbled image angel three red eyes that you can't click on so let's go down to the angel uh hurry hierarchy of uniform resource locators she's getting more corrupted oh she got really corrupted oh that's some unregistered hypercam three uh is there more oh okay connection loss go to the connection lost struggle with thy doubts cast the messiah forsake not thy fate sickness will not take thee and we've got angels flickering cool let's go uh more oh my god holy [ __ ] it's like death i'm literally looking at death being present for a child's growth and development is very important horror bisexual me thinking how it's almost autumn and how i'm going to be thriving and baking pumpkins bread for all of my friends and wearing cozy socks with ghosts on them and this is just like means from two years ago like you've got reagan and smash mouth and holy [ __ ] is that a lemon demon reference warrior cats what am i looking at what is this i was so scared i couldn't say a word but i knew something good happened and then i saw the manifestation of two angels burning bright show me where's the angels what what is that what is this that's like a toy being burnt what the [ __ ] what am i looking at i think it's like i think that was like an actual animal what the [ __ ] then you've got like cats pikachu and a cat cats [Music] okay we're done we're gonna back out of here and go somewhere else this is getting kind of weird like i think i literally just saw like an animal die in front of me like what [ __ ] dude ladies and gentlemen that was another episode of deep web browsing the series that is finally back every week on some ordinary gamers the the the hook that ties every week together every sunday hopefully uh if the sunday is ever missed by any chance just because i'm doing something or i'm out for a weekend uh the videos will always always be posted on like monday sunday or monday but i'm going to aim always for sunday of course but ladies and gentlemen big thanks to our sponsor again ridge wallets for making this kind of happen and uh big thanks for uh for all of you ladies and gentlemen who stuck around in the series long enough and big thanks to the dank web for being so dank uh we've seen some interesting stuff today i want to say for sure we saw some of the best hentai artists a weird rabbit hole a potential illegal scenario of chinese casinos running one that i actually signed up to and even played a game no less and uh we finished we found what i like to believe one of the first fake little creepypasta type deals but that being said the ladies and gentlemen this has been another episode of deep web browsing and i gotta say every time we film one it does get better so ladies and gentlemen this is me mudahar and if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you dislike it i am out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 491,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mFD2ZrzSF3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 0sec (2520 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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