I Found A Gold Mine... Of Newspapers! Seriously, I Found the Motherload! LOL!

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well hey everybody welcome back hey i am so happy that all of you enjoyed last weekend's episode i really appreciate all the kind comments and uh yeah i'm really happy that you guys like that one we had so much fun going down into that mine but uh i didn't show you guys this but i had a little bit of a problem coming back out of there i put my foot on a 4x4 climbing back out of that shaft and it broke out from underneath me and i caught myself just in time here let me show you that clip watch out lunch ah all right see that's how fast things can happen in abandoned mines but luckily i had good three points of contact when i was climbing up those ladders but when my foot slipped out i ended up pulling a muscle in my right thigh here so if you see me gimping around today that's what's going on okay so what do i have for you this weekend well we waited and waited for all the snow and the wind and everything to get out of nevada holy cow was that a heck of a storm i mean it got chilly gee whiz i didn't think i was going to be able to get an episode out for you guys this weekend but i think we're able to do it we found a location here of uh of an abandoned i don't know if it's a gold mine or a silver mine we'll have to take a look at the geology but uh it looks like this mine was last in operation sometime around the early 80s and if you can remember uh in the early 80s gold prices spiked up to around 850 875 an ounce and everybody went crazy claiming up old old mines and everything else they went they came out here they dragged trailers and everything else and took took a stab at gold mining you know some were successful some not so much so we've got three addeds today we're gonna check out so let's get started all right guys here's number one for the day and right behind me is uh someone's old pull behind trailer looks like from the 1970s we're not going to be poking around that because you know that just might be somebody's property and that's not any of my business but i would like to take a look in here um look at all of the newspaper look at this let me shine up in there and i i don't think i've ever seen this much newspaper in an abandoned mine randy no it's a lot why in the world would you bring all this newspaper up here and it's all from the same time period that i can tell october to december 1982. okay okay so we're still working in the early 80s now i'm looking real close for snakes this would be a heck of a place for him wouldn't it very interesting yeah i'm looking down on all the different papers and i'm seeing what you're seeing randy everything is from early 80s wow what's in here more papers it's just endless what do you think randy why do you what would be the purpose of dragging this much newspaper out in the middle of nowhere i have no idea i don't i don't think newspaper makes very good fuel i wouldn't say that you'd be burning it but who knows people are crazy yeah you know maybe maybe this person was a hoarder and just you know couldn't throw anything away so brought it out here all right well we're past the newspaper pile we have we got a bat on the back of the mine and it goes up in here and makes a little bit of a right hand turn good we also have right straight above us an ore pass as well as a very well-defined vein here between the foot wall and hanging wall roughly about three feet across okay now let's look up in here now typically you don't find too many interesting things in a modern mind but what i like about them in this instance is i like to see what maybe the what they were going after you know what kind of what got him really excited to put this much effort and money into this you know here we have a backfi it's a backfilled and that's the face right there and that's going to be the end of this one all right well we're going to work our way over back over the top of all the newspapers let's head on up the side of the hill and see what the next one's all about i'll see you up there so at one time this mine did have a road going up to the other two attics but it's all washed out so we've got a we gotta hike up up this wash just to get to the next one you know guys a lot of times on a mine explore day what i don't end up showing you is the amount of time and effort just it takes to hike up to a location sometimes that takes half the day right there so randy uh tell him what happened when that board came down after you now you weren't in the shaft and that's why when we do shaft work we only put one guy in there at a time but yeah tell them what happened you were above me shall we keep climbing while we talk yeah just keep climbing you were uh oh i don't know 100 feet above me i was in the bottom or at the second shaft from the bottom second drift from the brown yeah and i heard that that timber start coming down and i saw the rocks in the dust and i dove out of the way back into the drift and that i saw that board come down kaboom 100 miles an hour yeah and then the huge dust cloud with it so i had to run out of there to get out of the dust yeah and i was out of radio range so you wouldn't hear me reporting back that i'm okay so you guys got nervous didn't because i could get yelling down the shaft we got really nervous because we were yelling and yelling and you weren't replying and i didn't hear that you said that you tucked back up into that drift so yeah i was yeah so in the dust cloud yeah when the dust cloud cleared i came back and radioed up that everything was okay yeah i just had to get out of the dust when that and like i was saying guys that's why when we when we're doing shaft work only one guy in the shaft at the time so one guy goes down then he tucks in into a drift level then the next guy and slowly but surely we leapfrog our way into the bottom that's a fun mine i like that mine a lot of galena i want to thank everybody that's been bidding on my ebay auctions and buying the samples that's working out really good uh i wish i could add more to to sell but can only haul so much out of it out of a mine in your pockets in a backpack well there's a bunch of nice courts around here maybe we can find a a nice quartz crystal specimen for somebody maybe which way do we go from here straight up okay here we are on top of the first big waste rock pile we'll be heading inside here in a moment but before we do this is a pretty cool looking uh earthen trestle of sorts right here that the miners built up and at one time there was rail on top of this that's now long gone what do you think randy yeah i guess so it's a little narrow for rail but uh yeah you know for a mom and pop operation it's it's really all you need ingenious what i like about this area is uh and actually this is for all of my new subscribers let me show you this so a lot of times these mines would shut down and the miners wouldn't get the oar off the mountain to be processed so you end up with what are called or at least what i call them sorting piles and we have one right here see this pile it's nothing but quartz and it's all the same material that i just showed you in that vein in the lower at it and then around the corner over here there's another one so i'd imagine if you crush that up there's going to be some goodies in it um but more than likely the reason it's still laying here is it really didn't have much of anything in it okay well there's the next one so i'm gonna wiggle down through there and i'll see you guys inside okay yeah the it's pretty crumbly that above you the portal on this one is pretty darn crumbly and that's because it's all alluvium which means loose gravels no touchy okay randy go ahead come on in it's looking good down here into the haulage at it well i'm not seeing any any footprints and we've got airflow going into the mine definitely have some rock fall yeah nobody's been in this mine for quite some time no footprints at all human or critter except for bats oh we got a lot of rock fall well we are in an area that's uh seismically active definitely yeah careful through here randy all right you don't want to get slabbed we got it peeling off all right let's get past that unfortunately the dust that we're making is headed straight into the mine and where we're going look at this beautiful looking uh well i guess that would be more of the foot wall on the left hand side here that's pretty cool all right what do we have up in here yeah pretty loose material okay oh we've got a crossroads we've got one off to the right and another one off to the left far left and one going straight well i think what we'll do is uh what the heck what do you think randy let's do the right hand rule today well now i can see why the waste rock pile outside is so full of a very large block blocked material because it almost looks like they're going through sedimentary type rock you see all the clay layers and the uh the ash layers in that and those in that rock randy yeah it does look sedimentary or nearly metamorphic definitely layers huh so far as far as uh minable things like gold and silver i'm not seeing a defined vein but they're definitely following this uh this dipped trend it's dipped from upper right to lower left at about oh i don't know 10 degrees interesting and this is where it stops right here yeah that's it okay let's head back to the other one and uh see what that one's all about i'll see you back there alrighty back to the main haulage now we're gonna work our way oh yeah look at that that's a cool looking stall yeah come look over here so we got a little oh nice that's cool what does it do does it go anywhere doesn't look that way it just goes right down there and stops just a tiny little winds and that's it chasing this vein here yeah you know i like the uh hey randy take a look at the um the notch and the old growth wood there that they were using for their wind glass oh yeah isn't that neat yeah yeah definitely a solid lovely old mom and pop mine we got here pretty neat all right what do we have up over here here's some crystalline quartz right here in the vein okay let me poke the camera up in this direction and see what we can see well we've got airflow oh boy oh my gosh you do not want to touch randy i'm going to have to do something a little different here let me set my camera down actually can you just hold it a minute and put it on here yeah just hold it or so yeah there you go set it up on top of there i can't wear this backpack in here filming you getting undressed yep cue the burlesque music down oh man this stuff is really crumbly okay yeah all right the reason i had to take that backpack off is i don't want to rake in the back of the mine and having a whole bunch of this fall on me yeah one time this whole thing came down that we're crawling over this is indeed a wow randy keep going uh i don't want you i want you to stay there for a minute all right this isn't just this this is just terribly dangerous right through here see what i mean by that guys is right here let me show you oops hold on a second i gotta if it would help if i point my camera in the right direction well if anything happens be sure to fling the camera as quickly as possible so i can get it up on youtube see how that right there is all cleaving away that rock probably weighs gosh hundreds and hundreds of pounds look at here randy all right ah coffee can lid oh wow it's got a loop hook let's get around that before it falls down on me okay okay randy your turn come on through and don't touch a thing i'll wait here for you okay guys let's go up here where i can at least stand up good grief there's nothing worse than being hunched over i did a lot of hard manual labor in my younger day and my lower back is shot i gotta take real good care of it all right i hear randy coming there you go good job that wasn't dangerous was it it wasn't that hard i don't know about not dangerous well that's a that's a proper collapse right there i mean not a good place to be when it went okay what do we got up in here more old-growth timbers and stalls laying on the floor that uh were chopped with a hatchet oh maybe we got another winds all right cool very good you know there's airflow in here there's a good chance there's an exit maybe oh hey look at here tada nice yeah look at that oh that's cool alrighty well let's keep that on the menu and i like this i like this winds here or not when this windlass with a piece of wrought iron running between the two that's neat it's uh it's not round it's angular multi-sided cool interesting well now all right what do we have up here oh my gosh look at that we got a stall forest up here interesting and giant blocks of rock that have come down and there's some really shiny crystals up in there randy yeah i'm examining one now i think this is feldspar it does look like phil sport doesn't it alrighty it keeps on going now notice guys see how they're following the trending vein right through here and it's dipping at about 70 degrees from upper right to lower left and that's why that winds is going down at the same angle yep yeah see look at all the quartz right there see that look at that vein and that's what's up on the hill in those separation piles i told you about okay there we have up in here just keep following the vein i wonder if we'll come up to another winds see randy he he kind of hangs back a little ways and we do that for safety so if i get crushed under a collapse he doesn't and the other reason he hangs back a little ways is because uh he oftentimes finds artifacts that i can point the camera at on the way back out now look at here just as i thought there would be another winds but this one's been backfilled and above me here oh is an orpas with a beautiful shot just an absolute beautiful shot to the vein going up there that's about three feet across nice yeah wait do you see this randy too cool nice shot of the vein all right oh i'm tired of being hunched over okay wow another deep incline shaft oh cool i really love this that's just great look at how much work went into that folks they had to drag all them in there cut them to size check it out randy isn't that great wow that looks that looks like a traditional it really does hit mine it's a holly this is a traditional hollywood looking gold mine you should go first to offer perspective all right go ahead i'll hang back a bit just don't touch nothing sparkly the rock is yeah just just don't touch anything please i'm always going to be i'm always on you and mr m for using your hands to brace yourself oh as far as it's going to go it keeps on going doesn't it it's nice yeah this is it this is it solid rock oh okay nothing nothing laid out it was good they were chasing me it did didn't it yeah a lot of work in this entrance here it played right out i like it hey there's a bottle on the floor here down into my right oh look at here look at these cans before look at this there's no wonder they they put these timbers in place look at what's look at what's ready to come down here oh yeah oh my gosh anyways i was pointing out that bottle to see if there might be a date on the bottom in the embossed now sometimes there's an embossed date it's an old whiskey bottle heavy glass okay definitely early 1900s so this mine was it may have been being reworked in the in the early 80s but it definitely goes back to the early 1900s yep all right let's get over this pile of scree well actually we've got i thought there was something going down there nope that stops right there okay and another another look up along that vein there wouldn't surprise me if that goes all the way to the surface and that's why we're feeling airflow okay i'm gonna work my way back to that uh winds so i'll see you guys back there all right guys back at the winds here um i don't know if i'm going to go all the way into the bottom of this thing because like i said my thighs hurting really bad right now it's i can actually feel the muscles moving like this because i tore it pretty good but i wouldn't mind at least just taking a peek you know i just want to go take a peek randy okay let's see if i can do this safely and without killing myself here okay hand me that all right hey i got an idea yeah hand me the uv light i'll switch it with you i'm going to check that uh cavern over here [Music] see if there's anything worth looking at alrighty now let's see if i can do this one-handed looks like it's oh boy boy i don't know let's see here i think what i'm gonna have to do we'll have to set that there for a moment oh that's slippery that seems to be taking my weight kind of sorta now if i can just get my foot over here yeah okay come here okay that's looking good now if i can just get my balance and i don't want to fall down there uh-uh that wouldn't be good at all all right let's look at this hole so it does continue down at least another 60 to 80 feet right here but what we've got here is a big pocket okay now we do have something going off this direction but it's pretty dang ugly and i got a big problem oh boy um guys bear with me because i gotta i don't want to loosen up all this dirt all right maybe if i set that there there we go okay there's a really old old dynamite box right there and we've got ourselves a stop but it stops right here wow look at the size of that block that come down super dangerous yeah of course mr laser turns on again all right at least we got a good look at it huh all right wow all right now when we i just need to do this in reverse order somehow yep nothing down there randy nothing nothing but an old dynamite box whoa i mean there might be some goodies all the way in the bottom but uh tell you i'm not up for it today no the old leg is hurting pretty bad right now here you go real old dynamite box the green lasers on yeah okay okay guys there's one more area back here oh that uh we haven't pointed the camera at so let's go take a look at that just as soon as i catch my breath we'll head on over there okay guys so while we were down in that ugly little winds randy was up here shining the uv light on the hanging wall show us what you found randy all right ready is it gonna focus i'm gonna try i won't turn the lights off all right okay if you come right up in here you've got some crystals that are glowing orange that might be calcite okay and then over here there's the green is that you can come in on that oh yeah look at there then we got blues more green oh yeah right there some yellow or orange all kinds of minerals in there it's fascinating these uh reflective crystals they don't produce any uv conversion at all no nice it's almost like a galaxy all kinds of stars yeah there's all kinds of stuff in there oh look right through that area that's really luminescing very nice all right guys again let's uh work our way back to that other uh overdrift and see what it's all about all right so a moment ago randy and i were just uh taking a little break here catching our breath getting a drink of water and uh we were observing our surroundings now the older folks in the crowd that have worked in mines you know what getting the quote you know getting slabbed means okay here's a here's a nice representation of a slab see this piece of rock here it's 12 inches tall okay and it's peeling right along that layer right there and we've got another one starting to slab off here oops now at one time this went across from here to here you see that it connected and because of earthquake activity this whole pile i'm standing on fell down all right get that's what getting slabbed means getting caught underneath rock that's ready to give way so when they're blasting in into a mine after the blast and after they they muck it out they come back in with scaling bars and they scale all this down to make the the mines safe but over the years after the mine is abandoned groundwater penetration and seismic activity loosens all this up and you see all these brand new cracks now that probably weren't here when they first blasted in this area so now you know that's what getting slabbed is all about all right next let's poke our heads up in here and see what we can see okay let's go off this direction see what we can see see if it's even safe to do all right what do we have up in here that's it guys yeah all that slabbing off up there and that's the end of the end of the drift short and sweet i'm not going up in there no way i'm not going to risk having big rocks fall on my head okay so there's uh i think one more at it higher up on the hill see take a look at that right there you can see the waste rock pile right there so that looks like something interesting so let's head up there and get a closer look at that i'll see you up there all right guys one of the things we found when we were flying the drone we got a shaft over here definitely this is one that would uh require ropes the the the first uh 20 foot of collar is really messed up i dropped a rock down into it and goes down about a hundred to 150 feet but the reason i'm here pointing this out to you is we just got uh so we just came out of the mine here stay right there randy this will be a better angle to point it out tip everybody okay so we just got out of the mine over there okay and it went in that direction and now if you can remember the angle or the dip of that vein ran this direction on this mountain okay that's what we were seeing so that winds that i went down went down at the exact same angle so if you drop in this shaft right here if you go back into the mine where that winds was and then drop back down i'll bet you i'll just about bet you that this shaft right here goes all the way into the bottom and intersects in with that winds that i just crawled down into that's what we go that's what we got going on here the miners probably figured at one point in time it was a heck of a lot easier just to blast in a shaft and extract it from this location instead of holding it up that crazy winds up and over and out the haulage at it that's why this is right here okay we're still working our way higher up on the hill to the next attic all right guys made it the top of the final waste rock pile from what i can see that this hill has to offer so let's head on side and see what this one's all about only this time we're going to have a little bit of fun randy's going to be cameraman it's been a long time since randy's been cameraman i'm always holding the camera what do you think come on randy this is your time to shine man let's see how good of a camera guy you can be how about your time to share [Laughter] well it's pretty chilly out here so i don't think we have to worry about rattlesnakes anymore they've they're all dend up for the winter oh my goodness look at this you've got to be kidding me what in the world was this person thinking look at here this is a newspaper of mine look at this have you and and look they're all in bundles see they're still in the bundles you struck it rich with the daily gossip we did i mean we've we've really hit a gold mine here with newspaper okay let me let me pull this one trump valley times here we go oh this one's older august 7th 1981 we're going back in time here here is 1982. i ain't the las vegas sun okay all right well let's keep going barbecue oh check it out i got you there's a barbecue grill break out the ribs heck yeah look at that hey that's some pretty nice shape probably 1980s quality huh better than today's yeah okay all righty what else we got up in here my gosh the newspapers just keep going on and on wow you got a hearty deck for the pack rats oh neat look at here brandy look what i found coming back around okay check this out wait let me turn my let me turn my light down here all right kids drawing pac-man fever i like it yeah that was big around 1981 it sure was early 80s pac-man fever and here he also wrote it on this one too that's neat let's set that over there okay boxes and bags of wow old newspapers that's crazy pack rat heaven what are we going to call this mine randy something to do with newspapers yeah it's got to be something to do with newspaper all right i'll wait up here for you come on up all right got a bunch of uh a bunch of cut and fill yuck and looks like we've got another wins we sure do ooh we following it on that same angle just like before take a look guys that's as far as it goes though what do you think randy 660 feet 40 40 to 60 feet that's it timbers at the they carved out of the pinyon pines locally grown here yeah or juniper i guess so what they did is they worked the vein to the upper right of us cleaned out all the ore then they put in all this stuff and backfilled it neat somebody had a fire in here wow yeah it keeps going looking good there we go keeps going disgusting pack rat droppings see how they were dropping all that down neat gross this area busted out let me show you guys up there though look at that this is kind of like acting kind of like an ore pass but without an oar shoot ouch ouch little bridge here we've got some miner's math that possibly says grant looks like they were doing some math and counting the loads and another wins so that one there they backfilled and here we got a big ore pass going up that direction yep in by cut and fill hey randy did you ever meet cut and phil yeah a couple nice guys i had i had a beer with him once hmm all right what do we have up here another one this board on the ground here would make a really nice uh plaque for something i just saw that i think we're coming to the end let's look up there yep that's it guys stops right there so what they did is they so this vein looking at it from my point of view was running the dip was running from upper left to lower right at roughly 60 degree angle on this one so they cleaned it all out dropped it down to this haulage level here and then um in three different locations they had winds off to the right and they mined deeper and the reason i did that a lot of times the values got better the deeper that you go into the vein all right well we're going to work our way back outside if we do find something cool along the way i'll be sure to show it to you we'll see you out there all right guys back outside safe and sound well thank you all for coming along for this yeah relatively fun adventure i wanted to keep this weekend on the light side like i said i'm still letting my to allow my leg to heal up because it's still kind of giving me fits so that's why randy and i are kind of out on a recon mission but i wanted to show this mind to you guys uh while we were looking through these hills so with that thanks again and i will see you all again next weekend all right take care now bye bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 33,124
Rating: 4.9581008 out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: tSAlbtQy-Mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 34sec (2974 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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